30 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial sons, patriarchy and the Colonels' experiment in Thessaly, rural Greece

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    Existing studies within the field of institutional entrepreneurship explore how entrepreneurs influence change in economic institutions. This paper turns the attention of scholarly inquiry on the antecedents of deinstitutionalization and more specifically, the influence of entrepreneurship in shaping social institutions such as patriarchy. The paper draws from the findings of ethnographic work in two Greek lowland village communities during the military Dictatorship (1967–1974). Paradoxically this era associated with the spread of mechanization, cheap credit, revaluation of labour and clear means-ends relations, signalled entrepreneurial sons’ individuated dissent and activism who were now able to question the Patriarch’s authority, recognize opportunities and act as unintentional agents of deinstitutionalization. A ‘different’ model of institutional change is presented here, where politics intersects with entrepreneurs, in changing social institutions. This model discusses the external drivers of institutional atrophy and how handling dissensus (and its varieties over historical time) is instrumental in enabling institutional entrepreneurship

    Global delivery models: the role of talent, speed and time zones in the global outsourcing industry

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    Global delivery models (GDMs) are transforming the global IT and business process outsourcing industry. GDMs are a new form of client-specific investment promoting service integration with clients by combining client proximity with time-zone spread for 24/7 service operations. We investigate antecedents and contingencies of setting up GDM structures. Based on comprehensive data we show that providers are likely to establish GDM location configurations when clients value access to globally distributed talent and speed of service delivery, in particular when services are highly commoditized. Findings imply that coordination across time zones increasingly affects international operations in business-to-business and born-global industries

    Manufacture Techniques of Chitosan-Based Microcapsules to Enhance Functional Properties of Textiles

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    In recent years, the textile industry has been moving to novel concepts of products, which could deliver to the user, improved performances. Such smart textiles have been proven to have the potential to integrate within a commodity garment advanced feature and functional properties of different kinds. Among those functionalities, considerable interest has been played in functionalizing commodity garments in order to make them positively interact with the human body and therefore being beneficial to the user health. This kind of functionalization generally exploits biopolymers, a class of materials that possess peculiar properties such as biocompatibility and biodegradability that make them suitable for bio-functional textile production. In the context of biopolymer chitosan has been proved to be an excellent potential candidate for this kind of application given its abundant availability and its chemical properties that it positively interacts with biological tissue. Notwithstanding the high potential of chitosan-based technologies in the textile sectors, several issues limit the large-scale production of such innovative garments. In facts the morphologies of chitosan structures should be optimized in order to make them better exploit the biological activity; moreover a suitable process for the application of chitosan structures to the textile must be designed. The application process should indeed not only allow an effective and durable fixation of chitosan to textile but also comply with environmental rules concerning pollution emission and utilization of harmful substances. This chapter reviews the use of microencapsulation technique as an approach to effectively apply chitosan to the textile material while overcoming the significant limitations of finishing processes. The assembly of chitosan macromolecules into microcapsules was proved to boost the biological properties of the polymer thanks to a considerable increase in the surface area available for interactions with the living tissues. Moreover, the incorporation of different active substances into chitosan shells allows the design of multifunctional materials that effectively combine core and shell properties. Based on the kind of substances to be incorporated, several encapsulation processes have been developed. The literature evidences how the proper choices concerning encapsulation technology, chemical formulations, and process parameter allow tuning the properties and the performances of the obtained microcapsules. Furthermore, the microcapsules based finishing process have been reviewed evidencing how the microcapsules morphology can positively interact with textile substrate allowing an improvement in the durability of the treatment. The application of the chitosan shelled microcapsules was proved to be capable of imparting different functionalities to textile substrates opening possibilities for a new generation of garments with improved performances and with the potential of protecting the user from multiple harms. Lastly, a continuous interest was observed in improving the process and formulation design in order to avoid the usage of toxic substances, therefore, complying with an environmentally friendly approach

    1 MWthMW_{th} Industrial Solar Hot Water System And Its Performance

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    An industrial model solar water heating system is designed and installed, to heat and supply 110 000 liters of hot water at 85 degrees C per day for an egg powder making plant. It consists of a solar collector field (2560 m(2)), four thermally insulated hot water storage tanks (57.5 m(3) capacity each) and the heat distribution system with electrically operated pumps and pneumatic valves for circulation of water. It is equipped with a PC based data acquisition system to monitor the process parameters, a fault detection system to monitor the status of various subsystems and controls for automatic operation of the system. Performance studies conducted on the various subsystems and on the system as a whole revealed that it is delivering the designed thermal output, and the net savings in furnace oil consumption is 78% on an annual basis. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Towards energy-efficient LNG terminals: Modeling and simulation of reciprocating compressors

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    10.1016/j.compchemeng.2019.06.013Computers and Chemical Engineering128312-32

    Pharmaceutical principles of acid inhibitors: unmet needs

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    Despite the well-established benefits of currently approved delayed-release proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in the treatment of acid-related diseases, the unmet needs are still present and although often frustrating, they challenge clinicians. The unmet needs relate to the lack of complete control of acid secretion with oral PPI administration in the management of patients with gastroesophageal symptoms. These substantial groups of patients, who do not respond completely to standard doses of PPIs, are nonresponders, and their lack of response should be considered as PPI failure. Several mechanisms could explain PPI failure: differences in pharmacokinetics, PPI formulation, dosing time and diet, noncompliance, transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations, esophageal hypersensitivity, and nocturnal acid breakthrough. To increase the quality of life of these patients and avoid multiple medical consultations and unnecessary investigations, we have to go one step forward and use combined therapy or look towards new treatments beyond acid suppression

    Population Genomics on the Fly: Recent Advances in Drosophila

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    Drosophila melanogaster, a small dipteran of African origin, represents one of the best-studied model organisms. Early work in this system has uniquely shed light on the basic principles of genetics and resulted in a versatile collection of genetic tools that allow to uncover mechanistic links between genotype and phenotype. Moreover, given its worldwide distribution in diverse habitats and its moderate genome-size, Drosophila has proven very powerful for population genetics inference and was one of the first eukaryotes whose genome was fully sequenced. In this book chapter, we provide a brief historical overview of research in Drosophila and then focus on recent advances during the genomic era. After describing different types and sources of genomic data, we discuss mechanisms of neutral evolution including the demographic history of Drosophila and the effects of recombination and biased gene conversion. Then, we review recent advances in detecting genome-wide signals of selection, such as soft and hard selective sweeps. We further provide a brief introduction to background selection, selection of noncoding DNA and codon usage and focus on the role of structural variants, such as transposable elements and chromosomal inversions, during the adaptive process. Finally, we discuss how genomic data helps to dissect neutral and adaptive evolutionary mechanisms that shape genetic and phenotypic variation in natural populations along environmental gradients. In summary, this book chapter serves as a starting point to Drosophila population genomics and provides an introduction to the system and an overview to data sources, important population genetic concepts and recent advances in the field