351 research outputs found
State Level Research: Typology and Direction
The increasingly competitive environment for travelers dollars compels state travel offices to review their long term plans. An important part of that planning process is the role research will play in understanding travelers behavior. The types of research states might find most useful is the subject of this paper. Research studies are aggregated into four categories delineated as: Assessment, Monitoring, Product Positioning and Forecasting. Examples of each categorical type are briefly reviewed in terms of function and expected outputs. A strategy for designing an optimum research mix is also suggested
Mature Market\u27s International Travel Characteristics and Images of the People\u27s Republic of China
Very little research has been conducted on the mature market (50+ years) with respect to travel. However, the size and economic spending power of this group makes it a significant force in the travel marketplace. The purpose of this article is to profile portions of the mature market predisposed to travel to the People\u27s Republic of China and analyze Before/After touristic images the groups held of the country. Some notable findings were 1) the individuals profiled in this study were frequent international travelers with over one-third traveling internationally three or more times a year, 2) they preferred traveling in family groups, 3) friends and relatives were the most commonly utilized sources for international travel information but the external search process also included other business provided sources, 4) Historical attractions followed closely by a category described as People had the highest attractiveness ratings although there was some evidence to suggest that expectations exceeded reality as most of the attributes contained in the Historical and People categories had lower attractiveness scores for the After visitation group than for the Before visitation group, 5) five of the ten service attributes were rated significantly higher by the After visitation group than for the Before visitation group.
The study raises many questions about the mature market and their travel behavior. The need for further research is quite evident to more fully understand this significant group of travelers
Korištenje metodologije ekonomskog utjecaja za procjenu važnosti turističkih atrakcija može biti problematično. Prvi problem povezan je s načinom uporabe te tehnike, konkretnije s utvrđivanjem onoga što se zaista mjeri tom tehnikom. Drugi je problem u tome kako se dobiveni podaci koriste. Ovaj rad analizira jedno istraživanje procjene ekonomskog utjecaja vinske industrije u saveznoj državi Iowa u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Poznato je, naime, da se mnoge vinarije smatraju primarnim turističkim atrakcijama te je stoga važno razumjeti njihovu važnost za lokalna gospodarstva kako bi se počele donositi učinkovite politike razvoja. Korištenjem različitih pristupa za procjenu gospodarskog utjecaja u radu se pokazuje i raspon raznih vrijednosti koje mogu biti predmet procjene. S tim u vezi propitujemo i korištenje netočnih podataka, što je važno s obzirom da netočne i precijenjene ocjene ekonomskog utjecaja mogu dovesti do pogrešno usmjerenih politika kod ostalih primarnih turističkih atrakcija koje se ne prepoznaju kao one koje dodaju vrijednost nekom odredištu.The use of economic impact methodology to assess the importance of tourist attractions can be problematic. The fi rst issue is how the technique is utilized and what actually gets counted. The second issue is how the derived information is utilized. This paper discusses a study to estimate the economic impact of the winery industry in the state of Iowa in the United States. Many wineries are viewed as primary tourist attractions and it is important to understand their importance to local economies in order for effective development policy to be enacted. Using different approaches to measuring economic impact we show the range of values that can be estimated. From this we pose several concerns about the use of inaccurate. The use of inaccurate and overestimated economic impact assessments can lead to misdirected policy with other primary attractions not recognized as providing any value to a destination
How to Avoid a COVID-19 Research Paper Tsunami? A Tourism System Approach
COVID-19 reaction policies have had the effect of putting the tourism economy into a form of forced hibernation. Currently there is speculation about what will happen as tourism begins to emerge from its dormant state. In this article, we use the concept of a system to analyze the potential research implications of COVID-19 effects on tourism. In doing so, we firmly place tourism within the concept of a system that relies on a steady flow of money from tourists to function. Three scenarios, each with two end states, to cover the array of potential reactions and recovery from the pandemic are presented. An impact grid is constructed to be able to follow the effects of policies and interventions on tourism objects and subjects. Examples of how research may use the grid to uncover impacts are presented. Conclusions reinforce the need for a system approach to guide COVID-19 tourism research
An Integrated Tourism Development Project: The Central Region of Ghana
The Republic of Ghana is located in West Africa approximately 750 kilometers north of the equator. As a country it has gone through a series of economic cycles but due to numerous coups, misguided economic policies, and the vagaries of international markets for export goods most growth has been short lived. Since 1990 economic growth has accelerated and the country is currently governed by an elected President and Parliament. One of the main economic development strategies in the last five years has been tourism
Vineyards and Wineries in New York: A Status and Economic Contribution Report with a Focus on New York Wine Grapes
1 electronic resource (PDF). This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Northern Grapes Projec
Vineyards and Wineries in Illinois: A Status and Economic Contribution Report
1 electronic resource (PDF). This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Northern Grapes Projec
Vineyards and Wineries in the New England States: A Status and Economic Contribution Report
1 electronic resource (PDF). This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Northern Grapes Projec
U sve više globaliziranom svijetu vina za male postsocijalisičke države, poput Hrvatske, poseban je izazov strateško planiranje razvoja vinskih regija. Te države količinom proizvodnje vina ne mogu konkurirati velikim i svjetski poznatim vinskim regijama (Rioja u Španjolskoj, Bordeaux u Francuskoj i dr.). Na prostoru Hrvatske uzgoj vinove loze star je nekoliko tisuća godina, a tradicijsko nasljeđe koje proizlazi iz ekonomske nerazvijenosti još uvijek karakterizira njezine vinske regije. Vinari u Hrvatskoj ograničeni su na proizvodnju malih količina vina te se ne mogu natjecati s velikim, poznatim proizvođačima, ali se uvijek mogu natjecati kroz turističku perspektivu. Cilj rada je konceptualizacija modela revitalizacije vinskih regija u Hrvatskoj temeljem prepoznavanja sektorskih karakteristika tradicijskog nasljeđa. Zaključak se iskazuje utvrđivanjem karakteristika tradicijskog nasljeđa u tri najvažnija sektora (poljoprivreda, kultura i turizam) koji su povezani s proizvodnjom i prodajom vina, utvrđivanjem korištenja tradicionalnih obilježja karakteristika nasljeđa u sektorskim razvojnim planovima te analizom rezultata anonimne ankete koja je provedena u turističkim zajednicama (ruralnih) općina o percepciji tradicijskog nasljeđa za razvoj vinskog turizma.In the increasingly globalized world of wine, strategic planning of wine region development in small post-socialist countries, such as Croatia, represents a particular challenge. These countries cannot compete with large and world-known wine regions (Rioja, Bordeaux etc.) in terms of production volume. However, grapes have been grown on the teritory of the present-day Croatia for several thousand years and pronouced traditional heritage resulting from economic underdevelopment still characterizes Croatian wine regions. Therefore Croatian winemakers, being restricted to making only small quantities of wine, cannot compete against large, well-known producers, but they can still compete from a tourism perspective. This paper aims at conceptualizing a model of wine region revival based on characteristics of traditional heritage. The conclusion is reached by: determining the characteristics of traditional heritage in the three most important sectors (agriculture, culture and tourism) related to wine production and sales, identifying the use of traditional heritage characteristics in sectoral development plans and analysing the results of a survey conducted by destination management organizations of rural municipalities on perceptions of traditional heritage in wine tourism development
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