188 research outputs found

    Wage subsidies for needy job-seekers and their effect on individual labour market outcomes after the German reforms

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    "In Germany, since 2005 needy job-seekers without access to earnings-related and insurance-paid 'unemployment benefit I' are entitled to means-tested and tax-funded 'unemployment benefit II'. Several active labour market programmes support the integration of these needy job-seekers into the labour market. Our paper estimates the average effect of targeted wage subsidies - paid to employers for a limited period of time - on the subsequent labour market prospects of participating needy job-seekers. We apply propensity score matching to compare participants with a group of similar non-participants. The results show that wage subsidies had in fact large and significant favourable effects: 20 months after taking up a subsidised job, the share of persons in regular employment is nearly 40 percentage points higher across participants. Estimated effects on the shares not unemployed and the share no longer receiving 'unemployment benefit II' are slightly smaller." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitslosengeld II-EmpfÀnger, Eingliederungszuschuss - Erfolgskontrolle, Arbeitsmarktchancen

    Wage Subsidies for Needy Job-Seekers and Their Effect on Individual Labour Market Outcomes after the German Reforms

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    Our paper estimates the average effect of wage subsidies – paid to employers for a limited period of time – on the labour market prospects of needy job-seekers without access to insurance-paid 'unemployment benefit I'. The results show that wage subsidies had large and significant favourable effects: 20 months after taking up a subsidised job, the share of persons in regular employment is nearly 40 percentage points higher across participants. On the whole, groups with particular placement difficulties benefit comparatively more from subsidisation.wage subsidies, unemployment benefits II for needy job-seekers, evaluation of active labour market programmes, propensity score matching

    Wage subsidies for needy job-seekers and their effect on individual labour market outcomes after the German reforms

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    "In Germany, since 2005 needy job-seekers without access to earnings-related and insurance-paid 'unemployment benefit I' are entitled to means-tested and tax-funded 'unemployment benefit II'. Several active labour market programmes support the integration of these needy job-seekers into the labour market. Our paper estimates the average effect of targeted wage subsidies - paid to employers for a limited period of time - on the subsequent labour market prospects of participating needy job-seekers. We apply propensity score matching to compare participants with a group of similar non-participants. The results show that wage subsidies had in fact large and significant favourable effects: 20 months after taking up a subsidised job, the share of persons in regular employment is nearly 40 percentage points higher across participants. Estimated effects on the shares not unemployed and the share no longer receiving 'unemployment benefit II' are slightly smaller." (author's abstract)"Seit dem Jahr 2005 erhalten erwerbsfĂ€hige HilfebedĂŒrftige, die keinen Anspruch auf das beitragsfinanzierte Arbeitslosengeld I haben, das steuerfinanzierte Arbeitslosengeld II. Verschiedene Maßnahmen aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik sollen den Übergang der erwerbsfĂ€higen HilfebedĂŒrftigen in BeschĂ€ftigung unterstĂŒtzen. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die durchschnittliche Wirkung von EingliederungszuschĂŒssen auf die Arbeitsmarktchancen der teilnehmenden erwerbsfĂ€higen HilfebedĂŒrftigen. Mit Hilfe von Propensity-Score-Matching wird eine Vergleichsgruppe von Ă€hnlichen Nicht-Teilnehmern gebildet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass EingliederungszuschĂŒsse die Arbeitsmarktchancen der Geförderten positiv beeinflussen: 20 Monate, nachdem erwerbsfĂ€hige HilfebedĂŒrftige eine geförderte BeschĂ€ftigung aufgenommen haben, ist ihr Anteil in regulĂ€rer BeschĂ€ftigung um ca. 40 Prozentpunkte höher als in der Vergleichsgruppe. Die geschĂ€tzten Effekte auf die Variablen 'nicht arbeitslos' und 'kein Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezug' fallen etwas geringer aus." (Autorenreferat

    Stakeholder Goals In Family Businesses: Evidence From Upper Austria

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    Research into the field of management accounting practices in family businesses is growing. A considerable number of publications in this field are now dedicated to exploring the differences between family and non-family businesses. This paper investigates stakeholder satisfaction and stakeholder information, which have thus far been neglected fields, both in management accounting and in family business research. Based on both contingency and stakeholder theory, we find that the contextual factors - firm type and firm size - cannot be regarded as determining factors in firms’ stakeholder goals

    Asset Management in Volatile Markets

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    The 27th SUERF Colloquium in Munich in June 2008: New Trends in Asset Management: Exploring the Implications was already topical in the Summer of 2008. The subsequent dramatic events in the Autumn of 2008 made the presentations in Munich even more relevant to investors and bankers that want to understand what happens in their investment universe. In the present SUERF Study, we have collected a sample of outstanding colloquium contributions under the fitting headline: Asset Management in Volatile Markets.derivatives, financial innovation, asset management, finance-growth-nexus; Relative Value Strategy, Pair Trading, Slippage, Implementation Shortfall, Asset Management, Fin4Cast

    First measurements at the DAΊNE φ-factory with the DEAR experimental setup

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    The relevant background for the DEAR experiment } low-energy X rays and ionizing particles } present in the DEAR interaction region of the DA'NE e'e~ collider was investigated using the "rst-stage DEAR setup and CCD detectors. An extensive Monte Carlo simulation was performed for the present setup and beam conditions. Good quantitative agreement between measurements and simulation was achieved. This is a con"rmation that, with respect to the expected background, which gives an important contribution to the statistical precision of the experiment, the con"guration chosen to measure the strong interaction shift and width in kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium can indeed reach the planned level of accuracy. ( 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Seniority and Job Stability: A Quantile Regression Approach Using Matched Employer-Employee Data

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    Job mobility and employment durations can be explained by different theoretical approaches, such as job matching or human capital theory or dual labor market approaches. These models may, however, apply to different degrees at different durations in the employment spell. Standard empirical techniques, such as hazard rate analysis, cannot deal with this problem. In this paper, we apply censored quantile regression techniques to estimate employment durations of male workers in Germany. Our results give some support to the job matching model: individuals with a high risk of being bad matches exhibit higher exit rates initially, but the effect fades out over time. By contrast, the influence of human capital variables such as education and further training decreases with employment duration, which is inconsistent with the notion of increasing match-specific rents due to human capital accumulation. The results also suggest that the effects of certain labor market institutions, such as works councils, differ markedly between short-term and long-term employment, supporting the view that institutions give rise to dual labor markets

    The influence of extra-cellular matrix and stroma remodeling on the productivity of long-term human bone marrow cultures

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    The stromal cell layer is believed to play an important role in long-term human bone marrow cultures (LTHBMCs). At present, neither the role that the stromal cell extra-cellular matrix (ECM) plays in influencing stroma behavior is well understood nor are the effects of stroma aging. Rapid medium exchanged LTHBMCs were established on surfaces precoated with human natural fibronectin and type 1 rat tail collagen. Although initial adhesion of hematopoietic cells was improved by the presence of both ECMs, the overall progenitor and nonadherent cell productivity was not improved nor did the stroma grow to confluency faster. Thus, the ECMs used did not significantly influence the cell productivity of LTHBMCs. To examine the influence of stromal cell layer aging, conditioned medium was obtained from the first two weeks of LTHBMCs that was subsequently concentrated and used as a medium supplement in a second set of slowly exchanged LTHBMCs. The presence of the concentrated conditioned medium (conCM) enhanced the production of nonadherent cells three-fold compared with control over an eight week culture period. Control cultures that were exposed to conCM after 4 weeks in culture significantly improved their cell productivity during the latter 4 weeks of culture compared with control. The productivity of cultures exposed to conCM for 4 weeks dropped significantly when unsupplemented medium was used for the latter 4 weeks of culture. Interestingly, phytohemagglutin-stimulated leukocyte-conditioned medium stimulated LTHMBCs in a similar fashion, as did conditioned medium from early LTHBMCs. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that the stromal cell layer does produce important factors for active hematopoiesis during its growth to confluence.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42613/1/10616_2004_Article_BF00146672.pd

    DAF-16/FOXO and EGL-27/GATA promote developmental growth in response to persistent somatic DNA damage

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    Genome maintenance defects cause complex disease phenotypes characterized by developmental failure, cancer susceptibility and premature ageing. It remains poorly understood how DNA damage responses function during organismal development and maintain tissue functionality when DNA damage accumulates with ageing. Here we show that the FOXO transcription factor DAF-16 is activated in response to DNA damage during development, whereas the DNA damage responsiveness of DAF-16 declines with ageing. We find that in contrast to its established role in mediating starvation arrest, DAF-16 alleviates DNA-damage-induced developmental arrest and even in the absence of DNA repair promotes developmental growth and enhances somatic tissue functionality. We demonstrate that the GATA transcription factor EGL-27 co-regulates DAF-16 target genes in response to DNA damage and together with DAF-16 promotes developmental growth. We propose that EGL-27/GATA activity specifies DAF-16-mediated DNA damage responses to enable developmental progression and to prolong tissue functioning when DNA damage persists

    stairs and fire

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