14 research outputs found

    EVALUATION OF THE MOLLUSCICIDAL POTENTIAL OF HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS OF Jatropha gossypiifolia Linnaeus, 1753 ON Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818)

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    The action of extracts from the stem, leaves, and fruit of Jatropha gossypiifolia on Biomphalaria glabrata was studied by analyzing survival, feeding capacity and oviposition ability. The extracts were obtained by macerating the plant parts in 92% ethanol, which were then evaporated until a dry residue was obtained and phytochemically studied. The molluscicidal activity on B. glabrata was investigated using the procedures recommended by WHO (1965). The amount of food ingested and oviposition were measured during each experiment. The extract of leaves from J. gossypiifolia was shown to be a strong molluscicidal agent, causing 100% mortality of B. glabrata, even in the lowest concentration tested, of 25 ppm. Regarding the fruit extract, there was variation in the mortality, depending on the concentration used (100, 75, 50 and 25 ppm). The snails that were in contact with the fruit extract had significant reduction in feeding and number of embryos in comparison to the control. The stem extract did not present molluscicidal activity nor had any influence on the feeding and oviposition abilities of B. glabrata, in the concentrations tested. In conclusion, the extracts of leaves and fruits of J. gossypiifolia investigated in this work show molluscicidal effect and may be sources of useful compounds for the schistosomiasis control

    Alterações inflamatórias provocadas pelo metronidazol em feridas: estudo experimental em ratos Inflammatory alterations provoked by metronidazole in wounds: an experimental study in rats

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    CONTEXTO: Cerca de 2,7% da população brasileira tem úlceras crônicas nos pés e nas pernas, porcentagem que chega a 10% nos diabéticos e que representa a segunda causa de afastamento do trabalho no Brasil. Isso demonstra a necessidade de se encontrar um produto de baixo custo que favoreça a cicatrização dessas feridas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do metronidazol na cicatrização de feridas por segunda intenção. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 80 ratos machos, em cujos dorsos se produziu uma ferida, distribuindo-se, os animais, em dois grupos de 40. Os ratos do grupo-controle tiveram suas feridas tratadas com solução de NaCl 0,9%, e os pertencentes ao grupo-experimento, com metronidazol 4%. No terceiro, sétimo, 14º e 21º dias, avaliou-se o processo cicatricial por parâmetros macroscópicos, histológicos e imunoistoquímicos. RESULTADOS: A concentração de colágeno foi maior nas cicatrizes dos animais do grupo-experimento em todos os tempos examinados. A concentração de colágeno do tipo I também foi significante no sétimo dia (p = 0,020) e no 21º dia (p = 0,016). O colágeno tipo III mostrou concentração semelhante nos tempos iniciais e apresentou-se com maior concentração no 21º dia (p = 0,005). A angiogênese, avaliada pelo anti-CD34, demonstrou maior número de vasos, no grupo-experimento, com diferença significante no terceiro dia (p < 0,001) e no 14º dia (p = 0,003). CONCLUSÃO: O metronidazol contribui para a cicatrização de feridas por segunda intenção, estimulando a produção de colágeno e a angiogênese.<br>CONTEXT: Chronic feet and leg ulcers affect about 2.7% of the Brazilian population, 10% of diabetic patients. The condition represents the second most frequent cause of absence from work in Brazil. This shows the need for a product that promotes healing of these wounds at a low cost. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of metronidazole on ulcer healing by second intention. METHODS: Eighty male rats divided into two groups of 40 had a wound made on their dorsum. The control group was treated with a 0.9% NaCl solution and the experimental group was treated with 4% metronidazole. On the third, seventh, 14th and 21st days, the healing process was assessed through macroscopical, histological and immunohistochemical parameters. RESULTS: Collagen concentration was higher in wounds in the experimental group in all samples. Concentration of type I collagen was also significant on the 7th (p = 0.020) and 21st (p = 0.016) days. Concentration of type III collagen was similar in both groups in the initial phase, but it was higher in the experimental group on the 21st day (p = 0.005). Angiogenesis, assessed with anti-CD34, revealed a larger number of vessels in the experimental group, with a significant difference on the third (p < 0.001) and 14th (p = 0.003) days. CONCLUSION: Metronidazole contributes to healing wounds by second intention and stimulates collagen production and angiogenesis