281 research outputs found
Some continuum physics results from the lattice V-A correlator
We present preliminary results on extractions of the chiral LECs L_10 and
C_87 and constraints on the excited pseudoscalar state pi(1300) and pi(1800)
decay constants obtained from an analysis of lattice data for the flavor ud
light quark V-A correlator. A comparison of the results for the correlator to
the corresponding mildly-model-dependent continuum results (based primarily on
experimental hadronic tau decay data) is also givenComment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for the Proceedings of the 30th
International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia, June
24-29, 2012; expanded version of Reference 1
New results from the lattice on the theoretical inputs to the hadronic tau determination of V_us
Recent sum rule determinations of |V_us|, employing flavor-breaking
combinations of hadronic tau decay data, are significantly lower than either
expectations based on 3-family unitarity or determinations from K_ell3 and
Gamma[K_mu2]/Gamma[pi_mu2]. We use lattice data to investigate the
accuracy/reliability of the OPE representation of the flavor-breaking
correlator combination entering the tau decay analyses. The behavior of an
alternate correlator combination, constructed to reduce problems associated
with the slow convergence of the D = 2 OPE series, and entering an alternate
sum rule requiring both electroproduction cross-section and hadronic tau decay
data, is also investigated. Preliminary updates of both analyses, with the
lessons learned from the lattice data in mind, are also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Prepared for the proceedings of the 12th
International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Sep. 17-21, 2012, Nagoya, Japan
and the 10th International Conference on Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum,
Oct. 6-13, 2012, Garching/Munich, German
B-physics with Wilson fermions
We report the final results of the ALPHA collaboration for some B-physics
observables: , and . We employ CLS configurations with 2
flavors of improved Wilson fermions in the sea and pion masses ranging
down to 190 MeV. The b-quark is treated in HQET to order . The
renormalization, the matching and the improvement were performed
non-perturbatively, and three lattice spacings reaching fm are used
in the continuum extrapolation
Decay constants of B-mesons from non-perturbative HQET with two light dynamical quarks
We present a computation of B-meson decay constants from lattice QCD
simulations within the framework of Heavy Quark Effective Theory for the
b-quark. The next-to-leading order corrections in the HQET expansion are
included non-perturbatively. Based on Nf=2 gauge field ensembles, covering
three lattice spacings a (0.08-0.05)fm and pion masses down to 190MeV, a
variational method for extracting hadronic matrix elements is used to keep
systematic errors under control. In addition we perform a careful
autocorrelation analysis in the extrapolation to the continuum and to the
physical pion mass limits. Our final results read fB=186(13)MeV, fBs=224(14)MeV
and fBs/fB=1.203(65). A comparison with other results in the literature does
not reveal a dependence on the number of dynamical quarks, and effects from
truncating HQET appear to be negligible.Comment: 16 pages including figures and table
The b-quark mass from non-perturbative Heavy Quark Effective Theory at
We report our final estimate of the b-quark mass from lattice QCD
simulations using Heavy Quark Effective Theory non-perturbatively matched to
QCD at . Treating systematic and statistical errors in a conservative
manner, we obtain GeV after an extrapolation to the physical point.Comment: 15 pages including figures and tables; as published in Phys.Lett.B /
typo in table 4 corrected / footnote 1 expande
The kaon semileptonic form factor in Nf=2+1 domain wall lattice QCD with physical light quark masses
We present the first calculation of the kaon semileptonic form factor with
sea and valence quark masses tuned to their physical values in the continuum
limit of 2+1 flavour domain wall lattice QCD. We analyse a comprehensive set of
simulations at the phenomenologically convenient point of zero momentum
transfer in large physical volumes and for two different values of the lattice
spacing. Our prediction for the form factor is f+(0)=0.9685(34)(14) where the
first error is statistical and the second error systematic. This result can be
combined with experimental measurements of K->pi decays for a determination of
the CKM-matrix element for which we predict |Vus|=0.2233(5)(9) where the first
error is from experiment and the second error from the lattice computation.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, 6 table
An accurate calculation of the nucleon axial charge with lattice QCD
We report on a lattice QCD calculation of the nucleon axial charge, ,
using M\"{o}bius Domain-Wall fermions solved on the dynamical HISQ
ensembles after they are smeared using the gradient-flow algorithm. The
calculation is performed with three pion masses,
MeV. Three lattice spacings ( fm) are used with the
heaviest pion mass, while the coarsest two spacings are used on the middle pion
mass and only the coarsest spacing is used with the near physical pion mass. On
the MeV, fm point, a dedicated volume study is
performed with . Using a new strategy
motivated by the Feynman-Hellmann Theorem, we achieve a precise determination
of with relatively low statistics, and demonstrable control over the
excited state, continuum, infinite volume and chiral extrapolation systematic
uncertainties, the latter of which remains the dominant uncertainty. Our final
determination at 2.6\% total uncertainty is , with the
first uncertainty including statistical and systematic uncertainties from
fitting and the second including model selection systematics related to the
chiral and continuum extrapolation. The largest reduction of the second
uncertainty will come from a greater number of pion mass points as well as more
precise lattice QCD results near the physical pion mass.Comment: 17 pages + 11 pages of references and appendices. 15 figures.
Interested readers can download the Python analysis scripts and an hdf5 data
file at https://github.com/callat-qcd/project_gA_v
Kaon mixing beyond the standard model with physical masses
We present non-perturbative results for beyond the standard model kaon mixing
matrix elements in the isospin symmetric limit () of QCD, including a
complete estimate of all dominant sources of systematic error. Our results are
obtained from numerical simulations of lattice QCD with flavours of
dynamical domain wall fermions. For the first time, these quantities are
simulated directly at the physical pion mass ~~
for two different lattice spacings. We include data at three lattice spacings
in the range - and with pion masses ranging
from the physical value up to 450. Compared to our earlier
work, we have added both direct calculations at physical quark masses and a
third lattice spacing making the removal of discretisation effects
significantly more precise and eliminating the need for any significant mass
extrapolation beyond the range of simulated data. We renormalise the lattice
operators non-perturbatively using RI-SMOM off-shell schemes. These schemes
eliminate the need to model and subtract non-perturbative pion poles that
arises in the RI-MOM scheme and, since the calculations are performed with
domain wall fermions, the unphysical mixing between chirality sectors is
suppressed. Our results for the bag parameters in the
scheme at are ,
, ,
and , where the
first error is from lattice uncertainties and the second is the uncertainty due
to the perturbative matching to .Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures, 21 tables, 2 ancillary file
Energetics of metal slabs and clusters: the rectangle-box model
An expansion of energy characteristics of wide thin slab of thickness L in
power of 1/L is constructed using the free-electron approximation and the model
of a potential well of finite depth. Accuracy of results in each order of the
expansion is analyzed. Size dependences of the work function and electronic
elastic force for Au and Na slabs are calculated. It is concluded that the work
function of low-dimensional metal structure is always smaller that of
semi-infinite metal sample.
A mechanism for the Coulomb instability of charged metal clusters, different
from Rayleigh's one, is discussed. The two-component model of a metallic
cluster yields the different critical sizes depending on a kind of charging
particles (electrons or ions). For the cuboid clusters, the electronic spectrum
quantization is taken into account. The calculated critical sizes of
Ag_{N}^{2-} and Au_{N}^{3-} clusters are in a good agreement with experimental
data. A qualitative explanation is suggested for the Coulomb explosion of
positively charged Na_{\N}^{n+} clusters at 3<n<5.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl
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