40 research outputs found

    Food Access in Petersburg, Virginia: Final Report and Recommendations

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    The City of Petersburg has long suffered with issues of limited access to food and food insecurity. Food deserts, or areas underserved by retail food options, are prevalent throughout the City. As a result, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has ranked the city last of Virginia\u27s 133 counties in their annual health rankings. For the Fall 2019 semester, students from Virginia Commonwealth University\u27s L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, through Dr. John Accordino\u27s Urban Commercial Revitalization course, focused on planning solutions to address food deserts in commercial areas, with the City of Petersburg being one of their clients. The class assessed the potential for commercial revitalization and made five recommendations

    Increasing Access to Food: A Comprehensive Report on Food Supply Options

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    Access to food is one of the most important aspects of a healthy, sustainable community. Grocery stores and other suppliers can serve as an economic anchor to provide social benefits to communities. Unfortunately, many communities do not have convenient and/or affordable access to grocery items, particularly fresh produce. As part of Virginia Commonwealth University\u27s Fall 2019 graduate course on Urban Commercial Revitalization, class members researched 13 retail and other food access options, which are described in this report. Each chapter covers a food access option and provides basic information that will be useful to individuals, organizations, or government agencies that wish to attract and/or develop grocery operations in their communities

    Status of the Signals of Opportunity Airborne Demonstrator (SoOp-AD)

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    Root zone soil moisture (RZSM) is not directly measured by any current satellite instrument, despite its importance as a key link between surface hydrology and deeper processes. Presently, model assimilation of surface measurements or indirect estimates using other methods must be used to estimate this value. Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) methods, exploiting reflected P- and S-band communication satellite signals, have many of the benefits of both active and passive microwave remote sensing. Reutilization of active transmitters, with forward-scattering geometry, presents a strong reflected signal even at orbital altitudes. Microwave radiometry is advantageous as it measures emissivity, which is directly related to dielectric constant and sensitive to water content of soil. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is used in P-band (400 MHz) for soil moisture and biomass, but faces issues in obtaining permission to transmit due to spectrum regulations, particularly over North America and Europe. A primary advantage of SAR is excellent spatial resolution. Signals-of-opportunity (SoOp) reflectometry provides a good compromise between radiometry and SAR by providing decent sensitivity and special resolution for RZSM measurements without issues of spectrum access. Further, a SoOp instrument would not be limited to operating in only a few protected frequencies and is also expected to have less susceptibility to radio-frequency interference (RFI). Although advantageous if available, SoOp techniques do not require the ability to demodulate or decode the communication signals. The SoOp instrument is receive only and therefore requires much less electrical power than a SAR and is more similar to a radiometer in receiver architecture. These unique features of SoOp circumvent past obstacles to a spaceborne P-band remote sensing mission and have the potential to enable new RZSM measurements that are not possible with present technology. We will present the latest development status of a SoOp reflectometer airborne demonstrator (SoOp-AD) operating at 250 MHz to take advantage of existing communication satellite. The instrument is currently in laboratory integration and test

    What is timing-closure in high-end FPGAs?

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    Cyanobacteria for Human Habitation beyond Earth

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    In light of the President s Moon/Mars initiative, lunar exploration has once again become a priority for NASA. In order to establish permanent bases on the Moon and proceed with human exploration of Mars, two key problems will be addressed: first, the production of O2 and second, the production of methane (CH4). While O2 is required for life support systems (LSS), both liquid O2 and CH4 are needed as an oxidizer and a propellant, respectively for the Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM) and the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). Unlike previous propulsion systems, the new CEV will use liquid oxygen (LO2) as an oxidizer and liquid methane (LCH4) as a propellant. Existing technology (e.g. hydrogen reduction) for the production of liquid oxygen from lunar regolith is very energy intensive and requires high temperature reactors. We propose an alternative approach using iron-tolerant cyanobacteria. We have found that iron-tolerant cyanobacteria (IT CB) are capable of etching iron-bearing minerals, which may lead to bonds breaking between Fe and O of common lunar mare basalt Fe-oxides including ilmenite, pseudobrookite, ferropseudobrookite, and armalcolite with the subsequent release of both Fe, Ti and oxygen as byproducts. We also propose to use CB biomass for CH4 production as carbon stock and a propellant. Both processes can be accomplished in an energy and cost effective manner because sunlight will be used as an energy source and allows the reactions at ambient temperatures between 10-60 C. Current evaluations include assessing the thermodynamics of such biogenic reactions using a variety of nutrients and atmospheric parameters, as well as assessing the rates and species variation effects of the driving reactions

    Use of Denaturing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography To Identify Bacillus anthracis by Analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA Interspacer Region and gyrA Gene

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    Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) was evaluated as a method for identifying Bacillus anthracis by analyzing two chromosomal targets, the 16S-23S intergenic spacer region (ISR) and the gyrA gene. The 16S-23S ISR was analyzed by this method with 42 strains of B. anthracis, 36 strains of Bacillus cereus, and 12 strains of Bacillus thuringiensis; the gyrA gene was analyzed by this method with 33 strains of B. anthracis, 27 strains of B. cereus, and 9 strains of B. thuringiensis. Two blind panels of 45 samples each were analyzed to evaluate the potential diagnostic capability of this method. Our results show that DHPLC is an efficient method for the identification of B. anthracis

    Detection of differentially expressed genes in primary tumor tissues using representational differences analysis coupled to microarray hybridization

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    The identification of differential gene expression between cells is a frequent goal in modern biological research. Here we demonstrate the coupling of representational difference analysis (RDA) of cDNA with microarray analysis of the output for high throughput screening. Two primary Ewing's sarcoma tissue samples with different biological behavior in vivo were compared by RDA: one which was metastatic and progressed rapidly; the other localized and successfully treated. A modified RDA protocol that minimizes the necessary starting material was employed. After a reduced number of subtractive rounds, the output of RDA was shotgun cloned into a plasmid vector. Inserts from individual colonies from the subtracted library were amplified with vector-specific primers and arrayed at high density on glass slides. The arrays were then hybridized with differentially fluorescently labeled starting amplicons from the two tissues and fluorescent signals were measured at each DNA spot. We show that the relative amounts of fluorescent signal correlate well with the abundance of fragments in the RDA amplicon and in the starting mRNA. In our system, we analyzed 192 products and 173 (90%) were appropriately detected as being >2-fold differentially expressed. Fifty unique, differentially expressed clones were identified. Therefore, the use of RDA essentially provides an enriched library of differentially expressed genes, while analysis of this library with microarrays allows rapid and reproducible screening of thousands of DNA molecules simultaneously. The coupling of these two techniques in this system resulted in a large pool of differentially expressed genes