17 research outputs found

    The Impact of a Preterm Baby Arrival in a Family: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Pilot Study

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    Background: The rate of premature births is increasing every day, with an estimated 15 million premature babies born worldwide each year. When a child is born prematurely, he or she is transferred to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), requiring special care on an ongoing basis. The admission of the newborn to these units can negatively affect the family routine as it generates changes and requires adaptation to new roles. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to understand the effect of the arrival of a premature baby on the family, based on the parents' perception. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study conducted by means of a self-administered online ad-hoc questionnaire which collected information related to the situation of the relatives of premature infants in the region of Extremadura (Spain). The questionnaire consisted of a total of 35 questions, divided into three sections: 'family environment', 'stay in hospital' and 'return home'. Results: Among the 53 responses obtained from fathers and mothers, 44 were from mothers. 53.6% of the respondents felt a delay in the acquisition of their parental role and 86.8% were afraid for their baby. During hospital stay, most of the parents had to modify their routines (94.3%), 69.8% suffered from sleep disturbances, 84.9% changed their eating habits and 88.5% referred to loss of time for themselves. Once at home, the time it took to recover their family normality ranged from 4 to 11 months, while 84.9% of respondents neglected their personal appearance and more than half had to give up or reduce their working hours. Conclusion: The arrival of a premature baby has a strong impact on the parents' family environment, altering their daily routines and occupations both in hospital and at home. If preterm care programmes take into account these possible occupational imbalances, it will not only meet the needs of the parents but also provide family-centred care

    Attitude towards People with Disability of Nursing and Physiotherapy Students

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    Background: Attitudes are a component of our behaviour. Health professionals should have a global perspective of disability. They must provide treatment to people with disability and care for them, but they also should accept them with no judgements or discrimination. The general objective of this study was to know the attitude towards people with disability of nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Cadiz. Methods: This was a descriptive, correlational, transversal and synchronous study. A total of 200 students participated in the study (91 from the bachelor's degree in nursing and 109 from the bachelor's degree in physiotherapy). The 'Attitudes towards people with disability scale' was used. Results: The mean score for both groups of students was 157.05 (SD = 14.14). Conclusions: Attitudes towards disability of nursing and physiotherapy students at the University of Cadiz tend to be positive. However, this was considered not sufficient since they will be health professionals in the future

    Use of Neurodynamic or Orthopedic Tension Tests for the Diagnosis of Lumbar and Lumbosacral Radiculopathies: Study of the Diagnostic Validity

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    Background: Lumbar radiculopathy is a nerve root disorder whose correct diagnosis is essential. The objective of the present study was to analyze the reliability diagnostic validity of eight neurodynamic and/or orthopedic tension tests using magnetic resonance imaging as the Gold Standard. Methods: An epidemiological study of randomized consecutive cases which was observational, descriptive, transversal, double blinded and was conducted following the Standards for Reporting Diagnostic accuracy studies (STARD) declaration. The sample size was 864 participants. Internal and external validity (CI = 95%) and reliability, were calculated for all tests performed independently. The diagnostic validity of the combined and multiple tests in parallel was also calculated. Results: The analysis indicated that only two tests performed independently had external validity, but neither had reliability or precision. The Straight Leg Raise test and the Bragard test performed in a multiple parallel way showed high sensitivity (97.40%), high negative predictive value (PV- 96.64%) and external validity (Likelihood Ratio- 0.05). The combined test of the Slump test and the Dejerine's triad had internal and external validity. Conclusions: The Straight Leg Raise test and the Bragard test performed in a multiple parallel way and the combined test of the Slump Test and the Dejerine's triad have clinical validity to discard lumbar or lumbar-sacral radiculopathy

    Efectos de la acupuntura vs. fisioterapia sobre el control postural y la funcionalidad en fibromialgia

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    La Fibromialgia es una enfermedad reumatológica que cursa con alteraciones del equilibrio y de la capacidad funcional además de otros síntomas como el dolor, la rigidez articular o la depresión. Este estudio es un ensayo clínico aleatorizado con 135 mujeres diagnosticadas de Fibromialgia, previa aprobación por el Comité de Bioética de la Universidad de Extremadura, cuyo objetivo es valorar la efectividad de la Acupuntura y la Fisioterapia en la mejora del control postural, la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida de estas pacientes. La muestra fue distribuida en tres grupos: Grupo Acupuntura (puntos acupunturales Du20, E36 y V60), Grupo Fisioterapia (programa de ejercicios de entrenamiento de la estabilidad central) y Grupo Control (no intervención). El tratamiento tuvo una duración de 5 semanas y las variables se midieron en las semanas anterior y posterior a la aplicación completa del tratamiento y tras un periodo de descanso de 5 semanas. Los resultados obtenidos fueron favorables para los grupos de intervención frente al grupo Control en el equilibrio dinámico medido mediante la Escala de Equilibrio de Berg (P=0,000) y el test de 10 metros de marcha (P=0,013 para el grupo Fisioterapia y P=0,034 para el grupo Acupuntura). Además, el grupo Acupuntura mostró mejoras significativas frente al grupo Fisioterapia y Control en el equilibrio estático (P=0,006 en el test de apoyo monopodal) y equilibrio dinámico (P=0.003 en el test Timed up and Go). La Fisioterapia y la Acupuntura mejoran el equilibrio y control postural en pacientes con Fibromialgia, siendo la Acupuntura más efectiva.Fibromyalgia is a rheumatologic condition that frequently causes balance and functionality impairment as well as other symptoms such as pain, stiffness or depression. This study is a randomized controlled trial approved by the University of Extremadura Bioethical Committee which main objective is to assess the effectiveness of Acupuncture vs. Physiotherapy on balance, functionality and quality of life of subjects with Fibromyalgia. The 135 participants were randomly allocated into 3 groups: Acupuncture (acupuncture points Du20, E36 y V60), Physiotherapy (based on a core stability exercise programme) and control group (no intervention). The experimental treatments were carried out during 5 weeks and the outcome measures were assessed the week before and after completing the treatment and at 5 weeks of follow up. The results showed significant improvements in the experimental groups in the dynamic balance measured with the Berg Balance Scale (P=0,000) and the 10 meter walk test (P=0,013 Physiotherapy group and P=0,034 Acupuncture group). Moreover, the Acupuncture group showed significant improvements compared with the Physiotherapy and Control groups in the variable static balance (P=0,006 one leg stand test) and dynamic balance (P=0.003 Timed up and Go test). Acupuncture and Physiotherapy improve balance and postural control in Fibromyalgia patients. However, Acupuncture has shown to be more effective

    Effects of Physiotherapy vs. Acupuncture in Quality of Life, Pain, Stiffness, Difficulty to Work and Depression of Women with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic clinical condition characterized by pain and other associated symptoms that have a negative impact on the quality of life of the affected person. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a core stability training physiotherapy program compared to an acupuncture treatment on quality of life, pain, joint stiffness, difficulty to work and depression of women with fibromyalgia. Methods: This was a single-blind, randomized clinical controlled trial. Women with fibromyalgia were randomized to a core stability physiotherapy program group (n = 45), an acupuncture treatment group (n = 45) and a control group (n = 45) for 13 weeks. Measurements were taken at baseline (week 0), post-intervention (week 6) and at follow-up (week 13). The primary outcome measure was quality of life (Spanish Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire). The secondary outcome measures were pain, joint stiffness, difficulty to work and depression (Visual Analogue Scale). Results: In total, 103 participants completed the study. The results, from a descriptive perspective, showed improvements in all the outcome measures in both intervention groups (physiotherapy and acupuncture) at weeks 6 and 13 in relation to week 0 and in comparison to the control group. Only the difficulty to work measure in the acupuncture group showed a slight decrease at week 13. In particular, mean (±SD) Spanish Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire score at 6 weeks was 62.89 ± 16.91 for the physiotherapy group, 62.5 ± 18.09 for the acupuncture group and 67.45 ± 17.07 for the control group. However, these improvements were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Core stability-based physiotherapy and acupuncture showed non-significant improvements in quality of life, pain, joint stiffness, difficulty to work and depression in women with fibromyalgia

    Cross-Sectional Descriptive Pilot Study on the Risk of Psychotic Disorders among Adolescents

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    Background: Adolescence is a key stage for the development of different mental disorders, particularly psychotic disorders. This stage of life is accompanied by new habits or behaviours that can make a person more vulnerable to developing a psychotic disorder or, on the contrary, play a protective role. Objective: To study the vulnerability to developing a psychotic disorder in adolescents and to analyse the main risk factors. Materials and methods: This is an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The data collection was conducted using the Prodromal Questionnaire Brief Version (PQ-B) test and a self-developed questionnaire based on the vulnerability–stress model. Results: Of the total sample (n = 44), 65.9% were male and 100% lived in a rural environment. In general, among risk factors (stress, alcohol and cannabis consumption, history, bullying, traumatic event and sedentary lifestyle), alcohol consumption and the presence of stress were found to have high values. Furthermore, a risk of psychosis was found in 38.6% of the studied population. Of this percentage of adolescents at risk, 64.7% consumed alcohol (p = 0.99) and 82.4% suffered from stress (p = 0.7161). The protective factor (physical activity) was found in more than half (59% p = 0.16). Conclusions: There is a high risk of psychosis among the young adolescents assessed in this study, where the explanatory factors identified with higher values were alcohol consumption and the presence of stress

    Effects of a Cognitive Rehabilitation Programme on the Independence Performing Activities of Daily Living of Persons with Dementia—A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: In all types of dementia, cognitive abilities are affected, behaviour is altered and functional capacity is progressively lost. This cognitive deterioration manifests in the decrease of abilities required to perform the activities of daily living (ADL). The objective of this pilot study was to assess the effect of an Occupational Therapy programme based on the training of ADL through cognitive stimulation on the independence of ADL of persons with dementia. Methods: Institutionalized older adults with major neurocognitive disorder or dementia (N = 58) were randomly allocated to receive either the Occupational Therapy ADL cognitive stimulation programme or conventional Occupational Therapy. The cognitive level and the independence level performing ADL were measured at baseline (week 0), after 5 weeks of treatment (week 5) and after 6 weeks of follow up (week 12). A value of p < 0.05 and α = 0.0025 (Bonferroni correction) was considered as statistically significant. Results: The results obtained showed improvements in the level of independence performing ADLs in the intervention group compared to the control group (p = 0.006). The improvements were seen in relation to feeding (p = 0.001), dressing (p = 0.005) and bladder and bowel incontinence (p = 0.003), the changes observed in feeding are statistically significant. However, those improvements were not maintained after the follow up period. There were no significant changes in relation to the cognitive level (p = 0.741). Conclusions: Occupational Therapy based on ADL cognitive stimulation can have a positive effect, increasing the independence of subjects with major neurocognitive disorder or dementia who are institutionalised

    Effects of a Cognitive Rehabilitation Programme on the Independence Performing Activities of Daily Living of Persons with Dementia—A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: In all types of dementia, cognitive abilities are affected, behaviour is altered and functional capacity is progressively lost. This cognitive deterioration manifests in the decrease of abilities required to perform the activities of daily living (ADL). The objective of this pilot study was to assess the effect of an Occupational Therapy programme based on the training of ADL through cognitive stimulation on the independence of ADL of persons with dementia. Methods: Institutionalized older adults with major neurocognitive disorder or dementia (N = 58) were randomly allocated to receive either the Occupational Therapy ADL cognitive stimulation programme or conventional Occupational Therapy. The cognitive level and the independence level performing ADL were measured at baseline (week 0), after 5 weeks of treatment (week 5) and after 6 weeks of follow up (week 12). A value of p p = 0.006). The improvements were seen in relation to feeding (p = 0.001), dressing (p = 0.005) and bladder and bowel incontinence (p = 0.003), the changes observed in feeding are statistically significant. However, those improvements were not maintained after the follow up period. There were no significant changes in relation to the cognitive level (p = 0.741). Conclusions: Occupational Therapy based on ADL cognitive stimulation can have a positive effect, increasing the independence of subjects with major neurocognitive disorder or dementia who are institutionalised

    Effects of a Cognitive Stimulation Program in Institutionalized Patients with Dementia

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    Background: The advances achieved by the available research that focus on understanding memory operation and cognitive functions have helped the development of specific treatment approaches. These can help to maintain or improve the cognitive function and well-being of people with dementia. The use of cognitive stimulation in dementia has a long history. There are multiple studies that have demonstrated its benefits on the cognitive levels of patients with mild to moderate dementia. However, all of the studies on this type of non-pharmacological intervention conclude that there is a need for more clinical trials in order to give more solidity to the evidence already found. The objective of this pilot study was to assess the effects of an occupational therapy cognitive training program on the cognitive function of institutionalized older adults with dementia. Methods: The study was a pilot randomized clinical controlled trial. A total of 58 participants with major neurocognitive disorder or dementia were randomized to the occupational therapy cognitive training program group or to the conventional occupational therapy group twice a week for 5 weeks. The cognitive level was measured with the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) and the Lobo’s Cognitive Mini Test (LCMT), which is the Mini-Mental Status Examination in Spanish. Measures were taken at baseline (week 0), after 5 weeks of treatment (week 5), and after 6 weeks of follow up (week 12). A value of p < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: There were no statistical differences between groups in the LCMT global scores at baseline or after the intervention at week 5. However, the analysis of the specific cognitive areas assessed in the Lobo’s Cognitive Mini Test indicated that that the intervention group significantly improved comprehension of verbal commands and praxis (p = 0.021). At the follow-up measure, the differences obtained in relation to verbal commands and praxis maintained the statistical differences significantly (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Occupational therapy based on cognitive training shows positive effects on the maintenance of the global cognitive state of institutionalized older adults with dementia and improves significantly the comprehension of verbal commands and praxis