16 research outputs found

    Assessing health-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, in Crete, Greece

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    BACKGROUND: Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is an important outcome measure in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The aim of our study was to assess HRQoL in a population of 135 Greek patients with IBD. METHODS: A cohort of 135 patients with IBD, 81 with ulcerative colitis (UC) and 54 with Crohn's disease (CD) were enrolled in our study. Demographic and disease-related data were recorded. HRQoL was assessed by a disease-specific and a generic questionnaire, IBDQ and SF-36, respectively. Disease activity was assessed by Harvey-Bradshaw Index and the Colitis Activity Index for CD and UC patients, respectively. RESULTS: Among all variables recorded in our study, only disease activity had a significant effect on HRQoL. Patients with active disease scored significantly lower on both IBDQ and SF-36 when compared to those in remission. Only two among the four IBDQ dimensions, bowel and systemic, had significant ability in distinguishing best patients in remission from those with active disease. CONCLUSIONS: IBD has a negative impact on HRQoL. Patients with active disease are more impaired than patients in remission. In our population of patients bowel and systemic dimensions had a predominant value in patients' perception of quality of life. Patients in our study using the same instrument scored higher than previously reported

    Tradução e adaptação cultural do Questionário Aberdeen para Veias Varicosas Translation and cultural adaptation of Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire

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    CONTEXTO: Atualmente há um crescente interesse por instrumentos de avaliação em saúde produzidos e validados em todo o mundo. Apesar disso, ainda não temos no Brasil instrumentos que avaliem o impacto da doença venosa crônica na vida de seu portador. Para utilização dessas medidas torna-se necessária a realização da tradução e da adaptação cultural ao idioma em questão. OBJETIVO: Traduzir e adaptar culturalmente para a população brasileira o Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire (AVVQ- Brasil). MÉTODOS: O processo consistiu de duas traduções e duas retrotraduções realizadas por tradutores independentes, da avaliação das versões seguida da elaboração de versão consensual e de pré-teste comentado. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes do pré-teste eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 49,9 anos, média de tempo de resposta 7,73 minutos, que variou entre 4,55 minutos (tempo mínimo) a 10,13 minutos (tempo máximo). Escolaridade: 20% analfabetismo funcional, 1º grau completo e 2º grau completo; 30% 1º grau incompleto; e 10% 3º grau completo. Gravidade clínica 40% C3 e C6S, 10% C2 e C5, havendo cinco termos incompreendidos na aplicação. CONCLUSÕES: A versão na língua portuguesa do Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire está traduzida e adaptada para uso na população brasileira, podendo ser utilizada após posterior análise de suas propriedades clinimétricas.<br>BACKGROUND: Currently there is a growing interest in health assessment tools produced and validated throughout the world. Nevertheless, it is still inadequate the number of instruments that assess the impact of chronic venous disease in the life of its bearer. To use these measures it is necessary to accomplish the translation and cultural adaptation to the language in question. OBJECTIVE: Translate to Portuguese and culturally adapted for the Brazilian population the Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire (AVVQ-Brazil). METHODS: The process consisted of two translations and two back-translations performed by freelance translators, then the evaluation versions of the development of consensual version and commented pretest. RESULTS: The patients in the pre-test were female, mean age 49.9 years, average response time of 7.73 minutes, which ranged from 4.55 minutes (minimum) to 10.13 minutes (maximum time). Education: 20% functional illiteracy and first and second complete degrees; 30% first incomplete degree, and 10% third complete degree. Clinical severity: 40% C3 and C6s, 10% C2 and C5, with five misunderstood terms in the application. CONCLUSION: The Portuguese version of the Aberdeen Varicose Veins Questionnaire has been translated and adapted for use in the Brazilian population, and can be used after further analysis of their clinimetric properties, which is underway

    Questionário específico para sintomas do joelho "Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale": tradução e validação para a língua portuguesa Specific questionnaire for knee symptoms - the "Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale": translation and validation into Portuguese

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    As doenças do joelho apresentam conseqüências variadas para a função e a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Para traduzir, validar e verificar as propriedades de medida do questionário específico para sintomas do joelho "Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale" para a língua portuguesa, selecionamos, por conveniência, 50 pacientes (29 homens e 21 mulheres, média de idade 38,7 anos) com lesão de joelho (lesão meniscal, lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior, condromalácia ou artrose). A reprodutibilidade e a concordância ordinal inter e intra-entrevistador foram excelentes (alfa = 0,9). A concordância nominal inter-entrevistadores foi boa (Kappa = 0,7) e intra-entrevistador, excelente (Kappa = 0,8). No processo de validação, correlacionamos o questionário Lysholm com a escala numérica da dor (r=-0,6; p=0,001) e com o índice de Lequesne (r= -0,8; p=0,001). As correlações entre o Lysholm e a avaliação global da saúde pelo paciente e pelo terapeuta apresentaram-se fracas e não significantes. As correlações entre o questionário Lysholm e o SF-36 foram significantes nos aspectos físicos (r = 0,4; p = 0,04), de dor (r = 0,5; p = 0,001) e de capacidade funcional (r = 0,7; p = 0,0001). Concluímos que a tradução e adaptação cultural do "Lysholm knee scoring scale" para o nosso idioma apresentou reprodutibilidade e validade em pacientes com lesão meniscal, lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior, condromalácia ou artrose do joelho.<br>Knee diseases present variable consequences for an individual’s function and quality of life. For the purposes of translating, validating and checking the measurement properties of the specific questionnaire for knee symptoms - the "Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale" - into Portuguese, we selected, for convenience, 50 patients (29 males and 21 females, mean age = 38.7 years) with knee injuries (meniscal injury, anterior cruciate ligament injury, chondromalacia or arthrosis). Reproducibility and ordinal consistency inter- and intra-interviewer were excellent (alpha = 0.9). The nominal consistency inter-interviewers was good (Kappa = 0.7) and intra-interviewer was excellent (Kappa = 0.8). During validation process, we correlated the Lysholm questionnaire with the pain numerical scale (r=-0.6; p=0.001) and with he Lequesne index (r= -0.8; p=0.001). Correlations between Lysholm questionnaire and the global health evaluation by patient and by therapist were poor and not significant. The correlations between Lysholm questionnaire and SF-36 were significant for physical aspects (r = 0.4; p = 0.04), pain (r = 0.5; p = 0.001) and function (r = 0.7; p = 0.0001). We concluded that the translation and cultural adaptation of the "Lysholm knee scoring scale" into our language have proven to be reproducible and valid in patients with meniscal injury, anterior cruciate ligament injury, chondromalacia or knee arthrosis