143 research outputs found

    Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polypropylene via multilayer coextrusion: Influence on the mechanical properties

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    The authors would like to thank PSA for funding this research and providing some of the materials used in this study. We also would like to thank R. GlĂ©nat, P. Soria, E. Dandeu, A. Grand- montagne and A. Dubruc for their help in the preparation and the optical and mechanical characterizations of the samples presented in this study.Multilayer coextrusion was used to disperse Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) in polypropylene (PP). The dilution of commercially available masterbatches using a twin-screw extruder was first applied to produce several formulations, which were then mixed with PP using a multilayer coextrusion device to obtain films or pellets with CNT concentrations between 0.1 and 1%wt. The influence of the specific mechanical energy (SME) during the dilution step, of the addition of a compatibilizer, and of the multilayer tool on the CNT dispersion within the matrix was highlighted. The effect of the dispersion on the thermomechanical properties of the resulting materials was studied. We showed notably that films containing 0.2%wt CNT, 1%wt of PPgAm, prepared at high SME presented a Young’s modulus increase of 25e30% without significant decrease in the elongation at break. These results, using low amounts of CNT and industrially available devices, may show a new path for producing nanocomposites

    Oxidative degradation of polylactide (PLA) and its effects on physical and mechanical properties

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    The thermo-oxidative degradation of polylactide (PLA) films was studied between 70 and 150 C. It was shown that the oxidative degradation of PLA leads to a random chain cission responsible for a reduction of the molar mass. These molar mass changes affect Tg and the degree of crystallinity, and it was found that Tg decreases according to the Fox–Flory theory whereas the degree of crystallinity increases due to a chemicrystallization process. A correlation between molar mass and strain at break during oxidation has been established: PLA displays a brittle behavior when Mn falls below 40 kg mol 1 in agreement with relationships linking the critical value for embrittlement with the molar mass between entanglements

    Forced assembly by multilayer coextrusion to create oriented graphene reinforced polymer nanocomposites

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    A potential advantage of platelet-like nanofillers as nanocomposite reinforcements is the possibility of achieving two-dimensional stiffening through planar orientation of the platelets. The ability to achieve improved properties through in-plane orientation of the platelets is a challenge and, here, we present the first results of using forced assembly to orient graphene nanoplatelets in poly(methyl methacrylate)/ polystyrene (PMMA/PS) and PMMA/PMMA multilayer films produced through multilayer coextrusion. The films exhibited a multilayer structure made of alternating layers of polymer and polymer containing graphene as evidenced by electron microscopy. Significant single layer reinforcement of 118% at a concentration of 2 wt % graphene was achieveddhigher than previously reported reinforcement for randomly dispersed graphene. The large reinforcement is attributed to the planar orientation of the graphene in the individual polymer layers. Anisotropy of the stiffening was also observed and attributed to imperfect planar orientation of the graphene lateral to the extrusion flow

    Extensional Viscosity of Immiscible Polymers Multinanolayer Films: Signature of the Interphase

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    The measurement of interfacial mechanical or rheological properties in polymer blends is a challenging task, as well as providing a quantitative link between these properties and the interfacial nanostructure. Here, we perform a systematic study of the extensional rheology of multilayer films of an immsicible polymer pair, polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate). We take advantage of multinanolayer coextrusion to increase the number of interfaces up to thousands, consequently magnifying the interfacial response of the films. The transient elongational response is compared to an addivity rule model based on the summation of the contribution of each polymer as well as the interfacial one. At low strain rates, the model reproduces the transient extensional viscosity up to strain-thinning, while at larger ones, the extra stress exceeds the prediction based on constant interfacial tension. This extra-contribution is attributed to an interphase modulus on the order of 1-10 MPa, which increases with strain rate following a power-law with an exponent 1/3. Extensional rheology of multinanolayer films is then an efficient combination to go beyond interfacial tension and measure quantitatively the interfacial rheology of immiscible polymer blends.Comment: 6 figure

    Existence of a critical layer thickness in PS/PMMA nanolayered films

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    An experimental study was carried out to investigate the existence of a critical layer thickness in nanolayer coextrusion, under which no continuous layer is observed. Polymer films containing thousands of layers of alternating polymers with individual layer thicknesses below 100 nm have been prepared by coextrusion through a series of layer multiplying elements. Different films composed of alternating layers of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS) were fabricated with the aim to reach individual layer thicknesses as small as possible, varying the number of layers, the mass composition of both components and the final total thickness of the film. Films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and a statistical analysis was used to determine the distribution in layer thicknesses and the continuity of layers. For the PS/PMMA nanolayered systems, results point out the existence of a critical layer thickness around 10 nm, below which the layers break up. This critical layer thickness is reached regardless of the processing route, suggesting it might be dependent only on material characteristics but not on process parameters. We propose this breakup phenomenon is due to small interfacial perturbations that are amplified by (van der Waals) disjoining forces

    EB1 regulates microtubule dynamics and tubulin sheet closure in vitro.

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    International audienceEnd binding 1 (EB1) is a plus-end-tracking protein (+TIP) that localizes to microtubule plus ends where it modulates their dynamics and interactions with intracellular organelles. Although the regulating activity of EB1 on microtubule dynamics has been studied in cells and purified systems, the molecular mechanisms involved in its specific activity are still unclear. Here, we describe how EB1 regulates the dynamics and structure of microtubules assembled from pure tubulin. We found that EB1 stimulates spontaneous nucleation and growth of microtubules, and promotes both catastrophes (transitions from growth to shrinkage) and rescues (reverse events). Electron cryomicroscopy showed that EB1 induces the initial formation of tubulin sheets, which rapidly close into the common 13-protofilament-microtubule architecture. Our results suggest that EB1 favours the lateral association of free tubulin at microtubule-sheet edges, thereby stimulating nucleation, sheet growth and closure. The reduction of sheet length at microtubule growing-ends together with the elimination of stressed microtubule lattices may account for catastrophes. Conversely, occasional binding of EB1 to the microtubule lattice may induce rescues

    PLA/PHBV Films with Improved Mechanical and Gas Barrier Properties

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    Blending poly(lactic acid) (PLA) with a small amount of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV; 10 wt%) using a custom multilayer co-extrusion process increases both ductility and gas barrier properties of extruded films compared with neat PLA and classical blending methods. The co-extrusion process allows multiplication of the number of alternate layers of PLA and PHBV within a film. It was observed that for a critical number of theoretical layers, PHBV layers are broken into lamellas. A well-developed lamellar morphology, with thin and long lamellas of highly crystalline PHBV in PLA matrix was obtained. A balance between aspect ratio and crystallinity of the lamellas, and their dispersion within the PLA matrix was needed to obtain films with improved permeability and mechanical properties

    Instability and rupture of sheared viscous liquid nanofilms

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    Liquid nanofilms are ubiquitous in nature and technology, and their equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium dynamics are key to a multitude of phenomena and processes. We numerically study the evolution and rupture of viscous nanometric films, incorporating the effects of surface tension, van der waals forces, thermal fluctuations and viscous shear. We show that thermal fluctuations create perturbations that can trigger film rupture, but they do not significantly affect the growth rate of the perturbations. The film rupture time can be predicted from a linear stability analysis of the governing thin film equation, by considering the most unstable wavelength and the thermal roughness. Furthermore, applying a sufficiently large unidirectional shear can stabilise large perturbations, creating a finite-amplitude travelling wave instead of film rupture. In contrast, in three dimensions, unidirectional shear does not inhibit rupture, as perturbations are not suppressed in the direction perpendicular to the applied shear. However, if the direction of shear varies in time, the growth of large perturbations is prevented in all directions, and rupture can hence be impeded

    Laser transmission welding as an assembling process for high temperature electronic packaging.

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    Higher efficiency, power density, reliability and longer lifetime of power electronic devices would stem from progresses in material science. In this work, we propose to use a high performance thermoplastic polymer PAEK as packaging box to extend the operating temperature above 200°C. More, the laser transmission welding process has been applied to PAEK to join the two-part module. In order to validate this assembling process, the temperature distribution inside the specimens was measured during laser transmission welding. The assembly consists of a quasi-amorphous sample as the upper part and a semi-crystalline sample as the lower part. The temperature fields were measured by infrared thermography with the camera sensor perpendicular to the welded interface. With an energy beam of 28 J.mm-2 and irradiation time of 15 s, we have noticed that the maximum temperature inside the sample is kept far from the PAEK degradation one. Moreover, the temperature at the interface reaches the melting temperature thus assuring enough mobility for polymeric chains to get adhesion at the interface. The location and size of the heat-affected zone has been determined. Finally, some frames were machined and successfully welded
