102 research outputs found

    A 5D non compact and non Ricci flat Kaluza-Klein Cosmology

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    A model universe is proposed in the framework of 5-dimensional noncompact Kaluza-Klein cosmology which is not Ricci flat. The 4D part as the Robertson-Walker metric is coupled to conventional perfect fluid, and its extra-dimensional part is coupled to a dark pressure through a scalar field. It is shown that neither early inflation nor current acceleration of the 4D universe would happen if the non-vacuum states of the scalar field would contribute to 4D cosmology.Comment: 13 pages, major revision, published online in GR

    A Godel-Friedman cosmology?

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    Based on the mathematical similarity between the Friedman open metric and Godel's metric in the case of nearby distances, we investigate a new scenario for the Universe's evolution, where the present Friedman universe originates from a primordial Godel universe by a phase transition during which the cosmological constant vanishes. Using Hubble's constant and the present matter density as input, we show that the radius and density of the primordial Godel universe are close, in order of magnitude, to the present values, and that the time of expansion coincides with the age of the Universe in the standard Friedman model. In addition, the conservation of angular momentum provides, in this context, a possible origin for the rotation of galaxies, leading to a relation between the masses and spins corroborated by observational data.Comment: Extended version, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Stability of Circular Orbits in General Relativity: A Phase Space Analysis

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    Phase space method provides a novel way for deducing qualitative features of nonlinear differential equations without actually solving them. The method is applied here for analyzing stability of circular orbits of test particles in various physically interesting environments. The approach is shown to work in a revealing way in Schwarzschild spacetime. All relevant conclusions about circular orbits in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime are shown to be remarkably encoded in a single parameter. The analysis in the rotating Kerr black hole readily exposes information as to how stability depends on the ratio of source rotation to particle angular momentum. As a wider application, it is exemplified how the analysis reveals useful information when applied to motion in a refractive medium, for instance, that of optical black holes.Comment: 20 pages. Accepted for publication in Int. J. theor. Phy

    Curvature of the universe and the dark energy potential

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    The flatness of an accelerating universe model (characterized by a dark energy scalar field χ\chi) is mimicked from a curved model that is filled with, apart from the cold dark matter component, a quintessencelike scalar field QQ. In this process, we characterize the original scalar potential V(Q)V(Q) and the mimicked scalar potential V(χ)V(\chi) associated to the scalar fields QQ and χ\chi, respectively. The parameters of the original model are fixed through the mimicked quantities that we relate to the present astronomical data, such that the equation state parameter wχw_{_{\chi}} and the dark energy density parameter Ωχ\Omega_{\chi}.Comment: References 7 and 8 have been corrected: (7) Riess et al. 1998, AJ, 116, 1009 and (8) Perlmutter et al. 1999, ApJ, 517, 56

    Nebular spectra and abundance tomography of the Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe: a normal SN Ia with a stable Fe core

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    A series of optical and one near-infrared nebular spectra covering the first year of the Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe are presented and modelled. The density profile that proved best for the early optical/ultraviolet spectra, ‘?-11fe’, was extended to lower velocities to include the regions that emit at nebular epochs. Model ?-11fe is intermediate between the fast deflagration model W7 and a low-energy delayed-detonation. Good fits to the nebular spectra are obtained if the innermost ejecta are dominated by neutron-rich, stable Fe-group species, which contribute to cooling but not to heating. The correct thermal balance can thus be reached for the strongest [Fe ii] and [Fe iii] lines to be reproduced with the observed ratio. The 56Ni mass thus obtained is ?0.47 ± 0.05?M?. The bulk of 56Ni has an outermost velocity of ?8500 km s?1. The mass of stable iron is ?0.23 ± 0.03?M?. Stable Ni has low abundance, ?10?2?M?. This is sufficient to reproduce an observed emission line near 7400 Å. A sub-Chandrasekhar explosion model with mass 1.02?M? and no central stable Fe does not reproduce the observed line ratios. A mock model where neutron-rich Fe-group species are located above 56Ni following recent suggestions is also shown to yield spectra that are less compatible with the observations. The densities and abundances in the inner layers obtained from the nebular analysis, combined with those of the outer layers previously obtained, are used to compute a synthetic bolometric light curve, which compares favourably with the light curve of SN 2011fe

    The Long-Term Future of Extragalactic Astronomy

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    If the current energy density of the universe is indeed dominated by a cosmological constant, then high-redshift sources will remain visible to us only until they reach some finite age in their rest-frame. The radiation emitted beyond that age will never reach us due to the acceleration of the cosmic expansion rate, and so we will never know what these sources look like as they become older. As a source image freezes on a particular time frame along its evolution, its luminosity distance and redshift continue to increase exponentially with observation time. The higher the current redshift of a source is, the younger it will appear as it fades out of sight. For the popular set of cosmological parameters, I show that a source at a redshift z=5-10 will only be visible up to an age of 4-6 billion years. Arguments relating the properties of high-redshift sources to present-day counterparts will remain indirect even if we continue to monitor these sources for an infinite amount of time. These sources will not be visible to us when they reach the current age of the universe.Comment: Phys. Rev. D, in press (2001

    Termination of the Phase of Quintessence by Gravitational Back-Reaction

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    We study the effects of gravitational back-reaction in models of Quintessence. The effective energy-momentum tensor with which cosmological fluctuations back-react on the background metric will in some cases lead to a termination of the phase of acceleration. The fluctuations we make use of are the perturbations in our present Universe. Their amplitude is normalized by recent measurements of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background, their slope is taken to be either scale-invariant, or characterized by a slightly blue tilt. In the latter case, we find that the back-reaction effect of fluctuations whose present wavelength is smaller than the Hubble radius but which are stretched beyond the Hubble radius by the accelerated expansion during the era of Quintessence domination can become large. Since the back-reaction effects of these modes oppose the acceleration, back-reaction will lead to a truncation of the period of Quintessence domination. This result impacts on the recent discussions of the potential incompatibility between string theory and Quintessence.Comment: 7 pages a few clarifying comments adde

    Bulk Viscous LRS Biachi-I Universe with variable GG and decaying Λ\Lambda

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    The present study deals with spatially homogeneous and totally anisotropic locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type I cosmological model with variable GG and Λ\Lambda in presence of imperfect fluid. To get the deterministic model of Universe, we assume that the expansion (θ)(\theta) in the model is proportional to shear (σ)(\sigma). This condition leads to A=ℓBnA=\ell B^{n}, where AA,\;BB are metric potential. The cosmological constant Λ\Lambda is found to be decreasing function of time and it approaches a small positive value at late time which is supported by recent Supernovae Ia (SN Ia) observations. Also it is evident that the distance modulus curve of derived model matches with observations perfectly.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures and 1 table, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Massive cosmic strings in Bianchi type II

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    We study a massive cosmic strings with BII symmetries cosmological models in two contexts. The first of them is the standard one with a barotropic equation of state. In the second one we explore the possibility of taking into account variable \textquotedblleft constants\textquotedblright (GG and Λ).\Lambda ).Both models are studied under the self-similar hypothesis. We put special emphasis in calculating the numerical values for the equations of state. We find that for ω∈(0,1]\omega\in(0,1], GG, is a growing time function while Λ\Lambda, behaves as positive decreasing time function. If ω=0,\omega=0, both \textquotedblleft constants\textquotedblright, GG and Λ,\Lambda, behave as true constants.Comment: 7 pages, RevTe

    Disappearing Dark Matter in Brane World Cosmology: New Limits on Noncompact Extra Dimensions

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    We explore cosmological implications of dark matter as massive particles trapped on a brane embedded in a Randall-Sundrum noncompact higher dimension AdS5AdS_5 space. It is an unavoidable consequence of this cosmology that massive particles are metastable and can disappear into the bulk dimension. Here, we show that a massive dark matter particle (e.g. the lightest supersymmetric particle) is likely to have the shortest lifetime for disappearing into the bulk. We examine cosmological constraints on this new paradigm and show that disappearing dark matter is consistent (at the 95% confidence level) with all cosmological constraints, i.e. present observations of Type Ia supernovae at the highest redshift, trends in the mass-to-light ratios of galaxy clusters with redshift, the fraction of X-ray emitting gas in rich clusters, and the spectrum of power fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. A best 2σ2 \sigma concordance region is identified corresponding to a mean lifetime for dark matter disappearance of 15≤Γ−1≤8015 \le \Gamma^{-1} \le 80 Gyr. The implication of these results for brane-world physics is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, new cosmological constraints added, accepted for publication in PR
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