370 research outputs found
Triadic motifs and dyadic self-organization in the World Trade Network
In self-organizing networks, topology and dynamics coevolve in a continuous
feedback, without exogenous driving. The World Trade Network (WTN) is one of
the few empirically well documented examples of self-organizing networks: its
topology strongly depends on the GDP of world countries, which in turn depends
on the structure of trade. Therefore, understanding which are the key
topological properties of the WTN that deviate from randomness provides direct
empirical information about the structural effects of self-organization. Here,
using an analytical pattern-detection method that we have recently proposed, we
study the occurrence of triadic "motifs" (subgraphs of three vertices) in the
WTN between 1950 and 2000. We find that, unlike other properties, motifs are
not explained by only the in- and out-degree sequences. By contrast, they are
completely explained if also the numbers of reciprocal edges are taken into
account. This implies that the self-organization process underlying the
evolution of the WTN is almost completely encoded into the dyadic structure,
which strongly depends on reciprocity.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; Best Paper Award at the 6th International
Conference on Self-Organizing Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, 15-16/03/201
Structure and Evolution of the World Trade Network
The \emph{World Trade Web} (WTW), the network defined by the international
import/export trade relationships, has been recently shown to display some
important topological properties which are tightly related to the Gross
Domestic Product of world countries. While our previous analysis focused on the
static, undirected version of the WTW, here we address its full evolving,
directed description. This is accomplished by exploiting the peculiar
reciprocity structure of the WTW to recover the directed nature of
international trade channels, and by studying the temporal dependence of the
parameters describing the WTW topology.Comment: Proceedings of the "First Bonzenfreies Colloquium on Market Dynamics
and Quantitative Economics", Alessandria (ITALY) September 9-10, 2004. One of
the three awarded talk
Experimental evidence for the interplay between individual wealth and transaction network
We conduct a market experiment with human agents in order to explore the
structure of transaction networks and to study the dynamics of wealth
accumulation. The experiment is carried out on our platform for 97 days with
2,095 effective participants and 16,936 times of transactions. From these data,
the hybrid distribution (log-normal bulk and power-law tail) in the wealth is
observed and we demonstrate that the transaction networks in our market are
always scale-free and disassortative even for those with the size of the order
of few hundred. We further discover that the individual wealth is correlated
with its degree by a power-law function which allows us to relate the exponent
of the transaction network degree distribution to the Pareto index in wealth
distribution.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure
Interplay between topology and dynamics in the World Trade Web
We present an empirical analysis of the network formed by the trade
relationships between all world countries, or World Trade Web (WTW). Each
(directed) link is weighted by the amount of wealth flowing between two
countries, and each country is characterized by the value of its Gross Domestic
Product (GDP). By analysing a set of year-by-year data covering the time
interval 1950-2000, we show that the dynamics of all GDP values and the
evolution of the WTW (trade flow and topology) are tightly coupled. The
probability that two countries are connected depends on their GDP values,
supporting recent theoretical models relating network topology to the presence
of a `hidden' variable (or fitness). On the other hand, the topology is shown
to determine the GDP values due to the exchange between countries. This leads
us to a new framework where the fitness value is a dynamical variable
determining, and at the same time depending on, network topology in a
continuous feedback.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Applications of Physics in
Financial Analysis (APFA5), 29 June - 1 July 2006, Torino (ITALY
The scale-free topology of market investments
We propose a network description of large market investments, where both
stocks and shareholders are represented as vertices connected by weighted links
corresponding to shareholdings. In this framework, the in-degree () and
the sum of incoming link weights () of an investor correspond to the number
of assets held (\emph{portfolio diversification}) and to the invested wealth
(\emph{portfolio volume}) respectively. An empirical analysis of three
different real markets reveals that the distributions of both and
display power-law tails with exponents and . Moreover, we find
that scales as a power-law function of with an exponent .
Remarkably, despite the values of , and differ across
the three markets, they are always governed by the scaling relation
. We show that these empirical findings can be
reproduced by a recent model relating the emergence of scale-free networks to
an underlying Paretian distribution of `hidden' vertex properties.Comment: Final version accepted for publication on Physica
Uncovering the mesoscale structure of the credit default swap market to improve portfolio risk modelling
One of the most challenging aspects in the analysis and modelling of
financial markets, including Credit Default Swap (CDS) markets, is the presence
of an emergent, intermediate level of structure standing in between the
microscopic dynamics of individual financial entities and the macroscopic
dynamics of the market as a whole. This elusive, mesoscopic level of
organisation is often sought for via factor models that ultimately decompose
the market according to geographic regions and economic industries. However, at
a more general level the presence of mesoscopic structure might be revealed in
an entirely data-driven approach, looking for a modular and possibly
hierarchical organisation of the empirical correlation matrix between financial
time series. The crucial ingredient in such an approach is the definition of an
appropriate null model for the correlation matrix. Recent research showed that
community detection techniques developed for networks become intrinsically
biased when applied to correlation matrices. For this reason, a method based on
Random Matrix Theory has been developed, which identifies the optimal
hierarchical decomposition of the system into internally correlated and
mutually anti-correlated communities. Building upon this technique, here we
resolve the mesoscopic structure of the CDS market and identify groups of
issuers that cannot be traced back to standard industry/region taxonomies,
thereby being inaccessible to standard factor models. We use this decomposition
to introduce a novel default risk model that is shown to outperform more
traditional alternatives.Comment: Quantitative Finance (2021
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