65 research outputs found

    Competencia lingüística profesional de estudiantes de universidades técnicas: concepto, especificidad y desarrollo

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    The objective of this paper is to provide a strict definition of a concept “competence” which can be used in the context of professional language training of technical university students.The literature review shows the necessity of the development of professional language competence in future tool-making engineers that technical universities in Russia train. Based on this review, the structure of this competence has been identified. Also, the process of professional language competence development is thoroughly analyzed so that the conclusions about the stages of this process and the necessary pedagogical conditions that a teacher must follow are determined.El objetivo de este artículo, es proporcionar una definición estricta del concepto de “competencia”, que se puede utilizar en el contexto de la formación en idiomas de estudiantes de universidades técnicas. La revisión de la literatura muestra la necesidad del desarrollo de la competencia lingüística profesional, en los futuros ingenieros fabricantes de herramientas de las universidades técnicas en Rusia. Con base en esta revisión, se ha identificado la naturaleza y el proceso de desarrollo de la competencia lingüística profesional. Adicionalmente, se determinan las condiciones pedagógicas necesarias que un maestro debe seguir para el logro de esta capacidad

    Blog assessment criteria within students’ self-directed learning

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    Обозначены критерии оценки блогов в рамках процесса формирования профессиональной иноязычной компетенции, умения работы с аутентичной иноязычной информацией в Интернете и навыков самообученияThe article describes the criteria for assessing blogs within the process of the formation of professional language competence, foreign language information processing skills and self-learning skill


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    As the number of teaching hours allocated to language learning in technical universities is being reduced, there is a need for a more efficient use of time spent by students on independent work. This paper states that the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), especially of blogs which have an educational potential in terms of organizing independent work of students, is underestimated in research and educational literature. The purpose of the article is to present and describe a pedagogical model for organizing independent self-learning work of technical university undergraduates, which is based on their profession-oriented blogging in English. The paper gives a brief description of the model and the approaches used to implement it. It also indicates the criteria developed specifically for evaluating students‟ blogs. The model was tested in Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University as a part of teaching experiment. The experiment results demonstrate a high level of the students‟ professional language competence which confirms the effectiveness of the presented model. Moreover, it has been proven that students can keep blogs independently, without teachers‟ guidance; as they are well familiar with the general rules of creating web pages in social networks and can easily start a professionoriented blog in English


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    Introduction. Today, the students’ personality traits and increasing their motivation to self-development are the most complex and urgent problems in foreign language training at higher technical university and in the system of higher education in general. According to the authors, the technology of student blogging is a means for addressing these issues, despite the lack of research on its methodology. In that regard, there is a need for further studies on information and communication technologies (ICT) application by promoting independent student work. The aim of this paper is to present the developed model of organization of bachelors’ independent work through educational blogging; to fulfill educational potential and to prove the efficiency of ICTs application in education taking into consideration professional foreign language competence development of future specialists in tool making. Methodology and research methods. When designing the model, the basic considerations of the following methodological approaches were considered: competency-based, personal-oriented, activity-based, thesaurus, and qualimetric; the listed above approaches enable to realize the principles of individualization, professional orientation, integrity, self-organization and interactivity in the performed work. The method of group expert assessment, as the leading one in pedagogical qualimetry, was chosen as the main method in the research undertaken. The methods of modeling and pedagogical experiment were involved. Results and scientific novelty. The structure of professional foreign language competence (including communicative, cognitive and subject components) of future toolmaking bachelors is identified. The development of the competence formation model among students is described in detail: having studied independently the subject topic, the students post the material. Pedagogical conditions and didactic guidelines for the model realization are formulated. The developed model, unlike many other models based on using ICT in foreign language teaching, takes into account the necessity of professional orientation of students’ foreign language self-learning. The model involves the use of thesaurus approach to enrich the learner’s vocabulary; and qualimetric approach to identify the level of their professional foreign language competence development. The developed model and the technology of student blogging were successfully tested as a part of pedagogical experiment at M. T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University in the 2016−2017 academic year. Practical significance. The materials of the present investigation can be useful for teachers to organize independent student work. The technology of student blogging can be generalized and adapted to a wider range of higher education training programs.Введение. К наиболее сложным и острым педагогическим проблемам иноязычной подготовки студентов технического вуза и высшей школы в целом относятся обеспечение индивидуализации обучения и стимулирование мотивации студентов к саморазвитию. По мнению авторов статьи, возможным действенным средством решения этих проблем является технология ведения учебных блогов, несмотря на ее недостаточную методическую разработанность в настоящее время. В связи с этим требуется продолжение исследований аспектов применения информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ), которые могут активизировать самообразовательную деятельность обучающихся. Цель статьи – представить авторскую модель организации самостоятельной работы бакалавров с помощью учебных блогов; раскрыть образовательный потенциал и обосновать продуктивность использования ИКТ в учебном процессе на примере развития профессиональной иноязычной компетенции будущих специалистов-приборостроителей. Методология и методики. При построении модели учитывались базовые положения комплекса методологических подходов: компетентностного, личностно-ориентированного, деятельностного, тезаурусного и квалиметрического, позволяющих реализовать в выполняемой работе принципы индивидуализации, профессиональной направленности, интегративности, самоорганизации и интерактивности. В качестве главного инструментария исследования был избран один из ведущих методов педагогической квалиметрии − групповая экспертная оценка. Задействовались также методы моделирования и педагогического эксперимента. Результаты и научная новизна. На основе экспертизы была определена структура профессиональной иноязычной компетенции будущих инженеров-приборостроителей, включающая коммуникативный, когнитивный и предметный компоненты. Подробно описано создание варианта модели формирования этой компетенции у студентов посредством ведения ими веб-страниц, на которых размещается самостоятельно освоенный материал профессиональной тематики. Сформулированы педагогические и дидактические условия и рекомендации реализации данной модели, которая отличается от большинства других, также опирающихся на ресурсы ИКТ, практико-ориентированной направленностью и учетом личностных особенностей и потребностей каждого учащегося. Предлагаемая авторами технология предусматривает тезаурусный подход к расширению иноязычного лексикона студентов и квалиметрический подход к определению уровня развития необходимой профессиональной компетенции. Разработанные модель и соответствующая ей технология в экспериментальном порядке были успешно апробированы в ИжГТУ им. М. Т. Калашникова в 2016−2017 учебном году. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования будут полезны преподавателям при организации самостоятельной работы студентов. Методика блог-технологии может быть адаптирована к другим направлениям подготовки в техническом вузе.


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    В статье рассматривается методика ведения профессионально-ориентированного блога как самостоятельной деятельности студентов в техническом вузе, направленной на развитие их профессиональной иноязычной компетенцииThe article describes the methodology of profession-oriented blogging as an independent work performed by students in a technical university and focused on developing their professional language competenc


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    The latest methodology to organize students’ independent work with information and communication technology is both an opportunity and a challenge for higher education owing to its current digitalization. The following article presents an algorithm which allows teachers to prepare for and organize students’ independent work based on student foreign-language blogging. Such an algorithm might be easily used and reproduced by foreign language teachers and researchers engaged in profession-oriented foreign language training of future graduates of a technical university. It includes four procedures: from analyzing the regulatory standards and identifying the objectives and methodology of organizing students’ independent work, to forming an expert group and developing the quality-assurance criteria for this work’s further evaluation, to finding out the structure, content and levels of professional foreign language competences to be developed, as well as its information and technical support. The results of experimental work enable us to point out the effectiveness of the given algorithm in stimulating students’ growth in the competence levels, due to its focus on students’ professional development which is often a challenge to many foreign language teachers and researchers

    Quantifiable structure of professional language competence

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    The competence-based approach in education has made it easier to use qualimetric procedures to assess learning outcomes. Given the fundamentally integrative nature of competencies, they tend to have more and more complex structures. This paper discusses the structure of one such competence, professional language competence, especially relevant to future technical university graduates who have to be able not only to solve professional problems but also use a foreign language to help them do this.The purpose of this study is to find out the component-wise structure of professional language competence of future technical university graduates and show experimentally that its development level can be assessed quantitatively, thus guaranteeing its development in students.The main research methods are pedagogical experiment, testing, method of expert group assessment. The pedagogical experiment involved 23 second-year students blogging in English on profession-related topics as part of their independent work organized with the author’s pedagogical technology.The results of the study show the effectiveness of this technology. Comparative assessments are provided of the level of different components of professional language competence as well as subcomponents of one such component. The monitoring of the changes in subcomponents and components of professional language competence allows a teacher to identify weaknesses in linguistic training and difficulties that students face in their independent work so that one address them in a timely and systematic manner