8,343 research outputs found

    Abracadabra: Key Agents of Mediation that Define, Create, and Maintain TV Fandom

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    From a media industries, fan studies, and emerging socio-cultural public relations perspective, this project pulls back the Hollywood curtain to explore two questions: 1) How do TV public relations practitioners and key tastemaker/gatekeeper media define, create, build, and maintain fandom?; and 2) How do they make meaning of fandom and their agency/role in fan creation from their position of industrial producers, cultural intermediaries, members of the audience, and as fans themselves? This project brings five influential, working public relations and media professionals into a conversation about two case studies from the 2010-2011 television season – broadcast network CBS’ Hawaii Five-0 and basic cable network AMC’s The Walking Dead. Each of these shows speaks to fandom in particular ways and are representative of the industry’s current approaches in luring specific audiences to TV. This study shows that the relationship between entertainment publicists and media is dynamic, intertwined, complex, and historically hidden

    The Nature of Lyman Break Galaxies in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations

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    What type of objects are being detected as z∼3z\sim 3 "Lyman break galaxies"? Are they predominantly the most massive galaxies at that epoch, or are many of them smaller galaxies undergoing a short-lived burst of merger-induced star formation? We attempt to address this question using high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamic simulations including star formation and feedback. Our Λ\LambdaCDM simulation, together with Bruzual-Charlot population synthesis models, reproduces the observed number density and luminosity function of Lyman break galaxies when dust is incorporated. The inclusion of dust is crucial for this agreement. In our simulation, these galaxies are predominantly the most massive objects at this epoch, and have a significant population of older stars. Nevertheless, it is possible that our simulations lack the resolution and requisite physics to produce starbursts, despite having a physical resolution of \la 700 pc at z=3. Thus we cannot rule out merger-induced starburst galaxies also contributing to the observed population of high-redshift objects.Comment: 5 pages, contribution to the Proceedings of Rencontres Internationales de l'IGRAP, Clustering at High Redshift, Marseille 199

    Theoretical Modeling of the High Redshift Galaxy Population

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    We review theoretical approaches to the study of galaxy formation, with emphasis on the role of hydrodynamic simulations in modeling the high redshift galaxy population. We present new predictions for the abundance of star-forming galaxies in the Lambda + cold dark matter model (Omega_m=0.4, Omega_L=0.6), combining results from several simulations to probe a wide range of redshift. At a threshold density of one object per arcmin^2 per unit z, these simulations predict galaxies with star formation rates of 2 msun/yr (z=10), 5 msun/yr (z=8), 20 msun/yr (z=6), 70-100 msun/yr (z=4-2), and 30 msun/yr (z=0.5). For galaxies selected at a fixed comoving space density n=0.003 h^3 Mpc^{-3], a (50 Mpc/h)^3 simulation predicts a galaxy correlation function (r/5 Mpc/h)^{-1.8} in comoving coordinates, essentially independent of redshift from z=4 to z=0.5. Different cosmological models predict global histories of star formation that reflect their overall histories of mass clustering, but robust numerical predictions of the comoving space density of star formation are difficult because the simulations miss the contribution from galaxies below their resolution limit. The LCDM model appears to predict a star formation history with roughly the shape inferred from observations, but it produces too many stars at low redshift, predicting Omega_* ~ 0.015 at z=0. We conclude with a brief discussion of this discrepancy and three others that suggest gaps in our current theory of galaxy formation: small disks, steep central halo profiles, and an excess of low mass dark halos. While these problems could fade as the simulations or observations improve, they could also guide us towards a new understanding of galactic scale star formation, the spectrum of primordial fluctuations, or the nature of dark matter.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figs. To be published in "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R. Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M. Sawicki & R. Brunner, (San Francisco: ASP Conference Series

    The Population of Damped Lyman-alpha and Lyman Limit Systems in the Cold Dark Matter Model

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    Lyman limit and damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems probe the distribution of collapsed, cold gas at high redshift. Numerical simulations that incorporate gravity and gas dynamics can predict the abundance of such absorbers in cosmological models. We develop a semi-analytical method to correct the numerical predictions for the contribution of unresolved low mass halos, and we apply this method to the Katz et al. (1996) simulation of the standard cold dark matter model (Ω=1\Omega=1, h=0.5h=0.5, Ωb=0.05\Omega_b=0.05, σ8=0.7\sigma_8=0.7). Using this simulation and higher resolution simulations of individual low mass systems, we determine the relation between a halo's circular velocity vcv_c and its cross section for producing Lyman limit or damped absorption. We combine this relation with the Press-Schechter formula for the abundance of halos to compute the number of absorbers per unit redshift. The resolution correction increases the predicted abundances by about a factor of two at z=2, 3, and 4, bringing the predicted number of damped absorbers into quite good agreement with observations. Roughly half of the systems reside in halos with circular velocities v_c>100\kms and half in halos with 35\kms. Halos with v_c>150\kms typically harbor two or more systems capable of producing damped absorption. Even with the resolution correction, the predicted abundance of Lyman limit systems is a factor of three below observational estimates, signifying either a failure of standard CDM or a failure of these simulations to resolve the systems responsible for most Lyman limit absorption. By comparing simulations with and without star formation, we find that depletion of the gas supply by star formation affects absorption line statistics at z>=2z>=2 only for column densities exceeding NHI=1022cm−2N_{HI}=10^{22} cm^{-2}.Comment: AASlatex, 17 pages w/ 3 embedded ps figures. Submitted to Ap

    The Neuroscience Information Framework: A Data and Knowledge Environment for Neuroscience

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    With support from the Institutes and Centers forming the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research, we have designed and implemented a new initiative for integrating access to and use of Web-based neuroscience resources: the Neuroscience Information Framework. The Framework arises from the expressed need of the neuroscience community for neuroinformatic tools and resources to aid scientific inquiry, builds upon prior development of neuroinformatics by the Human Brain Project and others, and directly derives from the Society for Neuroscience’s Neuroscience Database Gateway. Partnered with the Society, its Neuroinformatics Committee, and volunteer consultant-collaborators, our multi-site consortium has developed: (1) a comprehensive, dynamic, inventory of Web-accessible neuroscience resources, (2) an extended and integrated terminology describing resources and contents, and (3) a framework accepting and aiding concept-based queries. Evolving instantiations of the Framework may be viewed at http://nif.nih.gov, http://neurogateway.org, and other sites as they come on line

    Cooling Radiation and the Lyman-alpha Luminosity of Forming Galaxies

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    We examine the cooling radiation from forming galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations of the LCDM model (cold dark matter with a cosmological constant), focusing on the Ly-alpha line luminosities of high-redshift systems. Primordial composition gas condenses within dark matter potential wells, forming objects with masses and sizes comparable to the luminous regions of observed galaxies. As expected, the energy radiated in this process is comparable to the gravitational binding energy of the baryons, and the total cooling luminosity of the galaxy population peaks at z ~= 2. However, in contrast to the classical picture of gas cooling from the \sim 10^6 K virial temperature of a typical dark matter halo, we find that most of the cooling radiation is emitted by gas with T < 20,000 K. As a consequence, roughly 50% of this cooling radiation emerges in the Ly-alpha line. While a galaxy's cooling luminosity is usually smaller than the ionizing continuum luminosity of its young stars, the two are comparable in the most massive systems, and the cooling radiation is produced at larger radii, where the Ly-alpha photons are less likely to be extinguished by dust. We suggest, in particular, that cooling radiation could explain the two large (\sim 100 kpc), luminous (L_{Ly-alpha} \sim 10^{44} erg s^{-1}) ``blobs'' of Ly-alpha emission found in Steidel et al.'s (1999) narrow band survey of a z = 3 proto-cluster. Our simulations predict objects of the observed luminosity at about the right space density, and radiative transfer effects can account for the observed sizes and line widths. We discuss observable tests of this hypothesis for the nature of the Ly-alpha blobs, and we present predictions for the contribution of cooling radiation to the Ly-alpha luminosity function of galaxies as a function of redshift.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 28 pages including 9 PS figures. Version with color figures available at http://donald.astro.umass.edu/~fardal/papers/cooling/cooling.htm

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of Two Massive Red-Sequence-Selected Galaxy Clusters at z ~ 1.2 in the SpARCS-North Cluster Survey

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    The Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) is a deep z'-band imaging survey covering the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) Legacy fields designed to create the first large homogeneously selected sample of massive clusters at z > 1 using an infrared adaptation of the cluster red-sequence method. We present an overview of the northern component of the survey which has been observed with Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)/MegaCam and covers 28.3 deg^2. The southern component of the survey was observed with Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO)/MOSAICII, covers 13.6 deg^2, and is summarized in a companion paper by Wilson et al. We also present spectroscopic confirmation of two rich cluster candidates at z ~ 1.2. Based on Nod-and-Shuffle spectroscopy from GMOS-N on Gemini, there are 17 and 28 confirmed cluster members in SpARCS J163435+402151 and SpARCS J163852+403843 which have spectroscopic redshifts of 1.1798 and 1.1963, respectively. The clusters have velocity dispersions of 490 ± 140 km s^(–1) and 650 ± 160 km s^(–1), respectively, which imply masses (M_(200)) of (1.0 ± 0.9) × 10^(14) M_⊙ and (2.4 ± 1.8) × 10^(14) M_⊙. Confirmation of these candidates as bonafide massive clusters demonstrates that two-filter imaging is an effective, yet observationally efficient, method for selecting clusters at z > 1

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Massive Red-Sequence-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.34 in the SpARCS-South Cluster Survey

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    The Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) is a z'-passband imaging survey, consisting of deep (z' ~ 24 AB) observations made from both hemispheres using the CFHT 3.6m and CTIO 4m telescopes. The survey was designed with the primary aim of detecting galaxy clusters at z >~ 1. In tandem with pre-existing 3.6um observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope SWIRE Legacy Survey, SpARCS detects clusters using an infrared adaptation of the two-filter red-sequence cluster technique. The total effective area of the SpARCS cluster survey is 41.9 deg^2. In this paper, we provide an overview of the 13.6 deg^2 Southern CTIO/MOSAICII observations. The 28.3 deg^2 Northern CFHT/MegaCam observations are summarized in a companion paper by Muzzin et al. (2008). In this paper, we also report spectroscopic confirmation of SpARCS J003550-431224, a very rich galaxy cluster at z = 1.335, discovered in the ELAIS-S1 field. To date, this is the highest spectroscopically confirmed redshift for a galaxy cluster discovered using the red-sequence technique. Based on nine confirmed members, SpARCS J003550-431224 has a preliminary velocity dispersion of 1050 +/- 230 km/s. With its proven capability for efficient cluster detection, SpARCS is a demonstration that we have entered an era of large, homogeneously-selected z > 1 cluster surveys.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Figures, Submitted to the Ap

    The Infuence of Omega_baryon on High-Redshift Structure

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    We analyze high-redshift structure in three hydrodynamic simulations that have identical initial conditions and cosmological parameters and differ only in the value of the baryon density parameter, Omega_b=0.02, 0.05, 0.125. Increasing Omega_b does not change the fraction of baryons in the diffuse (unshocked) phase of the intergalactic medium, but it increases cooling rates and therefore transfers some baryons from the shocked intergalactic phase to the condensed phase associated with galaxies. Predictions of Lyman-alpha forest absorption are almost unaffected by changes of Omega_b provided that the UV background intensity is adjusted so that the mean opacity of the forest matches the observed value. The required UV background intensity scales as Omega_b^1.7, and the higher photoionization rate increases the gas temperature in low density regions. Damped Lyman-alpha absorption and Lyman limit absorption both increase with increasing Omega_b, though the impact is stronger for damped absorption and is weaker at z=4 than at z=2-3. The mass of cold gas and stars in high-redshift galaxies increases faster than Omega_b but slower than Omega_b^2, and the global star formation rate scales approximately as Omega_b^1.5. In the higher Omega_b models, the fraction of baryonic material within the virial radius of dark matter halos is usually higher than the universal fraction, indicating that gas dynamics and cooling can lead to over-representation of baryons in virialized systems. On the whole, our results imply a fairly intuitive picture of the influence of Omega_b on high-redshift structure, and we provide scalings that can be used to estimate the impact of Omega_b uncertainties on the predictions of hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ, high-resolution version availible at http://lahmu.phyast.pitt.edu/~gardner/publications/omegab.ps.g

    Testing Cosmological Models Against the Abundance of Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers

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    We calculate the number of damped Lyman-alpha absorbers expected in various popular cosmological models as a function of redshift and compare our predictions with observed abundances. The Press-Schechter formalism is used to obtain the distribution of halos with circular velocity in different cosmologies, and we calibrate the relation between circular velocity and absorption cross-section using detailed gas dynamical simulations of a ``standard'' cold dark matter (CDM) model. Because of this calibration, our approach makes more realistic assumptions about the absorption properties of collapsed objects than previous, analytic calculations of the damped Lyman-alpha abundance. CDM models with Omega_0=1, H_0=50, baryon density Omega_b=0.05, and scale-invariant primeval fluctuations reproduce the observed incidence and redshift evolution of damped Lyman-alpha absorption to within observational uncertainty, for both COBE normalization (sigma_8=1.2) and a lower normalization (sigma_8=0.7) that better matches the observed cluster abundance at z=0. A tilted (n=0.8, sigma_8=0.7) CDM model tends to underproduce absorption, especially at z=4. With COBE normalization, a CDM model with Omega_0=0.4, Omega_{Lambda}=0.6 gives an acceptable fit to the observed absorption; an open CDM model is marginally acceptable if Omega_0 is at least 0.4 and strongly inconsistent with the z=4 data if Omega_0=0.3. Mixed dark matter models tend not to produce sufficient absorption, being roughly comparable to tilted CDM models if Omega_{nu} = 0.2 and failing drastically if Omega_{nu} = 0.3.Comment: AASlatex, 13 pages w/ 2 embedded ps figures. To be published in ApJ, Sept. 1, 199
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