4,374 research outputs found

    Lower limit on the achievable temperature in resonator-based sideband cooling

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    A resonator can be effectively used as a cooler for another linear oscillator with a much smaller frequency. A huge cooling effect, which could be used to cool a mechanical oscillator below the energy of quantum fluctuations, has been predicted by several authors. However, here we show that there is a lower limit T* on the achievable temperature that was not considered in previous works and can be higher than the quantum limit in realistic experimental realizations. We also point out that the decay rate of the resonator, which previous studies stress should be small, must be larger than the decay rate of the cooled oscillator for effective cooling.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, uses psfra

    Radiative coupling and weak lasing of exciton-polariton condensates

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    In spite of having finite life-time exciton-polaritons in microcavities are known to condense at strong enough pumping of the reservoir. We present an analytical theory of such Bose-condensates on a set of localized one-particle states: condensation centers. To understand physics of these arrays one has to supplement the Josephson coupling by the radiative coupling caused by the interference of the light emitted by different centers. Combination of these couplings with the one-site interaction between the bosons leads to a rich nonlinear dynamics. In particular, a new regime of radiation appears. We call it weak lasing: the centers have macroscopic occupations and radiate coherently, but the coupling alone is sufficient for stabilization. The system can have several stable states and switch between them. Moreover, the time reversal symmetry in this regime is, as a rule, broken. A number of existing experimental puzzles find natural interpretation in the framework of this theory.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Unconditional two-mode squeezing of separated atomic ensembles

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    We propose schemes for the unconditional preparation of a two-mode squeezed state of effective bosonic modes realized in a pair of atomic ensembles interacting collectively with optical cavity and laser fields. The scheme uses Raman transitions between stable atomic ground states and under ideal conditions produces pure entangled states in the steady state. The scheme works both for ensembles confined within a single cavity and for ensembles confined in separate, cascaded cavities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Thermal Properties of Interacting Bose Fields and Imaginary-Time Stochastic Differential Equations

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    Matsubara Green's functions for interacting bosons are expressed as classical statistical averages corresponding to a linear imaginary-time stochastic differential equation. This makes direct numerical simulations applicable to the study of equilibrium quantum properties of bosons in the non-perturbative regime. To verify our results we discuss an oscillator with quartic anharmonicity as a prototype model for an interacting Bose gas. An analytic expression for the characteristic function in a thermal state is derived and a Higgs-type phase transition discussed, which occurs when the oscillator frequency becomes negative.Comment: Published versio

    Helix or Coil? Fate of a Melting Heteropolymer

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    We determine the probability that a partially melted heteropolymer at the melting temperature will either melt completely or return to a helix state. This system is equivalent to the splitting probability for a diffusing particle on a finite interval that moves according to the Sinai model. When the initial fraction of melted polymer is f, the melting probability fluctuates between different realizations of monomer sequences on the polymer. For a fixed value of f, the melting probability distribution changes from unimodal to a bimodal as the strength of the disorder is increased.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Decoherence of number states in phase-sensitive reservoirs

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    The non-unitary evolution of initial number states in general Gaussian environments is solved analytically. Decoherence in the channels is quantified by determining explicitly the purity of the state at any time. The influence of the squeezing of the bath on decoherence is discussed. The behavior of coherent superpositions of number states is addressed as well.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations

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    Stochastic differential equations (sdes) play an important role in physics but existing numerical methods for solving such equations are of low accuracy and poor stability. A general strategy for developing accurate and efficient schemes for solving stochastic equations in outlined here. High order numerical methods are developed for integration of stochastic differential equations with strong solutions. We demonstrate the accuracy of the resulting integration schemes by computing the errors in approximate solutions for sdes which have known exact solutions
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