7,421 research outputs found

    Quantum Kinetic Theory VI: The Growth of a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A detailed analysis of the growth of a BEC is given, based on quantum kinetic theory, in which we take account of the evolution of the occupations of lower trap levels, and of the full Bose-Einstein formula for the occupations of higher trap levels, as well as the Bose stimulated direct transfer of atoms to the condensate level introduced by Gardiner et al. We find good agreement with experiment at higher temperatures, but at lower temperatures the experimentally observed growth rate is somewhat more rapid. We also confirm the picture of the ``kinetic'' region of evolution, introduced by Kagan et al., for the time up to the initiation of the condensate. The behavior after initiation essentially follows our original growth equation, but with a substantially increased rate coefficient. Our modelling of growth implicitly gives a model of the spatial shape of the condensate vapor system as the condensate grows, and thus provides an alternative to the present phenomenological fitting procedure, based on the sum of a zero-chemical potential vapor and a Thomas-Fermi shaped condensate. Our method may give substantially different results for condensate numbers and temperatures obtained from phenomentological fits, and indicates the need for more systematic investigation of the growth dynamics of the condensate from a supersaturated vapor.Comment: TeX source; 29 Pages including 26 PostScript figure

    Emergent classicality in continuous quantum measurements

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    We develop a classical theoretical description for nonlinear many-body dynamics that incorporates the back-action of a continuous measurement process. The classical approach is compared with the exact quantum solution in an example with an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential where the atom numbers in both potential wells are monitored by light scattering. In the classical description the back-action of the measurements appears as diffusion of the relative phase of the condensates on each side of the trap. When the measurements are frequent enough to resolve the system dynamics, the system behaves classically. This happens even deep in the quantum regime, and demonstrates how classical physics emerges from quantum mechanics as a result of measurement back-action

    Isolating intrinsic noise sources in a stochastic genetic switch

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    The stochastic mutual repressor model is analysed using perturbation methods. This simple model of a gene circuit consists of two genes and three promotor states. Either of the two protein products can dimerize, forming a repressor molecule that binds to the promotor of the other gene. When the repressor is bound to a promotor, the corresponding gene is not transcribed and no protein is produced. Either one of the promotors can be repressed at any given time or both can be unrepressed, leaving three possible promotor states. This model is analysed in its bistable regime in which the deterministic limit exhibits two stable fixed points and an unstable saddle, and the case of small noise is considered. On small time scales, the stochastic process fluctuates near one of the stable fixed points, and on large time scales, a metastable transition can occur, where fluctuations drive the system past the unstable saddle to the other stable fixed point. To explore how different intrinsic noise sources affect these transitions, fluctuations in protein production and degradation are eliminated, leaving fluctuations in the promotor state as the only source of noise in the system. Perturbation methods are then used to compute the stability landscape and the distribution of transition times, or first exit time density. To understand how protein noise affects the system, small magnitude fluctuations are added back into the process, and the stability landscape is compared to that of the process without protein noise. It is found that significant differences in the random process emerge in the presence of protein noise

    Number-Phase Wigner Representation for Efficient Stochastic Simulations

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    Phase-space representations based on coherent states (P, Q, Wigner) have been successful in the creation of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) for the efficient stochastic simulation of high dimensional quantum systems. However many problems using these techniques remain intractable over long integrations times. We present a number-phase Wigner representation that can be unraveled into SDEs. We demonstrate convergence to the correct solution for an anharmonic oscillator with small dampening for significantly longer than other phase space representations. This process requires an effective sampling of a non-classical probability distribution. We describe and demonstrate a method of achieving this sampling using stochastic weights.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Theory of the Ramsey spectroscopy and anomalous segregation in ultra-cold rubidium

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    The recent anomalous segregation experiment of Lewandowski et al. (PRL, 88, 070403, 2002) shows dramatic, rapid internal state segregation for two hyperfine levels of rubidium. We simulate an effective one dimensional model of the system for experimental parameters and find reasonable agreement with the data. The Ramsey frequency is found to be insensitive to the decoherence of the superposition, and is only equivalent to the interaction energy shift for a pure superposition. A Quantum Boltzmann equation describing collisions is derived using Quantum Kinetic Theory, taking into account the different scattering lengths of the internal states. As spin-wave experiments are likely to be attempted at lower temperatures we examine the effect of degeneracy on decoherence by considering the recent experiment of Lewandowski et al. where degeneracy is around 10%. We also find that the segregation effect is only possible when transport terms are included in the equations of motion, and that the interactions only directly alter the momentum distributions of the states. The segregation or spin wave effect is thus entirely due to coherent atomic motion as foreseen in the experimental reportComment: 26 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys.

    Optimal Stochastic Enhancement of Photoionization

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    The effect of noise on the nonlinear photoionization of an atom due to a femtosecond pulse is investigated in the framework of the stochastic Schr\"odinger equation. A modest amount of white noise results in an enhancement of the net ionization yield by several orders of magnitude, giving rise to a form of quantum stochastic resonance. We demonstrate that this effect is preserved if the white noise is replaced by broadband chaotic light.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Trapping and Cooling a mirror to its quantum mechanical ground state

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    We propose a technique aimed at cooling a harmonically oscillating mirror to its quantum mechanical ground state starting from room temperature. Our method, which involves the two-sided irradiation of the vibrating mirror inside an optical cavity, combines several advantages over the two-mirror arrangements being used currently. For comparable parameters the three-mirror configuration provides a stiffer trap for the oscillating mirror. Furthermore it prevents bistability from limiting the use of higher laser powers for mirror trapping, and also partially does so for mirror cooling. Lastly, it improves the isolation of the mirror from classical noise so that its dynamics are perturbed mostly by the vacuum fluctuations of the optical fields. These improvements are expected to bring the task of achieving ground state occupation for the mirror closer to completion.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Tripartite entanglement and threshold properties of coupled intracavity downconversion and sum-frequency generation

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    The process of cascaded downconversion and sum-frequency generation inside an optical cavity has been predicted to be a potential source of three-mode continuous-variable entanglement. When the cavity is pumped by two fields, the threshold properties have been analysed, showing that these are more complicated than in well-known processes such as optical parametric oscillation. When there is only a single pumping field, the entanglement properties have been calculated using a linearised fluctuation analysis, but without any consideration of the threshold properties or critical operating points of the system. In this work we extend this analysis to demonstrate that the singly pumped system demonstrates a rich range of threshold behaviour when quantisation of the pump field is taken into account and that asymmetric polychromatic entanglement is available over a wide range of operational parameters.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Non-destructive cavity QED probe of Bloch oscillations in a gas of ultracold atoms

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    We describe a scheme for probing a gas of ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice and moving in the presence of an external potential. The probe is non-destructive and uses the existing lattice fields as the measurement device. Two counter-propagating cavity fields simultaneously set up a conservative lattice potential and a weak quantum probe of the atomic motion. Balanced heterodyne detection of the probe field at the cavity output along with integration in time and across the atomic cloud yield information about the atomic dynamics in a single run. The scheme is applied to a measurement of the Bloch oscillation frequency for atoms moving in the presence of the local gravitational potential. Signal-to-noise ratios are estimated to be as high as 10410^4.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement via quadruply concurrent downconversion

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    We investigate an intra-cavity coupled down-conversion scheme to generate quadripartite entanglement using concurrently resonant nonlinearities. We verify that quadripartite entanglement is present in this system by calculating the output fluctuation spectra and then considering violations of optimized inequalities of the van Loock-Furusawa type. The entanglement characteristics both above and below the oscillation threshold are considered. We also present analytic solutions for the quadrature operators and the van Loock-Furusawa correlations in the undepleted pump approximation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
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