156 research outputs found

    alpha-Motoneurons maintain biophysical heterogeneity in obesity and diabetes in Zucker rats

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    Small-diameter sensory dysfunction resulting from diabetes has received much attention in the literature, whereas the impact of diabetes on α-motoneurons (MN) has not. In addition, the chance of developing insulin resistance and diabetes is increased in obesity. No study has examined the impact of obesity or diabetes on the biophysical properties of MN. Lean Zucker rats and Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats were separated into lean, obese (ZDF fed standard chow), and diabetic (ZDF fed high-fat diet that led to diabetes) groups. Glass micropipettes recorded hindlimb MN properties from identified flexor and extensor MN. MN were separated within their groups on the basis of input conductance, which created high- and low-input conductance subpopulations for each. A significant shorter (20%) afterhyperpolarization half-decay (AHP1/2) was found in low-conductance MN for the diabetic group only, whereas AHP½ tended to be shorter in the obese group (19%). Significant positive correlations were found among rheobase and input conductance for both lean and obese animals. No differences were found between the groups for afterhyperpolarization amplitude (AHPamp), input conductance, rheobase, or any of the rhythmic firing properties (frequency-current slope and spike-frequency adaptation index). MN properties continue to be heterogeneous in obese and diabetic animals. Obesity does not seem to influence lumbar MN. Despite the resistance of MN to the impact of diabetes, the reduced AHP1/2 decay and the tendency for a reduction in AHPamp may be the first sign of change to MN function

    Altered transcription of glutamatergic and glycinergic receptors in spinal cord dorsal horn following spinal cord transection is minimally affected by passive exercise of the hindlimbs

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    Gene expression is altered following a spinal transection (STx) in both motor and sensory systems. Exercise has been shown to influence gene expression in both systems post‐STx. Gene expression alterations have also been shown in the dorsal root ganglia and nociceptive laminae of the spinal cord following either an incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) or a contusive SCI. However, the effect of STx and exercise on gene expression in spinal cord laminae I‐III has not fully been examined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether gene expression in laminae I‐III is altered following STx and determine whether superimposed passive exercise of the hindlimbs would influence gene expression post‐STx in laminae I‐III. Laser capture microdissection was used to selectively harvest laminae I‐III of lumbar spinal cord sections, and quantitative RT‐PCR was used to examine relative expression of 23 selected genes in samples collected from control, STx and STx plus exercise rats. We demonstrate that post‐STx, gene expression for metabotropic glutamate receptors 1, 5 and 8 were up‐regulated, whereas ionotropic glutamatergic receptor (Glur2) and glycinergic subunit GLRA1 expression was down‐regulated. Daily exercise attenuated the down‐regulation of Glur2 gene expression in laminae I‐III. Our results demonstrate that in a STx model, gene expression is altered in laminae I‐III and that although passive exercise influences gene expression in both the motor and sensory systems, it had a minimal effect on gene expression in laminae I‐III post‐STx

    Mutations of Different Molecular Origins Exhibit Contrasting Patterns of Regional Substitution Rate Variation

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    Transitions at CpG dinucleotides, referred to as “CpG substitutions”, are a major mutational input into vertebrate genomes and a leading cause of human genetic disease. The prevalence of CpG substitutions is due to their mutational origin, which is dependent on DNA methylation. In comparison, other single nucleotide substitutions (for example those occurring at GpC dinucleotides) mainly arise from errors during DNA replication. Here we analyzed high quality BAC-based data from human, chimpanzee, and baboon to investigate regional variation of CpG substitution rates

    The tetanic depression in fast motor units of mammalian skeletal muscle can be evoked by lengthening of one initial interpulse interval

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    A lower than expected tetanic force (the tetanic depression) is regularly observed in fast motor units (MUs) when a higher stimulation frequency immediately follows a lower one. The aim of the present study was to determine whether prolongation of only the first interpulse interval (IPI) resulted in tetanic depression. The experiments were carried out on fast MUs of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in cats and rats. The tetanic depression was measured in each case as the force decrease of a tetanus with one IPI prolonged in relation to the tetanic force at the respective constant stimulation frequency. Force depression was observed in all cases studied and was considerably greater in cats. For cats, the mean values of force depression amounted to 28.64% for FR and 10.86% for FF MUs whereas for rats 9.30 and 7.21% for FR and FF motor units, respectively. Since the phenomenon of tetanic depression in mammalian muscle is commonly observed even after a change in only the initial interpulse interval within a stimulation pattern, it can effectively influence processes of force regulation during voluntary activity of a muscle, when motoneurones progressively increase the firing rate

    Biological detoxification of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol and its use in genetically engineered crops and feed additives

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) is the major mycotoxin produced by Fusarium fungi in grains. Food and feed contaminated with DON pose a health risk to humans and livestock. The risk can be reduced by enzymatic detoxification. Complete mineralization of DON by microbial cultures has rarely been observed and the activities turned out to be unstable. The detoxification of DON by reactions targeting its epoxide group or hydroxyl on carbon 3 is more feasible. Microbial strains that de-epoxidize DON under anaerobic conditions have been isolated from animal digestive system. Feed additives claimed to de-epoxidize trichothecenes enzymatically are on the market but their efficacy has been disputed. A new detoxification pathway leading to 3-oxo-DON and 3-epi-DON was discovered in taxonomically unrelated soil bacteria from three continents; the enzymes involved remain to be identified. Arabidopsis, tobacco, wheat, barley, and rice were engineered to acetylate DON on carbon 3. In wheat expressing DON acetylation activity, the increase in resistance against Fusarium head blight was only moderate. The Tri101 gene from Fusarium sporotrichioides was used; Fusarium graminearum enzyme which possesses higher activity towards DON would presumably be a better choice. Glycosylation of trichothecenes occurs in plants, contributing to the resistance of wheat to F. graminearum infection. Marker-assisted selection based on the trichothecene-3-O-glucosyltransferase gene can be used in breeding for resistance. Fungal acetyltransferases and plant glucosyltransferases targeting carbon 3 of trichothecenes remain promising candidates for engineering resistance against Fusarium head blight. Bacterial enzymes catalyzing oxidation, epimerization, and less likely de-epoxidation of DON may extend this list in future

    First Precambrian palaeomagnetic data from the Mawson Craton (East Antarctica) and tectonic implications

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    A pilot palaeomagnetic study was conducted on the recently dated with in situ SHRIMP U-Pb method at 1134 ± 9 Ma (U-Pb, zircon and baddeleyite) Bunger Hills dykes of the Mawson Craton (East Antarctica). Of the six dykes sampled, three revealed meaningful results providing the first well-dated Mesoproterozoic palaeopole at 40.5°S, 150.1°E (A95 = 20°) for the Mawson Craton. Discordance between this new pole and two roughly coeval poles from Dronning Maud Land and Coats Land (East Antarctica) demonstrates that these two terranes were not rigidly connected to the Mawson Craton ca. 1134 Ma. Comparison between the new pole and that of the broadly coeval Lakeview dolerite from the North Australian Craton supports the putative ~40° late Neoproterozoic relative rotation between the North Australian Craton and the combined South and West Australian cratons. A mean ca. 1134 Ma pole for the Proto-Australia Craton is calculated by combining our new pole and that of the Lakeview dolerite after restoring the 40° intracontinental rotation. A comparison of this mean pole with the roughly coeval Abitibi dykes pole from Laurentia confirms that the SWEAT reconstruction of Australia and Laurentia was not viable for ca. 1134 Ma

    Stochastic Drift in Mitochondrial DNA Point Mutations: A Novel Perspective Ex Silico

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    The mitochondrial free radical theory of aging (mFRTA) implicates Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)-induced mutations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as a major cause of aging. However, fifty years after its inception, several of its premises are intensely debated. Much of this uncertainty is due to the large range of values in the reported experimental data, for example on oxidative damage and mutational burden in mtDNA. This is in part due to limitations with available measurement technologies. Here we show that sample preparations in some assays necessitating high dilution of DNA (single molecule level) may introduce significant statistical variability. Adding to this complexity is the intrinsically stochastic nature of cellular processes, which manifests in cells from the same tissue harboring varying mutation load. In conjunction, these random elements make the determination of the underlying mutation dynamics extremely challenging. Our in silico stochastic study reveals the effect of coupling the experimental variability and the intrinsic stochasticity of aging process in some of the reported experimental data. We also show that the stochastic nature of a de novo point mutation generated during embryonic development is a major contributor of different mutation burdens in the individuals of mouse population. Analysis of simulation results leads to several new insights on the relevance of mutation stochasticity in the context of dividing tissues and the plausibility of ROS ”vicious cycle” hypothesis

    OVERHEATED SECURITY? The Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security

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    Since the mid-2000s, climate change has become one of the defining security issues in political as well as academic debates and amongst others has repeatedly been discussed in the UN Security Council and countless high level government reports in various countries. Beyond the question whether the characterisation as ‘security issue’ is backed up by any robust empirical findings, this begs the question whether the ‘securitisation’ of climate change itself has had tangible political consequences. Moreover, within this research area there is still a lively discussion about which security conceptions apply, how to conceptualise (successful) securitisation and whether it is a (politically and normatively) desirable approach to deal with climate change. The aim of this dissertation is to shed light on these issues and particularly to contribute to a more thorough understanding of different forms or ‘discourses’ of securitisation and their political effects on a theoretical and empirical level. Theoretically, it conceptualises securitisation as resting on different forms of power, which are derived from Michel Foucault’s governmentality lectures. The main argument is that this framework allows me to better capture the ambiguous and diverse variants of securitisation and the ever-changing concept of security as well as to come to a more thorough understanding of the political consequences and powerful effects of constructing issues in terms of security. Empirically, the thesis looks at three country cases, namely the United States, Germany and Mexico. This comparative angle allows me to go beyond the existing literature on the securitisation of climate change that mostly looks at the global level, and to come to a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of different climate security discourses and their political consequences. Concerning the main results, the thesis finds that climate change has indeed been securitised very differently in the three countries and thus has facilitated diverse political consequences. These range from an incorporation of climate change into the defence sector in the US, the legitimisation of far-reaching climate policies in Germany, to the integration of climate change into several civil protection and agricultural insurance schemes in Mexico. Moreover, resting on different forms of power, the securitisation of climate change has played a key role in constructing specific actors and forms of knowledge as legitimate as well as in shaping certain identities in the face of the dangers of climate change. From a normative perspective, neither of these political consequences is purely good or bad but highly ambiguous and necessitates a careful, contextual assessment