18 research outputs found

    OAysters: Acidification effects on susceptibility of Crassostrea gigas larvae to infection by Vibrio tubiashii

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    In recent years, the oyster Crassostrea gigas has been subject to recurrent outbreaks of vibriosis. The bacteria Vibrio tubiashii induces acute mortality in the veliger larval stage, with severe repercussions for aquaculture and recruitment. The disease is known to be correlated with environmental factors such as temperature and salinity. In our study, we sought to examine the relationship between a rapidly changing environmental factor, ocean acidification, and pathogenicity using a series of larval inoculations at two different carbon dioxide concentration, bacterial strains, larval ages, and bacterial dilutions. Our results of mortality and LD50 indicate that some strains of V. tubiashii may be less pathogenic under acidified conditions and these findings warrant more investigation

    Development of genomic resources for a thraustochytrid pathogen and investigation of temperature influences on gene expression.

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    Understanding how environmental changes influence the pathogenicity and virulence of infectious agents is critical for predicting epidemiological patterns of disease. Thraustochytrids, part of the larger taxonomic class Labyrinthulomycetes, contain several highly pathogenic species, including the hard clam pathogen quahog parasite unknown (QPX). QPX has been associated with large-scale mortality events along the northeastern coast of North America. Growth and physiology of QPX is temperature-dependent, and changes in local temperature profiles influence pathogenicity. In this study we characterize the partial genome of QPX and examine the influence of temperature on gene expression. Genes involved in several biological processes are differentially expressed upon temperature change, including those associated with altered growth and metabolism and virulence. The genomic and transcriptomic resources developed in this study provide a foundation for better understanding virulence, pathogenicity and life history of thraustochytrid pathogens

    Average number of SNPs per kilobase pair in 152 contigs associated with GO Slim biological processes.

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    <p>Bar heights represent the average SNP rate per kilobase pair for select GO Slim biological processes. Color intensity of the bars indicates number of contigs for each GO Slim term.</p

    Relative gene expression levels (RPKM) between QPX10 and QPX21 libraries.

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    <p>Each circle represents a single contig, with blue circles indicating those contigs that are differentially expressed. The diagonal line represents equal expression between the two libraries.</p

    Classification of annotated QPX contigs based on Gene Ontology.

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    <p>Representation of (a) biological processes, (b) molecular function, and (c) cellular components from Gene Ontology Slim terms based on Swiss-Prot gene annotations. The gene ontology categories ‘other biological processes functions’ (a), ‘other molecular functions’ (b), and ‘other cellular components’ (c) were excluded from these graphs.</p