490 research outputs found

    Sigma pole position and errors of a once and twice subtracted dispersive analysis of pi-pi scattering data

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    We show how the new precise data on kaon decays together with forward dispersion relations, sum rules and once- and twice-subtracted Roy's equations allow for a precise determination of the sigma meson pole position. We present a comparison and a study of the different sources of uncertainties when using either once- or twice-subtracted Roy's equations to analyze the data. Finally we present a preliminary determination of the sigma pole from the constrained dispersive data analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the QCD08 14th International QCD Conference. 7-12th July 2008 Montpellier (France); one reference removed, changed errors in Eqs (4), (5) and (7

    Profile of residents: attitude towards tourism in Benalmádena (Costa del Sol, Spain)

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    Tourism development and evolution along the time causes multiple impacts. Based on characteristic profiles of resident, these impacts may be assessed differently. The attitude of residents and the identification of profiles is a tool that allows to asses the status of destination and propose future strategies for improving the destination. This study aims to analyse the role of residents regarding the perception of tourism.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Así mismo, Esta investigación ha sido subvencionada por el programa Nacional de Investigación Básica 2012, CS2010-30840. "Geografías de la crisis: analisis urbano turístico de las Islas Baleares, Costa del Sol y principales destinos en el Caribe

    Gestión del bienestar social y su relación con la felicidad laboral de los colaboradores administrativos en una universidad privada de Trujillo - 2020

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    La investigación desarrollada tuvo como problema principal: ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre la gestión del bienestar social y la felicidad laboral de los colaboradores administrativos en una universidad privada de Trujillo – 2020?, a partir de ello, se planteó como objetivo general determinar la relación entre gestión del bienestar social y la felicidad laboral de los colaboradores administrativos en una universidad privada de Trujillo – 2020. En donde se utilizó una metodología de tipo básica con una técnica de contrastación correlacional, y un diseño no experimental, además se contó con una muestra compuesta por 244 trabajadores administrativos, la cual se halló mediante el empleo de fórmula estadística; a estos trabajadores administrativos se le aplicó encuesta usando el software google form, con dos cuestionarios elaborados, de 33 y 23 preguntas correspondiente a las variables gestión del bienestar social y felicidad laboral respectivamente. Los resultados se presentaron mediante tablas y figuras, donde en primer lugar se verificó la existencia de una eficiente gestión del bienestar social según el 50.2% de los resultados, mientras que el 42.7% evidenció un nivel alto en la felicidad laboral del trabajador. Finalmente, se llegó a concluir que la gestión de bienestar social se relaciona directa y positivamente con la felicidad laboral de los colaboradores administrativos en una universidad privada de Trujillo-2020.The main problem of the research carried out was: what is the relationship between the management of social welfare and the job happiness of the administrative collaborators in a private university in Trujillo - 2020? between social welfare management and job happiness of administrative collaborators in a private university in Trujillo - 2020. Where a basic type of methodology was used with a correlational contrast technique, and a non-experimental design, in addition there was a sample composed of 244 administrative collaborators, which was found by using a statistical formula; a survey was applied to these workers, by means of two questionnaires of 33 and 23 questions corresponding to the variable’s management of social welfare and job happiness, respectively. The results were presented by means of tables and figures, where in the first place the existence of an efficient management of social welfare was verified according to 50.2% of the results, while 42.7% showed a high level of worker happiness at work. Finally, it was concluded that the management of social welfare is directly and positively related to the job happiness of administrative collaborators in a private university in Trujillo - 2020Tesi

    New dispersion relations in the description of ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitudes

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    We present a set of once subtracted dispersion relations which implement crossing symmetry conditions for the ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitudes below 1 GeV. We compare and discuss the results obtained for the once and twice subtracted dispersion relations, known as Roy's equations, for three ππ\pi\pi partial JI waves, S0, P and S2. We also show that once subtracted dispersion relations provide a stringent test of crossing and analyticity for ππ\pi\pi partial wave amplitudes, remarkably precise in the 400 to 1.1 GeV region, where the resulting uncertainties are significantly smaller than those coming from standard Roy's equations, given the same input.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Meson 2008 conference, June 6-10, 2008, Cracow, Polan