242 research outputs found

    Unifying approach for fluctuation theorems from joint probability distributions

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    Any decomposition of the total trajectory entropy production for Markovian systems has a joint probability distribution satisfying a generalized detailed fluctuation theorem, when all the contributing terms are odd with respect to time reversal. The expression of the result does not bring into play dual probability distributions, hence easing potential applications. We show that several fluctuation theorems for perturbed non-equilibrium steady states are unified and arise as particular cases of this general result. In particular, we show that the joint probability distribution of the system and reservoir trajectory entropies satisfy a detailed fluctuation theorem valid for all times although each contribution does not do it separately

    A Framework for Assessing Public Private Partnerships

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    This paper examines in detail Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), discussing their main objectives, implementations and challenges. The possible joint venture between the government and private companies when establishing a PPP is addressed, and an analytical approach to evaluate a PPP measure of success (M) is proposed. Applications of PPP are described, giving special attention to American and European experiences. It concludes by examining future extensions of the analytical Measure of Success of a PPP and what lies ahead for future PPP implementations.Public Private Partnership; Tagus River Bridge, Alameda Corridor; Dulles Gateway; European Experience

    Local yield stress statistics in model amorphous solids

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    We develop and extend a method presented in [S. Patinet, D. Vandembroucq, and M. L. Falk, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 045501 (2016)] to compute the local yield stresses at the atomic scale in model two-dimensional Lennard-Jones glasses produced via differing quench protocols. This technique allows us to sample the plastic rearrangements in a non-perturbative manner for different loading directions on a well-controlled length scale. Plastic activity upon shearing correlates strongly with the locations of low yield stresses in the quenched states. This correlation is higher in more structurally relaxed systems. The distribution of local yield stresses is also shown to strongly depend on the quench protocol: the more relaxed the glass, the higher the local plastic thresholds. Analysis of the magnitude of local plastic relaxations reveals that stress drops follow exponential distributions, justifying the hypothesis of an average characteristic amplitude often conjectured in mesoscopic or continuum models. The amplitude of the local plastic rearrangements increases on average with the yield stress, regardless of the system preparation. The local yield stress varies with the shear orientation tested and strongly correlates with the plastic rearrangement locations when the system is sheared correspondingly. It is thus argued that plastic rearrangements are the consequence of shear transformation zones encoded in the glass structure that possess weak slip planes along different orientations. Finally, we justify the length scale employed in this work and extract the yield threshold statistics as a function of the size of the probing zones. This method makes it possible to derive physically grounded models of plasticity for amorphous materials by directly revealing the relevant details of the shear transformation zones that mediate this process

    Synthesis and Characterization of S-IPN Hydrogels of Chitosan/PVA/PNIPAm to be Used in the Design of Nucleus Pulposus Prosthesis

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    Hydrogels (HG) have been widely used in biomedical applications due to their high-water content which improves their biocompatibility with living tissue. In this study, Chitosan (CS) hydrogels cross-linked with Genipin and semi interpenetrated network (S-IPN) with PVA/PNIPAm were prepared to be used in the design of nucleus pulposus (NP) prosthesis. Chemical structure, morphology, swelling ratio (SR), mechanical properties and cytotoxicity were evaluated through a variation of the Genipin percentage and CS/PVA/PNIPAm proportions. Those experiments were carried out through Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, swelling studies, dynamic rheology, and hemocompatibility tests. The results showed that regardless of the Genipin percentage or polymers proportions, all HGs had interconnective porous structure. What did change microstructurally, was the pore size, its size distribution and the wall thickness. Firstly, an increment in the Genipin percentage and in the CS proportion concluded in an augmentation of the pore size. Secondly, an augmentation in the PVA proportion ended up producing smaller pores, with larger wall thickness and more homogeneous pore size distribution. The variation in PNIPAm proportion didn´t influence the morphology, but did have an impact on the SR and storage modulus (G´) augmenting in both cases as the PNIPAm proportion. The swelling ratio turned out to be related to the pore morphology; as smaller the pore size, smaller the SR. Likewise, the storage modulus rose insofar the SR diminished. In these S-IPN HGs, G´ varied between 77 Pa and 27000 Pa, values below and above G´ reported for human NP. Also, ? varied between 1.4° and 13.17° while the ? reported for NP is 23°-31°. Finally, the hemocompatibility tests did not show cellular lysis for any formulation. These outcomes demonstrated that from the rheological and hemocompatibility point of view, this kind of as semi interpenetrated networks (S-IPNs) HGs can be tailored to attain the NP´s propertie

    Advances in Modelling of the Integrated Production Logistics in Sugarcane Harvest

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    The sugar-energy sector is extremely important to the Brazilian economy, with several other production chains derived from it, generating some of the main products linked to food and energy sources. This study proposes an integration model for sugarcane harvesting logistics processes, focusing on optimisation of industrial plant production capacity. Dynamic modelling has been applied to study a broad range of the productive phases of the sugar-energy chain. This paper proposes indicators to evaluate the degree of efficiency of the production logistics processes. Preliminary results showed that phase times in the production logistics processes can be significantly reduced in the harvest phase. When analysed as a coordination-oriented flow having chained activities, the production logistics processes optimise the speeds and travel times during the harvest phase. The developed model uses data set of the production and logistics processes phases of a sugarcane industry. A future study will focus on more detailed and complex stakeholder behaviours based on the model proposed

    Propuesta de un sistema de tareas para gestionar el conocimiento matemático en las carreras de ingeniería

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    La Educación Superior enfrenta en este siglo XXI, el reto de preparar profesionales cada vez más competentes, capaces de dar solución de forma creativa a los nuevos problemas que se presenten en su esfera de actuación. El propósito de este trabajo, es presentar un sistema de tareas que por medio de las cuales el estudiante de ingeniería tenga una participación más activa en el proceso de gestión del conocimiento matemático, donde bajo la dirección y orientación del profesor, el estudiante gestione el conocimiento de una manera responsable, crítica y reflexiva para la solución de diversos problemas. Estas tareas están diseñadas para potenciar en el estudiante, el desarrollo de las habilidades relacionadas con la gestión del conocimiento matemático. Se realiza la ejemplificación en la asignatura Matemática para las carreras de ingeniería

    Is the timed-up and go test feasible in mobile devices? A systematic review

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    The number of older adults is increasing worldwide, and it is expected that by 2050 over 2 billion individuals will be more than 60 years old. Older adults are exposed to numerous pathological problems such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, post-stroke, and orthopedic disturbances. Several physiotherapy methods that involve measurement of movements, such as the Timed-Up and Go test, can be done to support efficient and effective evaluation of pathological symptoms and promotion of health and well-being. In this systematic review, the authors aim to determine how the inertial sensors embedded in mobile devices are employed for the measurement of the different parameters involved in the Timed-Up and Go test. The main contribution of this paper consists of the identification of the different studies that utilize the sensors available in mobile devices for the measurement of the results of the Timed-Up and Go test. The results show that mobile devices embedded motion sensors can be used for these types of studies and the most commonly used sensors are the magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyroscope available in off-the-shelf smartphones. The features analyzed in this paper are categorized as quantitative, quantitative + statistic, dynamic balance, gait properties, state transitions, and raw statistics. These features utilize the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors and facilitate recognition of daily activities, accidents such as falling, some diseases, as well as the measurement of the subject's performance during the test execution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biblioteca Universitária da UFSC: memória oral e documental

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    A Obra resgata os 40 anos da BU/UFSC. A história de sua criação e os fatos marcantes no período de 1961-2002, baseado em depoimentos e fotos de todas as 11 diretoras, - Alvaceli Lusa Braga, Teresinha Izabel manso Muniz, MItsi Westphal Taylor, Dirce ardá, Elba Beaumord Neves, Amélia Silveira, Maria del Carmem Rivera Bohn, Estela Vieira de Oliveira, Edna Lúcia da Silva, Maria Ghisoni Del Rio, Sigrid Karin Weiss Dutra - funcionários fundadores, professores que treinaram as primeiras auxiliares de bibliotecário. Ilustram a obra fotos do terreno, construção, reforma, espaços e momentos que construiram esta história. Conta ainda com imagens do certificado do curso de auxiliar de bibliotecário da primeira equipe da BU, material de sinalização, campanhas e dados sobre a pricipais realizações de cada gestão

    A Especialização E A Reestruturação Produtiva Das Atividades Econômicas Entre As Mesorregiões Do Brasil Entre 2000 A 2009

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    This article has the objective to analyze the productive restructuration and the specialization of mesoregions of the Brazil between 2000 and 2009. We used measures of location and specialization with the variable formal employment, and the results were presented in thematic maps to show the spatial distribution of economic activities in Brazil by mesoregions and thus verify that there were spatial changes over the period analyzed. The results showed that the mesoregions that more restructured their production structures, as well as those who had higher coefficients of especialization, were located in the North, Northeast and Midwest. One activity that has established itself as one of the main specialties in all of these mesoregions in 2009 was the public administration. The sector that showed changes, in other words, the most concentrated in the period 2000 to 2009 was the mining sector. Moreover, it can also be noticed that the population dynamics of the North and Midwest can be directly related to the restructuring of production in these regions.Esse artigo tem como escopo analisar a reestruturação produtiva e as especializações das mesorregiões brasileiras no período de 2000 e 2009. Foram utilizadas medidas de localização e especialização, a partir da variável emprego formal, e os resultados foram apresentados em mapas temáticos, para mostrar a distribuição espacial das atividades econômicas pelas mesorregiões do Brasil e com isso verificar se houveram mudanças espaciais ao longo do período analisado. Os resultados mostraram que as mesorregiões que mais reestruturaram suas estruturas produtivas, assim como aquelas que apresentaram maiores coeficientes de especialização, estavam localizadas na região Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste. Uma das atividades que se consolidou como uma das principais especializações em todas essas mesorregiões no ano de 2009 foi a administração pública. Já o setor que mais apresentou mudanças, ou seja, o que mais se concentrou no período de 2000 a 2009 foi o setor da extração mineral. Além disso, pode-se perceber também que o dinamismo populacional do Norte e Centro-Oeste pode estar diretamente relacionado com a reestruturação produtiva dessas regiões