1,145 research outputs found

    A Cholinergic Synaptically Triggered Event Participates in the Generation of Persistent Activity Necessary for Eye Fixation

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    An exciting topic regarding integrative properties of the nervous system is how transient motor commands or brief sensory stimuli are able to evoke persistent neuronal changes, mainly as a sustained, tonic action potential firing. A persisting firing seems to be necessary for postural maintenance after a previous movement. We have studied in vitro and in vivo the generation of the persistent neuronal activity responsible for eye fixation after spontaneous eye movements. Rat sagittal brainstem slices were used for the intracellular recording of prepositus hypoglossi (PH) neurons and their synaptic activation from nearby paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) neurons. Single electrical pulses applied to the PPRF showed a monosynaptic glutamatergic projection on PH neurons, acting on AMPA-kainate receptors. Train stimulation of the PPRF area evoked a sustained depolarization of PH neurons exceeding (by hundreds of milliseconds) stimulus duration. Both duration and amplitude of this sustained depolarization were linearly related to train frequency. The train-evoked sustained depolarization was the result of interaction between glutamatergic excitatory burst neurons and cholinergic mesopontine reticular fibers projecting onto PH neurons, because it was prevented by slice superfusion with cholinergic antagonists and mimicked by cholinergic agonists. As expected, microinjections of cholinergic antagonists in the PH nucleus of alert behaving cats evoked a gaze-holding deficit consisting of a re-centering drift of the eye after each saccade. These findings suggest that a slow, cholinergic, synaptically triggered event participates in the generation of persistent activity characteristic of PH neurons carrying eye position signals

    Classification of unitary highest weight representations for non compact real forms

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    Using Jakobsen theorems, unitarizability in Hermitian Symmetric Spaces is discussed. The set of all missing highest weights is explicitly calculated and the construction of their corresponding highest weights vectors is studied.Comment: PDF, 35 pages (late submission

    Constrained parsimonious model-based clustering

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    A new methodology for constrained parsimonious model-based clustering is introduced, where some tuning parameter allows to control the strength of these constraints. The methodology includes the 14 parsimonious models that are often applied in model-based clustering when assuming normal components as limit cases. This is done in a natural way by filling the gap among models and providing a smooth transition among them. The methodology provides mathematically well-defined problems and is also useful to prevent us from obtaining spurious solutions. Novel information criteria are proposed to help the user in choosing parameters. The interest of the proposed methodology is illustrated through simulation studies and a real-data application on COVID data

    Monitoring Tools in Robust CWM for the Analysis of Crime Data

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    Robust inference for the Cluster Weighted Model requires the specification of a few hyper-parameters. Their role is crucial for increasing the quality of the estimators, while arbitrary decisions about their value could severely hamper inferential results. To guide the user in the delicate choice of such parameters, a monitoring approach has been introduced in the recent literature, yielding an adaptive method. The approach is here exemplified, via the analysis of a dataset on the effect of punishment regimes on crime rates