113 research outputs found

    Anisakis infection in allis shad, Alosa alosa (Linnaeus, 1758), and twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803), from Western Iberian Peninsula Rivers : zoonotic and ecological implications

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank M. N. Cueto and J.M. Antonio (ECOBIOMAR) for their excellent technical support and also Rodrigo López for making the map of the study area. We also thank the personal of the Vigo IEO, for providing information about shad captures at sea collected on the basis of national program (AMDES) included in the European Data Collection Framework (DCF) project. We are also grateful to Comandancia Naval de Tui for providing fishing data. M. Bao is supported by a PhD grant from the University of Aberdeen and also by financial support of the contract from the EU Project PARASITE (grant number 312068). This study was partially supported by a PhD grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) SFRH/BD/44892/2008) and partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE—Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the project BPEst-C/MAR/ LA0015/2013. The authors thank the staff of the Station of Hydrobiology of the USC BEncoro do Con^ due their participation in the surveys. This work has been partially supported by the project 10PXIB2111059PR of the Xunta de Galicia and the project MIGRANET of the Interreg IV BSUDOE (South-West Europe) Territorial Cooperation Programme (SOE2/P2/E288). D.J. Nachón is supported by a PhD grant from the Xunta de Galicia (PRE/2011/198)Peer reviewedPostprin

    Continuous representability of interval orders: The topological compatibility setting

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    In this paper, we go further on the problem of the continuous numerical representability of interval orders defined on topological spaces. A new condition of compatibility between the given topology and the indifference associated to the main trace of an interval order is introduced. Provided that this condition is fulfilled, a semiorder has a continuous interval order representation through a pair of continuous real-valued functions. Other necessary and sufficient conditions for the continuous representability of interval orders are also discussed, and, in particular, a characterization is achieved for the particular case of interval orders defined on a topological space of finite support

    The Complex Degradation Mechanism of Copper Electrodes on Lead Halide Perovskites

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    Lead halide perovskite solar cells have reached power conversion efficiencies during the past few years that rival those of crystalline silicon solar cells, and there is a concentrated effort to commercialize them. The use of gold electrodes, the current standard, is prohibitively costly for commercial application. Copper is a promising low cost electrode material that has shown good stability in perovskite solar cells with selective contacts. Furthermore, it has the potential to be self passivating through the formation of CuI, a copper salt which is also used as a hole selective material. Based on these opportunities, we investigated the interface reactions between lead halide perovskites and copper in this work. Specifically, copper was deposited on the perovskite surface, and the reactions were followed in detail using synchrotron based and in house photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show a rich interfacial chemistry with reactions starting upon deposition and, with the exposure to oxygen and moisture, progress over many weeks, resulting in significant degradation of both the copper and the perovskite. The degradation results not only in the formation of CuI, as expected, but also in the formation of two previously unreported degradation products. The hope is that a deeper understanding of these processes will aid in the design of corrosion resistant copper based electrode

    Rice APC/CTE controls tillering by mediating the degradation of MONOCULM 1

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    Rice MONOCULM 1 (MOC1) and its orthologues LS/LAS (lateral suppressor in tomato and Arabidopsis) are key promoting factors of shoot branching and tillering in higher plants. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating MOC1/LS/LAS have remained elusive. Here we show that the rice tiller enhancer (te) mutant displays a drastically increased tiller number. We demonstrate that TE encodes a rice homologue of Cdh1, and that TE acts as an activator of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) complex. We show that TE coexpresses with MOC1 in the axil of leaves, where the APC/CTE complex mediates the degradation of MOC1 by the ubiquitin–26S proteasome pathway, and consequently downregulates the expression of the meristem identity gene Oryza sativa homeobox 1, thus repressing axillary meristem initiation and formation. We conclude that besides having a conserved role in regulating cell cycle, APC/CTE has a unique function in regulating the plant-specific postembryonic shoot branching and tillering, which are major determinants of plant architecture and grain yield

    Encoding of Spatio-Temporal Input Characteristics by a CA1 Pyramidal Neuron Model

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    The in vivo activity of CA1 pyramidal neurons alternates between regular spiking and bursting, but how these changes affect information processing remains unclear. Using a detailed CA1 pyramidal neuron model, we investigate how timing and spatial arrangement variations in synaptic inputs to the distal and proximal dendritic layers influence the information content of model responses. We find that the temporal delay between activation of the two layers acts as a switch between excitability modes: short delays induce bursting while long delays decrease firing. For long delays, the average firing frequency of the model response discriminates spatially clustered from diffused inputs to the distal dendritic tree. For short delays, the onset latency and inter-spike-interval succession of model responses can accurately classify input signals as temporally close or distant and spatially clustered or diffused across different stimulation protocols. These findings suggest that a CA1 pyramidal neuron may be capable of encoding and transmitting presynaptic spatiotemporal information about the activity of the entorhinal cortex-hippocampal network to higher brain regions via the selective use of either a temporal or a rate code

    Erratum: Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at root s = 8 TeV (vol 2, 024, 2014)

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    Casemix, management, and mortality of patients receiving emergency neurosurgery for traumatic brain injury in the Global Neurotrauma Outcomes Study: a prospective observational cohort study

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    Influence of mussel aquaculture on benthic oxygen fluxes in a coastal upwelling system (Ria de Vigo, NW Iberia)

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    Oceans Sciences Meeting, 28 February-4 March 2022, virtual eventThe high primary production of the NW Iberian coastal upwelling supports high mussel production in this area. In fact, the Rias Baixas, four coastal embayments located in this region, are the largest mussel producers in Europe. The high mussel filter feeding activity results in a large production of faeces and pseudofaeces that are deposited at the benthic surface. This large loading of mussel biodeposits increases benthic remineralization. However, this type of aquaculture may be affected by climate change. Based on this, the objective of this ongoing study is to quantify the impact of intense mussel aquaculture on benthic remineralization by measuring benthic oxygen fluxes with the non-invasive Aquatic Eddy Covariance (AEC) technique. Two AEC systems were deployed concurrently below a mussel raft and in an adjacent reference location during the upwelling season (June to August, 2021). Benthic oxygen uptake under the mussel raft was approximately two times higher than at the reference location. This result emphasizes the impact mussel aquaculture can have on the oxygen dynamics and carbon cycling. Keywords: Coastal upwelling, Benthic oxygen fluxes, Aquatic Eddy Covariance, Mussel raftN