3,558 research outputs found

    Self-Referencing Fiber-Optic Intensity Sensors Using Ring Resonators and Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    An improved ring resonator self-referencing technique in a new reflection configuration for remote fiber-optic intensity sensors is demonstrated using fiber Bragg gratings. Sensor sensitivity doubles and a single fiber lead is used. The sensor is interrogated at two subcarrier frequencies having a high rejection of interference from laser source intensity fluctuations and loss in the fiber lead. We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of the new reflection configuration, the usefulness of the theoretical model proposed, and discuss design parameters for optimum insertion lossesThis work was supported in part by CICYT (TIC2003-03783 and TEC2006-13273-C03-03-MIC), in part by UC3M (FAVICOBIS), in part by CAM (FACTOTEM-CM:S-0505/ESP/000417), and in part by COST 299.Publicad

    Electro-optical Simulation of a-Si Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Pixels

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    An analysis of an amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) pixel is presented. The electro-optical model combines the electrical properties of the switching element and the optical performance of a twisted nematic (TN) liquid-crystal cell.Publicad

    A "quick look" at ultrafast ablation using fs-resolved phase-change microscopy

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    A pump-probe phase-change microscope with fs temporal resolution has been used to understand the transformation induced in the sample surface as a consequence of laser-matter interaction.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Influence of obesity on microarchitecture and biomechanical properties in patients with hip fracture.

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    La obesidad y la osteoporosis (OP) son dos patologĂ­as muy prevalentes en nuestra sociedad actual. El efecto de la obesidad sobre la calidad Ăłsea se encuentra en debate en la actualidad. Objetivo: Valorar el efecto del peso corporal sobre la microestructura y las propiedades biomecĂĄnicas de hueso trabecular procedente de biopsias de extremidad proximal de fĂ©mur de pacientes con fractura de cadera por fragilidad. Material y mĂ©todo: Estudio transversal de 16 pacientes con fractura de cadera. 2 grupos segĂșn su IMC: (A) sujetos normopeso y (B) con obesidad. Recogimos biopsias de hueso trabecular de cabeza femoral. Valoramos determinaciones bioquĂ­micas (PTH, 25(OH) vitamina D e IGF-1), marcadores de remodelado Ăłseo (PINP,CTX), masa Ăłsea (DMO cuello y cadera total), microestructura Ăłsea y estudio biomecĂĄnico (”Ct). El anĂĄlisis estadĂ­stico: t-Student (SPSS 22.0) significaciĂłn p<0,05. Resultados: Todos los pacientes presentaron DMO de cadera en rango osteoporĂłtico. El grupo de obesos presentĂł niveles superiores de PTH e inferiores de IGF-1, vitamina D y PINP. No encontramos diferencias en los parĂĄmetros relacionados con el metabolismo Ăłseo. El grupo de obesos presentĂł mejores Ă­ndices microestructurales alcanzando la significaciĂłn: mayor volumen Ăłseo (BV/TV: 36,6±12,7 vs. 19,4±11,4%, BS/TV: 5,5±1,1 vs. 3,9±1,3%), mayor nĂșmero de trabĂ©culas (Tb.N: 1,6±0,4 vs. 1,01±0,4), mayor anchura de trabĂ©culas (Tb.Th: 0,22±0,003 vs. 0,17±0,05) y menor separaciĂłn trabecular (Tb.Sp: 0,51±0,12 vs. 0,66±0,16). Los parĂĄmetros biomecĂĄnicos confirman una mayor resistencia del hueso trabecular en pacientes obesos. ConclusiĂłn: La obesidad puede ser un factor protector de la calidad Ăłsea en la regiĂłn femoral y tiene menos efecto sobre la densidad mineral Ăłsea.Obesity and osteoporosis (OP) are two very prevalent diseases in our society today. The effect of obesity on bone quality is currently a subject under discussion. Objective: To assess the effect of body weight on the microstructure and biomechanical properties of trabecular bone biopsies from the proximal end of the femur in patients with hip fracture fragility. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study of 16 patients with hip fracture. The 2 groups are divided according to their BMI: (A) normal weight individuals and (B) those with obesity. We collected biopsies of cancellous bone from the femoral head and assessed biochemical determinations (PTH, 25 (OH) vitamin D and IGF-1), bone remodeling markers (PINP, CTX), bone mass (BMD neck and total hip), bone microstructure and biomechanical study (”Ct). Statistical analysis: Student's t test (SPSS 22.0) significance p<0.05. Results: All patients had hip BMD in osteoporotic range. The obese group had higher levels of PTH and lower IGF-1, vitamin D and PINP. We found no differences in the parameters related to bone metabolism. The obese group showed better indices reaching microstructural significance: increased bone volume (BV/TV: 36.6±12.7 vs 19.4±11.4%, BS/TV: 5.5±1.1 vs 3.9±1.3%), higher trabecular number (Tb.N: 1.6±0.4 vs 1,01±0,4), greater trabecular width (Tb.Th: 0.22±0.003 vs 0.17±0.05) and lower trabecular separation (Tb.Sp: 0.51±0.12 vs 0.66±0.16). Biomechanical parameters confirm greater strength of trabecular bone in obese patients. Conclusion: Obesity may be a protective factor of bone quality in the femoral region and has less effect on bone mineral density

    Sagnac loop in ring resonators for tunable optical filters

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    General filter architecture using co- and counterpropagation signals are studied. A specific configuration based on a Sagnac loop within a ring resonator is analyzed. Novel tuning, apart from conventional tuning, is achieved by changing the coupling ratio of a coupler through the adjustment of the equivalent loop length. Full equations describing the filter behavior in passive and active configurations, and simple closed-form formulas to compute the tuning, tolerance, and full-width at half-maximum are reported. The performance of these devices is discussed for their application as selective or channel-dropping ultra-narrow-band filters. The effect of losses and their dispersion properties are also discussed. These devices can be conveniently implemented, using silicon- or InP-integrated optic technology, for they have high free spectral ranges.Publicad

    Influence of vitamin D on biomechanical microstructure and properties of patients with hip fracture.

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    Valorar niveles sĂ©ricos de 25-hidroxivitamina D -25(OH)D-, hormonas con influencia sobre el metabolismo Ăłseo (parathormona -PTH- y factor de crecimiento insulĂ­nico -IGF-I-), marcadores de remodelado Ăłseo (MRO) (telopĂ©ptido carboxilo-terminal del colĂĄgeno tipo I -ÎČ-CTX- y propĂ©ptido aminoterminal del procolĂĄgeno tipo I -PINP-), densidad mineral Ăłsea (DMO), microestructura y biomecĂĄnica de cuello de fĂ©mur, en pacientes con fractura de cadera osteoporĂłtica (OP) vs. pacientes artrĂłsicos (OA). Material y mĂ©todos: Estudio observacional transversal de 29 pacientes OP y 14 OA, edad ≄50 años. Cuantificamos niveles sĂ©ricos hormonales y MRO (inmunoensayo), DMO de cadera (DXA), microestructura (micro-CT) y biomecĂĄnica (ensayos de compresiĂłn uniaxial, sistema IGFA). AnĂĄlisis estadĂ­stico (SPSS 20.0.) Resultados: Los pacientes OP presentaron niveles inferiores de 25(OH)D (p=0,02) y DMO de cadera (p<0,05), y superiores de PTH (p=0,029) y de ÎČ-CTX (p=0,04). Los niveles de 25(OH)D se correlacionaron positivamente con IGF-I (p=0,04) y negativamente con ÎČ-CTX (p=0,003). Los valores de PTH se correlacionaron negativamente con DMO de cadera (p=0,0005) y positivamente con la separaciĂłn trabecular (Tb.Th) (p=0,006). Los pacientes con niveles de 25(OH)D <20 ng/mL presentaron niveles mayores de ÎČ-CTX (p=0,006), menores de IGF-I (p=0,007) y Tb.Th (p=0,04). Conclusiones: Los niveles de vitamina D son bajos en poblaciĂłn anciana, sobre todo en pacientes con fractura de cadera osteoporĂłtica. AdemĂĄs, en estos pacientes existen niveles elevados de PTH y MRO y descendidos de DMO. Los pacientes cuyos niveles de 25(OH)D son inferiores a 20 ng/mL presentan un remodelado Ăłseo mĂĄs elevado, con menores niveles de IGF-I y alteraciones de la estructura Ăłsea (Tb.Th) que puedan estar en relaciĂłn con un mayor riesgo de fracturas.To assess serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-25 (OH) D-hormones with influence on bone metabolism (parathormone -PTH- and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I), bone remodeling markers (BRM) (carboxy-terminal telopeptide of collagen type I-ÎČ-CTX- and amino-peptide pro-peptide of procollagen type I -PINP), bone mineral density (BMD), microstructure and biomechanics of the femoral neck, in patients with osteoporotic hip fracture (OH) versus arthritic patients (OA). Material and methods: A cross-sectional observational study of 29 OH and 14 OA, age ≄50 years. We quantified hormonal serum levels and BRM (immunoassay), hip BMD (DXA), microstructure (micro-CT) and biomechanics (uniaxial compression tests, IGFA system). Analysis (SPSS 20.0.) Results: OH patients had lower levels of 25(OH)D (p=0.02) and hip BMD (p<0.05), and higher PTH (p=0.029) and ÎČ-CTX (p=0.04). Levels of 25(OH)D correlated positively with IGF-I (p=0.04) and negatively with ÎČ-CTX (p=0.003). The PTH values were correlated negatively with hip BMD (p=0.0005) and positively with trabecular thickness (TbTh) (p=0.006). Patients with 25(OH)D <20 ng/mL presented higher levels of ÎČ-CTX (p=0.006), lower IGF-I (p=0.007) and TbTh (p=0.04). Conclusions: Vitamin D levels are low in the elderly population, especially in patients with osteoporotic hip fracture. These patients also presented raised levels of PTH and BRM and descended from BMD. Patients whose 25(OH)D levels are below 20 ng/mL present higher bone remodeling, with lower levels of IGF-I and alterations of the bone structure (TbTh) that may be linked to a greater risk of fractures

    Structural analysis and sintering aids effects in La2Ce2O7 proton conductors

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    Global warming is an important problem that has to be solved without delay. The development of environmental-friendly energy technology is needed to deal with this issue. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) technology has been proposed as a real alternative to fossil fuel combustion. Proton conductors like La2Ce2O7 (LDC), has several advantages in comparison with BaCeO3 due to its high stability in H2O or CO2 conditions [1]. Furthermore, for industry application is necessary to low the high sintering temperature of typical electrolyte materials. La2Ce2O7 was synthesized by the freeze-drying precursor method and calcination conditions have been optimized to obtain single phase with high compaction at 1400 ÂșC for 1h. A fully characterization has been carried out using X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The total conductivity was determined by complex impedance spectroscopy in dry and wet air. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) was used to clarify certainly the structure of La2Ce2O7 due to its still unknown. SAEDs patterns revealed a disordered fluorite, not appearing secondary reflections typical of pyrochlore superstructure, finishing the controversy around the correct structure in this material [2,3]. Moreover, an exhaustive study about lowering the sintering temperature with Co and Zn as sintering aids has been investigated obtaining electrolytes that can be used for SOFC. The sintering aids were impregnated using cobalt and zinc nitrates in ethanol media. Both sintering aids allow for obtain high dense pellets lowering the sintering temperature 300 ÂșC and 400 ÂșC for samples with cobalt and zinc, respectively, without compromising the electrical and microstructural properties (Fig 1).Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tec

    Multi-Sensor System For Level Measurements With Optical Fibres

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    A system for measuring liquid level in multiple tanks using optical fibre technology has been developed. The oil field service industry can benefit from this intrinsically safe technology. Plastic optical fibre (POF) sensor heads are excited by a 650 nm laser. Laser diodes are housed in ST connectors to obtain compact and rough prototypes and these connectors are also used in the fibre pigtails. Optical multiplexing is used to increase the measuring safety area. POF splitters and connectors are used to combine all the receiving sensor head fibres in a single one. Frequency division multiplexing is used to address each sensor head. The global system is controlled through a user friendly software application running in a PC connected to the system via an RS-232 port. A scalable prototype with a range greater than 2 meter, good linearity, better than 1.5% FS (full scale), high accuracy and resolution is developed using a unique lens to collimate and focus the light. Measurements are taken to validate the designs. Up to 8 sensor heads can be connected in the present implementation. But a greater number of sensors can be allocated with minor modifications in the electronics.Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    Insights on the acting role of Martian atmosphere in the fragmentation pathways of organic and C-containing inorganic compounds using LIBS

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    In the present work, a preliminary fundamental study about the influence of background gas in Martian surface conditions (CO2, P=7 mbar) on the formation of emitting species in laser-induced plasmas of ablated C-containing compounds was performed. Results were compared with those obtained using ambient air as surrounding gas of irradiated samples. Energy thresholds were evaluated for excited atomic and molecular species of interest resulting in the plasma using a home-made LIBS system coupled to a pressure chamber for simulating Martian environment during the analysis of samples. Inorganic salts as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate besides pyrene as organic reference compound were analyzed in order to discern the origin of C-containing species coexisting in the plasma plume (C, C2 and CN, mainly). Results from acquired emission spectra shed light on the different carbon sources of emitting species as a function of energetic and pressure conditions.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech
