265 research outputs found

    Emotions Detection based on a Single-electrode EEG Device

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    The study of emotions using multiple channels of EEG represents a widespread practice in the field of research related to brain computer interfaces (Brain Computer Interfaces). To date, few studies have been reported in the literature with a reduced number of channels, which when used in the detection of emotions present results that are less accurate than the rest. To detect emotions using an EEG channel and the data obtained is useful for classifying emotions with an accuracy comparable to studies in which there is a high number of channels, is of particular interest in this research framework. This article uses the Neurosky Maindwave device; which has a single electrode to acquire the EEG signal, Matlab software and IBM SPSS Modeler; which process and classify the signals respectively. The accuracy obtained in the detection of emotions in relation to the economic resources of the hardware dedicated to the acquisition of EEG signal is remarkable

    Real-Time Processing Library for Open-Source Hardware Biomedical Sensors

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    Applications involving data acquisition from sensors need samples at a preset frequency rate, the filtering out of noise and/or analysis of certain frequency components. We propose a novel software architecture based on open-software hardware platforms which allows programmers to create data streams from input channels and easily implement filters and frequency analysis objects. The performances of the different classes given in the size of memory allocated and execution time (number of clock cycles) were analyzed in the low-cost platform Arduino Genuino. In addition, 11 people took part in an experiment in which they had to implement several exercises and complete a usability test. Sampling rates under 250 Hz (typical for many biomedical applications) makes it feasible to implement filters, sliding windows and Fourier analysis, operating in real time. Participants rated software usability at 70.2 out of 100 and the ease of use when implementing several signal processing applications was rated at just over 4.4 out of 5. Participants showed their intention of using this software because it was percieved as useful and very easy to use. The performances of the library showed that it may be appropriate for implementing small biomedical real-time applications or for human movement monitoring, even in a simple open-source hardware device like Arduino Genuino. The general perception about this library is that it is easy to use and intuitive

    Qualitative methodology for a palliative care resources and services questionnaire validation

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    Objetivo: Establecer la validez de composición, contenido y criterios de un cuestionario de recursos para la provisión de servicios en Cuidados Paliativos (CP) a través de una metodología cualitativa, mediante grupos focales con profesionales de CP; en el marco de un proyecto de validación y evaluación de los resultados de un cuestionario de recursos para la provisión de servicios en (CP) en la Comunidad de Madrid (CM). Método: Se lleva a cabo un abordaje cualitativo para la validación del cuestionario de recursos. Se selecciona el grupo de discusión como técnica de elección para obtener un discurso en base a la experiencia personal de los profesionales implicados en el ámbito de los CP. Los grupos se componen de médicos, enfermeras, psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y agente de pastoral. Resultado: Los temas de discusión en los grupos fueron: dispersión geográfica de los recursos humanos, motivación laboral y personal, “ayuda psico-emocional” para profesionales, valoración integral y holística del paciente, equidad de los equipos, presupuesto social, apoyo al cuidador, ayuda entre equipos, sobrecarga laboral y humana, relación con la gerencia, futuro de los equipos: “estar quemados”, trabajo en equipo, formación en CP, labor enfermería en CP, protocolo de acogida en CP y aclaraciones terminológicas o conceptuales. Conclusiones: Este trabajo pretende ser el punto de partida para la elaboración y validación de un cuestionario en la provisión de servicios en CP, y así evaluar los recursos humanos y técnicos de nuestra red asistencial sanitaria paliativa.Objective: To establish the composition, content and criteria validity of a questionnaire of resources for services provision in Palliative Care (PC) through a qualitative methodology using focus groups with PC professionals. This is a part of a validation and evaluation research project for the provision of services (CP) in the Community of Madrid (CM). Methods: We performed a qualitative approach to the resource questionnaire validation. It was selected the focus group technique based on the personal experience of the professionals involved in PC. The groups were made up of physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers and pastoral agent. Results: Discussion items in the groups were: human resources, geographical dispersion, work and personal motivation, “psycho-emotional” help for professionals, comprehensive and holistic patient approach, equipment equity, social budget, caregiver support , support between teams, overburden and human relationship with CEOs, future of teams: “be burned”, team-working, teaching in PC, PC nursing work, PC welcome protocol and terminological and conceptual clarifications. Conclusions: This study tries to be the starting point for the development questionnaire. It will be useful to assess the human and technical resources of our palliative health care network

    A Hardware/Software Platform to Acquire Bioelectrical Signals. A Case Study: Characterizing Computer Access through Attention

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    This paper describes a hardware/software platform to acquire human body signals. In the field of physiological computing it is desirable to have a system that allows the synchronized acquisition of signals coming from different sources. Here is described how to unify the whole process of acquiring signals from both customized hardware and low cost commercial devices such as Neurosky’s mindwave. A case study using this platform is also shown: studying the feasibility of using sustained attention to access a computer. In order to do that brain activity was measured using Neurosky’s mindwave. The participants in this study were asked to keep their attention high/low for as long as possible during several trials. Experimentation was performed by 7 normally developed subjects and 3 people with cerebral palsy (CP). Our preliminary work shows that 60% of participants might be potential users of this technology. Eventually, modulating the attention to access a communication board needs a scanning period greater than 5.76s

    Development and Testing of Motion-Detection Techniques for People with Cerebral Palsy

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    This paper describes several computer access methods tested by Eva, a woman with choreoathetosic cerebral palsy. This disease prevents her from controlling the peripherals and configurations that normally give access to information and communication technologies, further limiting her independence. To make Eva access a computer, we focused our efforts on the methodologies that Eva could control by just moving her neck and head. These sensors were: Kinect, inertial measurement units (IMU), and video. Kinect, composed of a system of cameras and sensors, gives the option to interact and control the devices contactlessly. The IMU is a device consisting of an accelerometer and a gyroscope that measure velocity, orientation, and gravitational forces. For live image processing, a common webcam was used. During the development of the experiment, Eva must follow a sequence shown on the computer screen that alternates movement of the head with rest. These movements involved moving the head up, down, right, or left. Our results showed that the Kinect system could not be used effectively, while the image-processing algorithm obtained the best performance.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Plan 2017–2020: Challenges—R&D&I Projects with grant codes PID2019-104323RB-C3

    Smart Bracelet for Emotional Enhancement in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have great difficulties in social interaction and in the management of personal and other people’s emotions. This work aimed at developing an intelligent bracelet, capable of inferring the children’s emotional state, transmitting it to others, and, above all, informing the patients themselves so that they can learn to recognise, control, and work with, as well as to improve their self-knowledge and their relationship with their environment. Electrodermal activity (EDA) and photoplethysmography (PPG) are useful in combined psychophysiological and medical studies to determine the mood of patients. Due to COVID-19, no experiments with subjects could be carried out, although the modules were validated, and a public database was used to test the system’s application. The results concluded that, in general, when an individual is altered or becomes nervous, either positively or negatively (also known as valence) to a stimulus, their heart rate and sweating increase. This is the kind of relationship between physiological signals and external stimuli that the design of these circuits was intended to confirm. Finally, with the indicators of nervous system activity and knowing the behaviour of skin conductance in response to each basic emotion, it can be determined whether the subject is in a situation of pleasure or frustration in response to each reaction.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Plan 2017–2020: Challenges—R&D&I Projects PID2019-104323RB-C3

    Promoting Physical Activity in People with Functional Diversity through a Multiplayer Musical Game

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    Physical activity (PA) performed in group can slow down the decline in motor functions in people with disabilities. With this objective, Interactive Rehab Orchestra (IRO) was developed. IRO is an interactive multiplayer musical game that looks for reducing sedentary lifestyles by promoting PA. The individuals are responsible for playing the melody correctly. To do that, they must perform a movement when the on-screen avatar reaches a certain area. If the action is not performed, the melody will stop playing for a certain time interval. IRO is highly configurable, allowing the controller to be adapted to player skills. The customization of melodies and images is also possible according to the players’ preferences, which helps to enhance player engagement. In addition, a configurable color code allows identifying when to perform an action. IRO incorporates a statistical summary to assess the evolution of the user. In this way, IRO aims at encouraging PA through music to maintain/improve muscle tone and the subjects’ mobility, quantifying PA intensity, in relation to motor skills, and promoting PA so that participants can adhere to a specific program with long-term follow-up.e Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Plan 2017-2020: Challenges-R&D&I Projects with grant code PID2019-104323RB-C3

    Validation of a screening questionnaire for hip and knee osteoarthritis in old people

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    Es reproducción del documentoa publicado en http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2474-8-84Background: To develop a sensitive and specific screening tool for knee and hip osteoarthritis in the general population of elderly people. Methods: The Knee and Hip OsteoArthritis Screening Questionnaire (KHOA- SQ) was developed based on previous studies and observed data and sent to 11,002 people aged 60 to 90 years, stratified by age and gender, who were selected by random sampling. Algorithms of the KHOA- SQ were created. Respondents positive for knee or hip OA on the KHOA- SQ were invited to be evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon. A sample of 300 individuals negative for knee or hip OA on the KHOA- SQ were also invited for evaluation. Sensitivity and specificity were determined for the KHOA- SQ, as well as for KHOA- SQ questions. Classification and Regression Tree analysis was used to find alternative screening algorithms from the questionnaire. Results: Of 11,002 individuals contacted, 7,577 completed the KHOA- SQ. Of 1,115 positive for knee OA, on the KHOA- SQ, 710 ( 63.6%) were diagnosed with it. For hip OA, 339 of the 772 who screened positive ( 43.9%) were diagnosed it. Sensitivity for the hip algorithm was 87.4% and specificity 59.8%; for the knee, sensitivity was 94.5% and specificity 43.8%. Two alternative algorithms provided lower specificity. Conclusion: The KHOA- SQ offers high sensitivity and moderate specificity. Although this tool correctly identifies individuals with knee or hip OA, the high false positive rate could pose problems. Based on our questions, no better algorithm was found

    Smart bracelet for anxiety

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    This paper introduces a novel non-invasive wearable device that can infer whether people are suffering from anxiety or not. The device allows capturing physiological signals such as: electrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature (ST), electrocardiography (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG), and provides an estimation of blood pressure -through the pulse transit time (PTT) technique- and breathing rate (BR) -by analyzing the heart rate variability-. The hardware also includes an SD card to store the signals for offline processing in laboratory tests

    A Computer-Driven Scaffold-Hopping Approach Generating New PTP1B Inhibitors from the Pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxaline Core

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a very promising target for the treatment of metabolic disorders such as type II diabetes mellitus. Although it was validated as a promising target for this disease more than 30 years ago, as yet there is no drug in advanced clinical trials, and its biochemical mechanism and functions are still being studied. In the present study, based on our experience generating PTP1B inhibitors, we have developed and implemented a scaffold-hopping approach to vary the pyrrole ring of the pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxaline core, supported by extensive computational techniques aimed to explain the molecular interaction with PTP1B. Using a combination of docking, molecular dynamics and end-point free-energy calculations, we have rationally designed a hypothesis for new PTP1B inhibitors, supporting their recognition mechanism at a molecular level. After the design phase, we were able to easily synthesize proposed candidates and their evaluation against PTP1B was found to be in good concordance with our predictions. Moreover, the best candidates exhibited glucose uptake increments in cellulo model, thus confirming their utility for PTP1B inhibition and validating this approach for inhibitors design and molecules thus obtained