11 research outputs found

    the relationship between pedogenic and geomorphic processes in mountainous tropical forested area in sierra madre del sur, mexico

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    Both mature and underdeveloped soils are present in tropical mountainous landscapes. The spatial arrangement of mountainous soils is ascribed mainly to geomorphologic processes. We studied two soil toposequences (one on a convex, and the other on a concave slope with a gradient 40-60%) at the coffee-growing farm La Cabana, situated in the mountains of the Sierra Madre del Sur, southern Mexico. Mature (Alisols) as well as moderately developed (Luvic Phaeozems) and underdeveloped soils (Fluvic and Skeletic Phaeozems) were detected in the study area. The sequence of sediments and soils is unusual for a classical soil catena. Buried clayey reddish soils are present on the shoulder of a slop

    soil diversity and properties in mountainous subtropical areas, in sierra sur de oaxaca, mexico

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    Agroforestry is a new practice of sustainable soil use in the mountainous Sierra Sur de Oaxaca area of Mexico. Coffee is also a common cash crop grown in the region. The objective of this study was to investigate the pedodiversity in the area. Soil development is very complex. and is influenced by slope parameters and parent materials. Several soil groups are found in the area investigated: Alisols. Umbrisols. and Cambisols. Morphology. chemical properties. and mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of these soils were studied. The soils vary in the extent of weathering. morphology. and chemical properties. which are important to farming in the area. Most of the soils have heterogeneous parent material. The distribution of major soil types of the area is related to mass movement along the slopes. both past and present. The studied soils represent a chronosequence from unleached and unweathered Cambisols to Alisols, characterized by strong clay illuviation and dominance of kaolinite and gibbsite in clay fraction. A mosaic of landslides and gullies of various ages. formed by catastrophic events such as earthquakes and hurricanes. form the pedodiversity of the area studied

    wrb classification of polygenetic soils of sierra sur de oaxaca, mexico

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    Complex polygenetic profiles form in mountainous tropical areas in Sierra Sur de Oaxaca, Southern Mexico. Some soils form on complex sediments: colluvial materials over deeply weathered clays. Depending on the genetic interpretation, they are classified as Chromic Luvisols or Thaptoluvic Cambisols. Other soils passed a long evolution in stable environments, and may be classified as Ferralsol

    The Putative Role of Viruses, Bacteria, and Chronic Fungal Biotoxin Exposure in the Genesis of Intractable Fatigue Accompanied by Cognitive and Physical Disability

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