133 research outputs found

    Win-win transport strategies: searching for sinergies

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    In order to achieve to minimize car-based trips, transport planners have been particularly interested in understanding the factors that explain modal choices. In the transport modelling literature there has been an increasing awareness that socioeconomic attributes and quantitative variables are not sufficient to characterize travelers and forecast their travel behavior. Recent studies have also recognized that users? social interactions and land use patterns influence travel behavior, especially when changes to transport systems are introduced, but links between international and Spanish perspectives are rarely deal. In this paper, factorial and path analyses through a Multiple-Indicator Multiple-Cause (MIMIC) model are used to understand and describe the relationship between the different psychological and environmental constructs with social influence and socioeconomic variables. The MIMIC model generates Latent Variables (LVs) to be incorporated sequentially into Discrete Choice Models (DCM) where the levels of service and cost attributes of travel modes are also included directly to measure the effect of the transport policies that have been introduced in Madrid during the last three years in the context of the economic crisis. The data used for this paper are collected from a two panel smartphone-based survey (n=255 and 190 respondents, respectively) of Madrid

    Win-Win transport strategies: searching for synergies.

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    The need of an urban transport strategy on urban areas which solves the environmental problems derived from traffic without decreasing the trip attraction of these urban areas is taken for granted. Besides there is also a clear consensus among researchers and institutions in the need for integrated transport strategies (May et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2006). But there is still a lack of knowledge on the policy measures to be implemented. This research aims to deepen in the understanding of how do different measures interact when implemented together: synergies and complementarities between them. The methodological approach to achieve this objective has been the double analysis ? quantitative and comprehensive ? of the different impacts produced, first of all by each of the measures by itself, and later on combining these measures. For this analysis, we have first defined the objectives to achieve within the transport strategy ? emissions and noise decrease without losing trip attraction - , and then selecting the measures to test the effects these objectives generate. This selection has been based on a literature review, searching for measures with have proven to be successful in achieving at least one of the objectives. The different policies and policy combinations have been tested in a multimodal transport model, considering the city of Madrid as case study. The final aim of the research is to find a transport strategy which produces positive impact in all the objectives established, this is a win-win strategy

    Emerging role of glial cells in the control of body weight

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    Glia are the most abundant cell type in the brain and are indispensible for the normal execution of neuronal actions. They protect neurons from noxious insults and modulate synaptic transmission through affectation of synaptic inputs, release of glial transmitters and uptake of neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft. They also transport nutrients and other circulating factors into the brain thus controlling the energy sources and signals reaching neurons. Moreover, glia express receptors for metabolic hormones, such as leptin and insulin, and can be activated in response to increased weight gain and dietary challenges. However, chronic glial activation can be detrimental to neurons, with hypothalamic astrocyte activation or gliosis suggested to be involved in the perpetuation of obesity and the onset of secondary complications. It is now accepted that glia may be a very important participant in metabolic control and a possible therapeutical target. Here we briefly review this rapidly advancing fiel

    Simulación de un peaje urbano en la ciudad de Madrid

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    El peaje urbano ha demostrado ser una de las medidas más efectivas a la hora de promover un cambio en el reparto modal, como ha quedado demostrado en diversas ciudades como Londres o Estocolmo. Los efectos, no obstante, son muy diferentes según el esquema de peaje implantado, pudiendo incluso provocar efectos adversos en algunas zonas. En el contexto de las políticas de tarificación de carreteras, el peaje urbano debe ser tratado de forma diferente debido a sus características específicas. Las áreas urbanas y metropolitanas son las más afectadas por la congestión, y a su vez son dónde se realizan la mayor parte de los desplazamientos diarios, muy sensibles a la implantación de un peaje debido a su frecuencia. En este caso, se ha definido una metodología para analizar la implantación de un peaje urbano tipo cordón en la ciudad de Madrid. Para ello, se ha utilizado un modelo de transporte que comprende toda la región de Madrid, tanto la red viaria como la red de transporte público, lo cual permite analizar los efectos no sólo en el área de estudio sino en el conjunto de la región. Los resultados se han analizado en términos del cambio modal, tiempo de viaje y coste para los usuarios

    Leptin in early life: A key factor for the development of the adult metabolic profile

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    Leptin levels during the perinatal period are important for the development of metabolic systems involved in energy homeostasis. In rodents, there is a postnatal leptin surge, with circulating leptin levels increasing around postnatal day (PND) 5 and peaking between PND 9 and PND 10. At this time circulating leptin acts as an important trophic factor for the development of hypothalamic circuits that control energy homeostasis and food seeking and reward behaviors. Blunting the postnatal leptin surge results in long-term leptin insensitivity and increased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity during adulthood. Pharmacologically increased leptin levels in the postnatal period also have long-term effects on metabolism. Nevertheless, this effect is controversial as postnatal hyperleptinemia is reported to both increase and decrease the predisposition to obesity in adulthood. The different effects reported in the literature could be explained by the different moments at which this hormone was administered, suggesting that modifications of the neonatal leptin surge at specific time points could selectively affect the development of central and peripheral systems that are undergoing modifications at this moment resulting in different metabolic and behavioral outcomes. In addition, maternal nutrition and the hormonal environment during pregnancy and lactation may also modulate the offspring’s response to postnatal modifications in leptin levels. This review highlights the importance of leptin levels during the perinatal period in the development of metabolic systems that control energy homeostasis and how modifications of these levels may induce long-lasting and potentially irreversible effects on metabolis

    Relación existente entre la producción de viajes en el municipio de Madrid y los usos urbanísticos.

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    Los Estudios de transporte recogidos en el Plan General de Ordenacion Urbana de Madrid de 1997, utilizaron como soporte la Encuesta Domiciliaria de Movilidad de 1996 (EDM'906). Pero las pautas de movilidad de los habitantes de la ciudad de Madrid han cambiado de una forma notable, segun los estudios realizados en la explotacion de los datos de la ultima Encuesta Domiciliaria, la EDM'04. Tambien se ha modificado la naturaleza de las ciudades y la densidad urbana ha bajado considerablemente. Han variado los esquemas de desarrollo del suelo, con una segregation cada vez mayor de los usos, creciente segun se aleja del centro de la ciudad, en donde todavia se mantiene una positiva mezcla de usos. El conocimiento de la relation existente entre la production de viajes y los usos urbanisticos, puede contribuir de forma notable a la mejora del transporte dentro del municipio. Se trata de estudiar la metodologia para obtener unos ratios de generation y atraccion de viajes segun el uso del suelo, con la finalidad de que el planificador urbanistico pueda utilizarlo en futuras actuaciones de caracteristicas similares y, de esta forma, poder estimar el impacto que producira un desarrollo urbanistico sobre las distintas redes de transporte y conocer las previsiones de movilidad desde su fase inicial. La gran mayoria de los estudios existentes se centran en los viajes realizados en vehiculo privado, dejando de lado los otros modos de transporte mecanizados y no mecanizados. En esta comunicacion se presenta una revision de las principales herramientas de planificacion de transporte utilizadas en la planificacion urbanistica a nivel internacional, estudiando su aplicabilidad en el ambito espafiol, y mas especialmente en Madrid, dando como resultado recomendaciones de uso general para este tipo de metodologias

    Trajectories of wildfire behavior under climate change. Can forest management mitigate the increasing hazard?

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    Mediterranean forests and fire regimes are closely intertwined. Global change is likely to alter both forest dynamics and wildfire activity, ultimately threatening the provision of ecosystem services and posing greater risks to society. In this paper we evaluate future wildfire behavior by coupling climate projections with simulation models of forest dynamics and wildfire hazard. To do so, we explore different forest management scenarios reflecting different narratives related to EU forestry (promotion of carbon stocks, reduction of water vulnerability, biomass production and business-as-usual) under the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 climate pathways in the period 2020–2100. We used as a study model pure submediterranean Pinus nigra forests of central Catalonia (NE Spain). Forest dynamics were simulated from the 3rd National Forest Inventory (143 stands) using SORTIE-nd software based on climate projections under RCPs 4.5 and 8.5. The climate products were also used to estimate fuel moisture conditions (both live and dead) and wind speed. Fuel parameters and fire behavior were then simulated, selecting crown fire initiation potential and rate of spread as key indicators. The results revealed consistent trade-offs between forest dynamics, climate and wildfire. Despite the clear influence exerted by climate, forest management modulates fire behavior, resulting in different trends depending on the climatic pathway. In general, the maintenance of current practices would result in the highest rates of crown fire activity, while management for water vulnerability reduction is postulated as the best alternative to surmount the increasingly hazardous conditions envisaged in RCP 8.5.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno- vation, projects FIREPATHS (PID 2020-116556RA-I00) and UMBRA-CLIM (PID 2019-111781RB-I00), and by the ERANET FORESTERRA project INFORMED (grant number: 29183). LEM was funded with a scholarship by the MSc in European Forestry Programme at the Uni- versity of Lleida. This work was also funded by project FirEUrisk - DEVELOPING A HOLISTIC, RISK-WISE STRATEGY FOR EUROPEAN WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT, which has received funding from the Eu- ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003890

    Factores de riesgo y cardiopatías prevalentes en mujeres internadas en la división de medicina cardiovascular del Hospital de Clínicas

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    La representación de las mujeres ha sido marginal en la mayoría de los ensayos clínicos o registros dedicados a las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV). Por eso, recientemente, se ha adoptado una política de estimular la inclusión de mujeres en los ensayos clínicos. En este estudio descriptivo retrospectivo y de corte transversal, nos hemos propuesto determinar la forma de presentación de las cardiopatías, describir los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares presentes en estas pacientes, determinar el número de mujeres que presentaron cardiopatía isquémica, y establecer el tratamiento recibido por las mujeres que presentaron cardiopatía isquémica en mujeres internadas en la División de Medicina Cardiovascular del Hospital de Clínicas. El estudio incluyó un total de 250 pacientes, de los cuales 187 (75%) correspondían al sexo masculino y 63 (25%) al sexo femenino. Las edades de las mujeres se encontraban entre 25 y 94 años (60±7,3 años). Las mujeres estudiadas presentaron: insuficiencia cardiaca 26 (41%), síndromes coronarios agudos 20 (32%), valvulopatías 8 (13%), bloqueo AV completo 7 (11%) y otros 2 (3%). De las mujeres con síndrome coronario agudo, 3 pacientes tuvieron enfermedad de 3 vasos, 1 sola tuvo coronarias normales, y 8 (40%) tenían lesiones de la arteria descendente anterior. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron el sedentarismo en la totalidad de las mujeres, la hipertensión arterial en 55 (87%), dislipidemias en 39 (62%), obesidad en 34 (54%), diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en 12 (19%) y tabaquismo en 12 pacientes (19%). La magnitud del riesgo cardiovascular de la mujer depende no solamente de la alteración de un parámetro sino también de la presencia de otros factores de riesgo, razón por la cual se requiere de un manejo multifactorial integral dentro del concepto de riesgo cardiovascular global en la mujer

    Towards a new classification of galaxies: principal component analysis of CALIFA circular velocity curves

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    We present a galaxy classification system for 238 (E1-Sdm) CALIFA (Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area) galaxies based on the shapes and amplitudes of their circular velocity curves (CVCs). We infer the CVCs from the de-projected surface brightness of the galaxies, after scaling by a constant mass-to-light ratio based on stellar dynamics - solving axisymmetric Jeans equations via fitting the second velocity moment Vrms=V2+σ2V_{\mathrm{rms}}=\sqrt{V^2+\sigma^2} of the stellar kinematics. We use principal component analysis (PCA) applied to the CVC shapes to find characteristic features and use a kk-means classifier to separate circular curves into classes. This objective classification method identifies four different classes, which we name slow-rising (SR), flat (FL), round-peaked (RP) and sharp-peaked (SP) circular curves. SR are typical for low-mass, late-type (Sb-Sdm), young, faint, metal-poor and disc-dominated galaxies. SP are typical for high-mass, early-type (E1-E7), old, bright, metal-rich and bulge-dominated galaxies. FL and RP appear presented by galaxies with intermediate mass, age, luminosity, metallicity, bulge-to-disk ratio and morphologies (E4-S0a, Sa-Sbc). The discrepancy mass factor, fd=1M/Mdynf_d=1-M_{*}/M_{dyn}, have the largest value for SR and SP classes (\sim 74 per cent and \sim 71 per cent, respectively) in contrast to the FL and RP classes (with \sim 59 per cent and \sim 61 per cent, respectively). Circular curve classification presents an alternative to typical morphological classification and appears more tightly linked to galaxy evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Minor changes), 123 pages, 19 figures, 87 Tables (containing the basic properties of the 238 E1-Sdm galaxies; the five main Principal Component Eigenvectors; the five main Principal Components - PC_i; the Multi-Gaussian Expansion models - MGEs; the circular velocity curve models and their uncertainties