1,184 research outputs found

    Modeling Confined Cell Migration Mediated by Cytoskeleton Dynamics

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    Cell migration is an important biological process that has generated increasing interest during the last several years. This process is based on three phases: protrusion at the front end of the cell, de-adhesion at the rear end and contraction of the cell body, all of them coordinated due to the polymerization/depolymerization of certain cytoskeletal proteins. The aim of this work is to present a mathematical model to simulate the actin polymerization/depolymerization process that regulates the final outcome of cell migration process, considering all the above phases, in a particular case: when the cell is confined in a microfluidic channel. Under these specific conditions, cell migration can be approximated by using one-dimensional simulations. We will propose a system of reaction-diffusion equations to simulate the behavior of the cytoskeletal proteins responsible for protrusion and contraction in the cell, coupled with the mechanical response of the cell, computing its deformations and stresses. Furthermore, a numerical procedure is presented in order to simulate the whole process in a moving and deformable domain corresponding to the cell body

    Detonations in white dwarf dynamical interactions

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    In old, dense stellar systems collisions of white dwarfs are a rather frequent phenomenon. Here we present the results of a comprehensive set of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of close encounters of white dwarfs aimed to explore the outcome of the interaction and the nature of the final remnants for different initial conditions. Depending on the initial conditions and the white dwarf masses, three different outcomes are possible. Specifically, the outcome of the interaction can be either a direct or a lateral collision or the interaction can result in the formation of an eccentric binary system. In those cases in which a collision occurs, the infalling material is compressed and heated such that the physical conditions for a detonation may be reached during the most violent phases of the merger. While we find that detonations occur in a significant number of our simulations, in some of them the temperature increase in the shocked region rapidly lifts degeneracy, leading to the quenching of the burning. We thus characterize under which circumstances a detonation is likely to occur as a result of the impact of the disrupted star on the surface of the more massive white dwarf. Finally, we also study which interactions result in bound systems, and in which ones the more massive white dwarf is also disrupted as a consequence of the dynamical interaction. The sizable number of simulations performed in this work allows to find how the outcome of the interaction depends on the distance at closest approach, and on the masses of the colliding white dwarfs, and which is the chemical pattern of the nuclearly processed material. Finally, we also discuss the influence of the masses and core chemical compositions of the interacting white dwarfs and the different kinds of impact in the properties of the remnants.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dual-Band Tunable Recursive Active Filter

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    This letter presents a novel recursive active filter topology that provides dual-band performance, with independent tuning capability in both bands. The dual-band operation is achieved by using two independent feedback lines. Additionally, linear phase shifters based on left-handed cells are included in these two branches in order to tune the center frequency of both pass bands

    Práctica del método Pilates: cambios en composición corporal y flexibilidad en adultos sanos

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    El método Pilates (MP) es un tipo de ejercicio que combina aspectos de técnicas orientales y occidentales y es conocido como una técnica que ayuda a mejorar los niveles de fuerza, flexibilidad y en general el desarrollo de las actividades de la vida diaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue valorar si existían cambios en flexibilidad de columna y en composición corporal en sujetos sanos tras una práctica de 20 semanas (2 días por semana) del MP vs un grupo control

    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of the core-degenerate scenario for Type Ia supernovae

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    The core-degenerate (CD) scenario for type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) involves the merger of the hot core of an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star and a white dwarf, and might contribute a non-negligible fraction of all thermonuclear supernovae. Despite its potential interest, very few studies, and based on only crude simplifications, have been devoted to investigate this possible scenario, compared with the large efforts invested to study some other scenarios. Here we perform the first three-dimensional simulations of the merger phase, and find that this process can lead to the formation of a massive white dwarf, as required by this scenario. We consider two situations, according to the mass of the circumbinary disk formed around the system during the final stages of the common envelope phase. If the disk is massive enough, the stars merge on a highly eccentric orbit. Otherwise, the merger occurs after the circumbinary disk has been ejected and gravitational wave radiation has brought the stars close to the Roche lobe radius on a nearly circular orbit. Not surprisingly, the overall characteristics of the merger remnants are similar to those found for the double-degenerate (DD) scenario, independently of the very different core temperature and of the orbits of the merging stars. They consist of a central massive white dwarf, surrounded by a hot, rapidly rotating corona and a thick debris region.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Extracellular matrix density regulates the formation of tumour spheroids through cell migration

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    In this work, we show how the mechanical properties of the cellular microenvironment modulate the growth of tumour spheroids. Based on the composition of the extracellular matrix, its stiffness and architecture can significantly vary, subsequently influencing cell movement and tumour growth. However, it is still unclear exactly how both of these processes are regulated by the matrix composition. Here, we present a centre-based computational model that describes how collagen density, which modulates the steric hindrance properties of the matrix, governs individual cell migration and, consequently, leads to the formation of multicellular clusters of varying size. The model was calibrated using previously published experimental data, replicating a set of experiments in which cells were seeded in collagen matrices of different collagen densities, hence producing distinct mechanical properties. At an initial stage, we tracked individual cell trajectories and speeds. Subsequently, the formation of multicellular clusters was also analysed by quantifying their size. Overall, the results showed that our model could accurately replicate what was previously seen experimentally. Specifically, we showed that cells seeded in matrices with low collagen density tended to migrate more. Accordingly, cells strayed away from their original cluster and thus promoted the formation of small structures. In contrast, we also showed that high collagen densities hindered cell migration and produced multicellular clusters with increased volume. In conclusion, this model not only establishes a relation between matrix density and individual cell migration but also showcases how migration, or its inhibition, modulates tumour growth

    Numerical simulation of solid deformation driven by creeping flow using an immersed finite element method

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    An immersed finite element method for solid–fluid interaction is presented with application focus on highly deformable elastic bodies in a Stokes flow environment. The method is based on a global balance equation which combines the solid and fluid momentum balances, the fluid mass balance and, in weak form, the interface conditions. By means of an Updated Lagrangian description for finite elasticity, only one analysis mesh is used, where the solid particles are backtracked in order to preserve the deformation history. The method results in a full coupling of the solid-fluid system which is solved by an exact Newton method. The location of the material interface is captured by a signed distance function and updated according to the computed displacement increments and the help of an explicit surface parameterisation; no body-fitted volume meshes are needed. Special emphasis is placed on the accurate integration of finite elements traversed by the interface and the related numerical stability of the shape function basis. A number of applications for compressible Neo-Hookean solids subject to creeping flow are presented, motivated by microfluidic experimentation in mechanobiology

    Mechanical modeling of collective cell migration: An agent-based and continuum material approach

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    We develop a novel modeling approach that combines a discrete agent-based model and a continuum material model to simulate collective cell migration in epithelial layers. In this approach, cells are represented as particles located at their geometrical center, but also as a polygonal body derived from the Voronoi diagram. Furthermore, we model the tissue as a continuum medium with different spatial domains that represent cell and substrate materials. In fact, the mechanical behavior of each domain is affected by the presence of cells from the discrete model. Moreover, we solve this mechanical problem using the finite element method (FEM). The forces generated by cells are projected to the FE mesh, that is created dynamically during the simulation from the discrete cell representation. After the FE resolution, we use the mesh displacements to determine the new cell positions in the agent-based model. Finally, to demonstrate the potential of this approach to model epithelial tissue mechanics, we simulate two well-studied cases of collective cell migration: durotaxis and gap closure. We use the experimental data from the literature to validate our numerical results. Therefore, the modeling strategy here presented offers a new perspective for a deeper understanding of tissue mechanics that emerge from cell dynamics in epithelial layers
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