970 research outputs found

    Web-based survey of consumer preferences for the visual appearance of meat from suckling kids

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    Most suckling kids are raised on farms oriented toward cheese production, and many goat farmers’ rear kids with milk replacers. The aim of the current study was to investigate the consumer preferences for the visual appearance of meat from suckling kids reared with milk replacers or natural milk. Meat colour was the major criterion used to select meat. The meat of Cabra del Guadarrama reared with milk replacers was preferred by 72% of consumers and had a preferred lightness and hue angle. The rearing system did not influence preference through the time of display. Web-based surveys provided similar information to information recorded with live surveys using actual products instead of pictures. Meat colour appears to be a recurring intrinsic cue to assess consumer preference. In general, consumers preferred meat of light suckling kids reared on milk replacers because this meat had a high lightness and hue angle as well as a low chroma

    Problemas en la realización de exámenes de idiomas presenciales y online

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    Despite the increasing importance of language testing, technology design matters related to testing have hardly been addressed in academic research, yet not enough has been written on test-taking anxiety related to computerized speaking tests. Although students nowadays are digital natives, in our experience they seem to experience a significant level of anxiety when facing Internet-based oral. This research addresses an observational study of 67 students at the University of Alcalá who took a computer-delivered exam. The study concludes that despite students growing up with computers in their lives, we are far from invisible interfaces and independence when it comes to the way an exam is delivered. The results of this research study can shed light on what needs to be revised in computer or internet speaking tasks in highstakes language tests.A pesar de la creciente importancia de los exámenes de idiomas, los asuntos relacionados con el diseño tecnológico aplicados a la realización de estas pruebas cuando se realizan por ordenador apenas se han abordado en la investigación académica, y no se han publicado suficientes estudios sobre la ansiedad del estudiante a la hora de realizar pruebas orales de idiomas en frente de un ordenador. Aunque podemos considerar que los estudiantes de hoy en día son nativos digitales, la experiencia nos muestra que estos manifiestan un importante nivel de ansiedad a la hora de realizar pruebas orales de idiomas a través de Internet. En este artículo se analizan los resultados de un estudio observacional realizado con una muestra de 67 estudiantes de la Universidad de Alcalá que hicieron una prueba de idioma por ordenador. El estudio concluye que, a pesar de que los estudiantes crecen con los ordenadores y están familiarizados con los mismos, aún estamos lejos de conseguir interfaces invisibles y de la independencia en cuanto a la forma en que se entrega un examen. Los resultados de este estudio de investigación pueden arrojar luz sobre lo que necesita revisarse a la hora de diseñar exámenes de idiomas que se realizan a través del ordenador

    Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: How Has This New Situation Affected Students' Oral Communication Skills?

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    Employing technology has become imperative to accelerate learning efforts and offer methods to enhance interactions between learners, and among learners and tutors. In this paper, we investigate the difficulties faced by learners in learning virtually and, specifically, in English language learning, with a focus on oral communication skills. Research questions of this study are related to the main difficulties that students face to enhance their English oral communication skills. The tools and methodologies that worked best for them for this purpose are also in focus. In the literature we present a review of pertinent studies connected with learning responses in the Covid-19 period and those specifically related to the topic of our study. The methodology used for the study was an exploratory survey research design using a questionnaire to collect the necessary data for our research. Results showed that students highlighted technical problems as some of the main challenges, as well as not feeling completely comfortable in the online learning environment due to the lack of real communication, which also had an impact in the perception of their progress. They also found group video or audio calls to be the most useful tool for communication purposes. The results of this preliminary study are relevant to educational developers and policymakers. They give an understanding of aspects to be considered to improve the efficacy of learners? when it comes to enhancing their English communication skills, such as difficulties regarding interaction or level of satisfaction in an online learning environment

    La sucesión del Emsiense más alto-Eifeliense basal (Devónico) en el Dominio Astur-Leonés de la Zona Cantábrica (N de España) y su fauna de braquiópodos

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    Se analizan las principales características de las Formaciones Moniello-Santa Lucía, de edad Emsiense más alto-Eifeliense basal en el Dominio Astur-Leonés de la Cordillera Cantábrica, en el área de máximo desarrollo arrecifal. Una parte, al menos, de la sucesión de la Fm. Moniello en su localidad-tipo registra repetidas oscilaciones transgresivo-regresivas que podrían reflejar ciclos astronómicos de Milankovitch de oblicuidad o precesión de los equinoccios. Se describe la estratigrafía de los ciclos más completos y se presenta una interpretación paleoecológica simple de los mismos. La parte más alta de las formaciones referidas, en el límite sudoriental entre lasprovincias de Asturias y León e inmediata extensión oriental de la última provincia, se caracteriza por la presencia prematura de rocas terrígenas del tipo de las de las sucesiones suprayacentes, Fms. Naranco-Huergas, alternando con calizas grainstone encriníticas rojas. Se propone singularizar esta facies como unidad litoestratigráfica separada, el Miembro Cebolledo, con estratotipo al ENE del pueblo de La Cueta, en León. El Mb. Cebolledo pertenece al Intervalo Faunístico (IF) 17, de edad Eifeliense inferior y su extensión septentrional en Asturias podría alcanzar la parte inferior de la Fm. Naranco, como parece suceder al este de la ensenada de Moniello. Se actualiza la caracterizaciónde los intervalos faunísticos 14 a 17, propios de las Fms. Moniello-Santa Lucía, incorporando nuevos datos paleontológicos, bioestratigráficos y eventoestratigráficos con vistas a mejorar su utilidad como herramienta en la identificación precisa de dichas formaciones en la Cordillera Cantábricay correlación con otras formaciones españolas y extranjeras. Se describen y figuran nuevos taxones del Orden Orthida de las Fms. Moniello-Santa Lucía. Se proponen Maisorthina (especie-tipo M. saroyani n. sp.) y Castrillonia (especie-tipo C. vivaldiana n. sp.) como nuevos géneros, además de Parmorthina gozonica n. sp., Rhipidomella cervantesi n. sp. y Dalejina telemanni n. sp. La morfología general de Castrillonia y la valoración de los modelos de crenulación marginal interna permiten sugerir una línea filogenética para Rhipidomella diferente de la habitualmente aceptada, enlazando Rhipidomelloides, Discomyorthis y Castrillonia en la ancestralidad directa de Rhipidomella.The main features of the uppermost Emsian to lowermost Eifelian Moniello-Santa Lucía formations in the Asturian-Leonian area of maximum reefal development in the Cantabrian Mountains, are described. At least a portion of the Moniello Fm. in its type locality records several transgressive-regressive oscillations that could be related to obliquity or precessional Milankovith astronomical cycles. A stratigraphical description of the most complete cycles, and a simple paleoecological interpretation of them are given. Along the southwestern limit between the Asturias and León provinces and in the immediate eastern extension of the León province (Somiedo unit) the uppermost part of the Moniello-Santa Lucía Fms. is characterized by the early occurrence of terrigenous rocks like to those of the suprajacent Naranco-Huergas Fms., that alternate with red crinoidal grainstone beds. This characteristic facies is proposed as a new litostratigraphical unit, the Cebolledo Member, with type locality near the Cebolledo river, ENE of La Cueta village (León province). The Cebolledo Mb. belongs to the Lower Eifelian Faunal Interval 17 and its northern extension in Asturias could transcend until the lower part of the Naranco Fm., as could occur east of the Moniello inlet. The Faunal Intervals 14 to 17, where the Moniello-Santa Lucía Fms. develop typically, are updated to include new paleontological, biostratigraphical and event-stratigraphical information, with a view to improve their utility as a tool for the precise Moniello-Santa Lucía Fms. identification and correlation along the Cantabrian Mountains and with other Spanish and foreign formations. Several new Orthida brachiopods of the studied formations are described and figured. Maisorthina (with type-species M. saroyani n. sp.), and Castrillonia (with type-species C. vivaldiana n. sp.) are proposed as new genera, and Parmorthina gozonica n. sp., Rhipidomella cervantesi n. sp. and Dalejina telemanni n. sp. as additional new species. The general morphology of Castrillonia n. gen. and the assessment of the Rhipidomellinae internal marginal crenulations enables the proposal of a phyletic lineage for Rhipidomella, departing of the usually accepted, relating Rhipidomelloides-Discomyorthis-Castrillonia as the ancestral to that genu