105 research outputs found

    Intervención preventiva en lugares de interacción social de hombres que mantienen relaciones sexuales con otros hombres

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    ResumenSe realizó una intervención en saunas y pisos para contactos sexuales entre hombres que mantienen relaciones sexuales con hombres de Valencia, cuyo objetivo era prevenir la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) o, en su caso, evitar el retraso en el diagnóstico y facilitar el contacto con los circuitos sanitarios. Se proporcionó información sobre prevención y se efectuó la prueba rápida para el VIH y la sífilis. Se habló con 500 hombres y se realizó la intervención en 171. El 37% de los sujetos en las saunas y de cada en los pisos nunca se había realizado una prueba. La prevalencia del VIH fue del 1,6% (n=2) en las saunas y del 11% en los pisos (n=5); para la sífilis estos porcentajes fueron del 5 y el 2,3%, respectivamente. La intervención permitió detectar la existencia de bolsas de población poco atendidas y muy expuestas, y facilitó el acceso de estos sujetos al sistema sanitario.AbstractAn intervention in venues for interaction used by men who have sex with men in Valencia (Spain) was performed to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or avoid delay in diagnosis and to facilitate contact with the health circuit. Information was provided on prevention and a rapid test for HIV and syphilis was performed.We contacted 500 men and the intervention was performed in 171; 37% of the subjects in saunas and one in four of those in prostitution apartments had never been tested. The prevalence of HIV was 1.6% (n=2) in the saunas, and 11% (n=5) in the apartments (n=5). For syphilis, these percentages were 5% and 2.3% respectively. The intervention revealed the existence of highly exposed population groups with low compliance and facilitated access to the health system in these groups

    Prevention of sexually transmitted infections using mobile devices and ubiquitous computing

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    Advances in the development of information and communication technologies have facilitated social interrelationships, but also sexual contacts without appropriate preventive measures. In this paper, we will focus on situations in which people use applications to meet sexual partners nearby, which could increase their chance of exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STI). How can we encourage users to adopt preventive measures without violating their privacy or infringing on the character of the application

    Monitoratge de les proves de detecció del VIH

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    VIH; Prova diagnòstica; MonitoratgeHIV; Diagnostic test; MonitoringPrueba diagnóstica; MonitorizaciónEn aquest article es descriu la xarxa de monitoratge de les proves de detecció del VIH i es presenten els resultats obtinguts.En este artículo se describe la red de monitoreo de las pruebas de detección del VIH y se presentan los resultados obtenidos.In this article the monitoring network of diagnostic tests is described and the results obtained shown

    Knowledge and Prior Use of HIV Self-Testing in Madrid and Barcelona among Men Who Have Sex with Men More than One Year after Its Legal Authorization in Spain

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    HIV self-testing (HIVST); Early diagnosis; Men who have sex with men (MSM)Autodiagnóstico del VIH (HIVST); Diagnóstico precoz; Hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH)Autodiagnòstic del VIH (HIVST); Diagnòstic precoç; Homes que tenen sexe amb homes (HSH)This study assessed the knowledge and prior use of HIV self-testing in a sample of men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited in a sexual health clinic and two community-based testing sites in Madrid and Barcelona, >12 months after its legal authorization. Between March 2019 and December 2020, we recruited 2044 MSM. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire while waiting to be tested for HIV and other STIs. We built two Poisson regression models to assess factors associated with prior knowledge and with use. Among those who had used self-testing in the past we assessed frequency of use and several aspects related to the last testing episode. The proportion of participants that knew about the existence of self-testing and had already used it was of 26.3% and 5.1% respectively. Both, knowledge and use were independently associated with being born in Spain or other western European countries, university education and more recent HIV testing. Additionally, knowledge was associated with older age, having a more favorable economic situation, and not living sexuality in total secrecy. Use was also associated with having received money in exchange for sex. Most (69.5%) reported having self-tested once, 64.8% had self-tested <12 months ago, 63.8% self-tested alone and 71.4% acquired the kit at a pharmacy over the counter. In spite of its authorization and becoming legally available, knowledge and use of HIV self-testing remain low among MSM attending sites specialized in the diagnosis of HIV and other STIs. When designing scale-up strategies, lower levels of knowledge and use in less favored subgroups of MSM need to be factored in.This study was supported by Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017) and Convocatoria del Plan de Consolidación de la Investigación del IMIENS (2021)

    Sexualized drug injection among men who have sex with men in Madrid and Barcelona as the first episode of drug injecting

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    Chemsex; Injecció de fàrmacsChemsex; Inyección de drogasChemsex; Drug injectionBackground We estimate the prevalence of drug injection, the variables associated with having ever injected and the proportion of ever injectors whose first drug injection was for having sex; we describe the first drug injection episode, analyze the drugs most frequently injected and estimate the prevalence of risky injecting behaviors. Methods The participants were 3387 MSM without a previous HIV diagnosis attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services in Madrid and Barcelona. Lifetime prevalence and prevalence ratios (PRs) by different factors were calculated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. We compared the characteristics of first drug injection episode, lifetime injection and risky injecting behaviors of those whose first injection was for sex (FIS) with those whose was not (non-FIS). Results Lifetime prevalence of injection was 2.1% (CI 1.7–2.7). In the multivariate analysis, it was strongly associated with having been penetrated by more than five men in the last 12 months (aPR = 10.4; CI 2.5–43.4) and having met most of their partners at private parties (aPR = 7.5; CI 4.5–12.3), and less strongly with other factors. Of those who had ever injected drugs, 81.9% injected for sex the first time they injected drugs (FIS). At first injection, FIS participants had a mean age of 31 years, 62.7% used mephedrone and 32.2% methamphetamine on that occasion. Of this FIS group 39.0% had ever shared drugs or equipment and 82.6% had always shared for sex. Some 30.8% of non-FIS reported having also injected drugs for sex later on. Conclusions Only two out of a hundred had ever injected, most to have sex and with frequent drug or injecting equipment sharing. Injecting for sex is the most common first episode of drug injection and is the most efficient risky behavior for the transmission of HIV, hepatitis B or C and other blood-borne infections. MSM participating in private parties should be considered a priority group for prevention policies.This study was supported by Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication

    Injection of Anabolic Steroids in Men Who Had Sex with Men in Madrid and Barcelona: Prevalence Correlates and Role as a Risk Factor for Transmitted Infections

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    This study describes the prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) injection, their main correlates, and the prevalence of specific AAS injection risk behaviours among men who have sex with men (MSM), an area insufficiently addressed in scientific research. Participants were HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services: two clinics and two community programmes in Madrid and Barcelona. Participants answered an online self-administered questionnaire. Crude and adjusted lifetime prevalence and prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated by different factors and using Poisson regression models with robust variance. Of the 3510 participants, 6.1% (95% CI: 5.3-6.9) had injected AAS before and 3.5% (95% CI: 2.9-4.2) had done so in the last 12 months. In the multivariate analysis, AAS injection was independently associated with being over 40 years old (aPR = 3.6; 95% CI: 2.0-6.5) and being born in Latin America (aPR = 2.5; 95% CI:1.9-3.4), and was less strongly associated (aPRs of around two) with having been recruited into STI clinics, having ever been paid for sex before, injected drugs, used drugs for sex, having been diagnosed with an STI before, and having been diagnosed with HIV at the recruitment consultation. Only three participants, 1.4%, of those who had injected AAS before had shared AAS or equipment for preparation or injecting before. Conclusions: In contrast to drugs, AAS injecting behaviours do not play a relevant, direct role in the transmission of blood-borne infections among MSM. However, AAS injectors have a higher prevalence of sexual risk behaviours. These findings should be confirmed using new studies that employ other sampling procedures.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). The Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication.S

    Comparison of Polydrug Use Prevalences and Typologies between Men Who Have Sex with Men and General Population Men, in Madrid and Barcelona

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    Comparación; Hombres heterosexuales; Policonsumo de drogasComparació; Homes heterosexuals; Policonsum de droguesComparison; Heterosexual men; Polydrug useThis study compares the prevalence of drug use and the typologies of polydrug use (PDU) in men who have sex with men (MSM) and general population men (GPM). Participants were men aged 16–64, living in the provinces of Madrid and Barcelona: 1720 were recruited in a GPM survey, and 2658 were HIV-negative MSM from HIV/STIs diagnosis services. Lifetime and last-year prevalence of drug use and prevalence ratios (PRs) of MSM to GPM for the different drugs were calculated using Poisson regression. Latent class analysis (LCA) was performed to identify typologies of PDU. Lifetime use of the drugs considered was higher in MSM, and even higher for drug use in the last-year: PRs for cannabis, hallucinogens and cocaine ranged from 2–5; for amphetamine, ecstasy and methamphetamine 12–16; and above 60 for ketamine, GHB/GBL, inhalants and mephedrone. In the LCA for lifetime PDU four classes arose from the GPM (No-PDU (79.6%); Conventional PDU (13.8%); Intensive conventional PDU (4.9%); Heavy PDU (1.8%)) and four among MSM (No-PDU (57.7%); Conventional PDU plus poppers (18.8%); PDU preferring chemsex drugs (6.4%); Heavy PDU (17.2%)). For PDU during the last-year, three classes arose in the GPM: No-PDU (94.7%); Conventional PDU (4.3%); Heavy PDU (0.9%). For MSM, we identified four classes: No-PDU (64.7%); Conventional PDU plus poppers (15.6%); PDU preferring chemsex drugs (6.2%); Heavy PDU (13.5%). MSM should be considered a priority group for the prevention of the use of all drugs but the heterogeneity of PDU typologies regarding users’ preference towards conventional and/or sexualised drugs needs to be taken into account.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). The Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication

    Hepatitis C antibody prevalence and active hepatitis C infection in HIV-negative gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain (March 2018-March 2021)

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    Objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been recognized as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM), with an increased notification in HIV-negative MSM. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HCV antibody and active HCV infection in HIV-negative gay, bisexual, and other MSM (GBMSM), and their characteristics, in Barcelona and Madrid, from March 2018 to March 2021. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted on 3548 HIV-undiagnosed GBMSM, across four HIV/STI testing centers. Respondents submitted an online, self-administered questionnaire after consultation, which collected information on sociodemographics, sexual health history, HCV knowledge, and substance consumption. Prevalence of HCV antibodies was determined by a reactive result in a rapid anti-HCV test or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), while active HCV infection was determined by participants who were also positive on an HCV-RNA test. Crude and adjusted Poisson analyses with robust variance are presented for both prevalence and active infection. Results: In total, 97.6% of participants (n = 3463) were HIV-negative. Of those, 18 were found to have HCV antibodies (0.52%), of which nine (0.26%) were also HCV-RNA positive. Those with HCV antibodies were associated to have lived with an HCV (+) person (adjusted prevalence ratio [APR]: 7.84, [95% confidence interval: 2.50-24.53]), using injectable drugs for sex (APR: 6.92, [1.20-39.79]) and testing positive for an STI in the previous year (APR: 4.06, [1.09-15.12]). Presenting an active infection was strongly associated with a previous HCV diagnosis (APR: 100.82 [22.16-458.76]), sexualized injectable drug use (APR: 17.53 [2.70-113.76]), and sharing douching material (APR: 7.45, [2.12-25.95]). Conclusion: Sexual practices with a higher risk of bleeding and sexualized drug use, particularly sexualized injectable drug use, were associated with higher rates of HCV diagnosis in GBMSM. Identifying these practices during consultation, contact tracing new cases and regularly testing those with a previous history of HCV, will facilitate HCV eradication.Both a Health Research Grant (Fondo de Investigación en Salud, FIS P117/02077) and an Intramural Strategy Action Grant (PI17CIII/00037), From the Carlos III Institute, at the Science and Innovation Ministry of the Spain Government, supported this study.S

    Sexualized drug use among men who have sex with men in Madrid and Barcelona: The gateway to new drug use?

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    Men who have sex with men; Sexualized drug useHomes que tenen sexe amb homes; Consum sexual de droguesHombres que tienen sexo con hombres; Consumo sexual de drogasThis original study compares the prevalences of drug use for any purpose and for sexualized drug use (SDU) among MSM. It also describes relevant characteristics of first SDU, analyzes to what extent SDU has been the first experience (the gateway) with different drugs by age and explores the correlates of SDU. Study participants included 2,919 HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services in Madrid and Barcelona. They answered an online, self-administered questionnaire. Poisson regression models with robust variance were used. About 81.4% had ever used any drug, and 71.9% had done so in the last-12-months, while 56% had ever engaged in SDU, and 50% had done so in the last-12-months. Participants under 25 years old had the lowest prevalences of SDU, and the 25–39 age group the highest, except for Viagra, which was higher among those over age 40. The most frequently used drugs for first SDU were poppers (53.6%), cannabis (19.6%) and Viagra (12.2%). These drugs were also the most ever consumed for SDU. Among sexualized users, methamphetamine (78.3%) and Mephedrone (75.4%) were used always/most of the times for sex in the last-12-months. Around 72.2% of Mephedrone sexualized users and 69.6% of Methamphetamine vs 23.1% of ecstasy users' first consumption of these drugs involved use for sex. These drugs were provided to them free where they have sex for 66.8, 79.1, and 31.9%, respectively. On that occasion, 8.1% of Mephedrone, 6.8% of Methamphetamine and 18.4% of ecstasy users had sex only with steady partner; with 50.2, 56.2, and 26.2% respectively using a condom with any partner. SDU in the first use was associated with similar variables for recreational and chemsex drugs. The highest prevalence ratios were for having ever been penetrated by >20 men and having ever injected drugs. It can be concluded that the prevalence of SDU was more than half of the prevalence for any purpose. Thus SDU was the gateway to use for many drugs in an important proportion of users, who frequently consumed drugs that were free and had condomless anal sex with occasional and multiple partners. These circumstances were much more common for chemsex than for recreational drugs.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017)