3,231 research outputs found
El papel de los recursos sociales naturales en el proceso migratorio
Se analiza la contribución de los recursos sociales naturales en el bienestar psicológico de los inmigrantes y en su proceso de integración en la sociedad de acogida. Tras acercarnos al concepto de integración social desde la perspectiva ecológico-comunitaria,se describen los esfuerzos adaptativos que han de realizar los inmigrantes en el nuevo entorno, y la acción positiva del apoyo social en la amortiguación de los efectos negativos del estrés por aculturación. Se analiza también el papel diferencial que juegan en el proceso migratorio algunas de las dimensiones del apoyo social tales como la percepción de disponibilidad, la satisfacción con la ayuda, o la reciprocidad de la relaciones. Por último se concluye resaltando la importancia que la perspectiva psicosocial tiene para la implementación de programas
The buffer effect of social support on depression among immigrants
La influencia que sobre la depresión ejercen las circunstancias vitales estresantes y la suficiencia de apoyo social fue examinada en una muestra de inmigrantes residentes en Marbella. Se utilizaron como instrumentos de medida el Cuestionario Mannhein de Apoyo Social, la Escala CES-D de depresión y la Escala de Problemas en distintas áreas vitales de Die y Seelbach. El análisis de correlaciones bivariadas puso de manifiesto que los sujetos con unas circunstancias vitales más desfavorables y los que percibían como insuficiente su sistema de apoyo obtenían mayores puntuaciones en depresión. En el análisis de regresión lineal resultó significativa la interacción problemas x apoyo de tal forma que la suficiencia de apoyo actuaría amortiguando los síntomas depresivos sólo cuando se experimenta como graves un gran número de problemas en distintas áreas vitales. Se constata, por tanto, el efecto amortiguador del apoyo social en un colectivo de inmigrantes de diverso origen étnicoThe influence of stressful life
events and social support networks on depression was analysed in a sample of immigrants. The Mannheim
Social Support Questionnaire, the CES-D, and the scale of problems of Die & Seelbach were
used. According to bivariates correlations, those immigrants with unfavourable vital circumstances and
those that considered their social support system as insufficient, obtained higher scores on the depression
scale. Furthermore, in the lineal regression analysis an interactive effect between severity of problems
and sufficiency of social support was obtained: the sufficiency of social support showed a buffer
role only when individuals experienced a big amount of personal problems. Thus, the buffering effect
of social support was confirmed
Programas de respiro para cuidadores familiares
La atención a las dependencias es uno de los grandes retos que tiene planteada la
política social al comienzo del presente milenio. Uno de los problemas por resolver es la
atención y prevención de los efectos negativos que tienen los cuidados prolongados sobre
los cuidadores de familiares dependientes. En el presente trabajo se describen los objeti -
vos y los distintos formatos de los programas de apoyo a las familias con miembro s
dependientes. Se hace especial hincapié en los programas de re s p i ro por ser los mejore s
evaluados por los cuidadores informales. En concreto se analizan las situaciones de
dependencia más habituales, discapacitados y personas mayores, describiendo tanto
programas específicos como algunas de las líneas de investigación emprendidas
Making more flexible ATISMART+ model for traffic simulations using a CAS
Traffic simulations usually require the search of a path to join two different
points. Dijkstra’s algorithm [1] is one of the most commonly used for this task due
to its easiness and quickness. In [2, 3] we developed an accelerated time simulation
of car traffic in a smart city using Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the paths.
Dijkstra’s algorithm provides a shortest path between two different points but
this is not a realistic situation for simulations. For example, in a car traffic situa-
tion, the driver may not know the shortest path to follow. This ignorance can be
produced, among others, because one of the following two facts: the driver may
not know the exact length of the lanes, or, even knowing the exact length, the driver
may not know how to find the shortest path. Even more, in many cases, a mixture
of both facts occurs.
A more realistic simulation should therefore consider these kind of facts. The
algorithm used to compute the path from one point to another in a traffic simulation
might consider the possibility of not using the shortest path.
In this talk, we use a new probabilistic extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm which
covers the above two situations. For this matter, two different modifications in Di-
jkstra’s algorithm have been introduced: using non-exact length in lanes, and the
choice of a non-shortest path between two different points. Both modifications are
used in a non-deterministic way by means of using probability distributions (classi-
cal distributions such as Normal or Poisson distributions or even "ad hoc" ones). A
precise, fast, natural and elegant way of working with such probability distributions
is the use of a CAS in order to deal with exact and explicit computations.
As an example of use of this extension of Dijkstra’s algorithm, we will show
the ATISMART+ model. This model provides more realistic accelerated time sim-
ulations of car traffics in a smart city and was first introduced in [4] and extended
in [5]. This model was developed combining J
for the GUI and M
the mathematical core of the algorithm.
The studies developed in the above mentioned works, dealt with Poisson, Ex-
ponential, Uniform and Normal distributions. In this talk we will introduce, as
a novelty, the possibility of using other continuous probability distributions such
as: Lognormal, Weibul, Gamma, Beta, Chi-Square, Student’s t, Z, Pareto, Lo-
gistic, Cauchy or Irwin-Hall, and other discrete distributions such as: Bernouille,
Rademacher, Binomial, Geometric, Negative Binomial or Hypergeometric. Even
more, this new version allows to deal with any “ad-hoc” continuous, discrete or
mixed user’s distributions. This fact improves the flexibility of ATISMART+ model.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain
Addressing health disparities and promoting health equity for Roma has been a challenge.
The Roma are the largest disadvantaged ethnic minority population in Europe and have been the victims of deep social and economic injustices, institutional discrimination, and structural antigypsyism over many centuries. This has resulted in a much worse health status than their non-Roma counterparts. Current strategies based on ameliorative and top-down approaches to service delivery have resulted in paradoxical e_ects that solidify health disparities, since they do not e_ectively address the problems of vulnerable Roma groups. Following a health justice approach, we present a community-based participatory action research case study generated by a community and university partnership intended to address power imbalances and build collaboration among local stakeholders. This case study involved a group of health providers, Roma residents, researchers, Roma community organizations, and other stakeholders in the Poligono Sur, a neighborhood of Seville, Spain. The case study comprises four phases: (1) identifying Roma health assets, (2) empowering Roma community through sociopolitical awareness, (3) promoting alliances between Roma and community resources/institutions, and (4) building a common agenda for promoting Roma health justice. We highlighted best practices for developing processes to influence Roma health equity in local health policy agendas
Choice of social support sources among immigrants
A partir del modelo del convoy social (Khan y Antonucci, 1980), se analiza la elección de fuentes de apoyo entre inmigrantes con la Entrevista Manhein (Veiel, 1990). Participaron voluntariamente 150 marroquíes y filipinos potenciales usuarios de los Servicios Sociales de Marbella (Costa del Sol). Tras aplicar a los datos análisis log-lineales (SPSS 9), los modelos obtenidos muestran que: 1) la nacionalidad, etapa de asentamiento y situación familiar influyen en la elección de fuente de apoyo; y 2) la influencia directa de cada una de estas variables está modulada por la naturaleza de la demanda. Se observó que los inmigrantes prefieren el apoyo de vínculos familiares, pero destacan los amigos en demandas psicológicas cotidianas. Los resultados avalan el empleo del modelo del convoy en el análisis del apoyo social en inmigrantes.Based on the social convoy model (Khan & Antonucci, 1980), this study examines the choice of social support sources among immigrants through Manhein Interview (Veil, 1990). 150 well-fare facility recipients from Morocco and Philippines took part voluntarily. Log-linear analysis (SPSS.9) were employed to process data. The models obtained showed how nationality, family status and length of stay influenced participant’s choices. Nevertheless, these direct effects were modulated by the types of demands. Generally, immigrants tended to choose kin and sometimes friends, particularly for psychological daily needs. Results from this study supported the application of the social convoy model to the analysis of immigrant’s social support system
Problems, social resources and needs assessment of Ataxia Andalusian Association’s fellows
En este trabajo se examina la experiencia reciente de intervención de la Asociación Andaluza de Ataxias Hereditarias, y se presta particular atención a las dificultades encontradas para conseguir la participación de enfermos y familiares. Con un pequeño estudio exploratorio (n=22) describimos los problemas y recursos de los familiares y afectados socios de ASADAHE en Sevilla. De acuerdo con los resultados, la asociación parece un marco idóneo para potenciar las múltiples funciones del grupo familiar en la atención del enfermo. Del mismo modo, la organización de grupos de auto-ayuda puede ser una estrategia clave para aliviar la carga que experimentan algunos familiares cuidadores de atáxicos.In this paper, we describe Ataxia Andalusian Association’s activities, and resume some
organizational barriers to participation. According to the needs assessment results (n=22), self-help groups may contribute to relieve caregiver’s stress, and play a key role supporting family funtions. Some strategies to cope with problems of participation are discussed
El rol del apoyo social y las actitudes hacia el empleo en el emplazamiento laboral de inmigrantes
Investigamos los efectos de las redes de apoyo social y las actitudes
hacia el empleo en la inserción laboral de inmigrantes extranjeros en Andalucía.
El colectivo estudiado fueron 123 africanos y latinoamericanos
participantes en cursos de formación profesional ocupacional. La disponibilidad
para el empleo, el tiempo de estancia en España, el número de
familiares disponibles en la red de apoyo y la tendencia a recurrir a explicaciones internas del desempleo predijeron significativamente las probabilidades
de emplazamiento laboral al finalizar el curso.The role of social support and attitudes towards work were studied
in a group of African and Latin American immigrants in Andalusia
(Spain). The sample consisted of 123 participants on professional training courses. The acceptance of hard conditions of work, length of residence in
Spain, number of relatives available to provide social support, and internality
were significant predictors of employment
Social support and emotional exhaustion among hospital nursing staff
The role of three sources of social support (family as kin, co-workers as
insiders, and supervisors as outsiders) on the emotional exhaustion were analyzed in a
sample of 210 nurses at a general hospital in Seville, a city in the south of Spain. They
were given an adaptation of the Nursing Stress Scale, (Gray-Toff & Anderson 1981), the
Multidimensional Support Scale (Winefield, Winefield, Tiggemann 1992), previously
adapted in a sample of nurses and the emotional exhaustion scale of the Spanish version of
Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (1997). After applying a hierarchical multiple regression
analysis to the data, the results confirm the main effect of the three sources and the buffering
effect in the case of outsiders and kin. It suggests the need to perform studies with
wider samples, which allow the analysis of professionals’ psychosocial characteristics and
types of support, as well as demands in nursing job tasks
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