46 research outputs found

    Social exclusion and economic growth at the European Union: can social marketing and behavioral economics help us to overcome the problem?

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    The problem of poverty and social exclusion is growing nowadays in the European Union context, according to Eurostat (2015 and 2016). And, in spite of the fact that Europe 2020 Strategy is apparently focused on that situation, the perspectives are not promising. What could be happening? In this paper we analyze this issue from a Macromarketing approach, including elements from Behavioral Economics (stigmatization process and stress coping theories, going further than the “homo economicus” traditional model) to reach a better understanding, and recommending a combined public-private response to overcome the problem, using the elements that Marketing provide us (such as Social Marketing, Macro-social Marketing, Corporate Social Marketing and also traditional Commercial Marketing techniques, under a “fortune at the bottom of the pyramid” approach). Doing so, we do not only want to eradicate this sort of curse, but also to boost economic growth in an effective inclusive manner.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Adaptation of internships to the online modality

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    Since March 2020, adapting to the new context derived from COVID-19, face-to-face higher education institutions in Spain were forced to resort to distance learning and implemented different strategies to fulfill their functions. This work collects the strategies developed by the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Malaga, in the subjects of curricular internships during the academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21, through the resources and methodologies used. This work leads to a series of conclusions and future lines of research that are revealed in this area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of occupational accidents in Spain. Autonomous communities study

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    Actualmente existe una preocupación creciente en España y en gran parte del mundo por la siniestralidad laboral debido a los daños que causa en la persona, en el sector y en la sociedad en general. Tal motivo ha llevado a la realización de numerosos estudios a fin de entender cuáles son las causas de los accidentes de trabajo y cuáles los mecanismos que deberían establecerse en los diferentes sectores para lograr su prevención. En esta línea, el presente trabajo de investigación se marca como objetivo efectuar una comparativa en nuestro país de los índices de incidencias y accidentes de trabajo, leves, graves o mortales, que suponen una baja en la jornada laboral cubierta por Comunidades Autónomas así como evaluar su evolución respecto al período anterior. El estudio empírico desarrollado para cubrir las metas marcadas viene precedido por un marco que lo sustenta. Además, hemos de indicar que los datos de esta sección práctica han sido extraídos de las estadísticas publicadas por el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, analizándose el período que abarca desde diciembre de 2012 a noviembre de 2013, respecto a diciembre 2011-noviembre 2012. Como avance de las conclusiones hemos de destacar que, con respecto al número de accidentes leves por Comunidad Autónoma, Cataluña y Andalucía son las Comunidades con mayor número de accidentes y Ceuta y Melilla las que menos siniestralidad presentan en el período analizado. En cuanto al número de accidentes graves, Andalucía encabeza el ranking, seguida de Cataluña, pero este número global toma sentido cuando lo relacionamos con la población afiliada, aunque en esta ocasión, el sentido sigue siendo el mismo. Además, Murcia, seguida de Andalucía, es la que presenta un incremento porcentual mayor respecto al periodo anterior, de más de un tres por ciento, aspecto que debería ser analizado en profundidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Booking intention research progress: Emerging trends and research agenda

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    Purpose: Booking intention in the hotel context has motivated the interest of researchers in recent decades. However, research in this field is fragmented and its understanding presents gaps. The aim of this paper is to identify current trends in booking intention research and to recommend future research directions. Methods: To this end, a bibliometric study and content analysis were conducted on a total of 274 papers published between 2000 and 2022 in the Web of Science database. In particular, VOSviewer, SciMAT and the R software package were used to determine, quantify and visualise research clusters, as well as emerging topics in this field of study. Results: The results revealed the existence of three lines of research that have evolved during the total period studied: (1) the impact of technologies on booking intention, (2) the influence of internal consumer factors on booking intention and (3) the hotel attributes that are most sensitive to booking intention. Finally, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourist booking intention is reflected cross-sectionally in the studies, where variables such as consumer trust and perceived risk have become more important. Implications: Consequently, this paper contributes to the current body of literature on booking intention, providing a structured overview of research in this field and suggesting future avenues for research

    The female entrepreneurship as a sustainable indicator. Analysis in period of economic crisis: The case of Málaga

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    The female contribution to the entrepreneurial activity, which promotes effective equality and makes the citizens co-responsible for its development (from a perspective focused on the promotion of a sustainable development), has been showing an increase in times of economic prosperity. However, there exist some gaps on the impact of the past economic crisis. The main objective of this research is to inquire about this fact and contributes to its visibility as an indicator of sustainability. Therefore, this work offers a study of the situation of entrepreneur women in the province of Malaga in the period 2008-2015. The results are striking, since it is exposed an increase in female entrepreneurship in this period, although at a great distance from men entrepreneurship levels.La contribución femenina a la actividad emprendedora, que impulsa la igualdad efectiva y hace a la ciudadanía co-responsable de su desarrollo (desde una perspectiva centrada en la promoción de un desarrollo que sea sostenible), viene mostrando un incremento en época de bonanza económica. Sin embargo, existen lagunas sobre la incidencia de la pasada crisis económica. El objetivo principal de este estudio es indagar sobre este hecho y contribuir a su visibilidad como un indicador de sostenibilidad. A tal fin, se ha realizado un estudio de la situación de las mujeres emprendedoras de la provincia de Málaga en el periodo 2008-2015. Los resultados llaman la atención, pues se observa un aumento del emprendimiento femenino en dicho periodo, aunque a gran distancia de los niveles de emprendimiento realizado por los hombres.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Certification in tourism

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    Certification is the accreditation of an independent institution that establishes that an organization, product, process or service complies with the requirements defined in a series of regulations or standardized specifications. The metology, which is the science and engineering of measurement in charge of the study and provide the basis for accurate measurements, the accepted performance of which can then be written in international standards, the standardization and the conformity assessment constitute the three basic pillars (ISO 2006).2022-2

    Regenerative tourism: A bibliometric analysis

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    Purpose: Despite regenerative tourism representing a beacon of hope to fight the problems faced by today's humankind, its multidisciplinary essence and fragmentation hinder the identification of major thematic areas for upcoming researchers. Therefore, the present study aims to systematically review the relevant literature on regenerative tourism. Methods: The literature was revised by adopting a bibliometric protocol. Web of Science and Scopus were employed to access pertinent publications, and Biblioshiny was used to track publication and source evolution and impact, main countries and affiliations' production, authors' relevance, productivity, collaborations, perform content, thematic, and co-citations analyses. Results: The literature on regenerative tourism has recently grown, fostered by rising interest due to the COVID-19 crisis. Attention in the field is still limited to a few main players, requiring an expansion in geographic and academic discipline terms. Thematic areas and their level of development were identified, assessing some relevant topics as fairly unexplored, especially concerning mindset change. Implications: This study offers inferences for future researchers and practitioners, employing literature summarizing, main sources and author identification, as well as gap detection, limiting its results to dual database record retrieval, as well as limited scope or search

    ProKnow-C sobre buenas prácticas y competencias transversales

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    Colomo Magaña, E. et al. (2021): La tecnología educativa hoy. UMA Editorial. Málaga. España.La implementación de las TIC en la enseñanza ha contribuido a prácticas innovadoras en el aula. Para su buen uso, es necesario un amplio conocimiento, así como el desarrollo de una serie de competencias. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo aglutinar de forma concisa el conocimiento actual relevante y no redundante sobre buenas prácticas y competencias transversales, mediante la utilización del Proceso de Desarrollo del Conocimiento - Constructivista (ProKnow-C). Los resultados proporcionan un portfolio bibliográfico básico de 15 artículos relevantes y alineados con el tema de investigación, sentando las bases orientadoras para futuras contribuciones al conocimiento sobre esta temática y mostrando una guía sistemática en su construcción.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impacto del Covid sobre el turismo y las ciudades turísticas

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    El turismo ha adquirido un lugar preponderante en la economía global, debido a su terciarización. Además, es un elemento clave en la planificación urbana, desarrollo y evoluciones socioculturales de muchas ciudades. Sin embargo, las empresas turísticas se enfrentan a la paradoja de construirse alterando el entorno ecológico y afectando los valores ambientales que la sustentan. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar bibliométricamente la metamorfosis del turismo y las transformaciones urbanas de las ciudades turísticas debido a los efectos de la Covid-19, así como detectar la importancia del turismo de proximidad como alternativa dirigida hacia un turismo más alineado con los ODS de Naciones Unidas al reducir la huella de carbono. Los resultados proporcionan un portfolio bibliográfico básico de los artículos relevantes y alineados con el tema de investigación, sentando las bases orientadoras para futuras contribuciones al conocimiento, aspecto clave en la toma de decisiones de investigadores, empresarios, políticos… en definitiva, para lograr un desarrollo económico, social e institucional estable a través de una adecuada gobernanza.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Governance, overtourism and impacts in Malaga, Spain: Recommendations for sustainability.

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    chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://iatour.org/icot2023/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Book-of-Abstracts-ICOT2023-ver.1.pdfGovernance, Overtourism and Impacts in Malaga, Spain: Recommedations for Sustainability This research aims to understand the relationships between governance, overtourism and the impacts of tourism on residents. To this end, this study proposes a novel research model in which governance and overtourism factors are related to social and environmental impacts. In view of the intensification of tourism in the most overcrowded urban destinations in Europe and the Mediterranean, it is necessary to develop sustainable management measures. We conducted a survey of the residents of the municipality of Malaga, Spain. We conducted a factor analysis and regression and proxy maps of the main variables. We created a specific questionnaire to analyse the main factors affecting tourism management and its impacts. The survey is statistically representative (n=450). The results highlight the relationship between municipal governance and overtourism, and how the latter causes the social and environmental impacts of tourism. Impacts related to environmental problems are the most negatively valued by residents and affect their quality of life. A novel investigation is carried out on the relationships between the perception of tourism governance, tourist saturation and the impacts of tourism in a crowded space such as the historic centre of the city of Malaga, Spain.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech