33,590 research outputs found

    Rough surface scattering in many-mode conducting channels: Gradient versus amplitude scattering

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    We study the effect of surface scattering on transport properties in many-mode conducting channels (electron waveguides). Assuming a strong roughness of the surface profiles, we show that there are two independent control parameters that determine statistical properties of the scattering. The first parameter is the ratio of the amplitude of the roughness to the transverse width of the waveguide. The second one, which is typically omitted, is determined by the mean value of the derivative of the profile. This parameter may be large, thus leading to specific properties of scattering. Our results may be used in experimental realizations of the surface scattering of electron waves, as well as for other applications (e.g., for optical and microwave waveguides)Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Photodissociation chemistry footprints in the Starburst galaxy NGC 253

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    We report the first detection of PDR molecular tracers, namely HOC+, and CO+, and confirm the detection of the also PDR tracer HCO towards the starburst galaxy NGC 253, claimed to be mainly dominated by shock heating and in an earlier stage of evolution than M 82, the prototypical extragalactic PDR. Our CO+ detection suffers from significant blending to a group of transitions of 13CH3OH, tentatively detected for the first time in the extragalactic interstellar medium. These species are efficiently formed in the highly UV irradiated outer layers of molecular clouds, as observed in the late stage nuclear starburst in M 82. The molecular abundance ratios we derive for these molecules are very similar to those found in M 82. This strongly supports the idea that these molecules are tracing the PDR component associated with the starburst in the nuclear region of NGC 253. A comparison with the predictions of chemical models for PDRs shows that the observed molecular ratios are tracing the outer layers of UV illuminated clouds up to two magnitudes of visual extinction. Chemical models, which include grain formation and photodissociation of HNCO, support the scenario of a photo-dominated chemistry as an explanation to the abundances of the observed species. From this comparison we conclude that the molecular clouds in NGC 253 are more massive and with larger column densities than those in M 82, as expected from the evolutionary stage of the starbursts in both galaxies.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, Published in Ap

    Not truly partnerless: Non-residential partnerships and retreat from marriage in Spain

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    In Spain, nearly two-thirds of women aged 20-34 have not yet entered their first union. However, almost half of them have a stable partner in a different household. Hence, the drop in marriage rates and low prevalence of cohabitation cannot be rightly interpreted as a decline in partnership formation, but rather as a postponement of co-residential unions. This paper examines the prevalence and determinants of non-residential stable partnerships among young adults (women aged 20-34), in relation to cohabitation and marriage, using a multinomial logit model of current partnership type. The analysis is based on data from the 1999 Spanish Fertility Survey.cohabitation, LAT, partnerships, Spain, union formation

    Is Latin America starting to retreat from early and universal childbearing?

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    The 2000 censuses show that the proportion of women below age 30 who are mothers has dropped substantially in most Latin America countries, suggesting that the social imperative of early motherhood, which has long prevailed in the region, is weakening. Surveys conducted in 14 Latin American countries in 2006 also show a strong link between childlessness and higher education across several cohorts. We discuss whether the recent increase in childlessness among young women reflects a shift towards later childbearing, a novel trend in the Latin American context, and also whether it may signal an emerging retreat from universal childbearing in the region.childlessness, fertility, first birth, Latin America

    Is it ethical to avoid error analysis?

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    Machine learning algorithms tend to create more accurate models with the availability of large datasets. In some cases, highly accurate models can hide the presence of bias in the data. There are several studies published that tackle the development of discriminatory-aware machine learning algorithms. We center on the further evaluation of machine learning models by doing error analysis, to understand under what conditions the model is not working as expected. We focus on the ethical implications of avoiding error analysis, from a falsification of results and discrimination perspective. Finally, we show different ways to approach error analysis in non-interpretable machine learning algorithms such as deep learning.Comment: Presented as a poster at the 2017 Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FAT/ML 2017

    Claim, offer and information in wage bargaining

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    A stylized private-information model on the determination of the initial works council claim and the initial firm (counter) offer is analyzed in the context of the Spanish Collective Bargaining system. The Spanish system forces agents to make initial offers at the beginning ot the negotiation process. Thus initial firm offers are expected to reveal very little information. Our findings confirm such a guess. Morever, we found that initial offers crucially depend on aggregate bargaining conditions, price expectations and those variables that reflect the characteristics of the negotiation unit. However, the latter set of variables enters differently in both offer equations

    Pacientes ostomizados: estudio de una intervención enfermera

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    [Resumen] La realización de una ostomía supone un cambio muy significativo para la persona que sufre dicha modificación, tanto en su aspecto de vida más personal e íntimo como en la faceta de la vida social, familiar o profesional. Un sentimiento común en los estudios consultados revela la importancia del personal sanitario, en concreto el personal de enfermería, para potenciar la adaptación a la modificación corporal. El objetivo del estudio será determinar si la adaptación se ve modificada tras una intervención enfermera de educación terapéutica. Conocer al mismo tiempo la implicación de la enfermería en este ámbito de la profesión y la necesidad de implementar una intervención de educación terapéutica con este tipo de pacientes. La metodología utilizada para este estudio será la metodología cualitativa. El estudio se realizará en el Área Sanitaria de Ferrol con una duración aproximada de 16 meses. Se llevará a cabo una intervención dividida en dos partes: una intervención enfermera de educación terapéutica con los pacientes y una posterior entrevista en profundidad para conocer si la adaptación fue modificada tras la intervención.[Resumo] A realización dunha ostomía supón un cambio significativo no día a día da persoa que sufre dita modificación, tanto no seu aspecto de vida máis persoal e íntimo como na faceta da vida social, familiar ou profesional. Un sentimento común nos estudos consultados revela a importancia do persoal sanitario, en concreto o persoal de enfermaría, para potenciar a adaptación á modificación corporal. O obxectivo deste estudo será determinar se a adaptación se ve modificada tras unha intervención enfermeira de educación terapéutica. Coñecer ao mesmo tempo a implicación da enfermaría nese ámbito da profesión e a necesidade de implementar unha intervención de educación terapéutica con este tipo de pacientes. A metodoloxía utilizada para este estudo será a metodoloxía cualitativa. O estudo realizarase na Área Sanitaria de Ferrol cunha duración aproximada de 16 meses. Levarase a cabo unha intervención dividida en dúas partes: unha intervención enfermeira de educación terapéutica cos pacientes e unha posterior entrevista en profundidade para coñecer se a adaptación foi modificada despois da intervención.[Abstract] The performance of an ostomy represents a very significant change for the person who undergoes this modification, both in the aspect of a more personal and intimate life and in the facet of social, family or professional life. A common feeling in the studies consulted reveals the importance of health workers, particularly nurses, in promoting adaptation to body modification. The objective of this study will be to determine if the adaptation is modified after a therapeutic education nurse intervention. To know at the same time the involvement of nursing in this field of the profession and the need to implement a therapeutic education intervention with this type of patients. The methodology used for this study will be the qualitative methodology. The study will be carried out in the Health Area of Ferrol with an approximate duration of 16 months. The intervention will be divided into two parts: a therapeutic education nurse intervention with the patients and a subsequent in-depth interview to find out if the adaptation was modified after the intervention.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2017/201