5 research outputs found

    Bridging universities and industry through cleaner production activities. Experiences from the Cleaner Production Center at the University of Cienfuegos, Cuba

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    The involvement of universities is crucial to identify how Cleaner Production strategies are formed in practice so that companies integrate sustainability into their strategies. This paper discusses the experience of establishing and operating the Cleaner Production Center at the University of Cienfuegos. From 2008 to 2011, the University of Cienfuegos, the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and the University of Leuven (Belgium) implemented a project, financially supported by the Flemish Interuniversity Council (Belgium) allowing establishing a Cleaner Production Center at the University of Cienfuegos. This first project was followed by a second University of Cienfuegos - University of Leuven one. So far, the collaboration allowed to establish a master program on Cleaner Production that constitutes a bridge between the university and the production and service sector, allowing to promote and implement cleaner production strategies. 34 master students graduated during two graduations and a third one is ongoing. Among the most important results of the master thesis were the yearly reduction of the emission of 60 000 t/a of carbon dioxide equivalent and of the electricity consumption by 400 MWh/a at a cement plant. Research activities on Cleaner Production were upgraded through the collaboration resulting in several publications in peer-reviewed journals with impact factor. This type of North-South cooperation aided establishing and developing the center, by transferring expertise and experience and by providing part of the necessary funding which is difficult to raise by developing economies. This case study offers an interesting practice example about developing academic (training, research) values on Cleaner Production

    Gestión de costos e ingresos medioambientales como herramienta para la toma de decisiones empresariales

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    Se elaboró un procedimiento donde el cálculo de los costos medioambientales cons-tituye herramienta para la toma de decisiones de la administración, a través del estudio de caso del sector electroenergético en la provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Para el cálcu-lo de los costos, ingresos y gastos medioambientales se usó el procedimiento definido por Becerra. Se demostró cómo el cálculo de los costos medioambientales posibilita búsquedas de alternativas para optimizar la relación con el medio ambiente, y además obtener ahorros potenciales. Del análisis en el sector electroenergético de la referida provincia, la Refinería de Petróleo Camilo Cienfuegos presentó los mayores costos am-bientales para un 97,3 %. El elemento más representativo es el valor de compra de las salidas de los no-productos

    On the evolution of “cleaner production” as a concept and a practice

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    “Cleaner Production“(CP) is about less and more efficient energy and materials use and the substitution of more harmful products (for the environment and health) by less dangerous ones. CP was the reply of the industry to the call for sustainable development as launched by the WCED (1987) and further elaborated in Rio's Agenda 21 (UN, 1992). During the past 25 years, the concept was put in practice. During this period it changed in scope, methods, and application area. This provided a deeper socio-economic impact to an idea that was originally launched to awaken industry on its environmental responsibilities. This paper provides a review of essentials that contributed to the fundamental changes in CP during the most recent quarter of a century. It takes off with a review of CP definitions illustrating the changes of the content. Changes in scope are exemplified with the increasing importance of “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR). This includes that post-modern companies have not only responsibilities on their economic performance and the environment, but should also act on issues including human rights and resources, business ethics, and community involvement. The links between CP and green and circular economy are indicated. The CP approach is increasingly applied outside the industry. CP for sustainable tourism is discussed in more detail but is only an example of the wider application in e.g. agriculture or health services

    La Auditoría de Gestión, una necesidad impostergable de la administración moderna

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    La Auditoría de Gestión permite abarcar el crecimiento constante de problemas cada vez más complejos ya que motivado por las exigencias sociales y de la tecnología pasa a ser un elemento vital para la gerencia, permitiéndole conocer a los ejecutivos qué tan bien resuelven los problemas económicos, sociales y ecológicos que a este nivel se presentan generando en la empresa un saludable dinamismo. Todo lo anteriormente expuesto conduce a presentar en este trabajo un resumen de las investigaciones efectuadas en entidades del turismo y agrícolas por más de 10 años lo que ha permitido señalar las barreras, que a criterio de las autoras, se enfrenta la auditoría de gestión y diseñar en función de éstas las guías que permitan su avance Abstract Management auditing acknowledges constant increase in problems with in a company, each long being more complicated than the last. These are usually brought on by social demande as well as technology wich play a vital role in management. Using these factors, management is able to resolve the social, economic and ecological problems that exist at this level thas creating a dynamically healthy company. Bearing this is mind, this project is arried at presenting a summary of the investigations carried aut in tourism and agricultural entities over a ten (10) year period, wich has enablest the author, despite difficulties, to analyse managenal auditing and design a guide that allows for its advancement.M1 - Business Administration. M10 - General M4 - Accounting and Auditing M40 - M42 - Auditing

    Interacción universidad-industria en la producción más limpia. El caso del centro de producción más limpia en la universidad de cienfuegos en cuba, un país en transición.

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    Universities are key stakeholders in teaching, researching and supporting the implementation of cleaner production activities. This case study discusses the experience of establishing and operating the Cleaner Production Center at the University of Cienfuegos (Cuba). Establishing, starting-up and running the center during its first four years of activity was supported by two projects targeted to inter-university cooperation. The collaboration allowed to establish a master program on cleaner production which acts as a bridge between the university, and the production industry and the services sector in the province of Cienfuegos. Currently 32 students from the first two promotions graduated and the program of two other promotions is ongoing. The master thesis research works are defined improving the environmental performance of the companies or organizations the student originate from. This results in a measurable improvement of the air and surface water quality in Cienfuegos city. An estimated yearly reduction of the emission of 60,000 ton of carbon dioxide equivalents and of 400 MWh at a cement plant have been realized. Research activities currently target the pollution inventory of Cienfuegos, energy production from local biomass, and establishing indicators for sustainable development for Cienfuegos. The inter-university collaboration resulted in several publications in international peer reviewed journals. The successful inter-university North–South collaboration between Cuba and Belgium, targeted at capacity building, transfer of experience and expertise, proved to be most crucial during these first years the center was active. It allowed generating the necessary funds which are often difficult to raise in developing countries. Therefore this is a unique case of building academic experience on cleaner production.Las universidades son partes interesadas clave en la enseñanza, la investigación y el apoyo a la implementación de actividades de producción más limpia. Este estudio de caso analiza la experiencia de establecer y operar el Centro de Producción más Limpia en la Universidad de Cienfuegos (Cuba). El establecimiento, la puesta en marcha y el funcionamiento del centro durante sus primeros cuatro años de actividad se apoyaron en dos proyectos orientados a la cooperación interuniversitaria. La colaboración permitió establecer un programa maestro sobre producción más limpia que actúa como un puente entre la universidad, la industria de producción y el sector de servicios en la provincia de Cienfuegos. Actualmente, 32 estudiantes de las dos primeras promociones se graduaron y el programa de otras dos promociones está en curso. Los trabajos de investigación de tesis de maestría se definen mejorando el desempeño ambiental de las compañías u organizaciones de las que se originan los estudiantes. Esto resulta en una mejora medible de la calidad del aire y del agua superficial en la ciudad de Cienfuegos. Se ha realizado una reducción anual estimada de la emisión de 60,000 toneladas de equivalentes de dióxido de carbono y de 400 MWh en una planta de cemento. Las actividades de investigación apuntan actualmente al inventario de contaminación de Cienfuegos, la producción de energía a partir de biomasa local y el establecimiento de indicadores para el desarrollo sostenible de Cienfuegos. La colaboración interuniversitaria dio lugar a varias publicaciones en revistas internacionales revisadas por pares. La exitosa colaboración interuniversitaria Norte-Sur entre Cuba y Bélgica, enfocada en el desarrollo de capacidades, la transferencia de experiencia y experiencia, demostró ser crucial durante estos primeros años en que el centro estuvo activo. Permitió generar los fondos necesarios que a menudo son difíciles de recaudar en los países en desarrollo. Por lo tanto, este es un caso único de construcción de experiencia académica en producción más limpia