2,291 research outputs found
El modelo de participación ciudadana en salud en Puertollano (España): más allá de la voluntad política y del empoderamiento ciudadano
A model for citizen participation in the area of health services was established in Puertollano (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) and was carried out from 2008 to 2011. This was an innovative, prestigious and legally established model, based on the active and deliberative participation of the different actors involved in the health care system. In 2011 the conservative government that was formed after the regional elections halted all the actions taken under this model. As a result, we have considered it necessary to evaluate the model at the end of this period, carrying out a rigorous, systematic and scientific analysis of what took place during the years 2008-2015, examining the weaknesses in the application of the model and the possible threats it posed. For our analysis we have used a qualitative method based on in-depth interviews with actors involved in establishing the model.El modelo de participación ciudadana en salud implantado en el área sanitaria de
Puertollano (Castilla -La Mancha, España) se desarrolló durante los años 2008 -2011.
Fue un modelo innovador, prestigioso y legitimado, basado en la participación activa
y deliberativa de diferentes actores implicados en el sistema sanitario. En el año 2011,
el gobierno conservador surgido de las elecciones regionales paralizó todas las actuaciones relacionadas con el modelo. A consecuencia de ello se ha estimado conveniente
hacer una evaluación a posteriori al finalizar el periodo de implantación, con el objetivo
de realizar un análisis riguroso, sistemático y científico sobre lo sucedido durante los
años 2008 -2015, incidiendo en las debilidades y amenazas del modelo en su aplicación.
Para el análisis se ha utilizado una metodología cualitativa, mediante entrevistas en
profundidad a actores implicados en la implantación del modelo.Le modèle de participation citoyenne en matière de santé mis en place dans la zone d’intervention sanitaire de Puertollano (Castille-La Manche, Espagne) eut lieu au cours des années 2008-2011. Il s’agit d’un modèle innovateur, prestigieux et consacré, reposant sur la participation active et délibérative de différents acteurs impliqués dans le système de santé. En 2011, le gouvernement conservateur issu des élections régionales a bloqué toutes les actions ayant trait au modèle en cause. Par conséquent, nous avons estimé qu’il convenait de procéder à une évaluation a posteriori à l’issue de la période de mise en œuvre, dans le but d’effectuer une analyse rigoureuse, systématique et scientifique de ce qui a eu lieu durant les années 2008-2015, en mettant en exergue les faiblesses et les menaces de l’application du modèle. À des fins de recherche, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie qualitative s’appuyant sur des entretiens approfondis d’acteurs engagés dans la mise en place du modèl
The Healthcare System in Spain: From Decentralization to Economic Current Crisis
Spain’s Transition to Democracy set the stage
for the organization of a national healthcare system. The
adoption of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 was a political
milestone that led to the recognition of every citizen’s right
to healthcare and the right of autonomy of the various
regions that make up the Spanish State. The most distinctive
characteristic of the healthcare model set up in those early
years of political transition was the decentralization of the
healthcare system which transferred political and
administrative power on matters of public health to the 17
autonomous communities. It took more than 20 years to
complete this decentralization process. This evaluative
analysis will examine the pros and cons of decentralization.
Due to the economic crisis and the election of a conservative
government, the National Healthcare System is being
seriously questioned, its very sustainability in doubt as
reform measures are being taken that are considered a threat
by many institutions and organizations to public welfare
Association between Eruption Sequence of Posterior Teeth, Dental Crowding, Arch Dimensions, Incisor Inclination, and Skeletal Growth Pattern
Background: We conducted research to investigate the effects of the eruption sequence of
posterior teeth, arch dimensions, and incisor inclination on dental crowding. Material and Methods:
A cross-sectional analytic study was performed on 100 patients (54 boys and 46 girls; mean ages: 11.69
and 11.16 years, respectively). Seq1 (canine-3-/second premolar-5-) or Seq2 (5/3) eruption sequences
were recorded in maxilla, and Seq3 (canine-3-/first premolar-4-) or Seq4 (4/3) eruption sequences
in mandible; tooth size, available space, tooth size-arch length discrepancy (TS-ALD), arch lengths,
incisor inclination and distance, and skeletal relationship were noted. Results: The most common
eruption sequences in the maxilla and mandible were Seq1 (50.6%), and Seq3 (52.1%), respectively.
In the maxilla, posterior tooth sizes were larger in crowded cases. In the mandible, anterior and
posterior tooth sizes were larger in crowded patients. No relationship between incisor variables and
the maxillo-mandibular relationship and dental crowding was found. A negative correlation between
inferior TS-ALD and the mandibular plane was found. Conclusions: Seq1 and Seq 2 in the maxilla
and Seq 3 and Seq 4 in the mandible were equally prevalent. An eruption sequence of 3–5 in the
maxilla and 3–4 in the mandible is more likely to cause crowding.BIOCRAN (Craniofacial Biology, Orthodontics
and Dentofacial Orthopedics) Research GroupDepartment of Clinical Spaecialties
(DECO), University Complutense of Madri
Modeling tunable band-pass filters based on RF-MEMS metamaterials
This work describes progress toward designing and modeling reconfigurable band-pass filters based on RF microelectromechanical systems (RF-MEMS) metamaterials. A device consisting of a coplanar waveguide structure that combines complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) and RF-MEMS varactor bridges, operating at K and Ka-band, is proposed. Several layouts have been designed and electromagnetically (EM) simulated. A full equivalent-circuit model for the description of the proposed structure, including transmission lines, RF-MEMS, subwavelength resonators and coupling parameters, is provided. A high degree of accuracy between EM simulations behavior and electrical model has been obtained.Postprint (published version
Parametric design of stop band pass filter based on RF metamaterials in LTCC technology
This paper presents a novel approach to design a parametric RF stop band pass
¯lter based on Low Temperature Co-¯red Ceramic (LTCC) Technology. The LTCC technology
enables to miniaturize and development compact structures using not only the standard xy-planar
circuit dimensions but also the z-height dimension. The proposed ¯lters topologies are based on
a stripline loaded with one or several complementary rings resonator (CSRRs). Speci¯cally, a
parametric study z-location of the stripline respect to the CSRRs is carried out in order to
determine the optimum con¯gurations operating in the Ku-band.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Adaptation and validation of five scales to measure determinants of binge drinking in adolescents
Fundamento. Validar cinco escalas, basadas en un marco teórico para la adopción de comportamientos, que fueron diseñadas para evaluar los factores implicados en el consumo episódico excesivo de alcohol (CEEA) en adolescentes, concretamente: actitud, influencia social (Modelo, Norma y Presión) y autoeficacia.
Material y métodos. Estudio observacional, transversal y multicéntrico. Mediante muestreo por conveniencia se incluyeron 397 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años escolarizados en institutos de Educación Secundaria de Sevilla y Huelva. Tras la traducción y revisión del instrumento por un panel de expertos se obtuvo un cuestionario en español que fue administrado a una muestra piloto para valorar la comprensibilidad y, posteriormente, los participantes completaron las cinco escalas para comprobar la validez estructural (análisis factorial y fiabilidad) y la validez de constructo.
Resultados. En las cinco escalas, el primer factor explicó al menos el 28% de la varianza y la varianza total explicada fue siempre mayor que 60%. Tras la rotación, las cargas factoriales de los ítems fueron mayores a 0,40 para su factor de pertenencia. El alfa de Cronbach osciló desde 0,62 hasta 0,91. El coeficiente de Spearman fue menor a 0,7 al correlacionar las subdimensiones de las escalas, salvo en la escala de Autoeficacia, asumiendo multidimensionalidad con ciertas limitaciones.
Conclusiones. Se presentan cinco escalas con indicios de fiabilidad y validez, cuyos ítems reflejan el marco teórico de referencia y que pueden evaluar los determinantes del CEEA. En el futuro se debería continuar con la validación para determinar su reproducibilidad, su validez de criterio con un “gold estándar” o medida objetiva.Background. The aim of this study was to validate five scales, based on a theoretical framework for the adoption of behaviours, designed to assess the determinants in binge drinking in adolescents, namely: attitude, social influence (model, norm and pressure) and self-efficacy. Methods. Observational, cross-sectional and multicentre study. Through convenience sampling, 397 adolescents between 15 to 18 years old enrolled in secondary schools in Seville and Huelva were included. After translation and review of the original instrument by a panel of experts, a questionnaire was obtained in Spanish that was administered to a pilot sample to assess comprehensibility and, subsequently, the participants completed the five scales to check the structural validity (factor analysis and reliability) and construct validity.
Results. On the five scales, the first factor explained at least 28% of the variance and the total variance explained was always greater than 60%. After rotation, all items had weights >0.40 for the factor to which they belonged. Cronbach´s alpha ranged from 0.62 to 0.91. Spearman’s coefficient was lower than 0.7 when correlating the sub dimensions of the scales, except on the self-efficacy scale, assuming multidimensionality with certain limitations
Conclusions. Five scales are presented with indications of reliability and validity, their items reflect the theoretical frame of reference and can evaluate the determinants of binge drinking. In the future, validation could be continued to determine its reproducibility, its criterion validity with a “gold standard” or objective measure.V Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevill
Access to Spiropyrazolone-butenolides through NHC-Catalyzed [3 + 2]-Asymmetric Annulation of 3-Bromoenals and 1H-Pyrazol-4,5-diones
Producción CientíficaThe stereoselective synthesis of spirocyclic pyrazo-
lin-5-ones by N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) organocatalysis has
been less studied so far. For this reason and considering the interest
of this class of compounds, here, we present the NHC-catalyzed [3
+ 2]-asymmetric annulation of β-bromoenals and 1H-pyrazol-4,5-
diones that achieves to produce chiral spiropyrazolone-butenolides.
The synthesis is general for aryl and heteroaryl β-bromo-α,β-
unsaturated aldehydes and 1,3-disubstituted pyrazolones. The
spirobutenolides have been obtained in good yields (up to 88%)
and enantioselectivities (up to 97:3 er). This constitutes the first
described example using pyrazoldiones as the starting materials for
this class of spiro compounds.Junta de Castilla y León predoctoral fellowship (EDU/556/2019
A Novel Niosome-Encapsulated Essential Oil Formulation to Prevent Aspergillus flavus Growth and Aflatoxin Contamination of Maize Grains During Storage
Aflatoxin (AF) contamination of maize is a major concern for food safety. The use of chemical fungicides is controversial, and it is necessary to develop new effective methods to control Aspergillus flavus growth and, therefore, to avoid the presence of AFs in grains. In this work, we tested in vitro the effect of six essential oils (EOs) extracted from aromatic plants. We selected those from Satureja montana and Origanum virens because they show high levels of antifungal and antitoxigenic activity at low concentrations against A. flavus. EOs are highly volatile compounds and we have developed a new niosome-based encapsulation method to extend their shelf life and activity. These new formulations have been successfully applied to reduce fungal growth and AF accumulation in maize grains in a small-scale test, as well as placing the maize into polypropylene woven bags to simulate common storage conditions. In this latter case, the antifungal properties lasted up to 75 days after the first applicatio
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