499 research outputs found

    Impact of ovine whey protein concentrates and clarification by-products on the yield and quality of whey cheese

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    The effects of the addition of whey protein concentrates and clarification by-products obtained from ovine cheese whey and deproteinized whey (Sorelho) on the yield and quality of the whey cheese (Requeijão) have been evaluated. Whey protein concentrates were obtained by ultrafiltration of skimmed whey and Sorelho. The clarification by-products were obtained after the treatment of the skimmed whey and Sorelho by thermocalcic precipitation and microfiltration with two membranes (0.20 and 0.65 mm pore size). Next, the liophilization of the corresponding retentates was carried out. Each powder was added in three different mass ratios: 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 %. The addition of the powders caused higher yields of the whey cheese – mainly the one with the additional whey powder – but it did not affect the strength of the products. The retention of water and other components of whey and milk in the whey cheese was influenced by the protein composition of the powders. In relation to colour parameters, the whey cheese manufactured with ultrafiltration and microfiltration retentate powders showed lower values of ligthness than the control whey cheese – mainly the whey cheese with 1.5 % of added powders. The microstructure constituted of small aggregates in the whey cheese manufactured with ultrafiltration and 0.20-mm microfiltration retentate powders and also by large, smooth structures in the other whey cheeses, especially in batches with added Sorelho powdersThis work was supported by the »Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galicia« (XUGA26202B97). Funding for author C.D.P. was provided by a Ph.D. fellowship (BD19672/99) issued within the framework »PRAXIS XXI«, administered by JNICT, PortugalS

    Composición de ácidos grasos de la carne de capones de raza Mos y estirpes comerciales sacrificados a diferentes edades

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    Se ha estudiado la influencia de la raza [Mos (raza española autóctona), Sasso T-44 y X-44 (estirpes comerciales)] y la edad (5, 6, 7 y 8 meses) de los capones (gallos castrados) en la composición de ácidos grasos de la carne de la pechuga y del muslo. La carne de los capones de raza Mos presentó menor concentración de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y mayor de poliinsaturados que la carne de las otras razas. Además, dichos capones mostraron mayor contenido de los ácidos margárico (C17:0) y esteárico (C18:0) que las estirpes comerciales; sin embargo, no hubo diferencias significativas entre las distintas razas en el total de ácidos grasos saturados. La carne de los animales más jóvenes mostró menor concentración de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y mayor de poliinsaturados que la de los animales de mayor edad. Sin embargo, la edad influyó menos que la razaThe influence of the breed [Mos (Spanish indigenous breed), Sasso T-44 and X-44 (commercial strains)] and the age (5, 6, 7 and 8 months) of capons (castrated male cockerels) on the fatty acid compositions of breast and drumstick meat were studied. The meat of the Mos capons showed lower contents of monounsaturated fatty acids and higher concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids than those of the other breeds. In addition, the Mos breed showed higher contents of margaric acid (C17:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) as compared to the commercial strains; however, no significant effects of breed were observed in the total contents of saturated fatty acids in the meat. The meat of the youngest animals showed lower contents of monounsaturated fatty acids and higher concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids than that of the older ones. Nevertheless, the effect of age was less important than the effect of breedThis study was financially supported by project PGIDIT04RAG012E [Consellería de Innovación, Industria e Comercio da Xunta de Galicia and Asociación de Criadores de Capón de Vilalba]S

    Composition and Physico-Chemical Properties of Meat from Capons Fed Cereals

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    Chemical composition, physico-chemical properties and fatty acid composition of breast and drumstick meat from capons (castrated male cockerels) fed cereals were studied. Three groups of capons were reared. One group was fed ad libitum the same commercial diet until the 4th mon of life. The last month of its life, the capons of this group were fed corn. The second and third group of capons were fed the same diet from caponization. The second group was fed mixture of corn (50%) and wheat (50%). The third group of capons was fed 2/3 corn and 1/3 mixture of corn (50%) and barley (50%). Capons were reared under free-range conditions and slaughtered at 150 d of age. Caponization was performed at 48 d. No significant effects of feeding in chemical composition, pH, water holding capacity, drip and cooking losses and texture of the meat were observed. The meat of the third group (capons fed 83% corn) was more yellow and showed higher content of C18:2 than that of the other caponsThis study was financially supported by project PGIDIT04RAG012E (Consellería de Innovación, Industria e Comercio da Xunta de Galicia and Asociación de Criadores de Capón de Vilalba, Spain)S

    Proposal for a generic model of analysis of the structure of transmedia narratives

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    Las narrativas transmedia son un fenómeno revolucionario cuya expansión ha sido propiciada por la cultura de la convergencia pero, a pesar de que existen múltiples casos de análisis de las mismas, no se ha consolidado un modelo de estudio integral. El objetivo de esta investigación es establecer un modelo genérico de análisis de la estructura de las narrativas transmedia que es posible aplicar a los diferentes productos transmedia para poder conocer su estructura fijando patrones que permitirán entender mejor su funcionamiento. Para ello, se recurre a la realización de una revisión bibliográfica y un análisis de contenido en el que se examinan los métodos propuestos por varios autores a la hora de describir y estudiar narrativas transmedia y que se toman como punto de partida para la creación de un modelo propio.Transmedia narratives are a revolutionary phenomenon whose expansion has been driven by the convergence culture but, even though there are multiple instances of the same analysis, is not a model consolidated comprehensive study. The objective of this research is to develop a generic model to analyze the structure of transmedia narratives that can be applied to various products to meet transmedia structure setting patterns to better understand its operation. To this end, it is used a literature review and a content analysis in which different methods used by various authors for describing and studying narratives transmedia are studied and examined, that are a starting point for the creation of an own model.Fac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu

    Propuesta de un modelo genérico de análisis de la estructura de las narrativas transmedia / Proposal for a generic model of analysis of the structure of transmedia narratives

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    Transmedia narratives are a revolutionary phenomenon whose expansion has been driven by the convergence culture but, even though there are multiple instances of the same analysis, is not a model consolidated comprehensive study. The objective of this research is to develop a generic model to analyze the structure of transmedia narratives that can be applied to various products to meet transmedia structure setting patterns to better understand its operation. To this end, it is used a literature review and a content analysis in which different methods used by various authors for describing and studying narratives transmedia are studied and examined, that are a starting point for the creation of an own model.Las narrativas transmedia son un fenómeno revolucionario cuya expansión ha sido propiciada por la cultura de la convergencia pero, a pesar de que existen múltiples casos de análisis de las mismas, no se ha consolidado un modelo de estudio integral. El objetivo de esta investigación es establecer un modelo genérico de análisis de la estructura de las narrativas transmedia que es posible aplicar a los diferentes productos transmedia para poder conocer su estructura fijando patrones que permitirán entender mejor su funcionamiento. Para ello, se recurre a la realización de una revisión bibliográfica y un análisis de contenido en el que se examinan los métodos propuestos por varios autores a la hora de describir y estudiar narrativas transmedia y que se toman como punto de partida para la creación de un modelo propio

    The metrosexual man as the contemporary Narcissus: the role of current discourse of advertising in the construction of the masculinity

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    There are different definitions about the meaning of masculinity. On one hand, there are normative theories, which understand masculinity as men should be. On the other hand, semiotic approaches define it as non-femininity. Considering this second approach, it can be considered that femininity has evolved recently with society blurring the line between what is part of their role and what is not. From these renovated models of femininity, it could be argued the emergence of new and different masculinities such as the metrosexual man. It is in this particular kind of masculinity in which this research focuses, besides in how the narrative of that masculinity is constructed in the current advertising through the mythical figure of Narcissus. Thereby, after a literature review and a content analysis, the present study aims to analyze the influence of advertising in the emergence of metrosexual like new masculinity man as a result of the transformation of femininity. At the same time, it tries to confirm the presence of the figure of Narcissus as a resource in the construction of masculinity in today's advertising

    Procesos biolóxicos de transformación dos alimentos. Fermentacións. Cultivos iniciadores. Uso de enzimas

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    Titulación: Grao en Nutrición Humana e Dietética -- Materia: Tecnoloxía do Procesado de AlimentosA materia «Tecnoloxía do procesado de alimentos» empézase a impartir no curso 2011/2012 no primeiro semestre do 2º curso do Grao en Nutrición Humana e Dietética, onde comeza a docencia do módulo de Ciencia dos Alimentos. No primeiro curso o alumnado só estudou materias do módulo de Formación Básica. Esta unidade didáctica denomínase Procesos biolóxicos de transformación dos alimentos.Fermentacións.Cultivos iniciadores. Uso de enzimas. En primeiro lugar trátase a fermentación. É un método de conservación/transformación dos alimentos de gran tradición que se emprega para elaborar produtos de características moi diferentes, como produtos cárnicos (chourizo, salchichón, etc.), lácteos(iogur, queixo, etc.) e de orixe vexetal (cervexa, viño, etc.). Nesta unidade descríbense os beneficios que reportan os alimentos fermentados, tamén trátanse os tipos de fermentacións e os alimentos elaborados baseados nelas. Aínda que,como se mencionou, é un método tradicional de elaborar alimentos,introduciuse nas industrias o emprego de cultivos iniciadores, os cales se tratan no seguinte apartado. Finalmente, desenvólvese o uso de enzimas na industria alimentaria, sinalando os tipos de enzimas que se utilizan e cales son os alimentos en que se empregan. As tecnoloxías aplicadas aos alimentos adoitan ser de dous tipos:de conservación e de transformación. A materia «Tecnoloxía do Procesado de Alimentos» desenvolve nas seis primeiras unidades didácticas as tecnoloxías de conservación, dedicándose ás de transformación as unidades sete e oito. A Unidade didáctica VIII céntrase na fermentación e uso de cultivos iniciadores e enzimas para a elaboración de alimentos. Aínda que se considere un método de transformación, as fermentacións constituían antigamente un método de conservación, polo que tamén contribúen a esta. Os alimentos en cuxa elaboración se desenvolven fermentacións e/ou implican o uso de enzimas son moi variados e o seu coñecemento é fundamental para moitas materias que se imparten en semestres posteriores deste grao e unha parte importante da formación necesaria que os futuros graduados deben posuír para o seu desenvolvemento profesional.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic