19 research outputs found

    Assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of serological (IFAT) and molecular (direct PCR) techniques for diagnosis of leishmaniasis in lagomorphs using a Bayesian approach

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    Leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania infantum, is a vector-borne zoonotic disease that is endemic to the Mediterranean basin. The potential of rabbits and hares to serve as competent reservoirs for the disease has recently been demonstrated, although assessment of the importance of their role on disease dynamics is hampered by the absence of quantitative knowledge on the accuracy of diagnostic techniques in these species. A Bayesian latent-class model was used here to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the Immuno-fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) in serum and a Leishmania-nested PCR (Ln-PCR) in skin for samples collected from 217 rabbits and 70 hares from two different populations in the region of Madrid, Spain. A two-population model, assuming conditional independence between test results and incorporating prior information on the performance of the tests in other animal species obtained from the literature, was used. Two alternative cut-off values were assumed for the interpretation of the IFAT results: 1/50 for conservative and 1/25 for sensitive interpretation. Results suggest that sensitivity and specificity of the IFAT were around 70–80%, whereas the Ln-PCR was highly specific (96%) but had a limited sensitivity (28.9% applying the conservative interpretation and 21.3% with the sensitive one). Prevalence was higher in the rabbit population (50.5% and 72.6%, for the conservative and sensitive interpretation, respectively) than in hares (6.7% and 13.2%). Our results demonstrate that the IFAT may be a useful screening tool for diagnosis of leishmaniasis in rabbits and hares. These results will help to design and implement surveillance programmes in wild species, with the ultimate objective of early detecting and preventing incursions of the disease into domestic and human populations

    Evidence of Leishmania infantum infection in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a natural area in Madrid, Spain

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    Leishmaniasis is one of most important neglected zoonosis and remains endemic in at least 88 developing countries in the world. In addition, anthropogenic environmental changes in urban areas are leading to its emergency world-wide. Zoonotic leishmaniasis control might only be achieved by an integrated approach targeting both the human host and the animal reservoirs, which in certain sylvatic cycles are yet to be identified. Recently, hares have been pointed out as competent reservoirs of Leishmania infantum in Spain, but the role of other lagomorphs has not been clarified. Here, 69 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from a natural area in Madrid in which a high density was present were analyzed using indirect (immunofluorescence antibody test, IFAT) and direct (PCR, culture) techniques. Fifty-seven (82.6%) of the animals were positive to at least one technique, with IFAT yielding the highest proportion of positive samples. L. infantum was isolated in 13% animals demonstrating the occurrence of infection in this setting. Our results suggest that rabbits could play a role of competent reservoir of L. infantum and demonstrate that the prevalence of infection is high in the analyzed area

    Assessment of genetic diversity of zoonotic Brucella spp. recovered from livestock in Egypt using multiple locus VNTR analysis

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    Brucellosis is endemic in most parts of Egypt, where it is caused mainly by Brucella melitensis biovar 3, and affects cattle and small ruminants in spite of ongoing efforts devoted to its control. Knowledge of the predominant Brucella species/strains circulating in a region is a prerequisite of a brucellosis control strategy. For this reason a study aiming at the evaluation of the phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of a panel of 17 Brucella spp. isolates recovered from domestic ruminants (cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat) from four governorates during a period of five years (2002-2007) was carried out using microbiological tests and molecular biology techniques (PCR, MLVA-15, and sequencing). Thirteen strains were identified as B. melitensis biovar 3 while all phenotypic and genetic techniques classified the remaining isolates as B. abortus (n = 2) and B. suis biovar 1 (n = 2). MLVA-15 yielded a high discriminatory power (h = 0.801), indicating a high genetic diversity among the B. melitensis strains circulating among domestic ruminants in Egypt. This is the first report of the isolation of B. suis from cattle in Egypt which, coupled with the finding of B. abortus, suggests a potential role of livestock as reservoirs of several zoonotic Brucella species in the region

    Liver Transudate, a Potential Alternative to Detect Anti-Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies in Pigs and Wild Boars (Sus scrofa)

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    In recent years, cases of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection have increased in Europe in association with the consumption of contaminated food, mainly from pork products but also from wild boars. The animal’s serum is usually tested for the presence of anti-HEV antibodies and viral RNA but, in many cases such as during hunting, an adequate serum sample cannot be obtained. In the present study, liver transudate was evaluated as an alternative matrix to serum for HEV detection. A total of 125 sera and liver transudates were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at different dilutions (1:2, 1:10, 1:20), while 58 samples of serum and liver transudate were checked for the presence of HEV RNA by RT-qPCR. Anti- HEV antibodies were detected by ELISA in 68.0% of the serum samples, and in 61.6% of the undiluted transudate, and in 70.4%, 56.8%, and 44.8% of 1:2, 1:10, or 1:20 diluted transudate, respectively. The best results were obtained for the liver transudate at 1:10 dilution, based on the Kappa statistic (0.630) and intraclass correlation coefficient (0.841). HEV RNA was detected by RT-qPCR in 22.4% of the serum samples and 6.9% of the transudate samples, all samples used for RT-qPCR were positive by ELISA. Our results indicate that liver transudate may be an alternative matrix to serum for the detection of anti-HEV antibodies

    Caracterización fenotípica y genética de aislados de "Pasteurella multocida" obtenidos de ganado porcino

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    Pasteurella multocida es una bacteria comensal del tracto respiratorio que puede dar lugar a diferentes patologías en distintas especies animales en todo el mundo. En el ganado porcino es el agente responsable de los procesos de rinitis atrófica progresiva (RAP) y de procesos neumónicos, formando parte del complejo respiratorio porcino, que es causa de importantes problemas sanitarios y económicos en las explotaciones de cría intensiva. Ademås, en ocasiones, puede dar lugar a procesos septicémicos. Se trata de una especie muy heterogénea en la que se distinguen tres subespecies (multocida, gallicida y séptica), 13 biovares (1-10 y 12-14), 5 tipos capsulares (A, B, D, E y F) y 16 serotipos (1-16). Se han descrito diferentes genes posiblemente asociados a virulencia, algunos de los cuales tienen una prevalencia variable en las cepas de P. multocida. El principal objetivo de nuestro estudio fue el de caracterizar fenotípica y genéticamente aislados de P. multocida obtenidos a partir de diferentes muestras, principalmente neumónicas, de ganado porcino de varias empresas productivas distribuidas por diferentes regiones de España..

    A ten-year-surveillance program of zoonotic pathogens in feral pigeons in the City of Madrid (2005–2014): The importance of a systematic pest control

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    This research was supported by Madrid Salud (Ayuntamiento de Madrid) with the participation of Centre VISAVET, ATHISA and TRAGSEGA.Feral pigeons have increased in urban settings worldwide becoming a potential health risk for humans and other animals. Control and surveillance programs are essential to prevent the possible transmission of zoonotic pathogens carried by pigeons. A surveillance program was carried out in Madrid City (Spain) during 2005–2014 to determine the role of urban pigeons as carriers of zoonotic agents comparing these results with studies performed elsewhere in the last fifteen years. A total of 1372 pigeons were randomly captured and tested for detection of Antimicrobial susceptibility and genetic heterogeneity of Campylobacter and Salmonella isolates were determined. During the first phase (August 2005–July 2010), 428 animals were analyzed individually, while in the second period (August 2010–December 2014), 944 pigeons were analyzed in pools (n = 2–3 in 2010 and n = 5–6 in 2013 and 2014). The most prevalent pathogen during the first phase was Campylobacter spp., (6.57%, 95% confidence interval 3.05–12.10%) followed by Salmonella spp. (4.41%, 95% CI: 2.30–7.58%) and C. psittaci (2.56%, 95% CI: 0.70–6.53%)]. The PCR techniques, used during the 2010–2014 phase of the study, confirmed the presence of Campylobacter spp. (prevalence of 0–14.83%) and C. psittaci (0–12,94%) among pigeons of Madrid. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing suggested low levels of resistance. Presence of zoonotic agents in feral pigeons highlights the importance of surveillance programs on this species, although the relative low prevalence found suggests a limited risk to Public and Animal Health in Madrid.Madrid Salud. Ayuntamiento de MadridDepto. de Sanidad AnimalCentro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Detection of Brucella in Dermacentor Ticks of Wild Boar with Brucellosis

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    Brucellosis is a sanitary and economically relevant disease affecting humans, livestock, and wildlife. Ticks have been suggested as vectors, long-term carriers, and amplifiers of Brucella. In this study, ticks from wildlife ungulate hosts living in hunting reserves of a central region of Spain were collected during a 6-year period, pooled, and screened for Brucella spp. by PCR. Aiming to correlate Brucella spp. DNA presence in ticks with Brucella spp. infections in wildlife ungulate hosts, liver samples from deceased wildlife ungulates coming from the hunting reserves showing a positive result for Brucella in ticks were tested using a commercial ELISA. In total, 229 tick pools from wild boar (Sus scrofa, n = 176; 76.8%, 95% CI 70.9%–81.8%), red deer (Cervus elaphus, n = 40; 17.4%, 95% CI 13.1%–22.9%), mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon, n = 7; 3.06%, 95% CI 1.49%–6.17%), and fallow deer (Dama dama, n = 6; 2.62%, 95% CI 1.21%–5.60%) were analyzed. PCR results showed that 3.93% (95% CI 2.08%–7.30%) tick pools (9/229) from 16.6% hunting reserves (7/41) screened yielded a positive PCR result for Brucella. All positive ticks were Dermacentor (Dermacentor marginatus or Dermacentor reticulatus) collected from wild boar. Ticks collected from wild boars were positive to Brucella in a relative percentage of 5.10% (95% CI = 1.61–11.4) in 2018 and of 7.59% (95% CI = 2.79–15.6) in 2021 (6-year prevalence of 5.17%, 9/176). ELISA showed positive results in three wild boars coming from two out of seven hunting reserves (28.5%) with a positive PCR for Brucella in ticks. To conclude, Brucella spp. DNA can be detected in Dermacentor ticks parasitizing wild boars living in hunting reserves harboring Brucella spp.-seropositive wild boars. This study provides evidence that the contribution of arthropod vectors should be considered in the epidemiology of brucellosis in wildlife.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesDepto. de Sanidad AnimalCentro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Environment and Offspring Surveillance in Porcine Brucellosis

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    Porcine brucellosis, caused by Brucella suis (B. suis), is a notifiable disease causing significant economic losses in production systems.Most infected pigsmay act as carriers and shed B. suis even if asymptomatic. This can contribute to environmental persistence, thus hindering control efforts. Here, the environment and the offspring were investigated during and after a B. suis outbreak at a sow breeding farm. The diagnosis of B. suis in sows (n = 1,140) was performed by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from vaginal swabs, indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (I-ELISA) from sera, and brucellin skin test (BST). B. suis diagnosis in post-weaning pigs (n = 899) was performed by I-ELISA in sera and BST. The environmental surveillance programme was implemented by placing gauze sponges (n = 175) pre-hydrated in a surfactant and inactivating liquid for Brucella DNA detection by PCR in different farm areas. Our results showed that the offspring of infected sows reacted to in vivo techniques for B. suis. Furthermore, the offspring born during the outbreak displayed higher seropositivity (I- ELISA) and reactivity (BST) than those pigs born after. Brucella DNA was detected in pregnant sow areas, boxes, boots, and post-weaning pig areas. In addition, Brucella DNA environmental detection was higher during the B. suis outbreak than the post B. suis outbreak. The environmental approach has proven to be a simple, practical, valuable, and safe method to detect and monitor B. suis. These results suggest a role of the environment and the offspring that should be considered in porcine brucellosis surveillance and control programmes.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłnMinisterio de UniversidadesDepto. de Medicina y CirugĂ­a AnimalDepto. de Sanidad AnimalCentro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu