4,253 research outputs found

    Movement as Translation: Dancers in Dialogue

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    This chapter explores the creative process of translating a series of images into a live artwork, performed by two professional dancers. The process is documented in an introduction written by the artist and a transcribed conversation between the visual artist and dancers. These provide an insight into intersemiotic translation from the perspective of the makers and performers. Including first hand experiences of those translating and performing the material, the descriptions probe the process of translation that incorporates collaboration, embodiment and improvisation

    IoMT-Driven eHealth: A Technological Innovation Proposal Based on Smart Speakers

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    Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a technological concept applied in healthcare contexts to achieve the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the Internet in order to make life easier for people. IoMT can help monitor, inform and notify not only caregivers, but provide healthcare providers with actual data to identify issues before they become critical or to allow for earlier invention. In this sense, this paper is contextualized in Assisted Repro duction Treatment (ART) processes to reduce the number of hospital visits, reduce healthcare costs and improve patientcare, as well as the productivity of the healthcare professional. So, we present an IoMT-based technological pro posal to manage and control the prescription of pharmacological treatments to patients who are carried out ART processes. In this context, we propose the integration of iMEDEA (modular system specialized in the management of electronic clinical records for ART unit) and smart speaker devices (specifically, Amazon’s Alexa), as well as the validation of our proposal in the real envi ronment offered by Inebir clinicMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R (POLOLAS)Junta de Andalucía AT17-5904-US

    Continuous variable quantum key distribution with two-mode squeezed states

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) enables two remote parties to grow a shared key which they can use for unconditionally secure communication [1]. The applicable distance of a QKD protocol depends on the loss and the excess noise of the connecting quantum channel [2-10]. Several QKD schemes based on coherent states and continuous variable (CV) measurements are resilient to high loss in the channel, but strongly affected by small amounts of channel excess noise [2-6]. Here we propose and experimentally address a CV QKD protocol which uses fragile squeezed states combined with a large coherent modulation to greatly enhance the robustness to channel noise. As a proof of principle we experimentally demonstrate that the resulting QKD protocol can tolerate more noise than the benchmark set by the ideal CV coherent state protocol. Our scheme represents a very promising avenue for extending the distance for which secure communication is possible.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Economic evaluation of mechanical harvesting of lemons

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    [EN] Several hypotheses regarding hand and mechanical harvesting have been analysed, in order to estimate the economic possibilities for the mechanical harvesting of lemons taking into account the current availability of technology. We considered several detachment options under experimental conditions; only yellow detachment has been considered for mechanical harvesting, because the sensitivity to the impacts is lower and mechanical detachment was high (80%). Price changes throughout the season were also considered. Total harvest cost is an average of the cost of mechanical harvesting (80%) and the cost of manually harvesting remaining fruit (20%), plus the cost of handling the mechanical harvested fraction. This cost ranges between 0.031 and 0.058 € kg-1 for outputs between 20 and 60 t ha-1, respectively, which is always lower than harvesting by hand (0.065 € kg-1). A Monte Carlo approach was used to study the sensitivity of the results, and Value at Risk (VaR) calculated. The analysis showed that the mechanical harvesting margin is c0.020 € kg-1 higher than the hand harvesting margin, and the output dispersion is higher in March. The VaR analysis showed that at 10% there was no risk that the hand margin is higher than the mechanical margin; at 5% the risk is very low and only for March harvesting. Mechanical harvesting represents a good economic option compared to hand harvesting, since it can increase farmer income by between 400 and 1200 € ha-1.This work was funded by Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Región de Murcia and by INIA and FEDER funds (project no. RTA2014-00025-C05-02).Brotons-Martínez, JM.; Martín-Górriz, B.; Torregrosa, A.; Porras, I. (2018). Economic evaluation of mechanical harvesting of lemons. Outlook on Agriculture. 47(1):44-50. https://doi.org/10.1177/0030727018762657S4450471Bordas, M., Torrents, J., Arenas, F. J., & Hervalejo, A. (2012). HIGH DENSITY PLANTATION SYSTEM OF THE SPANISH CITRUS INDUSTRY. Acta Horticulturae, (965), 123-130. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2012.965.15Burns, J. K., Roka, F. M., Li, K.-T., Pozo, L., & Buker, R. S. (2006). Late-season `Valencia’ Orange Mechanical Harvesting with an Abscission Agent and Low-frequency Harvesting. HortScience, 41(3), 660-663. doi:10.21273/hortsci.41.3.660Grafiadellis, I., Mattas, K., Maloupa, E., Tzouramani, I., & Galanopoulos, K. (2000). An Economic Analysis of Soilless Culture in Gerbera Production. HortScience, 35(2), 300-303. doi:10.21273/hortsci.35.2.300Manera, F. J., Brotons, J. M., Conesa, A., & Porras, I. (2012). Influence of temperature on the beginning of degreening in lemon peel. Scientia Horticulturae, 145, 34-38. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2012.07.021Moreno, R., Torregrosa, A., Moltó, E., & Chueca, P. (2015). Effect of harvesting with a trunk shaker and an abscission chemical on fruit detachment and defoliation of citrus grown under Mediterranean conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(1), e0206. doi:10.5424/sjar/2015131-6590Roka, F. M., & Hyman, B. R. (2012). MECHANICAL HARVESTING OF SWEET ORANGES FOR JUICE PROCESSING. Acta Horticulturae, (965), 241-243. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2012.965.32Sanders, K. F. (2005). Orange Harvesting Systems Review. Biosystems Engineering, 90(2), 115-125. doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2004.10.006A. Torregrosa, I. Porras, & B. Martín. (2010). Mechanical Harvesting of Lemons (cv. Fino) in Spain Using Abscission Agents. Transactions of the ASABE, 53(3), 703-708. doi:10.13031/2013.30062Wagner, H. M. (1995). Global Sensitivity Analysis. Operations Research, 43(6), 948-969. doi:10.1287/opre.43.6.948J. D. Whitney. (1999). FIELD TEST RESULTS WITH MECHANICAL HARVESTING EQUIPMENT IN FLORIDA ORANGES. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 15(3), 205-210. doi:10.13031/2013.576

    Decisiones razonables y razonadas sobre medicamentos convencionales y de uso tradicional. El Seguimiento Farmacoterapéutico, integrador de la perspectiva del paciente.

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    Se presenta un caso de una paciente con síndrome metabólico y comorbilidades asociadas que acude a un consultorio farmacéutico del nivel primario de Atención en Salud en Bogotá (Colombia), donde recibe seguimiento farmacoterapéutico. La paciente usa tratamientos prescritos por sus médicos y se automedica con productos naturales, como son el extracto de balsamina para regular niveles de glucosa, el extracto de arándano azul europeo para problemas oculares y el uso de lecitina de soja para control de triglicéridos. Para la evaluación de la farmacoterapia, se localizó evidencia científica sobre el uso y conveniencia de cada producto en el tratamiento de sus problemas de salud, realizándose las siguientes intervenciones: continuar con la toma de la balsamina, el Bilberry y la lecitina de soja, ya que existen reportes de su utilidad como coadyuvantes en el control de las enfermedades que presenta y la elaboración de un plan de medicación para reforzar la adherencia a los tratamientos. Cuando se evalúan las intervenciones, encontramos que las cifras de glicemia, presión arterial y función hepática se encuentran dentro de objetivos terapéuticos. En este caso, el químico farmacéutico tiene una labor integradora de las terapias de los pacientes, basados en la valoración del riesgo-beneficio y a través del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico obtiene información clínica que permite tomar decisiones sustentadas para el futuro, más aún en el contexto de Latinoamérica, donde los productos naturales son ampliamente usados en la población