122 research outputs found
Oils and fats on food: is it possible to have a healthy diet?
Oils and fats are an important part of our diet as components of many food formulations. Thus, they are
retailed for domestic or hostelry uses and broadly used by food industry for the elaboration of margarines, ice
cream, canned food, pre-cooked dishes, bakery, confectionary, chocolates, etc. Chemically, the main component
of oils and fats are triacylglycerols (TAGs), which account for up to 95% of their total weight. They consisted of a
molecule of glycerol esterified with three fatty acids, usually the saturated, palmitic and stearic, the monounsatu�rated oleic, and the polyunsaturated, linoleic or linolenic, all with 18 carbons excepting the palmitic which has 16
carbons. Out of those most common fatty acids, we can found other fatty acids present only in certain oils such as
saturated medium chained fatty acids like lauric and myristic, which contain 12 and 14 carbons respectively
Oils and fats on food: is it possible to have a healthy diet?
Oils and fats are an important part of our diet as components of many food formulations. Thus, they are
retailed for domestic or hostelry uses and broadly used by food industry for the elaboration of margarines, ice
cream, canned food, pre-cooked dishes, bakery, confectionary, chocolates, etc. Chemically, the main component
of oils and fats are triacylglycerols (TAGs), which account for up to 95% of their total weight. They consisted of a
molecule of glycerol esterified with three fatty acids, usually the saturated, palmitic and stearic, the monounsatu�rated oleic, and the polyunsaturated, linoleic or linolenic, all with 18 carbons excepting the palmitic which has 16
carbons. Out of those most common fatty acids, we can found other fatty acids present only in certain oils such as
saturated medium chained fatty acids like lauric and myristic, which contain 12 and 14 carbons respectively
Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of three phosphoglycerate kinase isoforms from developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds
Three cDNAs encoding different phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK, EC isoforms, two cytosolic (HacPGK1 and HacPGK2) and one plastidic (HapPGK), were cloned and characterized from developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds. The expression profiles of these genes showed differences in heterotrophic tissues, such as developing seeds and roots, where HacPGK1 was predominant, while HapPGK was highly expressed in photosynthetic tissues. The cDNAs were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the corresponding proteins purified to electrophoretic homogeneity, using immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, and biochemically characterized. Despite the high level of identity between sequences, the HacPGK1 isoform showed strong differences in terms of specific activity, temperature stability and pH sensitivity in comparison to HacPGK2 and HapPGK. A polyclonal immune serum was raised against the purified HacPGK1 isoform, which showed cross-immunoreactivity with the other PGK isoforms. This serum allowed the localization of high expression levels of PGK isozymes in embryo tissues.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2011-2318
Caracterización de diferentes aceites de girasol ozonizados I. Cambios químicos durante la ozonización
Vegetable oils are usually rich in unsaturated fatty acids which are susceptible to oxidation. The oxidation of vegetable oils has been one of the most widely studied fields within lipid chemistry, because it alters their properties and nutritive value, inducing the formation of harmful compounds and off-flavors. Moreover, oxidized vegetable oils display altered physical and chemical properties which are conferred by the newer oxy-genated compounds they contain. This is the case of ozonized oils. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that mainly acts on olefinic compounds which generate ozonides and other peroxidic species that can decompose into carbonilic fragments. The action of the oxidant and the later reactions depend on the chemical environment of the reaction as well as the carbonyl termination products resulting from peroxide cleavage. In recent years, sunflower oils with different fatty acid compositions have been developed by breeding and mutagenesis. They displayed higher contents of oleic, stearic or palmitic acids, which mainly alters their triacylglycerol composi-tion. Therefore, four different sunflower oils, common, high oleic, high stearic-high oleic and high palmitic-high oleic, were oxidized with ozone and the progress of the reaction was monitored by measuring the level of oil peroxygenation and the changes in the oils’ fatty acid compositions. The peroxidated species formed during ozonation were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy. The main conclusions of this work were that ozonation caused linear oxidation rates that were similar in all the oils assayed. The addition of water accelerated oxidation, which tended to occur in linoleic polyunsaturated fatty acid The FT-IR pointed to the presence of ozonide-derived peroxides as the major oxygenated species.Los aceites vegetales son generalmente ricos en ácidos grasos insaturados susceptibles de oxidación. La oxi-dación de aceites vegetales ha sido un campo de estudio intensivo dentro de la química de lípidos ya que este proceso altera sus propiedades y valor nutritivo, induciendo la formación de compuestos perjudiciales y olores y sabores indeseados. Además, los aceites vegetales oxidados muestran propiedades físicas alteradas conferidas por los nuevos compuestos oxigenados que contienen. Este es el caso de los aceites ozonizados. El ozono es un agente oxidante enérgico que actúa sobre los compuestos olefínicos generando ozónidos y otras especies peroxídicas que se descomponen en fragmentos carbonílicos. La acción del oxidante y las reacciones posteriores dependen del entorno químico de la reacción además de los productos carbonílicos de terminación resultante de la rotura de los peróxidos. El aceite de girasol común es rico en oleico y linoleico, susceptibles de ataque oxida-tivo por parte del ozono. En los últimos años, aceites de girasol con composiciones diferentes de ácidos grasos se han desarrollado por selección y mutagénesis. Estos aceites muestran altos contenidos en oleico, esteárico o palmítico, los cuales alteran de manera importante su composición de triglicéridos. Este trabajo es el primero de una serie de dos en los cuales se estudian los cambios físico-químicos que dichos aceites de girasol experimentan
durante la ozonización. Así, se oxidaron con ozono cuatro aceites de girasol diferentes, girasol común,
alto oleico, alto esteárico-alto oleico y alto palmítico-alto oleico. Se monitorizaron las cantidades absorbidas de
ozono, los niveles de peroxidación y los ácidos grasos que experimentaron oxidación. Las especies formadas en
el proceso se estudiaron mediante espectroscopía FT-IR. El modo en que la composición de ácidos grasos del
aceite afectó a las cinéticas de oxidación y los productos resultantes se comentaron a la vista de los resultados.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ICOOPCOOPB2015
The effect of enzymatic interesterification on the high oleic-high stearic sunflower oil fractionation and the physico-chemical properties of stearins
12 Páginas.-- 4 Figuras.-- 9 TablasOil fractionation processes typically involve the crystallization of the most saturated triacylglycerols to facilitate the separation of the liquid phase. However, the fractionation of new high stearic oils derived from sunflower (HOHS) is not as efficient as that of tropical fats. In the present work we studied the effect of enzymatic inter esterification (EIE) on the HOHS sunflower oil fractionation. EIE altered the properties and melting point of the HOHS oil, so it eased fractionation allowing operation at lower temperatures (8 °C). These fractionations produced stearins with high saturated fatty acid contents at higher yields than the non-EIE oil (28.3% vs 18.7%). The melting profile of the stearins were also characterized. EIE stearins displayed broader melting profiles with higher crystallization onsets (from 26.3 °C to 34 °C). Fractionations proved to be reproducible at pilot plant scale. The resulting stearins exhibited a solid content of 30% at 20 °C and displayed solidification curves similar to palm-based filling fats. The results indicate that changes in fatty acid distribution in the TAG backbone critically affect TAG crystallization, which was faster and more reproducible, not requiring prior dewaxing and seeding. Moreover, the fractionation products differed, yielding stearins with higher levels of solids.This research was funded by the Spanish AEI/FEDER (UE), Project PID2020-113134RBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and a Bunge Loders Croklaam research contract.Peer reviewe
Lipid profiling and oil properties of Camelina sativa seeds engineered to enhance the production of saturated and omega-7 fatty acids
14 Páginas.-- 7 Figuras.-- 3 TablasCamelina sativa is one of the preferred oil crops in plant biotechnology due to its agronomic performance, the quality of its oil and the ease with which it can be transformed. Oils with high levels of saturated fatty acids are in demand for structured lipid elaboration, whereas ω-7 fatty acids like palmitoleic or asclepic acids are of interest for other applications, such as in oleochemistry and biolubricant production. Several strategies have been followed to increase the levels of saturated and ω-7 fatty acids in the camelina plant in this work, including silencing the β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase II (CsKASII) condensing enzyme responsible for the elongation of palmitate to stearate, the expression of exogenous thioesterases, and the overexpression of the endogenous stearoyl-ACP desaturase. The silencing of CsKASII produces an important increase in palmitate in the oil seed, whereas the expression of different alleles of sunflower FatA thioesterases favors the accumulation of both palmitate and stearate. The increase in intraplastidial desaturase activity through CsSAD co-expression forced the desaturation of palmitate, inducing the accumulation of important amounts of ω-7 fatty acids. The phenotypes of the different transformants produced were characterized by profiling the different glycerolipid classes accumulated in their seeds. These oils displayed altered physical properties that were investigated by differential calorimetry studies.We are grateful to Professor Edgar B. Cahoon of the University of Nebraska for providing us with the hpKASII hairpin construct used in this work, as well as some transformation vectors and cloning systems used in this project. We also appreciate the help and knowledge that he gave us to carry out this work. This work was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and ERDF through the grant AGL2017-83449-R.Peer reviewe
Genome-Wide Mapping of Histone H3 Lysine 4 Trimethylation (H3K4me3) and Its Involvement in Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Sunflower Developing Seeds
15 Páginas.-- 5 Figuras.-- 3 TablasHistone modifications are of paramount importance during plant development. Investigating chromatin remodeling in developing oilseeds sheds light on the molecular mechanisms controlling fatty acid metabolism and facilitates the identification of new functional regions in oil crop genomes. The present study characterizes the epigenetic modifications H3K4me3 in relationship with the expression of fatty acid-related genes and transcription factors in developing sunflower seeds. Two master transcriptional regulators identified in this analysis, VIV1 (homologous to Arabidopsis ABI3) and FUS3, cooperate in the regulation of WRINKLED 1, a transcriptional factor regulating glycolysis, and fatty acid synthesis in developing oilseeds.This research was funded by the Spanish AEI/FEDER (UE), Project AGL2017-83449-R.Peer reviewe
Genética de la deshidrogenasa del alcohol de Phycomyces
1. En esta Tesis de describe una nueva fotorrespuesta de Phycomyces que, sin prejuzgar el mecanismo molecular subyacente, hemos denominado “fotorrepresión de la ADH”: el perfil temporal de actividad ADH de los micelios de Phycomyces es diferente a la luz que a la oscuridad, siendo los valores a la luz sistemáticamente menores que los correspondientes a la oscuridad.
2. Ninguno de los genes mad estudiados está implicado en la nueva fotorrespuesta; puesto que los genes madA y madB están implicados en todas las demás fotorrespuestas conocidas de Phycomyces, la fotorrepresión de la ADH parece depender de un segundo fotosistema de Phycomyces.
3. El perfil temporal de actividades ADH a la luz de los micelios de la estirpe Cl49 (madD120 (-)) es anormal, presentando un pico de actividad entre el primer y tercer día de cultivo. Además, los valores de la actividad ADH de esta estirpe son mayores, tanto a la luz como a la oscuridad, que los correspondientes valores silvestres.
4. Excepto la mutación carS, las demás mutaciones estudiadas que afectan a la carotenogénesis ejercen un efecto pleitotrópico sobre la actividad ADH de Phycomyces, incrementándola por encima de sus valores normales. Esta relación entre carotenogénesis y actividad ADH también se observa cuando se altera químicamente, con difenilamina u otros agentes, la carotenogénesis del tipo silvestre, aunque el efecto estimulador sobre la ADH de la difenilamina no se debe exclusivamente a su efecto sobre la carotenogénesis.
La fotorrepresión de la ADH, sin embargo, es normal en los mutantes car y en los micelios tratados con difenilamina.
5. Hemos detectado diferencias entre los patrones de electromorfos con actividad ADH de las especies Phycomyces nitens y Phycomyces blakesleeanus, lo que nos ha permitido asignar a la especie Phycomyces nitens dos estirpes de Phycomyces cuya posición taxonómica era incierta. Hemos identificado una banda proteica cuyo comportamiento electroforético corresponde al del electromorfo único con actividad ADH de Phycomyces blakesleeanus. Las alteraciones químicas o genéticas que incrementa la actividad ADH no hacen aparecer nuevos electromorfos con dicha actividad sino que aumentan la intensidad de tinción de dicha banda proteica.
6. Hemos demostrado que, aun siendo tóxico el alcohol alílico para las estirpes de Phycomyces blakesleeanus dotadas de actividad ADH, la acroleína es unas cien veces más toxica para dichas estirpes, lo que nos ha permitido aislar numerosos mutantes resistentes al alcohol alílico tratando las esporas con nitrosoguanidina o con ICR-170. Todos los mutantes resistentes a alílico analizados carecen de actividad ADH detectable. Proponemos que los mutantes resistentes a alílico se denominen mutantes adh. Algunas de las mutaciones adh son recesivas; otras, dominantes. No hemos encontrado complementación entre ninguno de los pares de mutaciones adh estudiadas. Proponemos denominar al gen identificado como adhA.
La estirpe silvestre y C5 (carB10 (-)) acumulan pequeñas cantidades de etanol en el medio de cultivo; los mutantes adh, S292 y S371 no acumulan etanol. Una de las funciones de la enzima ADH de Phycomyces blakesleeanus parece ser, por tanto, catalizar la conversión de acetaldehído en etanol
Aceite de girasol, semillas y plantas con distribución modificada de ácidos grasos en la molécula de triacil-glicerol
El objeto de la presente invención es un aceite de girasol que se obtiene directamente de la semilla de girasol con
de 12-40,8% de ácido esteárico calculado en relación al contenido total de ácidos grasos y con una distribución de
ácidos grasos modificada entre las posiciones sn-1 y sn-3 de la molécula de triacilglicerol (TAG) comparado con el
aceite obtenido del tipo silvestre de semillas de girasol. La invención también se refiere a una planta de girasol y a
semillas que contienen un aceite endógeno con las características mencionadas.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)T3 Traductor de patente europe
High stable vegetable oils
Filing Date: 1999-05-26.-- Priority Data: ES (1998-06-05)The present invention relates to a vegetable oil which is or can be extracted from seeds and in which at least 12 % of the triacylglycerol species that constitute the oil have the general formula SMS and at least 25 % of the triacylglycerol species have the general formula SMM, wherein the formula gives from left to right the first, second and third fatty acid in the triacylglycerol and S represents a saturated fatty acid and M represents a monoenoic fatty acid. The invention further relates to a meal obtained as the remainder of the process for extracting the oil from seeds, as well as to the seeds containing the oil and the use thereof for the production of progeny plants having seeds which contain said oil.Peer reviewe
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