339 research outputs found

    Morphological and Syntactic Meaning: An Interactive Crossword Puzzle Approach

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    This research involved the use of word distributions and morphological knowledge by speakers of Arabic learning English connected different allomorphs in order to realize how the morphology and syntax of English gives meaning through using interactive crossword puzzles (ICP). Fifteen chapters covered with a class of nine learners over an academic year of an intensive English program were reviewed using the ICP. Learners were questioned about how the use of this gaming element enhanced and motivated their learning of English. The findings were positive indicating a successful implementation of ICP both at creational and user levels. This indicated a positive role technology had when learning and teaching English through adopting an interactive gaming element for learning English

    Analysis of Heavy Metals Contaminations in Kano River (Upstream, Midstream and Downstream)

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    The study analyses effects of heavy metals levels of heavy metals concentrations of Pb, Cd, Zn, CR , Ni, Co in the Kano River Drainage basin from its headstream, midstream up to the downstream and in both surface and groundwater and the water is used for may purpose including water supply, fishing and agriculture mainly irrigation. Based on above pH average water in the study area can be interpreted as slightly alkaline and still within permissible limits of all the three standards/guidelines. EC with above average also shows that all the water their values falls within the three guidelines. Samples  from both surface and groundwater in the studied area have ranges and means of:  Co ranges from 0.11-21.24 ppb and average of 2.26 ppb , Ni ranges from 0.26 - 37.01 ppb and average of 7.37 ppb , Cu ranges from 0.17 - 640.93 ppb and average of 37.62 ppb, Zn ranges from 15 - 408 ppb and average of 115.03 ppb, As ranges from 0.09 - 2.31ppb and average of 0.62 ppb ,Pb ranges from 0.16 - 834.38 ppb and average of 29.82 ppb , Cr ranges from 0.16 - 5557.35 ppb and average of 419.58 ppb ,Cd ranges from 0.04 - 1.64 ppb and average of 0.21 ppb. EC. It is therefore recommended that concentrations level in crops grown with these waters needs to be investigated. Again it is confirmed that probably this may be one of the reasons for the drop in fish catch from midstream up to the downstream especially in area like Wudil which is known for its fishing, Gadar Ringim and even Tarabu town in Kirikasamma local government of Jigawa state. Keywords: Levels, Concentrations, Heavy metals, Surface water, and Midstream

    Hydrogeological map of Kabo Sheet 80NW topographical sheet 1:50,000

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    A hydro geological mapping of the Federal Surveys of Nigeria, Kabo Sheet 80 NW, on scale 1:50,000 were made with areal coverage of 729Km2 on the Crystalline Basement Complex, and the hydrogeoogical maps produced are maps of depth to the water table and maps of configuration peak of dry season and wet season, for 2 consecutive years. Hydrogeological cross-section, and hydraulic gradient was also determined as 0.015m. These configuration maps show depth of water and direction of groundwater flow and the constructed hydro geological maps of water tables show a correspondence between the water table contours and topographical contours; as well as revealed the effluent nature of the river system in the study area. Also hydrograph analysis of 2 (Km) gauging station at River Challawa was conducted for only 2 hydro years 1971/72, thus a total runoff average of 216,240,192m3/a and mean base flow of 114,455m3/a, and surface runoff mean of 159, 228,113m3/a, also mean base flow coefficient of base 0.0182, and mean coefficient of surface runoff 0.062m were determined for the area. Key words: Hydro geological maps, Configurations maps, Hydro years, Base flow, Coefficient of base flow and Hydraulic gradient

    Mild Head Injury: Criteria for Computed Tomography Scan

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    Background/Objective: Mild Head Injury (MHI) is the most commontype of head trauma, and forms a majority of the injuries seen in the traumaunit (65-85%).1 This study was aimed at using previously identifiedclinical risk factors to determine which category of patients with MHIwould not need to undergo Computed Tomography (CT). This may serveas cost saving measure to patients and hospitals likewise reduce collectiveradiation dose to the population.Methodology: A retrospective study conducted at the trauma unit of ateaching hospital situated in the Cape Metropole. CT scan images of 50patients aged 14 years and above who had MHI and undergone CTexamination were retrieved from the archive. Patients’ information, clinicalhistory and resultant CT findings were collated. Clinical risk factors werecorrelated with abnormal and normal CT scan findings. Data wereanalyzed using chi-square statistic at 95% confidence interval.Results: Twenty three (46%) of the patients had abnormal CT findings,and all presented with one or more of these risk factors; severe headache(10%), skull fracture (20%), scalp injury (6%), loss of consciousness(LOC)(8%) and intoxication(2%). The results were not statisticallysignificant when compared with the normal CT scans group. Four patients(8%) with no risk factors had normal CT scans. All the patients presentingwith the clinical risk factors, of nausea and vomiting 6% (n=50), seizures4% (n=50) had normal CT scan findings.Conclusion: Certain clinical risk factors can be used to suggest theprobability of abnormal CT scan in patients with MHI. Patients with norisk factors such as patients with confusion and disorientation are morelikely to have normal CT findings and may therefore be exempted from CTexamination. Further studies with larger sample size may be helpful invalidating these findings

    Influence of inorganic fertilizer and spacing on growth and yield of two maize cultivars under Striga hermonthica infestation

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    Field experiment was conducted during the 2013 rainy season at Lapai and Mokwa in the Southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria, to evaluate the reactions of maize cultivars to nitrogen and intra-row spacing in a Striga hermonthica infested field. The treatments consisted of two maize cultivar (Local (kabako) and SAMMAZ 16), four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha-1) and three intra-row spacing (20, 25 and 30 cm). The treatments were factorial combined and laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design and replicated three times. Results revealed that plant height, number of leaves and days to 50 % anthesis of Local maize cultivars responded significantly with 60 kg N ha-1 at 9 WAS. 180 kg N ha-1 and 25cm intra-row spacing in combination with SAMMAZ 16 recorded the highest grain yield, 100 grain weight, stover yield, shelling percentage and harvest index. The local cultivars supported greater Striga infestation at 20 cm intra-row spacing and 180 kg N ha-1 was found remarkable for Striga suppression at 9 WAS in this study. From these findings, it could be concluded that the above combinations can be used for effective management of Striga hermonthica for optimum yield of maize.Keywords: spacing, maize cultivar, nitrogen fertilizer, Striga hermonthic

    Umbilical artery doppler velocimetry study on prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes among high risk pregnant women with diabetes mellitus at Aminu Kano teaching hospital

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    Background: Doppler velocimetry studies of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus can predict adverse pregnancy outcomes.Objective: To identify pregnant women with diabetes mellitus for second trimester umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry to predict adverse pregnancy outcomes.Methods: It was a prospective study among pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. The umbilical artery Doppler study was carried outin second trimester using 3.5 m Hz convex of the Mindry Digital Ultrasound Imaging System (Model DP-8800Plus; ShenzenMindray Biomed electronics, China).Results:  a total of 64 pregnant women with diabetes mellitus were recruited at the gestational age of 20 to 24 weeks. The mean age ± SD was 33.06±4.79. Only 24 (37.50%) of the women had gestational diabetes of which 16 (66.67%) had abnormal RI but no diastolic notch. Fourty women were identified with pregestational diabetes and Half of them had abnormal RI of which 4 had diastolic notches.Conclusion: Diabetic pregnant women withhigh resistive indices following umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry were not associated with significant adverse pregnancy outcomes.Keywords: Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry, diabetes in pregnancy, adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Evidence of Malnutrition and its Associated Factors among Under-five Children in Danko-Wasagu Kebbi State, North-western Nigeria

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    Malnutrition is a major health problem worldwide and causes about 2.3 million deaths among under-5 children in low- and middle-income countries annually including Nigeria. Therefore, the present study was designed to assess the nutritional status of under-five children (0-59 months) and associated factors in Danko-Wasagu. The socio-demographic characteristics, prevalence of childhood  diseases, anthropometric parameters and dietary pattern of the children were evaluated. The results indicated that 54.8% of the caregivers are young adults within 20 to 24 years of age with 41.7% having two living children. In addition, 58% of the caregivers have monthly family income below ₦20,000 with no any formal education. The Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and Weight-for-Height (WFH) indices indicated that none of the children had Severe-Acute-Malnutrition (SAM). However, there was 65.5% prevalence of diarrhea, 45.2% with dermatitis and 25.0% with acute respiratory infections. In addition, stunting, underweight and wasting among the children investigated were 72.7%, 29.8% and 11.9% respectively. Consumption of cereals based diet by the children was 92.7% while 28.6% and 31.0% of the children met the minimum dietary diversity and minimum meal frequency respectively. Caregiver’s age was observed to associate significantly (p<0.05) with wasting, underweight and stunting among the children. Altogether, the presentstudy demonstrated a high prevalence of chronic malnutrition and childhood diseases even though without any case of SAM in the study area. Keywords: Malnutrition, Nutritional status, Under-five-children, Childhood diseases, Dietary patter
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