226 research outputs found

    Noninvasive Probe of Charge Fractionalization in Quantum Spin-Hall Insulators

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    When an electron with well-defined momentum tunnels into a nonchiral Luttinger liquid, it breaks up into two separate wave packets that carry fractional charges and move in opposite directions. A direct observation of this phenomenon has proven elusive, mainly due to single-particle and plasmon backscattering caused by measurement probes. This paper theoretically introduces two topological insulator devices that are naturally suited for detecting fractional charges and their velocities directly and in a noninvasive fashion.Comment: Revised and extended version. To appear in PR

    Theory of Weak Localization in Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As

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    We study quantum interference corrections to the conductivity in (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors using a model with disordered valence band holes coupled to localized Mn moments through a p-d kinetic-exchange interaction. We find that at Mn concentrations above 1% quantum interference corrections lead to negative magnetoresistance, i.e. to weak localization (WL) rather than weak antilocalization (WAL). Our work highlights key qualitative differences between (Ga,Mn)As and previously studied toy model systems, and pinpoints the mechanism by which exchange splitting in the ferromagnetic state converts valence band WAL into WL. We comment on recent experimental studies and theoretical analyses of low-temperature magnetoresistance in (Ga,Mn)As which have been variously interpreted as implying both WL and WAL and as requiring an impurity-band interpretation of transport in metallic (Ga,Mn)As.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Basque Ethnic Connections and the Expeditions of Juan Bautista de Anza to Alta California

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    Cutter, Donald C., California in 1792: A Spanish Naval Visit

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    Basque Names, Nobility, and Ethnicity on the Spanish Frontier

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    Interplay between Symmetric Exchange Anisotropy, Uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Magnetic Fields in the Phase Diagram of Quantum Magnets and Superconductors

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    We theoretically study the joint influence of uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions, symmetric exchange anisotropy (with its axis parallel to the DM vector) and arbitrarily oriented magnetic fields on one-dimensional spin 1/2 antiferromagnets. We show that the zero-temperature phase diagram contains three competing phases: (i) an antiferromagnet with Neel vector in the plane spanned by the DM vector and the magnetic field, (ii) a {\em dimerized} antiferromagnet with Neel vector perpendicular to both the DM vector and the magnetic field, and (iii) a gapless Luttinger liquid. Phase (i) is destroyed by a small magnetic field component along the DM vector and is furthermore unstable beyond a critical value of easy-plane anisotropy, which we estimate using Abelian and non-Abelian bosonization along with perturbative renormalization group. We propose a mathematical equivalent of the spin model in a one-dimensional Josephson junction (JJ) array located in proximity to a bulk superconductor. We discuss the analogues of the magnetic phases in the superconducting context and comment on their experimental viability.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Neutral absorber dips in the periodic burster LMXB XB 1323-619 from Suzaku

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    We present results of an observation with Suzaku of the dipping, periodic bursting low mass X-ray binary XB 1323-619. Using the energy band 0.8 - 70 keV, we show that the source spectrum is well-described as the emission of an extended accretion disk corona, plus a small contribution of blackbody emission from the neutron star. The dip spectrum is well-fitted by the progressive covering model in which the extended ADC is progressively overlapped by the absorbing bulge of low ionization state in the outer accretion disk and that dipping is basically due to photoelectric absorption in the bulge. An energy-independent decrease of flux at high energies (20 - 70 keV) is shown to be consistent with the level of Thomson scattering expected in the bulge. An absorption feature at 6.67 keV (Fe XXV) is detected in the non-dip spectrum and other possible weak features. In dipping, absorption lines of medium and highly ionized states are seen suggestive of absorption in the ADC but there is no evidence that the lines are stronger than in non-dip. We show that the luminosity of the source has changed substantially since the Exosat observation of 1985, increasing in luminosity between 1985 and 2003, then in 2003 - 2007 falling to the initial low value. X-ray bursting has again become periodic, which it ceased to do in its highest luminosity state, and we find that the X-ray bursts exhibit both the fast decay and later slow decay characteristic of the rp burning process. We present arguments against the recent proposal that the decrease of continuum flux in the dipping LMXB in general can be explained as absorption in an ionized absorber rather than in the bulge in the outer disk generally accepted to be the site of absorption.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics in pres

    Intraband and interband spin-orbit torques in non-centrosymmetric ferromagnets

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    Intraband and interband contributions to the current-driven spin-orbit torque in magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry are theoretically studied using Kubo formula. In addition to the current-driven field-like torque TFL=Ď„FLmĂ—uso{\bf T}_{\rm FL}= \tau_{\rm FL}{\bf m}\times{\bf u}_{\rm so} (uso{\bf u}_{\rm so} being a unit vector determined by the symmetry of the spin-orbit coupling), we explore the intrinsic contribution arising from impurity-independent interband transitions and producing an anti-damping-like torque of the form TDL=Ď„DLmĂ—(usoĂ—m){\bf T}_{\rm DL}= \tau_{\rm DL}{\bf m}\times({\bf u}_{\rm so}\times{\bf m}). Analytical expressions are obtained in the model case of a magnetic Rashba two-dimensional electron gas, while numerical calculations have been performed on a dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As modeled by the Kohn-Luttinger Hamiltonian exchanged coupled to the Mn moments. Parametric dependences of the different torque components and similarities to the analytical results of the Rashba two-dimensional electron gas in the weak disorder limit are described.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    The broad-band X-ray spectrum of the dipping Low Mass X-ray Binary EXO0748--676

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    We present results of a 0.1-100 keV BeppoSAX observation of the dipping LMXRB EXO 0748-676 performed in 2000 November. During the observation the source exhibited X-ray eclipses, type I X-ray bursts and dipping activity over a wide range of orbital phases. The 0.1-100keV "dip-free"(ie. dipping and eclipsing intervals excluded) spectrum is complex,especially at low-energies where a soft excess is present. Two very different spectral models give satisfactory fits. The first is the progressive covering model, consisting of separately absorbed black body and cut-off power-law components.The second model is an absorbed cut-off power-law together with a moderately ionized absorber with a sub-solar abundance of Fe and a 2.13 keV absorption feature (tentatively identified with Si xiii). This ionized absorber may be the same feature as seen by Chandra during dips from EXO 0748-676.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, paper accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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