142 research outputs found
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Improper Supplementation Habits of Folic Acid Intake by Hungarian Pregnant Women: Improper Recommendations
Background: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are some of the most common congenital anomalies. Proper folic acid supplementation is a dominant risk factor, which has been shown to decrease the incidence of NTDs. In Canada, the incidence of neuroblastoma has presented a considerable decrease of 60% as a result of enrichment cereal grain flours with synthetic folic acid. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of folic acid intake by pregnant women on the incidence of NTDs and neuroblastoma. Methods: Regular folic acid intake has been recommended to pregnant women in Hungary since the eighties of the last century by health visitors eventually raking effect as an official protocol which had been released in 1997. During 2001, 2002 and 2003. folic acid intake habits of pregnant women were evaluated by health visitors, proving to be successful in collecting data front 95.06% of the pregnant women. The incidence of NTDs has been registered by the Hungarian National Centre of Epidemiology, Department of Human Genetics and Teratology. The Pediatric Cancer Registry provided the incidence of neuroblastoma in children. Results: Consistent findings revealed a regular intake of supplementary folic acid products by 68.71% of the pregnant women. Out of these. 93.13% of pregnant women who were taking folic acid, started the supplementation after their 7 weeks of pregnancies, a time designated as the completion period of the development of the neural tube. The dose of folic acid supplementation was evaluated as less than 5 mg/day in 84.75% of the pregnant women. In Hungary, the incidence of NTDs has remained constant, while the incidence of neuroblastoma has shown constant slight increase in spite of the introduction of folic acid supplementation in 1997. Conclusions: Based on our experience, folic acid supplementation was initiated after the recognition of pregnancy and its application in a dose of lower than 5 mg/day neither decreased the incidence of NTDs nor did it have an effect on the neuroblastoma incidence. It is implicated that proper folic acid supplementation, which is started front the conception. can be achieved only with the enrichment of cereal grain flours
A Ewing-sarcomás betegek tünetmentes túlélési esélyeinek értékelése a Gyermekonkológiai Szekció eredményei alapján
Correlation between different prognostic factors and the overall
survival of Ewing's sarcoma patients has been investigted. In
this study data have been selected from the databank of
Hungarian Pediatric Oncologist Section (1988-1999) (n=65).
Whenever it was possible statistical analysis has been
performed. Results: In our patients time interval from the
primary symptoms to the diagnosis was 2-16 months. The average
event-free survival in patients suffering from Ewing's sarcoma
without metastasis is 0.39. Meanwhile, this value in patients
with pulmonary or other metatasis is 0.24 (Kaplan-Meier
analysis). Conclusion: Our results show a moderate difference
between the Hungarian and the international event-free survival.
Late detection is one of the answers of this discrepancy
A gyermekkori Ewing szarkómával szerzett magyarországi tapasztalataink
Magyarországon évente kb. 7-9 új Ewing szarkómás gyermeket diagnosztizálunk. Jelen munkánk célja az volt, hogy az Országos Gyermektumor Regiszter adatait felhasználva
megvizsgáljuk a magyarországi Ewing szarkómás gyermekek
prezentáciĂłs tĂĽneteit, a klinikai paramĂ©tereket, a prognosztikai faktorokat, a terápiás Ă©s a tĂşlĂ©lĂ©si eredmĂ©nyeket 1992 Ă©s 2002 közötti 11 Ă©ves periĂłdusban. A fenti idĹ‘szakban 88 Ăşj beteg kerĂĽlt diagnosztizálásra, a fiĂş – leány arány 1,05 : 1 volt, az átlagĂ©letkor 11 Ă©v 7 hĂłnapnak bizonyult. A kĂ©t leggyakoribb prezentáciĂłs tĂĽnet a lokális fájdalom Ă©s duzzanat voltak. 38 betegĂĽnkben hosszĂş csöves csontra lokalizálĂłdott a megbetegedĂ©s, 29 gyermekben a Ewing szarkĂłma a csĂpĹ‘ tájĂ©krĂłl indult ki Ă©s 21 esetben valamely egyĂ©b testtájĂ©krĂłl. A betegeink közel egyharmadánál
(29/88) már a diagnĂłzis felállĂtásakor áttĂ©tek voltak
kimutathatóak. A fent nevezett időszakban három kemoterápiás
protokollt alkalmaztunk Magyarországon: a CWS, az
EICESS/CESS Ă©s 1999. decembere Ăłta az Euro-EWING 99
protokollt. A 88 beteg 37,5%-nál (33/88) Ă©szleltĂĽnk recidĂvát átlagosan 22,4 hĂłnappal a primer diagnĂłzis felállĂtása után. A 88 betegbĹ‘l 45 jelenleg is Ă©l, az átlag követĂ©si idĹ‘ 28,6 hĂłnap. Az összes beteg 5-Ă©ves kumulatĂv tĂşlĂ©lĂ©si valĂłszĂnűsĂ©ge 48,06±5,9%, a 10 Ă©ves 42,91±6,3%. A metasztázissal rendelkezĹ‘ betegek 5 Ă©s 8 Ă©ves tĂşlĂ©lĂ©se 19,91±9,4%, a metasztázis nĂ©lkĂĽliek 5 Ă©ves tĂşlĂ©lĂ©se 60,23±6,9%, mĂg a 10 Ă©ves 52,82±7,8%. A hazai eredmĂ©nyek megközelĂtik a nemzetközi adatokat, azonban törekednĂĽnk kell a diagnĂłzis korai felállĂtására Ă©s ezáltal a kimondottan rossz prognĂłzisĂş primer metasztatikus esetek számának csökkentĂ©sĂ©re.
The number of newly diagnosed children in a year with Ewing’s sarcoma is 7-9 in Hungary. The aim of our study
was to evaluate the presenting symptoms, clinical features,
prognostic risk factors and treatment results of children’s
Ewing’s sarcoma in Hungary using data from the National
Childhood Cancer Registry in a 11 years-long period between
1992 and 2002. In this period, 88 new patients were diagnosed, the male-female ratio was 1,05:1 and the mean age was 11 years 7 months. The two most common presenting symptoms were local pain and swallowing. Tumor was located in the pelvis area in 29 patients, in the extremities in 38 and other sites in 21 cases. Almost one third of our patients (29/88) had metastasis at the time of the diagnosis. In this time period, three different protocols were used for treatment: CWS, EICESS/CESS and since December 1999 Euro-EWING 99. 37,5% of our patients (33/88) had relapse with a mean of 22,4 months after the diagnosis. 45 children are still alive, the median follow-up time is 28,6 months. The overall survival (OS) of all patients (n=88) was 48,06±5,9% at 5 years and 42,91±6,3% at 10 years. Patients with metastasis had OS 19,91±9,4% at 5 and at 8 years. The 5-year OS of children without metastasis was 60,23±6,9%, and 52,82±7,8% at 10 years. The Hungarian data are similar to international results, but we have to try to decrease the number of the primary metastatic cases with early diagnosis
Szomatosztatin receptor, mint lehetséges differenciál diagnosztikai, prognosztikai és terápiás faktor a gyermekkori medulloblastomák esetében = Somatostatin receptor Acts as a Potential Differential Diagnostic, Prognostic and Therapeutic Factor in Patients Treated with Medulloblastoma
A gyermekkori agytumorok terápiás eredmĂ©nyei nem kielĂ©gĂtĹ‘ek. CĂ©lunk a medulloblastoma sejtjein kimutatott somatostatin receptorok (SSTR2) expressiojának vizsgálata volt; diagnosztikai-, prognosztikai Ă©s terápiás alkalmazhatĂłságának tanulmányozása. Az általunk vizsgált 21 medulloblastomában a SSTR2 kimutathatĂł volt Ă©s recidivában nem változott. Az SSTR2 receptort Octreoscan vizsgálattal mutattuk ki, mely medulloblastomán kĂvĂĽl más agytumoros betegek egy rĂ©szĂ©ben is pozitiv volt (56 vizsgálat), tehát nincs differenciáldiagnosztikai jelentĹ‘sĂ©ge. Az Octreoscan vizsgálat az MRI nagyobb felbontĂłkĂ©pessĂ©ge ellenĂ©re hasznosnak bizonyult a medulloblastoma recidivának korai diagnosztikájában, mivel nĂ©hány MRI-vel negatĂv esetben is mutatott ki tumorszövetet. SzövettenyĂ©szetben az octreotid antipoliferativ, mitĂłzisgátlĂł hatással bĂr 40 ?m-nál nagyobb dĂłzisban; apoptoticus hatása nincsen. Az octreotid vincristinnel, cisplatinnal Ă©s etoposiddal nem mutatott synergismust. Medulloblastoma xenograftban az octreotid magasabb dĂłzisa gátolta a xenograft növekedĂ©sĂ©t, de hatása a kezelĂ©s után egy hĂ©ttel megszűnt. MellĂ©khatást nem Ă©szleltĂĽnk. Ăšj terápiás eljárást dolgoztunk ki medulloblastomás betegek kezelĂ©sĂ©re, mellyel a 2 Ă©ves követĂ©si idĹ‘ után (28 beteg) az eredmĂ©nyek, mind az elĹ‘zĹ‘, mind az átlagos nemzetközi eredmĂ©nyekhez kĂ©pest jelentĹ‘sen javultak (össztĂşlĂ©lĂ©s 82%); a jĂł prognozisĂş csoportban eddig egy betegnĂ©l Ă©szleltĂĽnk recidivát. | The present results of the therapy in paediatric brain tumors are unfavorable. Our aim was the study of the somatostatin receptors in medulloblastoma; the examination of its diagnostic-, prognostic- and antitumor effect. The somatostatin receptor (SSTR2) was shown by octreotid scintigraphy in 21 children with medulloblastoma, however, it was positive in some other brain tumors too. Hence it has no differencial diagnostic value. Instead of the greater sensitivity of MRI the application of Octreoscan my be useful in the early detection of a relapse in medulloblastoma, because in some MRI negativ cases it detected tumor tissue. The somatostatin in a higher dose, than 40 ?g had antiproliferativ effect in tissue culture and showed no synergetic effect with vincristin, cisplatin and etoposid. In xenograft the higher dose of octreotid showed antitumor effect, which lasted one week long after the end of treatmen. No side effect was seen. We set up a new treatment protocol for the patients with medulloblastoma. After 2 years long follow up (28 patients) the results are significantly better (OS 82%), than our previous or the international data: only one patient relapsed in the group of low risk patients
Menthol can be safely applied to improve thermal perception during physical exercise : a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Menthol is often used as a cold-mimicking substance to allegedly enhance performance during physical activity, however menthol-induced activation of cold-defence responses during exercise can intensify heat accumulation in the body. This meta-analysis aimed at studying the effects of menthol on thermal perception and thermophysiological homeostasis during exercise. PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar databases were searched until May 2020. Menthol caused cooler thermal sensation by weighted mean difference (WMD) of - 1.65 (95% CI, - 2.96 to - 0.33) and tended to improve thermal comfort (WMD = 1.42; 95% CI, - 0.13 to 2.96) during physical exercise. However, there was no meaningful difference in sweat production (WMD = - 24.10 ml; 95% CI, - 139.59 to 91.39 ml), deep body temperature (WMD = 0.02 °C; 95% CI, - 0.11 to 0.15 °C), and heart rate (WMD = 2.67 bpm; 95% CI - 0.74 to 6.09 bpm) between the treatment groups. Menthol improved the performance time in certain subgroups, which are discussed. Our findings suggest that different factors, viz., external application, warmer environment, and higher body mass index can improve menthol's effects on endurance performance, however menthol does not compromise warmth-defence responses during exercise, thus it can be safely applied by athletes from the thermoregulation point of view
Az energetika biotelemetriás vizsgálata TRPV gĂ©nhiányos Ă©s vad tĂpusĂş egĂ©rben: testhĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kleti Ă©s aktivitási ritmusok változásai kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ tápláltsági Ă©s stressz állapotokban = Biotelemetric studies of energetics in TRPV knockout and wild type mice: modifications body temperature and activity rhythms under different feeding and stress situations
C57/BL egerek maghĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kletĂ©t Ă©s lokomotor aktivitását vizsgáltuk biotelemetriás mĂłdszerrel kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ környezeti hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kleten. Normális Ă©s zsĂrdĂşs táplálás hatásait követtĂĽk a napszaki hullámzásokra táplálás, több napos teljes Ă©heztetĂ©s Ă©s Ăşjratáplálás ideje alatt, valamint ismĂ©telt laparotomiás beavatkozást követĹ‘en is. Mindezen változások energetikai hátterĂ©nek megismerĂ©se cĂ©ljábĂłl releváns mediátorok, gátlĂł anyagok centrális vagy perifĂ©riás infĂşziĂłját vĂ©geztĂĽk ALZET minipumpa segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel. Szabadon mozgĂł egerek napszaki hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kleti Ă©s aktivitási hullámzásának nagysága fokozĂłdik teljes Ă©hezĂ©s során Ă©s a maghĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet 30 °C-ra valĂł csökkenĂ©se jelzi a tĂşlĂ©lhetĹ‘ Ă©hezĂ©s vĂ©gĂ©t az aktivitás fokozĂłdása mellett. Ăšjratápláláskor, hidegben, elhĂzásban, CNTF infĂşziĂł alatt Ă©s laparotomia után csökken a hullámzások amplitĂşdĂłja. CNTF Ă©s CCK-8 icv infĂşziĂłja lázat vált ki. EredmĂ©nyeink több Ăşj informáciĂłval szolgáltak a szabadon mozgĂł egerek normális Ă©s kĂłros energetikájának mechanizmusárĂłl. | Changes of core temperature and locomotor activity were monitored in C57/BL mice under different thermal conditions by using a biotelemetric method. Effects of normal or fat-rich diet were observed on daily oscillatons during feeding, total fasting, re-feeding or on repeated laparotomy. To learn the energetic background of all these stimuli relevant meditors or blocker were infused either centrally or peripherally by using ALZET minipumps. Excursions of daily changes in core temperature and activity were found to be increased during total fasting with core temperature falling to about 30 °C as a sign of threshold of survivability with locomotor activity increasing progressively. Re-feeding, cold exposure, obesity, CNTF infusion or laparotomy led to reversible decreases of daily oscillations. Icv infusion of CNTF or CCK-8 induced fever. Our results furnished new information on the mechanisms of changes in energetics observed under normal and various types of pathological conditions in freely moving mice
Maternal overnutrition impairs offspring's insulin sensitivity: A systematic review and meta-analysis
This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the association between maternal overnutrition and offspring's insulin sensitivity-following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses statement. Studies published in English before April 22, 2019, were identified through searches of four medical databases. After selection, 15 studies aiming to explore the association between prepregnancy body mass index (ppBMI) or gestational weight gain (GWG) of non-diabetic mothers and their offspring's insulin sensitivity (fasting insulin or glucose level and Homeostatic Measurement Assessment for Insulin Resistance [HOMA-IR]) were included in the meta-analysis. Associations of ppBMI and GWG with offspring's insulin sensitivity were analysed by pooling regression coefficients or standardized differences in means with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Maternal ppBMI showed significant positive correlations with the level of both fasting insulin and HOMA-IR in offspring (standardized regression coefficient for fasting insulin: 0.107, CI [0.053, 0.160], p < 0.001 and that for HOMA-IR: 0.063, CI [0.006, 0.121], p = 0.031). However, the result of the analysis on coefficients adjusted for offspring's actual anthropometry (BMI and adiposity) was not significant. Independent from ppBMI, GWG tended to show a positive correlation with insulin level, but not after adjustment for offspring's anthropometry. Offspring of mothers with excessive GWG showed significantly higher HOMA-IR than those of mothers with optimal GWG (p = 0.004). Our results demonstrate that both higher ppBMI and GWG increase the risk of offspring's insulin resistance, but the effect of ppBMI on insulin sensitivity in offspring may develop as consequence of their adiposity
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