77 research outputs found

    Epyxilic briocommunities of the nature-reserved territories of the south forest-steppe zone of Ukraine

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    Охарактеризовано епіксильні бріоугруповання регіонального ландшафтного парку «Нижньоворсклянський» (Полтавська обл.) та ландшафтного заказника загальнодержавного значення «Чорноліський» (Кіровоградська обл.). Подано флористичну та фітоценотичну характеристики асоціації Brachythecio salebrosi-Amblystegietum juratzkanii (Sjög. ex Marst. 1987) Marst. 1989 та трьох бріоугруповань, їх синтаксономічне положення. Показано їх роль в утворенні мохового покривуОхарактеризованы эпиксильные бриоугрупирования регионального ландшафтного парка «Нижневорсклянский» (Полтавская обл.) и ландшафтного заказника общегосударственного значения «Чернолесский» (Кировоградская обл.). Подано флористическую и фитоценотическую характеристики ассоциации Brachythecio salebrosi-Amblystegietum juratzkanii (Sjög. Ex Marst. 1987) Marst. 1989 и трех бриогруппировок, их синтаксономического положение. Показана их роль в образовании мохового покрова.The epyxilic briocommunities of the regional landscape park «Nyzhnyovorsklyansky» (Poltava region) and landscape reserve «Chornolissky» (Kirovograd region) were characterized. The floristic and cenoses characteristic of associations of Brachythecio salebrosi-Amblystegietum juratzkanii (Sjög. ex Marst. 1987) Marst. 1989, their briocommunities and its syntaxonomic position are presented. The role of moss cover formation is shown

    Frequency of bryophytes occurrence in epiphytic communities

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    Охарактеризовано частоту трапляння мохоподібних епіфітних бріоугруповань широколистяних лісів долини р. Ворскла, подано їх еколого-біологічні особливості. Чіткої приуроченості видів до конкретних порід дерев не спостерігається, але характерним є деяке тяжіння Hypnum pallescens (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Platygyrium repens (Brid.) B.S.G., Bryum subelegans Kindb. до Quercus robur L., Radula complanata (L.) Dum., Leskeеlla nervosa (Brid.) Loeske, видів роду Anomodon Hook et Tayl. до Fraxinus excelsior L.Охарактеризованы частоту встречаемости мохообразных эпифитных бриоугруповань широколиственных лесов долины р. Ворскла, подано их эколого-биологические особенности. Четкой приуроченности видов к конкретным пород деревьев не наблюдается, но характерно некоторое притяжения Hypnum pallescens (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Platygyrium repens (Brid.) BSG, Bryum subelegans Kindb. к Quercus robur L., Radula complanata (L.) Dum., Leskeеlla nervosa (Brid.) Loeske видов рода Anomodon Hook et Tayl. к Fraxinus excelsior L.Frequency of bryophytes occurrence in epiphytic communities of broad-leaved forests of Vorskla River valley and their ecology-biologic peculiarities are analysed. Distinct relations of bryophyte species to specific wood species are not found, while some species, i.e. Hypnum pallescens (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Platygyrium repens (Brid.) B. S. G., Bryum subelegans Kindb. are attached to Quercus robur L., but Radula complanata (L.) Dum., Leskeеlla nervosa (Brid.) Loeske and species of the Anomodon genus − to Fraxinus excelsior L.

    The development of the theory of instantaneous power of three-phase network in terms of network centrism

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    Purpose. Information technologies allow multidimensional analysis of information about the state of the power system in a single information space in terms of providing network-centric approach to control and use of unmanned aerial vehicles as tools for condition monitoring of three-phase network. Methodology. The idea of energy processes in three independent (rather than four dependent) curves vector-functions with values in the arithmetic three-dimensional space adequately for both 4-wire and 3–wire circuits. The presence of zero sequence current structural (and mathematically) features a 4-wire scheme of energy from a 3-wire circuit. The zero sequence voltage caused by the displacement of the zero voltage phases. Offset zero in the calculations can be taken into account by appropriate selection of the reference voltages. Both of these energetic phenomena with common methodical positions are described in the framework of the general mathematical model, in which a significant role is played by the ort zero sequence. Results. Vector approach with a unified voice allows us to obtain and analyze new energy characteristics for 4–wire and 3–wire circuits in sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal mode, both in temporal and frequency domain. Originality. Symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced, even with non-zero reactive power. The converse is not true. The mode can be balanced and unbalanced load. The mode can be balanced and unbalanced voltage. Practical value. Assessing balance in network mode and the impact of instantaneous power on the magnitude of the losses, will allow to avoid the appearance of zero sequence and, thus, to improve the quality of electricity.Обеспечение сетецентрического подхода к режиму управления трехфазной сетью и оценка сбалансированности режима сети с учетом влияния мгновенной мощности на величину потерь даст возможность исключить появление нулевой последовательности и, тем самым, повысить качество электроэнергии

    Network-centric technologies for control of three-phase network operation modes

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    Purpose. The development of the control system for three-phase network is based on intelligent technologies of network-centric control of heterogeneous objects. The introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring of three-phase network increases the efficiency of management. Methodology. The case of decomposition of the instantaneous capacities of the fixed and variable components for 3-wire system. The features of power balance for the different modes of its functioning. It should be noted that symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced and good, but really unbalanced, if the standard reactive power is not zero. To solve the problem of compensation is sufficient knowledge of the total value of the inactive components of full power (value of the inactive power) without detail. The creation of a methodology of measurement and assessment will require knowledge of the magnitudes of each inactive component separately, which leads to the development of a unified approach to the measurement and compensation of inactive components of full power and the development of a generalized theory of power. Results. Procedure for the compensation of the current of zero sequence excludes from circuit the source, as the active component of instantaneous power of zero sequence, and a vector due to a current of zero sequence. This procedure is performed without time delay as it does not require integration. Only a 3–wire system with symmetrical voltage eliminates pulsations and symmetrization of the equivalent conductances of the phases of the task. Under asymmetric voltage, the power is different, its analysis requires the creation of a vector mathematical model of the energy processes of asymmetrical modes of 3–phase systems. Originality. The proposed method extends the basis of the vector method for any zero sequence voltages and shows that the various theories of instantaneous power three wired scheme due to the choice of a basis in a two-dimensional subspace. Practical value. The algorithm and software implementation for the decomposition of the zero sequence current, which allocated the procedure of obtaining null-balanced vectors of phase and interfacial voltage, calculation of active and inactive instantaneous power is zero balanced mode. The simulation results obtained in the software package Matlab by the method of visual programming in Simulink.Интеграция интеллектуальных и сетецентрических технологий в процесс управления режимами работы трехфазной сети обеспечивают оперативность компенсации нелинейностей в системе за счет ортогонального разложения тока и использования метода базисных функций для минимизации потерь


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    Purpose. The development of the control system for three-phase network is based on intelligent technologies of network-centric control of heterogeneous objects. The introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring of three-phase network increases the efficiency of management. Methodology. The case of decomposition of the instantaneous capacities of the fixed and variable components for 3-wire system. The features of power balance for the different modes of its functioning. It should be noted that symmetric sinusoidal mode is balanced and good, but really unbalanced, if the standard reactive power is not zero. To solve the problem of compensation is sufficient knowledge of the total value of the inactive components of full power (value of the inactive power) without detail. The creation of a methodology of measurement and assessment will require knowledge of the magnitudes of each inactive component separately, which leads to the development of a unified approach to the measurement and compensation of inactive components of full power and the development of a generalized theory of power. Results. Procedure for the compensation of the current of zero sequence excludes from circuit the source, as the active component of instantaneous power of zero sequence, and a vector due to a current of zero sequence. This procedure is performed without time delay as it does not require integration. Only a 3–wire system with symmetrical voltage eliminates pulsations and symmetrization of the equivalent conductances of the phases of the task. Under asymmetric voltage, the power is different, its analysis requires the creation of a vector mathematical model of the energy processes of asymmetrical modes of 3–phase systems. Originality. The proposed method extends the basis of the vector method for any zero sequence voltages and shows that the various theories of instantaneous power three wired scheme due to the choice of a basis in a two-dimensional subspace. Practical value. The algorithm and software implementation for the decomposition of the zero sequence current, which allocated the procedure of obtaining null-balanced vectors of phase and interfacial voltage, calculation of active and inactive instantaneous power is zero balanced mode. The simulation results obtained in the software package Matlab by the method of visual programming in Simulink.Интеграция интеллектуальных и сетецентрических технологий в процесс управления режимами работы трехфазной сети обеспечивают оперативность компенсации нелинейностей в системе за счет ортогонального разложения тока и использования метода базисных функций для минимизации потерь

    Acute Kidney Injury after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence and predictors of acute kidney injury (AKI) associated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).Material and methods. 50 patients (39 women, 11 men) aged 76 (71; 80) years who underwent TAVI were examined. One day after TAVI, blood creatinine level was determined by the Jaffe method and troponin I by a highly sensitive method (hs-cTnI). Acute kidney injury (AKI) was diagnosed according to the KDIGO criteria (2012). The following hospital complications were evaluated: cases of cardiac death, intraoperative myocardial infarction (MI), stroke and transient ischemic attack, permanent pacemaker implantation, recurrent paroxysms of atrial fibrillation.Results. History of MI had 22% of patients, percutaneous coronary intervention – 38%, hypertension – 98%, chronic kidney disease – 48%, diabetes mellitus – 24%, class II NYHA of chronic heart failure (CHF) – 52%, NYHA class III – 46%, NYHA class IV – 2%. The risk of operational mortality according to EuroSCORE II was 6.3±5.4%. AKI after TAVI was registered in 6 (12%) patients (1 grade AKI – 8%, 2 grade – 2%, 3 grade – 2%). Parameters associated with AKI after TAVI were higher CHF NYHA class (p=0,020), high hs-cTnI level (p=0,013), intraoperative MI (p=0.035). The predictor of AKI after TAVI was high hs-cTnI level (odds ratio 4.0, 95% confidence interval 1.0-16.1). Among patients with AKI after TAVI in compare with patients without AKI, the cumulative frequency of cardiac death, MI, strokes and transient ischemic attacks, implantation of a permanent pacemaker, the proportion of people with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation during the hospital stay was 5,8 times higher (66.7% vs 11.4% respectively, p=0.001).Conclusion. AKI after TAVI was present in 12% of patients. The predictor for AKI development was an increase in hs-cTnI level after TAVI implantation. The hospital prognosis after TAVI is worse in patients with postoperative AKI


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    New production technologies of modern control systems have moved from the stage of research and experimentation into the stage of practical use. Modern communication standards for the exchange of information are developed and introduced. Digital devices, protectors and automation are widely used. There has been substantial development of hardware and software of control systems.Новые технологии производства современных систем управления перешли из стадии научных исследований и экспериментов в стадию практического использования. Разработаны и внедряются современные коммуникационные стандарты обмена информацией. Широко применяются цифровые устройства защиты и автоматики. Произошло существенное развитие аппаратных и программных средств систем управления.Нові технології виробництва сучасних систем управління перейшли зі стадії наукових досліджень і експериментів у стадію практичного використання. Розроблені та впроваджуються сучасні комунікаційні стандарти обміну інформацією. Широко застосовуються цифрові пристрої захисту та автоматики. Відбувся істотний розвиток апаратних і програмних засобів систем управління


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    Aim. To evaluate efficacy and safety of treatment with fixed combination of ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide in patients with arterial hypertension (HT) 2-3 degree and high or very high cardiovascular risk in clinical practice. Material and methods. Patients with HT 2-3 degree and high or very high cardiovascular risk who had not reached target blood pressure (BP) levels with previous therapy (n=427) were included in open-label non-comparative multicenter phase IV study. Patients were treated with fixed combination of ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide during 8 weeks. The drug dose was increased and/or amlodipine was added in case of insufficient antihypertensive effect. Achievement of the target BP level (<130/80 mmHg) and therapy safety were assessed. Results. 420 patients (98.4%) completed the study. After 8 weeks 273 (65%) patients had a two-component therapy (fixed combination of ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide), 147 (35%) patients — triple therapy (ramipril, hydrochlorothiazide and amlodipine). The target BP level was achieved in 408 (97.14%) patients and it was not reached in 12 (2.86%) patients. 7 patients were dropped out from the study: 4 — because of adverse events (dry cough), 3 — due to violation of study protocol. Both patients and doctors considered fixed ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide combination as effective and well tolerable one.  Conclusion. Ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide fixed combination provides an achievement of the target BP level in the most of HT patients

    Advantages of chronotherapy in treatment of hypertension (HT) in arctic shift workers

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    The study of the dynamics of clinical and laboratory-instrumental parameters in hypertensive patients with obesity who underwent COVID-19-associated pneumonia

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    BACKGROUND: According  to the results of the ESSE-RF study, the frequency of obesity in the population  reached 29.7%. Obesity is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with obesity is a very urgent problem.AIM: The aim of the study was a comparative investigation of clinical and laboratory-instrumental parameters in AH patients with or without obesity who had COVID-19 associated pneumonia, to identify the role of obesity as a potential predictor of post-COVID cardiovascular complications 3 months after discharge from the hospital.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Materials and methods. The study included 174 patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia. Group 1 included 78 patients with AH without obesity, group 2 — 96 patients with AH and obesity. All patients were tested with a blood sample at the time of admission and 3 months after discharge from the hospital. We assessed parameters of general blood test, biochemistry, hemostasis, inflammation biomarkers — concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP), highly sensitive CRP (hs-CRP), homocysteine, IL-6, etc. All patients initially underwent computed tomography  of the chest. In both groups, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring was performed using BPLaB device, according to the standard protocol; echocardiography using  an expert class ultrasound diagnostic  system Vivid S70. The study is registered with the Clinical Trials.gov database Identifier: NCT04501822.RESULTS: Results. The biomarker that significantly distinguished the both groups of patients, as well as subgroups according to the degree of obesity was the concentration of maxCRP and hs-CRP, which was significantly higher in group 2. In addition, the registered maximum values of MPO, NT-proBNP, IL-1,6, TNA-α and NRL parameters in group 2 of patients with 2–3 degrees of obesity, may indicate the highest probability of developing  delayed adverse cardiovascular complications  in this group of patients. Mean systolic blood pressure, variability of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate at night were significantly  higher in AH patients with obesity. Numerous correlations of obesity with laboratory and instrumental parameters have been registered, which may indicate an increased likelihood of delayed unwanted cardiovascular complications in this particular group of patients. Multiple regression showed that obesity is an independent predictor of an increase in LDH, hs-CRP and right atrium.CONCLUSION: Dynamic control of the studied parameters in patients with AH and OB registered an increased concentration of CRP at the initial stage and 3 months after treatment, with a general trend towards a decrease in the increased initial structural parameters of ECHO CG. The logistic regression method showed that the presence of OB in patients with AH is an independent factor causing increased levels of immune inflammation (CRP), a marker of tissue destruction (LDH), and load on the right atrium