13 research outputs found


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    The problem to choose and use ecologically plasticiable cultivar accessions is one of the most important stage of the program for adaptive vegetable production. The right decision of the problem leads to rational utilization of material and natural resources, decreasing the expenses and charges. For successful development of vegetable breeding the cultivar adaptive specifications is necessary to know. Vertical zonation along with hydrothermal condition had an essential effect on yield of red beet. Not being depended on maturity type of cultivar accession their yield increased by 1.9-3.2 t/ha successively from plains towards mountain zone, corresponding to pre-mountain and mountainous regions in Chechen Republic. On average, for tree-year study the highest yield was 45.8 and 45.1 t/ha in cultivars ‘Bona’ and ‘Tsilindra’ respectively, not being depended on the zone of cultivation. The cultivars ‘Donskaya Ploskaya’ (flat), and ‘Odnorostkovaya’ were sources of ecological resistance, while the cultivars ‘Boltardy’ and ‘Detroit’ were sources of productivity. The cultivars ‘Boltardy’ and ‘Gribovskaya Ploskaya’ that had been responsive on regulated environmental factors and resistant to unregulated environmental factors were of multipurpose usage and intensive-cultivation type. The ‘Bordo 237’, Dvusemiyannaya TCKHA’, ‘Odnorostkovaya’ and ‘Tsilindra’ were distinguished from other by accumulation of dry matter and total sugars in all zones of cultivation. On cultivation zone change from steppe towards pre-mountain and mountainous region, the tendency was revealed that dry matter, total sugars and vitamin C content had increased, while the nitrate content had only depended on cultivar features.Проблема подбора и использования экологически пластичных сортообразцов является важным элементом ведения адаптивного овощеводства. Правильное ее решение позволяет рационально использовать материальные и природные ресурсы, снизить затраты на производство продукции. Для успешного развития овощеводства необходимо знать адаптивные характеристики возделываемых сортов. Вертикальная зональность, а вместе с ней и складывающиеся гидротермические условия, оказывают существенное влияние на урожайность корнеплодов свеклы. Вне зависимости от скороспелости сортов, в направлении с равнинной в горную зону она увеличивается на 1,9-3,2 т/га соответственно в предгорной и горной зонах Чеченской республики. В среднем за три года исследований, независимо от зоны возделывания, наибольшая урожайность корнеплодов свеклы получена у среднеспелых сортов Бона и Цилиндра – 45,8 и 45,1 т/га. Сорта Донская плоская и Одноростковая являются источниками экологической устойчивости, Бордо 237, Болтарди, Детройт – потенциальной продуктивности. Сорта Болтарди и Грибовская плоская – универсального типа, хорошо отзываются на положительное воздействие регулируемых факторов среды и проявлять относительную устойчивость к неблагоприятному действию нерегулируемых факторов среды, относятся к сортам интенсивного типа. По накоплению сухого вещества и суммы сахаров во всех зонах выращивания выделились сорта Бордо 237, Двусемянная ТСХА, Одноростковая и Цилиндра. При изменении зоны выращивания со степной в предгорную и горную, выявлена тенденция роста содержания сухого вещества, суммы сахаров и витамина С. При этом содержание нитратов зависело только от сортовых особенностей

    Assessment of Therapeutic Efficacy of 5% Sodium Hydrocarbonate Solution in Case of Nodular Dermatitis of Cattle

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    This article provides information on studies and evaluations of therapeutic efficacy of 5 % sodium bicarbonate solution in case of nodular dermatitis of cattle. Due to the market expansion of veterinary drugs, the periodization of unusual and new medicines as well as control methods of pathogens of farm livestock, having therapeutic and prophylactic effect, is under permanent control of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine. Recently the importance of finding modern means and methods of dealing with animal diseases aimed at the restoration of the body homeostasis has increased significantly in order to ensure the physiologically normal functioning of many enzymes, hormones and the whole body. There is a need for their rational use based on the study of changes in clinical and biochemical parameters occurring in the body under their influence and other factors contributing to the development of normal physiological status of the body (homeostasis). Based on the above, the present studies were based not only on etiological and pathogenetic, but also sanogenetic ideas about diseases with the aim of choosing the means that form the body’s normal physiological status (body homeostasis restoration), taking into account physiological characteristics of animals, and thereby providing the best medical and prophylactic efficacy [4]. Periodization of new drugs and methods to combat animal diseases that contribute to the restoration of body homeostasis is very important. This importantance has become even more significant since the increased sanitary and hygienic requirements for the use of veterinary drugs in animal husbandry, primarily for the treatment of dairy animals, which will serve as a guarantee for obtaining livestock products safe from the point of view of veterinary and sanitary norms and excellent sanitary quality

    Root Crops and Daikon Seeds Yield in Relation to Sowing Time, Methods of Cultivation and Cultivar Features in Conditions of the North-Eastern Caucasus

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    The paper introduces the data on the experimental study results conducted by the authors in terms of daikon cultivation on root crops and seeds. As a result, the data were obtained targeted at the development of locally adapted technologies to root crops production and a direct technology towards daikon cultivating on seeds in the conditions of Eastern Ciscaucasia. The research is carried out within the project No. 0741-2015-0009 “Improvement of vegetable-seed industry in the Chechen Republic’. The object of the research is daikon cultivar within the selection done by All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Breeding and Seed-Growing: [Sasha, Dubinushka and Moscow Bogatyr]. The yield of commercial daikon root crops is greatly influenced by cultivar, seeding time and plant layout in experimental plots (Table 1). The best option towards yield of sale-root crops of ‘Sasha’ cultivars during summer seeding in the foothill zone of the Chechen Republic was the seeding done on July 31 according to 35×10 cm scheme. In this variant, the highest yield (in terms of hectares) for this cultivar was obtained – 26 t/ha. Cultivar ‘Dubinushka’ gave the best yield at seeding that was done on July 17 with a 70x10 cm scheme. In this variant, the yield of marketable root crops was 55 t/ha. ‘Moscow Bogatyr’ cultivar showed within the experiment the highest yield at seeding on 3 of July according to the 70×10 cm scheme. The yield was 75 t/ha. The yield of mature seeds of daikon is affected much by the time of seeding, the plants' layout on the plots within the experiment and cultivar characteristics (Table 2). The time of ripening and harvesting, as well as, the ratio on overwintered plants depend directly on the cultivar characteristics and the seeding time. The optimal date to seed daikon cultivar ‘Sasha’ for to get seeds for the foothill zone of the Chechen Republic with the direct mode of cultivation was 20.08. The best seeding scheme for this cultivar is 45×10 cm. Seed productivity in this variant was 70 g/m2. Cultivar ‘Dubinushka’ gave the best seed yield when being seeded on August 10 with the direct method of cultivation based on a seeding scheme of 70×10 cm. The yield of seeds in this variant was 95 g/m2. Cultivar ‘Moscow Bogatyr’ seeded by the direct method of cultivation showed in our experimental study the highest seed yield at seeding 1.08 according to a 70×10 cm scheme. The yield per 1 hectare was 9.8 c/ha. The results of the experiment will make it possible to develop the technology for growing daikon for seeds and marketable products in the conditions typical to the territory under study


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    The field experiment has revealed that application of green manure and mulching of seedlings by organic matters and zeolite-containing clay increases the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and improves agro-physical parameters of soil. As consequence the yield of red beet has increased up to 14-34%, the root weight has increased up to 11-16 g, and the standard output has increased up to 3-7%. The improvement of biochemical and phytosanitary quality of roots was revealed.В полевом опыте выявлено, что использование зеленого удобрения и мульчирование всходов местными органическими материалами и природными цеолитсодержащими глинами способствуют улучшению пищевого режима чернозема выщелоченного, что проявляется в росте содержания нитратного и суммы минерального азота, подвижного фосфора и оптимизации агрофизических свойств почвы. Это вызывает интенсификацию физиолого-биохимических процессов, происходящих в растения свеклы столовой и обеспечивает повышение урожайности свеклы на 14,9-34,9% массы корнеплодов на 11,8-16,3 г и выхода стандартной продукции на 3,1- 7,2%. При этом выявлено улучшение биохимических и санитарно-гигиенических показателей качества корнеплодов

    Формирование высокопродуктивных агрофитоценозов Raphanus sativus L. subsp. acanthiformis (Blanch.) Stankev. в условиях Северного Кавказа

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    Relevance. One of the most important tasks of agricultural production is to provide the population of the regions with vegetables at the expense of local production. Despite the social significance of the vegetable growing industry, its development in the Central Ciscaucasia at the present stage allows only half to meet the demand of the population. For the Chechen Republic, where the area of arable land is limited, the daikon (Raphanus sativus L. subsp. acanthiformis (Blanch.) Stankev.) Has a certain perspective, especially for cultivation in the summer-autumn period, after early harvesting of vegetables and field crops.Results. Under the conditions of the Chechen Republic, the maximum yield of root crops (29.0 t/ha) and marketability of 65% of the early maturing variety Sasha was obtained with a sowing time of 31.07 and a scheme of 35x10 cm. The highest yield of root crops of varieties Dubinushka, Dragon, Favorit was formed at a sowing time of 17.07 (58.1, 62.3 and 57.3 t/ha, respectively), and variety Moskovsky Bogatyr – at a sowing time of 3.07 (72.3 t/ha) at sowing scheme 70x10 cm.Актуальность. Одной из важнейших задач сельскохозяйственного производства является обеспечение населения регионов овощами за счет местного производства. Несмотря на социальную значимость отрасли овощеводства, ее развитие в Центральном Предкавказье на современном этапе позволяет лишь на половину удовлетворять спрос населения. Для Чеченской Республики, где площадь пахотных земель ограничена, дайкон (Raphanus sativus L. subsp. acanthiformis (Blanch.) Stankev.) имеет определенную перспективу, особенно для возделывания в летне-осенний период, после раноубираемых овощных и полевых культур.Результаты. В условиях Чеченской Республики максимальная урожайность корнеплодов 29,0 т/га и товарность 65% раннеспелого сорта Саша получена при сроке посева 31.07 и схеме 35х10 см. Наибольшую урожайность корнеплодов сортов Дубинушка, Дракон, Фаворит формировалась при сроке посева 17.07 (58,1, 62,3 и 57,3 т/га соответственно), а у сорта Московский богатырь – при сроке посева 3.07 (72,3 т/га) при схеме посева 70х10 см


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    In field experiments, the optimal pre-irrigation moisture levels of the soil, plant density and fertilizer regulations to ensure maximizing the table beet crops with good qualities of roots under foothill zone of the Chechen Republic have been found.В условиях полевого опыта установлены оптимальные уровни предполивной влажности почвы, густоты стояния растений и нормы минеральных удобрений, обеспечивающие получение максимальных урожаев свеклы столовой с хорошими показателями качества корнеплодов в условиях предгорной зоны Чеченской республики

    Ways to Reduce Water Erosion on Mountainous Slope Lands

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    The most important problem in the highland area is the development of technologies to reduce water erosion and improve soil fertility preservation. In order to restore degraded soils of slope lands, a number of measure is undertaken, among them planting crops across the slope and rational fertilizer treatment. To reduce erosion processes, mineral fertilizers were applied depending on the steepness of slope. High sections with the steepness of 9–10∘ received ammonium sulphate in a quantity of 60 kg/ha. Lower part of the slope with the steepness of 5–7∘ received ammonia nitrate as a nitrogen fertilizer in a quantity of 80 kg/ha, while the gentle sloping part with 2–5∘ had urea-formaldehyde fertilizer incorporated under winter tillage in a quantity of 50 kg/ha. At that, stripes were formed across the slope where tall-growing perennial herbs were planted: hill mustard (Bunias orentalis L.), silphium (Silphium perfaliatum), Eastern galega (Galeqa orientalis L.), cock’s foot grass (Dakfilis qlamerata L.). The research results have shown that thanks to fertilizers, yield of crops increases by a factor of 1.5–2, while soil losses reduced from 0.042 to 0.018 t/ha


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    The problem to choose and use ecologically plasticiable cultivar accessions is one of the most important stage of the program for adaptive vegetable production. The right decision of the problem leads to rational utilization of material and natural resources, decreasing the expenses and charges. For successful development of vegetable breeding the cultivar adaptive specifications is necessary to know. Vertical zonation along with hydrothermal condition had an essential effect on yield of red beet. Not being depended on maturity type of cultivar accession their yield increased by 1.9-3.2 t/ha successively from plains towards mountain zone, corresponding to pre-mountain and mountainous regions in Chechen Republic. On average, for tree-year study the highest yield was 45.8 and 45.1 t/ha in cultivars ‘Bona’ and ‘Tsilindra’ respectively, not being depended on the zone of cultivation. The cultivars ‘Donskaya Ploskaya’ (flat), and ‘Odnorostkovaya’ were sources of ecological resistance, while the cultivars ‘Boltardy’ and ‘Detroit’ were sources of productivity. The cultivars ‘Boltardy’ and ‘Gribovskaya Ploskaya’ that had been responsive on regulated environmental factors and resistant to unregulated environmental factors were of multipurpose usage and intensive-cultivation type. The ‘Bordo 237’, Dvusemiyannaya TCKHA’, ‘Odnorostkovaya’ and ‘Tsilindra’ were distinguished from other by accumulation of dry matter and total sugars in all zones of cultivation. On cultivation zone change from steppe towards pre-mountain and mountainous region, the tendency was revealed that dry matter, total sugars and vitamin C content had increased, while the nitrate content had only depended on cultivar features


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    The effects of different fertilizer rates, irrigation, sowing rate for carrot and red beet were studied in the field condition in food-hills zone of Chechen Republic. The use of N40-80P40-80K40-80 caused the increase in yield from 22.8 to 30.8-33.2 t/ha or by 35-46%, when cultivating a carrot crop. Under irrigation the yield increases by 30-33%. Application of N40P40K40 and maintenance of soil moisture at 70% of moisture rate provoked the improvement in value, market and biochemical characteristics of roots; where the increased contents of dry matter, total sugar and vitamins were observed. The mathematical modeling for the process of yielding abilities and root quality in carrot and red beet showed that highest productivity can be achieved on chernozem soil at Central Pre-Caucasus zone when the level of mineral plant nutrition was N40-60P40-60K40-60. The further increment in fertilizer doses does not bring an improvement to yields and leads to decrease in quality of yields. The increased level of antecedent soil water moisture 70-75% of moisture rates does not raise the yield, on the contrary decreasing at the same time the root quality. The use of mathematical modeling enables to rationally define the fertilizer rates depending on application of irrigation and sowing rates in cultivation of carrot and red beet


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    The field experiment has revealed that application of green manure and mulching of seedlings by organic matters and zeolite-containing clay increases the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and improves agro-physical parameters of soil. As consequence the yield of red beet has increased up to 14-34%, the root weight has increased up to 11-16 g, and the standard output has increased up to 3-7%. The improvement of biochemical and phytosanitary quality of roots was revealed