97 research outputs found

    Microcodium in Chinese loess as a recorder for the oxygen isotopic composition of monsoonal rainwater

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    Records of Asia Summer Monsoon (ASM) from the Chinese loess and the speleothem display distinct features. The very different proxies that were applied to the two archives may be responsible for this discrepancy. A direct comparison between the speleothem and the loess records under the same proxy system of rainwater delta O-18 may help to resolve this puzzle. Here we show that the calcified microcodium in the loess deposits may record the oxygen isotopic composition of the summer rainwater. A microcodium based delta O-18 record covering the past 140 kyrs was generated, which shows similar magnitude of the overall variation to that of the speleothem records. However, much weaker precession variability was registered in the microcodium record during the last interglacial period. Instead, the microcodium delta O-18 record is more consistent with the widely used summer monsoon proxy of magnetic susceptibility in the loess deposits with clear glacial-interglacial pattern. This similarity may originate from the low sedimentation rate of the interglacial paleosol layer that preferentially record the peak ASM signals on the precession band. It is also possible that the orbital variability of ASM between the North China and South China is inherently different with more ice-volume related influence in the north. A longer microcodium delta O-18 record in sequences of higher sedimentation rate and a reliable record of summer rainfall may help to resolve these possibilities. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved

    A revised model of global silicate weathering considering the influence of vegetation cover on erosion rate

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    Silicate weathering, which is of great importance in regulating the global carbon cycle, has been found to be affected by complicated factors, including climate, tectonics and vegetation. However, the exact transfer function between these factors and the silicate weathering rate is still unclear, leading to large model–data discrepancies in the CO2 consumption associated with silicate weathering. Here we propose a simple parameterization for the influence of vegetation cover on erosion rate to improve the model–data comparison based on a state-of-the-art silicate weathering model. We found out that the current weathering model tends to overestimate the silicate weathering fluxes in the tropical region, which can hardly be explained by either the uncertainties in climate and geomorphological conditions or the optimization of model parameters. We show that such an overestimation of the tropical weathering rate can be rectified significantly by parameterizing the shielding effect of vegetation cover on soil erosion using the leaf area index (LAI), the high values of which are coincident with the distribution of leached soils. We propose that the heavy vegetation in the tropical region likely slows down the erosion rate, much more so than thought before, by reducing extreme streamflow in response to precipitation. The silicate weathering model thus revised gives a smaller global weathering flux which is arguably more consistent with the observed value and the recently reconstructed global outgassing, both of which are subject to uncertainties. The model is also easily applicable to the deep-time Earth to investigate the influence of land plants on the global biogeochemical cycle.</p

    Short Communication: Aging of basalt volcanic systems and decreasing CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; consumption by weathering

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    Basalt weathering is one of many relevant processes balancing the global carbon cycle via land-ocean alkalinity fluxes. The CO2 consumption by weathering can be calculated using alkalinity and is often scaled with runoff and/or temperature. Here it is tested if information on the surface age distribution of a volcanic system is a useful proxy for changes in alkalinity production with time. A linear relationship between temperature normalized alkalinity fluxes and the Holocene area fraction of a volcanic field was identified, using information from 33 basalt volcanic fields, with an r2=0.91. This relationship is interpreted as an aging function and suggests that fluxes from Holocene areas are ~10 times higher than those from old inactive volcanic fields. However, the cause for the decrease with time is probably a combination of effects, including a decrease in alkalinity production from surface near material in the critical zone as well as a decline in hydrothermal activity and magmatic CO2 contribution. A comparison with global models suggests, that global alkalinity fluxes considering Holocene active basalt areas are ~70% higher than the average from these models imply. The contribution of Holocene areas to the global basalt alkalinity fluxes is however only ~6%, because identified, mapped Holocene basalt areas cover only ~1% of the existing basalt areas. The large trap basalt proportion on the global basalt areas today reduces the relevance of the aging effect. However, the aging effect might be a relevant process during periods of globally, intensive volcanic activity, which remains to be tested

    Identification of predictors for the comprehensive clinical risk and severity of coronary lesions of acute coronary syndrome

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    BackgroundAcute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the most common cause of death in patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of the study was to identify the predictors of both comprehensive clinical risk and severity of coronary lesions by comprehensive use of GRACE and SYNTAX scores in patients with ACS.MethodsClinical data of 225 ACS patients who underwent coronary angiography between 2015 and 2016 were collected. Multiple logistic regression analysis (stepwise) was used to identify the predictors. The predictive ability of predictors and the model were determined using receiver operating characteristics analyses.ResultsMultivariable logistic regression analyses showed that high aspartate aminotransferase (AST) predicted the comprehensive clinical risk with odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of 1.011 (1.002–1.021). High total cholesterol (TC) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) predicted the severity of coronary lesions with ORs and 95% CIs of 1.517 (1.148–2.004) and 1.556 (1.195–2.028), respectively. Low prealbumin predicted both severity of coronary lesions and comprehensive clinical risk of ACS patients with ORs and 95% CIs of 0.743 (0.672–0.821) and 0.836 (0.769–0.909), respectively. The model with a combination of prealbumin and AST had the highest predictive efficacy for comprehensive clinical risk, and the combination of prealbumin, TC, and RDW had the highest predictive efficacy for the severity of coronary lesions. The sensitivity and specificity, and the optimal cut-off values of these four indexes were determined.ConclusionsFour predictors for the comprehensive clinical risk and severity of coronary lesions of ACS were identified, which provided important information for the early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of ACS

    High regional climate sensitivity over continental China constrained by glacial-recent changes in temperature and the hydrological cycle

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    The East Asian monsoon is one of Earth’s most significant climatic phenomena, and numerous paleoclimate archives have revealed that it exhibits variations on orbital and suborbital time scales. Quantitative constraints on the climate changes associated with these past variations are limited, yet are needed to constrain sensitivity of the region to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Here, we show central China is a region that experienced a much larger temperature change since the Last Glacial Maximum than typically simulated by climate models. We applied clumped isotope thermometry to carbonates from the central Chinese Loess Plateau to reconstruct temperature and water isotope shifts from the Last Glacial Maximum to present. We find a summertime temperature change of 6–7 °C that is reproduced by climate model simulations presented here. Proxy data reveal evidence for a shift to lighter isotopic composition of meteoric waters in glacial times, which is also captured by our model. Analysis of model outputs suggests that glacial cooling over continental China is significantly amplified by the influence of stationary waves, which, in turn, are enhanced by continental ice sheets. These results not only support high regional climate sensitivity in Central China but highlight the fundamental role of planetary-scale atmospheric dynamics in the sensitivity of regional climates to continental glaciation, changing greenhouse gas levels, and insolation

    Hafnium isotope fractionation during continental weathering: Implications for the generation of the seawater Nd-Hf isotope relationships

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    To investigate the mechanisms of the offset of seawater radiogenic Nd-Hf isotope compositions from those of the upper continental crust rocks, combined Nd-Hf isotope compositions of desert and loess samples from northern China (which integrate a wide range of lithologies and ages of continental rocks) are presented in this study. The results show significant and systematic fractionation of Hf isotopes between finegrained detritals/leachates (<5 mm) and coarser fractions (<75 mm) of the same samples. A small but systematic difference of Nd isotope compositions between leachates and detrital silicates is also revealed. Overall, the leaching data either plot along or slightly above the Nd-Hf seawater array, providing strong direct support that the seawater Nd-Hf isotope relationship is predominantly generated by weathering of upper continental crust. Our study supports the application of dissolved Hf isotopes as a proxy for different modes of weathering regimes rather than for continental source provenances