63 research outputs found

    Conflict resolution for product performance requirements based on propagation analysis in the extension theory

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    Traditional product data mining methods are mainly focused on the static data. Performance requirements are generally met as possible by finding some cases and changing their structures. However, when one is satisfied with the structures changed, the other effects are not taken into account by analyzing the correlations; that is, design conflicts are not identified and resolved. An approach to resolving the conflict problems is proposed based on propagation analysis in Extension Theory. Firstly, the extension distance is improved to better fit evaluating the similarity among cases, then, a case retrieval method is developed. Secondly, the transformations that can be made on selected cases are formulated by understanding the conflict natures in the different performance requirements, which leads to the extension transformation strategy development for coordinating conflicts using propagation analysis. Thirdly, the effects and levels of propagation are determined by analyzing the performance values before and after the transformations, thus the co-existing conflict coordination strategy of multiple performances is developed. The method has been implemented in a working prototype system for supporting decision-making. And it has been demonstrated the feasible and effective through resolving the conflicts of noise, exhaust, weight and intake pressure for the screw air compressor performance design

    Characterization on the cardiac function of hypothermic dogs from cold water immersion

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    OBJECT To clarify the effects of cold water immersion on the canine cardiac function and how to prevent the immersed hypothermic ventricular fibrillation. METHODS 7 normal male dogs, which were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental (3, each with 2.5mg/kg nimodipine) and the control (4), were immersed in cold water at 6 ± 1!. The polygraph system was used to record the cardiac function and the transmission electron microscope was involved to study the ultrastructure changes of myocardium. The activity levels of Na⁺:K⁺:ATPase and Ca²⁺:ATPase were measured by means of Elisa. RESULTS As the canine core temperature going down, it was noted that the left ventricular pressure peak value (LVSP), and the isovolumetric contraction phase maximal ascending/descending velocity ( ± dP/dtmax) decreased evidently, with a prolonged Q:T duration, and that hypothermic J waves were found subsequently. The activities of Na⁺:K⁺:ATPase and Ca²⁺ATPase were both inhibited. There came rapid ventricular arrhythmia with the control dogs, while not with the experimental. CONCLUSIONS The hypothermia would result in the weakening of canine cardiac function, moreover, the appearance of J wave might be followed by the occurrence of hypothermic ventricular fibrillation. The results also suggested that nimodipine might have a potential to prevent immersed hypothermic ventricular fibrillation.Для уточнення наслідків занурення в холодну воду на функції серця собак і запобігання викликаної гіпотермією фібриляції шлуночків 7 нормальних псів, які були випадковим чином розділені на дві групи (дослідну і контрольну), були занурені в холодну воду при 6 ± 1 ° С. Тварини експериментальної групи попередньо отримали 2,5 мг/кг німодипіну. Для запису функції серця використовували систему поліграф. Для дослідження ультраструктури змін міокарда використовували просвічуючу електронну мікроскопію. Рівні активності Na⁺/K⁺АТФази і Ca²⁺:АТФази були виміряні за допомогою ELISA.При падінні температури тіла собак було відзначено, що пікове значення тиску лівого шлуночка (LVSP) та ізоволюметрічна фаза скорочення максимального зростання/убування швидкості зменшилася. Активності Na⁺/K⁺:АТФази і Ca²⁺:АТФази знижувалися. При цьому у контрольних собак спостерігалася, а у досвідчених не спостерігалася швидка шлуночкова аритмія. Показано, що гіпотермія може призвести до ослаблення функції серця собак, крім того, за появою J хвилі може послідувати виникнення викликаної гіпотермією фібриляції шлуночків. Результати дозволяють припустити, що німодипін, можливо, здатний запобігти фібриляції шлуночків, яка викликана гіпотермією.Для уточнения последствий погружения в холодную воду на функции сердца собак и предотвращения вызванной гипотермией фибрилляции желудочков 7 нормальных кобелей, которые были случайным образом разделены на две группы (опытную и контрольную), были погружены в холодную воду при 6 ± 1 °С. Животные экспериментальной группы предварительно получили 2,5 мг/кг нимодипина. Для записи функции сердца использовали систему полиграф. Для исследование ультраструктуры изменений миокарда использовали просвечивающую электронную микроскопию. Уровни активности Na⁺/K⁺:АТФазы и Ca²⁺:АТФазы определяли с помощью ELISA. При падении температуры тела собак было отмечено, что пиковое значение давления левого желудочка (LVSP) и изоволюметрическая фаза сокращения максимального возрастания/убывания скорости уменьшилась. Активности Na⁺/K⁺:АТФазы и Ca²⁺:АТФазы снижались. При этом у контрольных собак наблюдалась, а у опытных не наблюдалась быстрая желудочковая аритмия. Показано, что гипотермия может привести к ослаблению функции сердца собак, кроме того, за появлением J волны может последовать возникновение вызванной гипотермией фибрилляции желудочков. Результаты позволяют предположить, что нимодипин, возможно, способен предотвратить фибрилляции желудочков, вызванные гипотермией

    Evaluation of a novel saliva-based epidermal growth factor receptor mutation detection for lung cancer: A pilot study.

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    BackgroundThis article describes a pilot study evaluating a novel liquid biopsy system for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. The electric field-induced release and measurement (EFIRM) method utilizes an electrochemical biosensor for detecting oncogenic mutations in biofluids.MethodsSaliva and plasma of 17 patients were collected from three cancer centers prior to and after surgical resection. The EFIRM method was then applied to the collected samples to assay for exon 19 deletion and p.L858 mutations. EFIRM results were compared with cobas results of exon 19 deletion and p.L858 mutation detection in cancer tissues.ResultsThe EFIRM method was found to detect exon 19 deletion with an area under the curve (AUC) of 1.0 in both saliva and plasma samples in lung cancer patients. For L858R mutation detection, the AUC of saliva was 1.0, while the AUC of plasma was 0.98. Strong correlations were also found between presurgery and post-surgery samples for both saliva (0.86 for exon 19 and 0.98 for L858R) and plasma (0.73 for exon 19 and 0.94 for L858R).ConclusionOur study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing EFIRM to rapidly, non-invasively, and conveniently detect epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in the saliva of patients with NSCLC, with results corresponding perfectly with the results of cobas tissue genotyping

    Investigation on unfrozen water content models of freezing soils

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    Unfrozen water content is a significant hydro-thermal property in numerical modeling in cold regions. Although numerous models have been developed to mimic the variation of unfrozen water content with subzero temperature, comprehensive evaluation of unfrozen water content models is scarce. This study collected a total of 29 models and divided them into four categories, namely, theoretical models, soil water characteristic curve (SWCC)-based models, empirical models, and estimation models. These models were evaluated with 1278 experimental points from 16 studies covering multiple soil types, including 24 clays, 18 silty clays, 7 silts, 19 sands, and 10 sandstones. Root mean square error and average deviations were applied to judge the performance of these models. Most unfrozen water content models can well simulate the relationship between unfrozen water content and subzero temperature. Among the aforementioned four categories of unfrozen water content models, Lizhm et al. model, Fredlund and Xing (C=1)-Wen model, Kozlowski empirical model, and Kozlowski estimation model performed best in their respective categories. Compared to the rest three categories, estimation models can be applied to predict the variation of unfrozen water content with subzero temperature by some easy-to-obtain soil physical parameters and provide guidance for the development of unfrozen water content models

    One-Step 18

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging is a useful method to evaluate in situ estrogen receptor (ER) status for the early diagnosis of breast cancer and optimization of the appropriate treatment strategy. The 18F-labeled estradiol derivative has been successfully used to clinically assess the ER level of breast cancer. In order to simplify the radiosynthesis process, one-step 18F-19F isotope exchange reaction was employed for the 18F-fluorination of the tracer of [18F]AmBF3-TEG-ES. The radiotracer was obtained with the radiochemical yield (RCY) of ~61% and the radiochemical purity (RCP) of >98% within 40 min. Cell uptake and blocking assays indicated that the tracer could selectively accumulate in the ER-positive human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and T47D. In vivo PET imaging on the MCF-7 tumor-bearing mice showed relatively high tumor uptake (1.4~2.3 %D/g) and tumor/muscle uptake ratio (4~6). These results indicated that the tracer is a promising PET imaging agent for ER-positive breast cancers

    Jointly Optimized Energy-minimal Resource Allocation in Cache-enhanced Mobile Edge Computing Systems

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    Mobile edge computing (MEC) has attracted extensive studies recently due to its ability to augment the computational capabilities of mobile devices. This paper considers a cache-enhanced multiuser MEC system where the task can be cached in the MEC servers to avoid the transmission of duplicate data. To further improve the energy efficiency and satisfy the users’ requirement on delay, we jointly optimize caching, computation, and communication resources in this system. The formulated problem is a mixed integer non-convex optimization problem that is very challenging to solve. We thus propose an efficient iterative algorithm by jointly applying the block coordinate descent and convex optimization techniques, which is guaranteed to converge at least a suboptimal solution. Specifically, the formulated joint optimization problem is decomposed into two subproblems to optimize caching policy and resource allocation, respectively, which are alternately optimized by convex optimization in each iteration. To further speed up the algorithm convergence, an efficient initialization scheme based on the linear weighted method is proposed for caching policy. The extensive simulation results are provided to demonstrate that the proposed jointly optimizing caching, computation, and communication method can improve the energy efficiency with lower time cost compared with other benchmark methods

    Research and analysis of new paste filling material based on red mud iron tailings

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    In order to reduce the amount of high energy consumption materials such as cement in filling, save resources, and fully recycle industrial waste. In this paper, Changxing coal mine as the research background, through data analysis, and through the test configuration based on red mud iron tailings, mixed with desulfurization gypsum, lime, cement, activator of new cementitious materials. And through the test analysis, the best proportion of coagulant admixture is determined as follows: red mud iron tailings dosage 6, cement sand ratio 1:3, mass concentration 68%

    Chemical unit co-substitution enabling broadband and tunable near-infrared emission in garnet-type Lu3Sc2Ga3O12:Cr3+ phosphors

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    Although near-infrared phosphor-converted light-emitting diodes (NIR pc-LEDs) are desired for non-visible light source applications, the design of broadband NIR phosphors remains a challenge. Inspired by the chemical unit co-substitution strategy for the modification of composition and local structure, we realize a tunable redshift emission from 706 to 765 nm in garnet-type Lu3Sc2Ga3O12:Cr3+ with a broadened full width at half maximum and enhanced photoluminescence intensity by introducing a [Mg2+-Si4+] unit into the [Sc3+-Ga3+] couple. Structural and spectral analyzes demonstrate that the co-substitution reduces the local symmetry and crystal field strength of the [CrO6] octahedra, thus leading to inhomogeneous widening of the 4T2→4A2 emission and enhanced blue absorption. Furthermore, the 4T2→4A2 emission exhibits a phonon-assisted character at low temperatures due to the thermal coupling effect with the 2E level. The fabricated NIR pc-LED based on the optimized NIR phosphor exhibits excellent potential in night vision and imaging applications