35,370 research outputs found

    Phases and phase stabilities of Fe3X alloys (X=Al, As, Ge, In, Sb, Si, Sn, Zn) prepared by mechanical alloying

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    Mechanical alloying with a Spex 8000 mixer/mill was used to prepare several alloys of the Fe3X composition, where the solutes X were from groups IIB, IIIB, IVB, and VB of the periodic table. Using x-ray diffractometry and Mössbauer spectrometry, we determined the steady-state phases after milling for long times. The tendencies of the alloys to form the bcc phase after milling are predicted well with the modified usage of a Darken–Gurry plot of electronegativity versus metallic radius. Thermal stabilities of some of these phases were studied. In the cases of Fe3Ge and Fe3Sn, there was the formation of transient D03 and B2 order during annealing, although this ordered structure was replaced by equilibrium phases upon further annealing

    Out of plane effect on the superconductivity of Sr2-xBaxCuO3+y with Tc up to 98K

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    A series of new Sr2-xBaxCuO3+y (0 x 0.6) superconductors were prepared using high-pressure and high-temperature synthesis. A Rietveld refinement based on powder x-ray diffraction confirms that the superconductors crystallize in the K2NiF4-type structure of a space group I4/mmm similar to that of La2CuO4 but with partially occupied apical oxygen sites. It is found that the superconducting transition temperature Tc of this Ba substituted Sr2CuO3+y superconductor with constant carrier doping level, i.e., constant d, is controlled not only by order/disorder of apical-O atoms but also by Ba content. Tcmax =98 K is achieved in the material with x=0.6 that reaches the record value of Tc among the single-layer copper oxide superconductors, and is higher than Tc=95K of Sr2CuO3+y with optimally ordered apical-O atoms. There is Sr-site disorder in Sr2-xBaxCuO3+y which might lead to a reduction of Tc. The result indicates that another effect surpasses the disorder effect that is related either to the increased in-plane Cu-O bond length or to elongated apical-O distance due to Ba substitution with larger cation size. The present experiment demonstrates that the optimization of local geometry out of the Cu-O plane can dramatically enhance Tc in the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 23 Pages, 1 Table, 5 Figure

    Directional independent component analysis with tensor representation

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    Author name used in this publication: David ZhangRefereed conference paper2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Block independent component analysis for face recognition

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    Author name used in this publication: David ZhangBiometrics Research Centre, Department of ComputingRefereed conference paper2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    NO adsorption and thermal behavior on Pd surfaces. A detailed comparative study

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    The adsorption and thermal behavior of NO on `flat¿ Pd(111) and `stepped¿ Pd(112) surfaces has been investigated by temperature programmed desorption (TPD), high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS), and electron stimulated desorption ion angular distribution (ESDIAD) techniques. NO is shown to molecularly adsorb on both Pd(111) and Pd(112) in the temperature range 100¿373 K. NO thermally desorbs predominantly molecularly from Pd(111) near 500 K with an activation energy and pre-exponential factor of desorption which strongly depend on the initial NO surface coverage. In contrast, NO decomposes substantially on Pd(112) upon heating, with relatively large amounts of N2 and N2O desorbing near 500 K, in addition to NO. The fractional amount of NO dissociation on Pd(112) during heating is observed to be a strong function of the initial NO surface coverage. HREELS results indicate that the thermal dissociation of NO on both Pd(111) and Pd(112) occurs upon annealing to 490 K, forming surface-bound O on both surfaces. Evidence for the formation of sub-surface O via NO thermal dissociation is found only on Pd(112), and is verified by dissociative O2 adsorption experiments. Both surface-bound O and sub-surface O dissolve into the Pd bulk upon annealing of both surfaces to 550 K. HREELS and ESDIAD data consistently indicate that NO preferentially adsorbs on the (111) terrace sites of Pd(112) at low coverages, filling the (001) step sites only at high coverage. This result was verified for adsorption temperatures in the range 100¿373 K. In addition, the thermal dissociation of NO on Pd(112) is most prevalent at low coverages, where only terrace sites are occupied by NO. Thus, by direct comparison to NO/Pd(111), this study shows that the presence of steps on the Pd(112) surface enhances the thermal dissociation of NO, but that adsorption at the step sites is not the criterion for this decomposition

    Nonlinear alternating current responses of graded materials

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    When a composite of nonlinear particles suspended in a host medium is subjected to a sinusoidal electric field, the electrical response in the composite will generally consist of alternating current (AC) fields at frequencies of higher-order harmonics. The situation becomes more interesting when the suspended particles are graded, with a spatial variation in the dielectric properties. The local electric field inside the graded particles can be calculated by the differential effective dipole approximation, which agrees very well with a first-principles approach. In this work, a nonlinear differential effective dipole approximation and a perturbation expansion method have been employed to investigate the effect of gradation on the nonlinear AC responses of these composites. The results showed that the fundamental and third-harmonic AC responses are sensitive to the dielectric-constant and/or nonlinear-susceptibility gradation profiles within the particles. Thus, by measuring the AC responses of the graded composites, it is possible to perform a real-time monitoring of the fabrication process of the gradation profiles within the graded particles.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure