424 research outputs found

    Effect of Fuel Properties on the Specific Thrust of a Ramjet Engine

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    Various aspects of specific thrust in ramjet propulsion have been considered. It is shownthat while the peak specific impulse of ideal ramjet is theoretically obtained for fuel/air ratiof 0, the specific thrust which determines the thrust level of a given engine at certain operatingconditions, increases with increasing fuel/air ratio up to (approximately) the stoichiometric ratio.Furthermore, in general, the specific thrust is related to the heat release per unit mass of airfqR, where the theoretical maximum is approximately proportional to its square root in stoichiometricconditions, fstqR. This can be the basis for selecting an appropriate fuel according to its potentialspecific thrust. It should be noted that certain metals such as magnesium, aluminum, and zirconiumcan provide about three-times higher specific heat release than hydrocarbons or hydrogen.Thus, these may be the better candidates for missions requiring high specific thrusts

    Sambutan Rektor Untversitas Hasanuddin

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    Kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan kami saat ini sungguh sulit kami nyatakan metrikasi takarannya, antara lain karena penyelenggaraan acara yang bermakna sangat penting ini dihadiri oleh Bapak Ketua LIPI, Bapak Gubernur, para akademisi dan berbagai pihak yang berlatar belakang aneka profesi dan kegiatan baik dari Kawasan Timur Indonesia maupun reprentasi lembaga-lembaga yang kompenten secara nasional


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    Published ThesisTourism is more frequently referred to as the world's biggest and fastest growing industry. Together with this trend, the importance of visitor perception has been increasingly analysed and is considered a significant factor in destination attractiveness. An investigation of the impact of destination attributes on frequency of visitors and their intention to return could demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of a destination by assessing its attractiveness level. This study analyses destination attractiveness and the influence of these attributes on visitors’ perception. Information and knowledge about destination attractiveness can assist with development and planning, marketing, and can also improve management of a destination. In other words, the more impressed visitors are with the destination, the greater visitation frequency is expected. However, very few studies have been conducted on visitors’ perception of destination attractiveness for a South African resort. The purpose of this study was therefore to determine the current overall perception of visitors to selected resorts near Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa. The study also focused on developing a list of attributes which influence the destination attractiveness. Another focus was to determine whether the attractiveness of the resorts affected the visitation level and frequency of visitors to the resorts. The research design falls under the qualitative and quantitative paradigm and was divided into two parts: literature and empirical research. The population of the study included domestic visitors who visited Langleg and Riverton resorts and stayed for at least one night. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 400 visitors to the selected resorts during the December holiday period of 2015. The main findings of the study indicate that visitors to selected Kimberley resorts perceive the attributes as being average to poor quality. Despite this, it is evident from results that majority visitors to Langleg and Riverton resorts wish to revisit the resort and would recommend the resort to others. Chapter 5 portrays the results in detail. These outcomes contribute to Sol Plaatje tourism by assisting Kimberley resort managers to identify and satisfy tourists’ needs and to make recommendations on how to improve destination attractiveness at selected Kimberley resorts

    VITAL: Virtual Interpreting Training and Learning

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    This paper describes a distance learning solution for the training of medical interpreters: the Virtual Interpreting Training and Learning (VITAL) Program. VITAL was developed to offer an effective, efficient, and scalable learning alternative to conventional models. The main objective of VITAL is to increase the pool of trained medical interpreters, while providing the same quality of training as in-person programs. Currently, VITAL is used in training bilingual (i.e., English and Spanish) individuals to perform as medical interpreters. An expanded pool of trained medical interpreters will ultimately lead to enhanced communication between providers and their patients and reduce the occurrence of medical errors

    Attributes that influence resort attractiveness: a case study of selected Kimberley resorts

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    Published ArticleResorts have grown to dominate the accommodation sector of the world’s tourism industry and are known as the key building blocks of tourism due to the impact the latter has on local and international economies. Resorts, as a component of the destination offer a unique combination of resources, attractions, and facilities; they also have unique physical environments, ecological conditions, and socio-cultural specifics. The attractiveness of a resort plays a role in a tourist’s destination of choice, expectations of satisfaction, intentions to revisit, perceptions of benefits and motivations, positive perception of opinion leaders, the amount of money spent, and the duration of the stay. In order for a resort to be successful, sustainable and viable, it is important to identify the attributes that lead tourists to choose one destination over another. Despite this, a lack of research has been carried out to determine the underlying dimensions of resort attractiveness in South Africa. The aim of this research was to determine the attractiveness of selected Kimberley resorts in the Northern Cape, South Africa. These resorts have experienced low visitation and profit levels in the past. This leads to question whether visitors find the resorts attractive. In order to collect data a questionnaire was used to conduct interviews with visitors at the resorts. The results suggest that attributes of selected Kimberley resorts are perceived as being of average to poor quality

    Good provider, good patient: changing behaviors to eliminate disparities in healthcare.

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    We examined the relationship between cross-cultural provider-patient interactions and health outcomes through a literature review. Results were presented in the form of guiding principles to an expert panel of health care administrators, medical practitioners, and medical care providers. This expert panel met at the workshop "Changing Patient Behavior" during a conference convened by the office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services, February 17-18, 2000. The panel reviewed the themes and formulated suggestions for program and policy change. Six principles were identified: (1) Physicians should acknowledge that patients may be actively involved in health maintenance long before they seek medical care. (2) Patients should be empowered to be active participants in their medical care. (3) Providers should critically evaluate their own assumptions and underlying values about what constitutes a "good" patient and consider how these assumptions and values affect their communication strategies. (4) The patient's behavior change in the medical interaction should result from a process of negotiation between provider and patient. (5) The medical system should focus on community empowerment in addition to individual empowerment. (6) Accessible and understandable health outcome data will empower the community to participate in the elimination of health disparities

    Magnesium and Boron Combustion in Hot Steam Atmosphere

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    This paper investigates the combustion of magnesium and boron powders in hot steam. A thermochemical analysis reveals theoretical results of such interactions. An experimental investigation demonstrates that stable exothermic oxidation takes place, resulting in actual combustion at 1100 °c for magnesium and 800 °c for boron. The reaction generates large quantity of gaseous products consisting of almost pure hydrogen and corresponding to about 60 per cent of a complete chemical reactio

    Religious and sexual identity conflict among same-sex attracted Muslim men: a conceptual differences of life experience between Western and Muslim majority countries

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    Previous studies exploring the conflict between religious and sexual identity among same-sex attracted Muslim men (henceforth, SSAMM) have been largely carried out on ethnic minority Muslims living in the Western countries. Many of such studies seem to indirectly imply that religious adherence to Islam have largely contributed to the identity conflict among SSAMM. Without scrutinizing the difference between Western and Muslim majority setting in which a same-sex attracted men (henceforth, SSAM) lives, other potential factors that may lead an SSAMM to experience conflict between religious and sexual identity are left unexplained. Thus, misperceptions against Islam as the only contributor to the said conflict are left uncorrected. In order to correct the misperceptions, the current paper proposes some conceptual differences between the Western and Muslim majority setting within which an SSAM lives. Malaysia is one of the valid Muslim majority settings suitable to demonstrate the conceptual differences as well as becoming a good breeding ground for studies pertaining to issues of homosexuality among religious SSAMM to flourish. It is hoped that such proposals of differences would be helpful to conceptually counter balance the unfavorable implications previous studies had on religion, particularly that of Islam
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