113 research outputs found

    Rotary Millstones of the 9th–11th Centuries from the Excavations of the Mangup Princely Palace

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    Introduction. By the results of excavations of the Palace of Principality of Theodoro (1425–1475), a number of architectural and archaeological sites of the pre-palace and post-palace times were revealed. The cultural layer of the middle 9th–11th centuries in the history of Mangup settlement is quite expressive in the Palace complex. The find of three rotary millstones in this layer testifies the connection of local population with farming. Methods. The study is based on a comparative analysis of medieval rotary millstones of the 9th–11th centuries, which were found on the territory of the Palace of Principality of Theodoro and synchronous monuments of the Crimea and the Khazar Kaganate. Analysis. Millstones from excavations of the Palace are assigned to group I, according to the classification of R.S. Minasyan; according to the typology developed by V.K. Mikheev, one millstone is from type IIA2, the other two are from type IA1. Two millstones opened in a single complex allow to reconstruct a mill device based on the use of manual force. By means of a rotary rod attached at one end to a beam or ceiling, and the other to a side bearing attached to a handstone, the latter was given a rotational movement; the questone was not movable. The gap between millstones was regulated by a thrust bearing; the pivot fixed in the lower millstone centered the slider. The search of analogies to the Mangup millstones on synchronous Crimean monuments is difficult due to the insufficient publication of this category of artifacts (visual similarities are traced with the millstones discovered during excavations of Tepsen, settlements of the Baydarskaya valley, Kyz-Kermen). Results. A comparison with the millstones of the Saltovo-Mayak culture demonstrates the difference in the design of the mill device. Most of the upper millstones discovered in the Saltovo-Mayak settlements have a special recess (sometimes more than one) for a short lever-handle, which makes them more mobile in contrast to the millstones found in the Crimea, the design of which is based on the use of a rotary rod. This fact allows us to talk about different economic and cultural traditions. In addition, millstones could serve not only for grain processing, but also for grinding legumes and oil

    Виноградные ножи средневекового Крыма

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    This paper addresses the archaeological evidence of the development of viticulture in the mediaeval Crimea as a specialized branch of agriculture. Although the scholarship mentions the areas where vines were planted (Dimitraki hollow, the vicinity of the castle of Siuiren’, Mangup, etc.), these publications do not provide any appropriate descriptions or illustrations. Therefore, reliable archaeological sources include primarily the finds of special winegrower’s knives with a curved (crescent-shaped) blade. There are three zones of their distribution in the south-western (vicinity of Cherson, Eski-Kermen, Mangup, and the vicinity of the castle of Siuiren’), south-eastern (Tepsen’ and Kordon-Oba), and southern Crimea (Isar-Kaia and the vicinity of the castle of Funa). Their chronology covers the period from the eighth to thirteenth centuries. There are two main groups of winegrower’s knives determined according to their morphological features: group 1 comprises tanged knives and group 2 socketed knives. Each group is divided into two subgroups, depending on the presence or absence of a special trapezoidal protrusion, or “axe”, on the back of the blade. The iconographic materials demonstrate that winegrower`s knives of subgroup 1B occurred in the Late Byzantine Period (tanged winegrower’s knife with a sub-rectangular “axe” on the back of the blade). Western European Late Mediaeval miniatures demonstrate the functional use of winegrower`s knives of subgroup 1A (small tanged knives with no “axe”) intended for cutting bunches of grapes.В статье рассматриваются археологические данные, свидетельствующие о развитии в средневековом Крыму виноградарства как специализированной отрасли сельского хозяйства. Упоминания в научной литературе о местах высадки виноградных лоз (урочище Димитраки, округа Сюйреньской крепости, Мангупа и др.) не сопровождаются необходимым описательным и иллюстративным материалом. Поэтому к числу достоверных археологических источников следует отнести, прежде всего, находки специальных виноградных ножей, имеющих изогнутую («луновидную») форму лезвия. Выделено три зоны их распространения – Юго-Западный (округа Херсона, Эски-Кермен, Мангуп и округа Сюйреньской крепости), Юго-Восточный (Тепсень и Кордон-Оба) и Южный Крым (Исар-Кая и округа крепости Фуна). Хронология их бытования приходится на период VIII–XIII вв. На основании морфологических признаков выделено две основные группы виноградных ножей: к группе 1 отнесены черешковые ножи, к группе 2 – ножи с втулкой. В каждой группе выделено по две подгруппы, в зависимости от наличия или отсутствия на обратной стороне лезвия специального трапециевидного выступа – «топорика». Иконографические материалы демонстрируют, что в поздневизантийское время имели распространение виноградные ножи подгруппы 1Б – черешковый виноградный нож с подпрямоугольным «топориком» на обратной стороне лезвия. Изображения на западноевропейских позднесредневековых миниатюрах демонстрирует функциональное использование виноградных ножей подгруппы 1А – небольшие черешковые ножи без «топорика», предназначенные для обрезания гроздей винограда


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    Introduction. Cancer metastasis consists of several steps including detachment from the primary tumor, migration, invasion, transport in the blood or lymphatic vessels, attachment at the secondary site, and growth of secondary tumor. Migration and invasion areinvolved in the mechanism of all types of cancer metastasis. We previously isolated novel cellular migration inhibitor migracin A and B from a culture filtrate of Streptomyces sp. Migracin A was shown to inhibit IGF-1-mediated cellular migration and invasion in ovarian carcinoma cells. However, it is difficult to prepare large amount of migracin A. Migracin A consists of substituted benzene and an alkylated sugar moiety. In the present research, we have designed and synthesized a simplified dialdehydederivative of migracin called migracinal having no sugar moiety. Material and methods. Migracinal was purchased from Techno Chem Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. Migracinal was prepared from 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (2,4-DHBA). The structure was confirmed by proton and carbon NMR spectra and ESI mass spectroscopy. The antitumor activity of the new derivative was studied by standard tests under conditions in vitro. Results. Migracinal inhibited cellular migration and invasion in ovarian clear cell carcinoma ES-2 cells. It also inhibited IGF-1 expression as migracin A. Moreover, it induced anoikis rather than apoptosis in ES-2 cells.Conclusions. Migracinal is easier to prepare than migracins, and it may be useful for the mechanistic study and suppression of metastasis. Введение. Процесс метастазирования рака состоит из нескольких этапов: отсоединение клеток от первичной опухоли, миграцию, инвазию, перемещение в крови или лимфатических сосудах, присоединение и рост вторичной опухоли. Механизмы миграции и инвазии универсальны для всех видов рака. Ранее из культуры Streptomyces SP мы выделили Migracin А и В - новые ингибиторы клеточной миграции. Было продемонстрировано как Migracin А ингибирует IGF-1-опосредованную миграцию и инвазию клеток рака яичников. Однако большое количество Migracin А, состоящего из замещенного бензола и алкилированного углеводного фрагмента, синтезировать трудоемко. В настоящем исследовании мы разработали и синтезировали упрощенное производное диальдегида Migracin, не имеющего углеводного компонента, названное Migracinal. Материалы и методы. Migracin приобретался у компании «ТехноХим Co., Лтд» (Токио, Япония). Производное Migracinal получали взаимодействием Migracin с 2,4-дигидроксибензалдегидом. Структура была подтверждена спектрами ЯМР и масс-спектроскопией. Противоопухолевая активность нового производного изучалась стандартными тестами в условиях in vitro. Результаты. Установлено, что Migracinal ингибирует клеточную миграцию и инвазию клеток ES-2 рака яичника и аналогично Migracin A ингибирует IGF-1 экспрессию. Кроме того, он индуцировал аноикис, а не апоптоз в клетках ES-2.Заключение. Синтез Migracinal легче в сравнении с Migracin, а спектр противоопухолевой активности идентичен, что может быть использовано для подавления процессов метастазирования.

    Peritoneal Canceromatosis in Malignant Tumors of Various Localizations. Achievements and Prospects

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    Peritoneal carcinomatosis is viewed by many experts as a terminal illness with an unfavourable course and prognosis. Existing therapies are controversial and exhibit ambiguous efficacy. We review the current state of the art in therapy for peritoneal metastases of various origin and its historical background. Cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy compound the treatment of choice as achieving the highest survival rates. Palliative surgery and systemic chemotherapy are an alternative that proved even more aggressive and ineffective in comparative survival evaluations. Manifold studies and expert opinions exist on the efficacy and expedience of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Today, however, their routine use in everyday practice is hotly debated. Despite an evident progress in managing peritoneal metastases, a series of questions remain unsolved. Contentious research data, late diagnosis, low treatment efficacy in severe peritoneal dissemination, a limited applicability of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, all highlight the importance of inventing and developing novel methods for early high-accuracy diagnosis and careful selection of the treatment strategy. Fundamental knowledge of malignant metastasis underlies the choice of patient management and the innovative toolkit for prevention and treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis

    Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Current State of the Art and Schools of Thought

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    Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is a global challenge of modern oncology representing the most unfavourable scenario in diverse-locality tumourisation. Despite certain attention by the oncological community, the management of PC patients is currently palliative, which weakly promotes research into the basic principles of this morbidity. This literature review attempts to comprehensively cover the PC problematic from a global perspective and presents a key evidence on the world schools of thought in this area. Briefly taking, peritoneal carcinomatosis is viewed today as a local process in the conventional implantation theory, which imposes a locoregional character on all current or emerging therapies, such as cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Their inadequate efficacy is largely due to pronounced gaps in our understanding of PC logistics and signalling. PSOGI is a key organisation for centralising the specialty effort in peritoneal carcinomatosis. Despite its global geography and approach to PC discussion, a multitude of scientific questions remain unanswered impeding the establishment of novel effective therapies. The seven countries that nurtured distinguished schools of thought in PC studies are the USA, UK, Japan, China, Italy, France and Germany. Taking peritoneal carcinomatosis in a global perspective, an insufficient attention to its problematic in Russia should be addressed. The founding and fostering of national PC institutions will benefit cancer patients and progress in oncological science

    Winegrower’s Knives in the Mediaeval Crimea

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    Поступила в редакцию 01.07.2021. Принята к печати 11.10.2021.Submitted: 01.07.2021. Accepted: 11.10.2021.В статье рассматриваются археологические данные, свидетельствующие о развитии в средневековом Крыму виноградарства как специализированной отрасли сельского хозяйства. Упоминания в научной литературе о местах высадки виноградных лоз (урочище Димитраки, округа Сюйреньской крепости, Мангупа и др.) не сопровождаются необходимым описательным и иллюстративным материалом. Поэтому к числу достоверных археологических источников следует отнести, прежде всего, находки специальных виноградных ножей, имеющих изогнутую («луновидную») форму лезвия. Выделено три зоны их распространения – Юго-Западный (округа Херсона, Эски-Кермен, Мангуп и округа Сюйреньской крепости), Юго-Восточный (Тепсень и Кордон-Оба) и Южный Крым (Исар-Кая и округа крепости Фуна). Хронология их бытования приходится на период VIII–XIII вв. На основании морфологических признаков выделено две основные группы виноградных ножей: к группе 1 отнесены черешковые ножи, к группе 2 – ножи с втулкой. В каждой группе выделено по две подгруппы, в зависимости от наличия или отсутствия на обратной стороне лезвия специального трапециевидного выступа – «топорика». Иконографические материалы демонстрируют, что в поздневизантийское время имели распространение виноградные ножи подгруппы 1Б – черешковый виноградный нож с подпрямоугольным «топориком» на обратной стороне лезвия. Изображения на западноевропейских позднесредневековых миниатюрах демонстрируют функциональное использование виноградных ножей подгруппы 1А – небольшие черешковые ножи без «топорика», предназначенные для обрезания гроздей винограда.This paper addresses the archaeological evidence of the development of viticulture in the mediaeval Crimea as a specialized branch of agriculture. Although the scholarship mentions the areas where vines were planted (Dimitraki hollow, the vicinity of the castle of Siuiren’, Mangup, etc.), these publications do not provide any appropriate descriptions or illustrations. Therefore, reliable archaeological sources include primarily the finds of special winegrower’s knives with a curved (crescentshaped) blade. There are three zones of their distribution in the south-western (vicinity of Cherson, Eski-Kermen, Mangup, and the vicinity of the castle of Siuiren’), southeastern (Tepsen’ and Kordon-Oba), and southern Crimea (Isar-Kaia and the vicinity of the castle of Funa). Their chronology covers the period from the eighth to thirteenth centuries. There are two main groups of winegrower’s knives determined according to their morphological features: group 1 comprises tanged knives and group 2 socketed knives. Each group is divided into two subgroups, depending on the presence or absence of a special trapezoidal protrusion, or “axe”, on the back of the blade. The iconographic materials demonstrate that winegrower’s knives of subgroup 1B occurred in the Late Byzantine Period (tanged winegrower’s knife with a sub-rectangular “axe” on the back of the blade). Western European Late Mediaeval miniatures demonstrate the functional use of winegrower’s knives of subgroup 1A (small tanged knives with no “axe”) intended for cutting bunches of grapes

    Neuroendocrine Breast Cancer. Clinical Observation. Personalized Approach

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    Introduction. Neuroendocrine breast tumors represent a rare subtype of breast cancer, accounting for less than 1 % of all neuroendocrine neoplasms. Starting from their pathology definition, and going through their prevalence, prognosis and treatment, our knowledge is still really uncertain.Materials and methods. The article presents a rare clinical observation of a neuroendocrine breast tumor. A breast fibroadenoma was diagnosed at the initial diagnosis stage in a private clinic; after a surgical treatment and further morphological study, it was estimated: a diagnosis of Cancer in situ of the left breast T1N0M0, stage I. Next, 3D-conformal remote radiation therapy was performed on the area of the left breast.Results and discussion. After conducting positron emission tomography, multiple metastases were detected in the lymph nodes, bones, and liver. Additionally, micropreparations were consulted at the Federal Reference Center in St. Petersburg and at an independent third-party molecular biological laboratory in Germany (Munich). Given all the instrumental, molecular biological, histological and immunohistochemical studies of the patient, an individual regimen of drug therapy was selected.Conclusion. After 18 months of personalized drug therapy, we observed a positive trend and a significant decrease in metabolic activity according to positron emission tomography