165 research outputs found

    Utjecaj vrijednosti temperaturno-humidnog indeksa na dnevnu proizvodnju mliječnih goveda

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the microclimatic conditions in stables in three climactic regions (East, Mediterranean, and Central) of Croatia as well as to evaluate the effect of temperature-humidity index (THI) values on the daily production of dairy cattle. With that purpose, 1675686 test-day records collected from January 2005 until April 2010 were extracted from HPA (Croatian Agricultural Agency) database. For estimation of the effect of THI on daily production of dairy cows fixed-effect model that took into account the effects of lactation stage, breed, calving season, measuring season, and THI group (T1 - THI≤72; T2 - THI>72) was used. Model was applied to each class of parity (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) and region. During the analysed period, the highest monthly averages of ambient temperature were determined in Mediterranean region, the highest monthly averages of relative humidity were observed in Central region, while the highest monthly mean values of temperature-humidity index (THI) were determined in Mediterranean region. Heat stress conditions indicated with mean daily values of THI>72 were determined during spring and summer season in all analysed regions. Absence of heat stress conditions during autumn and winter season also characterised all three regions. Highly significant (P72). Model je apliciran zasebno po razredima redoslijeda laktacije (P1, P2, P3, P4 i P5) te regije. Tijekom analiziranog razdoblja, najviše prosječne mjesečne vrijednosti ambijentalne temperature utvrđene su u mediteranskoj, najviše prosječne mjesečne vrijednosti relativne vlage utvrđene su u centralnoj, dok su najviše prosječne mjesečne vrijednosti temperaturno-humidnog indeksa (THI) utvrđene u mediteranskoj regiji. Toplinsko stresni uvjeti indicirani prosječnom dnevnom vrijednošću THI>72 utvrđeni su tijekom proljetne i ljetne sezone u svim analiziranim regijama. Odsustvo toplinsko stresnih uvjeta tijekom jesenske i zimske sezone karakteriziralo je sve tri regije. Visoko signifikantan (P<0.01) pad dnevne količine mlijeka te dnevnog sadržaja mliječne masti i bjelančevina uzrokovan povišenom vrijednošću THI utvrđen je u svih grla neovisno o redoslijedu laktacije te u svim klimatskim regijama. Nadalje, najizraženiji negativni utjecaj toplinskog stresa utvrđen je u istočnoj regiji. Tijekom razdoblja toplinskog stresa, s ciljem minimalizacije utjecaja istog, neophodna je prilagodba managementa u stadu mliječnih grla. Uzgajivačima su na raspolaganju različiti alati za borbu protiv toplinskog stresa. Na primjer, hlađenje okoliša omogućuje unos dostatne količine krmiva dok prikladan sastav obroka osigurava dostatan unos hranjiva. Navedeno omogućava održavanje optimalne proizvodnje mlijeka

    Metode za ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u holstein prvotelki

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    The aim of this research was to define methods for early prediction (based on I. milk control record) of lactation flow in Holstein heifers as well as to choose optimal one in terms of prediction fit and application simplicity. Total of 304,569 daily yield records automatically recorded on a 1,136 first lactation Holstein cows, from March 2003 till August 2008., were included in analysis. According to the test date, calving date, the age at first calving, lactation stage when I. milk control occurred and to the average milk yield in first 25th, T1 (and 25th-45th, T2) lactation days, measuring monthcalving month-age-production-time-period subgroups were formed. The parameters of analysed nonlinear and linear methods were estimated for each defined subgroup. As models evaluation measures, adjusted coefficient of determination, and average and standard deviation of error were used. Considering obtained results, in terms of total variance explanation (R2 adj), the nonlinear Wood’s method showed superiority above the linear ones (Wilmink’s, Ali-Schaeffer’s and Guo-Swalve’s method) in both time-period subgroups (T1 - 97.5 % of explained variability; T2 - 98.1 % of explained variability). Regarding the evaluation measures based on prediction error amount (eavg±eSD), the lowest average error of daily milk yield prediction (less than 0.005 kg/day), as well as of lactation milk yield prediction (less than 50 kg/lactation (T1 time-period subgroup) and less than 30 kg/lactation (T2 time-period subgroup)); were determined when Wood’s nonlinear prediction method were applied. Obtained results indicate that estimated Wood’s regression parameters could be used in routine work for early prediction of Holstein heifer’s lactation flow.Ciljevi su provedenog istraživanja bili definirati metode za ranu procjenu (temeljem podatka utvrđenog pri I. kontroli mliječnosti) laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine te izabrati optimalnu s aspekta predikcijske točnosti te aplikacijske jednostavnosti. Analizom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 304.569 zapisa dnevne količine mlijeka izmjerenih na 1136prvotelki holstein pasmine u razdoblju od ožujka 2003. do kolovoza 2008. godine. U ovisnosti o datumu mjerenja, datumu teljenja, dobi pri prvom teljenju, stadiju laktacije pri I. provedenoj kontroli mliječnosti te prosječnoj dnevnoj proizvodnji u prvih 25, T1 (te 25-45, T2) dana laktacije, kreirane su podgrupe mjesec mjerenja - mjesec teljenja - dob - proizvodnost - vremenski period. Parametri analiziranih nelinearnih i linearnih metoda procijenjeni su za svaku definiranu podgrupu. Kao mjere evaluacije korišteni su korigirani koeficijent determinacije te prosjek i standardna devijacija pogreške. Utvrđeni rezultati, s aspekta udjela pojašnjene varijabilnosti (R2 adj), ukazuju na superiornost nelinearne Woodove metode u odnosu na linearne (Wilminkova, Ali-Schaefferova, te Guo-Swalvejeva metoda) u obje podgrupe vremenskog perioda (T1 - 97,5% pojašnjene varijabilnosti; T2 - 98,1% pojašnjene varijabilnosti). Obzirom na iznos predikcijske pogreške (eavg±eSD), najmanja pogreška procjene dnevne (manje od 0,005 kg/dan), te laktacijske količine mlijeka (manje od 50 kg/laktaciji (T1 vremenski - period podgrupa), te manje od 30 kg/laktaciji (T2 vremenski - period podgrupa)); utvrđena je pri aplikaciji Woodove nelinearne metode procjene. Rezultati utvrđeni provedenim istraživanjem ukazuju na mogućnost uporabe procijenjenih Woodovih regresijskih parametara za rutinsku ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine

    Candidate Genes Associated with Economically Important Traits of Sheep - A Review

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    Sheep give meat, milk, wool to the human population and this makes them a significant part of the world livestock industry. The basis of meat, milk and wool production is reproduction, respectively the success of reproduction. The result of reproduction is under the direct influence of genotypes and external factors and their interaction. The most important sheep product is meat and it is the main reason why sheep are raised in most countries. Milk is an important product of sheep, it is the basic food of young lambs and it plays an important role in the diet of the population. Wool makes sheep unique and therefore they are recognizable at first sight, in other words, different from other types of animals. Wool is a characteristic product of different and very variable economic importance, in some countries it is the most important product of sheep which provides the largest part of income. Many genes correlated with diverse economically significant phenotypic characteristics and their roles have been reported in domestic animals to date. In animal breeding, the identification of candidate genes correlated with economically important traits of sheep is crucial. The detailed information of the classified genes connected with significant traits helps to improve production capacity and productivity of sheep. Moreover, in this way the sheep processing industry can be increased, and thus the profitability and benefit of sheep breeders. The aim of this review is to provide complete information on the identified candidate genes associated with important production traits of sheep


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    Field rodents can cause considerable economic losses in perennial crops, especially lucerne. Predatory birds can provide biological control of field rodent populations. However, modern arable landscape usually provides few or no natural standpoints for predatory birds to wait for their prey. According to the old farmers in eastern Croatia, T-standpoints installed into lucerne were traditional implements assisting the bird predation over field rodents. Aim of this study was to check whether the T-standpoints really are appropriate installations for the predatory birds to wait for their prey on the ground or not. The research has confirmed that predatory birds (Buteo buteo and Falco tinnunculus) descended on the installed T-standpoints (in average 1.35 arrivals per day of observation), waited (average period of stay was 17 minutes in the morning and 34 minutes in the afternoon) and landed on the ground, most probably to catch the prey (in average 13 % of arrivals to T-standpoints ended with landing to the ground, likely for the prey attack). Small forest restoration in arable landscapes and less chemical rodent control would probably improve the predatory bird populations, thus enhancing the biological control of field rodents. There remains the need for further investigation of efficiency of field rodent control by predatory birds


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate relationship between milk yield in the first three lactations regarding levels of milk yield in the first lactation and levels of age at the first calving. Prediction of milk yield in later lactation based on milk yield in the earlier one was also carried out. The data used in this study were 5743 lactation yields collected from 1995 to 2003. All cows finished the first three lactations. Mean value of milk yield in the first lactation was 5283.5 kg, 6033.5 kg in the second and 6338.4 kg the third one. The milk yield estimation coefficients between the first and second lactation was 1.164, between the first and third was 1.231, and 1.079 between the second and third. The levels of milk yield in the first lactation highly significant influenced the value of estimation coefficient between first three lactations, while the age at first calving influenced less significantly. Determination coefficient (R2) values for models used in prediction ranged from 0.348 to 0.396.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi odnos između količine mlijeka u prve tri laktacije krava Holstein pasmine, uz uvažavanje razine mliječnosti u prvoj laktaciji i dobi pri prvom teljenju te procijeniti količinu mlijeka u kasnijim na temelju količine mlijeka u ranijim laktacijama. Korišteni su podaci o količini mlijeka 5743 krava, koje su u razdoblju od 1995. – 2003. završile prve tri laktacije. Prosječna količina mlijeka u prvoj standardnoj laktaciji bila je 5283,5 kg, u drugoj 6033,5 kg te 6338,4 kg u trećoj laktaciji. Prosječna vrijednost koeficijenata procjene između prve i druge laktacije bila je 1,164, prve i treće 1,231 te druge i treće 1,079. Utvrđene su statistički visoko signifikantne razlike između koeficijenata procjene pri uvažavanju razine mliječnosti u prvoj laktaciji, dok je utjecaj dobi pri prvom teljenju bio manje signifikantan. Vrijednosti koeficijenata determinacije (R2) modela za procjenu količine mlijeka u kasnijoj laktaciji na osnovu ranije kretali su se od 0,348 do 0,396

    Razlike u rezistentnosti na toplinski stres ovisno o pasmini mliječnih goveda

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    Considering the rapid climate changes worldwide, with the purpose to reduce financial losses for dairy farmers and enable a more sustainable farming as well, there is an increasing necessity to implement breeding values for heat resistance in breeding strategies. The estimation of breeding values requires a determination of temperature-humidity index (THI) threshold value. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the temperature-humidity index (THI) threshold values for daily milk yield, daily fat and protein content of milk produced by Holsteins and dairy Simmentals in Croatian farms. With that purpose, 1.070,554 test-day records from 70.135 Holsteins reared on 5.679 farms and 1.300,683 test-day records from 86.013 Simmentals reared on 8.827 farms in Croatia were compared to records of ambient temperature and relative humidity collected in the barn, during regular milking recordings from January 2005 to December 2012. Accordingly the following conclusions could be drawn: threshold values for daily milk yield were highly dependant on the parity and breed (Holsteins: 68, 69 and 72 for 1st, 2nd, 3+ parity; Simmentals: 77 for 1st); daily fat and protein contents showed a highly significant decrease due to heat stress condition (THI in 66-80) in both, Holstein and Simmental cows, and in all parity classes; multiparous cows were more resistant to heat stress than primiparous; Simmental cows were more resistant to heat stress than Holsteins.U svjetlu sve izraženijih te bržih klimatskih promjena širom svijeta, te u cilju redukcije financijskih gubitaka mliječnih farmi i osiguravanja održivog poslovanja, nužnost implementacije uzgojnih vrijednosti za rezistentnost na toplinski stres u uzgojne strategije, biva sve izraženija. Procjena uzgojnih vrijednosti podrazumijeva prethodnu determinaciju threshold vrijednosti. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio utvrditi threshold vrijednost za dnevnu količinu mlijeka, dnevni sadržaj mliječne masti te bjelančevina za holstein i simentalsku pasminu na mliječnim farmama u Hrvatskoj. S tim je ciljem analizirano 1.070.554 testday zapisa 70.135 holstein krava uzgajanih na 5679 farmi te 1.300.683 test-day zapisa 86.013 krava simentalske pasmine uzgajanih na 8827 farmi u Hrvatskoj zajedno s podacima o ambijentalnoj temperaturi te relativnoj vlazi na farmi prikupljenih tijekom redovne kontrole mliječnosti u razdoblju od siječnja 2005. do prosinca 2012. Temeljem provedene analize mogu se donijeti slijedeći zaključci: threshold vrijednost za dnevnu količinu mlijeka uvelike ovisi o redoslijedu laktacije te pasmini (holstein: 68, 69 te 72 za 1., 2., te 3+ laktaciju; simentalska: 77 za 1); dnevni sadržaj mliječne masti te bjelančevina statistički visoko signifikantno opada uslijed toplinskog stresa (THI jednak 66-80) u obje pasmine te u svim laktacijama; višetelke su rezistentnije na toplinski stres u odnosu na prvotelke; krave simentalske pasmine su rezistentnije na toplinski stres u odnosu na holstein


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    In the last decades we have witnessed increasingly pronounced climate change worldwide resulting in environment transformation in various regions by making it not convenient for agricultural and livestock production. The global livestock sector contributes to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission, but on the other hand, it can also deliver a significant share of the necessary mitigation effort. One of the most significant greenhouse gas is methane. Mitigation methods for the methane emissions in cattle can be classified as short and long term. Short-term methods imply increase of production per animal, reduction of number of animals and feeding optimization, while long-term methods imply genetic evaluation and selection based on methane emission variation. Prerequisite for genetic evaluation is selection of optimal indicators and models with high accuracy and easy applicability in routine Animal Recording. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate different models for methane emission estimation in dairy cows based on Animal Recording data. The results obtained indicate that data from regular Animal Recording could be used in estimation of methane emission of dairy Simmental cows enabling the population analysis and genetic evaluation of dairy cattle for methane emission. Given the very high variability determined in estimated methane emission values regarding the used statistical models and aiming high accuracy of genetic evaluation it is recommended to define estimation models for body weight, dry matter intake and methane emission based on parameters (type traits and test-day records) of particular dairy cattle population. The stated will enable genetic evaluation of dairy cattle for methane emission as well as selection of cows with lower methane emission intensity. Finally, this will lead to environmentally sustainable milk production.Posljednjih desetljeća svjedočimo sve izraženijim klimatskim promjenama diljem svijeta, koje su rezultirale preobrazbom okoliša u različitim regijama čineći ga nepogodnim za poljoprivrednu, a osobito za stočarsku proizvodnju. Globalni stočarski sektor značajno doprinosi antropogenoj emisiji stakleničkih plinova, no, s druge strane, također može značajno doprinijeti mjerama ublažavanja. Jedan od najznačajnijih stakleničkih plinova je metan. Metode ublažavanja emisija metana u goveda mogu se klasificirati kao kratkoročne i dugoročne. Kratkoročne metode podrazumijevaju povećanje proizvodnje po životinji, smanjenje broja životinja i optimizaciju hranidbe, dok dugoročne metode podrazumijevaju genetsku evaluaciju i selekciju na temelju varijacija u emisiji metana. Preduvjet za genetsku evaluaciju je izbor optimalnih indikatora i modela koji su vrlo točni i lako primjenjivi u rutinskoj kontroli proizvodnosti. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti različite modele za procjenu emisije metana u mliječnih krava na temelju podataka kontrole proizvodnosti. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da bi se podatci kontrole proizvodnosti mogli koristiti za procjenu emisije metana kod mliječnih simentalskih krava, što omogućuje analizu populacije i genetsku evaluaciju mliječnih goveda za emisiju metana. S obzirom na utvrđenu vrlo visoku varijabilnost u procijenjenim vrijednostima emisije metana u odnosu na korišteni statistički model te s ciljem visoke točnosti genetske evaluacije, preporučuje se definiranje modela procjene tjelesne mase, unosa suhe tvari i emisije metana na temelju parametara (ocjene eksterijera te zapisi na kontrolni dan) populacije pojedinih mliječnih goveda. Model će omogućiti genetsku evaluaciju mliječnih goveda za emisiju metana, kao i selekciju krava s manjom emisijom metana. Primjena navedenoga u konačnici će dovesti do ekološki prihvatljivije proizvodnje mlijeka