8 research outputs found

    Structural correlates of antimicrobial efficacy in IL-8 and related human kinocidins

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    AbstractChemokines are small (8–12 kDa) effector proteins that potentiate leukocyte chemonavigation. Beyond this role, certain chemokines have direct antimicrobial activity against human pathogenic organisms; such molecules are termed kinocidins. The current investigation was designed to explore the structure–activity basis for direct microbicidal activity of kinocidins. Amino acid sequence and 3-dimensional analyses demonstrated these molecules to contain iterations of the conserved γ-core motif found in broad classes of classical antimicrobial peptides. Representative CXC, CC and C cysteine-motif-group kinocidins were tested for antimicrobial activity versus human pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Results demonstrate that these molecules exert direct antimicrobial activity in vitro, including antibacterial activity of native IL-8 and MCP-1, and microbicidal activity of native IL-8. To define molecular determinants governing its antimicrobial activities, the IL-8 γ-core (IL-8γ) and α-helical (IL-8α) motifs were compared to native IL-8 for antimicrobial efficacy in vitro. Microbicidal activity recapitulating that of native IL-8 localized to the autonomous IL-8α motif in vitro, and demonstrated durable microbicidal activity in human blood and blood matrices ex vivo. These results offer new insights into the modular architecture, context-related deployment and function, and evolution of host defense molecules containing γ-core motifs and microbicidal helices associated with antimicrobial activity

    Synthetic Peptides That Exert Antimicrobial Activities in Whole Blood and Blood-Derived Matrices

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    Peptides that exert antimicrobial activity in artificial media may lack activity within blood or other complex biological matrices. To facilitate the evaluation of antimicrobial peptides for possible therapeutic utility, an ex vivo assay was developed to assess the extent and durability of peptide antimicrobial activities in complex fluid biomatrices of whole blood, plasma, and serum compared with those in conventional media. Novel antimicrobial peptides (RP-1 and RP-11) were designed based in part on platelet microbicidal proteins. RP-1, RP-11, or gentamicin was introduced into biomatrices either coincident with, or 2 h prior to, inoculation with an Escherichia coli target organism. Antimicrobial activities of peptides were assessed by quantitative culture 2 h after bacterial inoculation and compared to those of peptide-free and gentamicin controls. In whole blood and homologous plasma or serum, introduction of RP-1 or RP-11 coincident with E. coli was associated with a significant reduction in CFU per milliliter versus the respective peptide-free controls. Moreover, substantial antimicrobial activity remained when RP-1 or RP-11 was placed into whole blood or plasma 2 h prior to E. coli inoculation. These results suggest that the peptides were not rapidly inactivated within these biomatrices. Peptide antimicrobial activities were negatively affected by preincubation in serum or in heat-inactivated serum, compared with those of the respective controls. Peptides RP-1 and RP-11 were consistently effective at lower concentrations in biomatrices than in artificial media, indicating favorable antimicrobial interactions with components of blood or blood fractions. Collectively, these findings support the concept that synthetic peptides can be designed to exert potent antimicrobial activities in relevant and complex biological matrices

    Platelet Microbicidal Protein 1: Structural Themes of a Multifunctional Antimicrobial Peptide

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    Mammalian platelets release platelet microbicidal proteins (PMPs) as components of their antimicrobial armamentarium. The present studies defined the structure of PMP-1 and examined its structure-activity relationships. Amino acid sequencing and mass spectroscopy demonstrated that distinct N-terminal polymorphism variants of PMP-1 isolated from nonstimulated or thrombin-stimulated platelets arise from a single PMP-1 propeptide. Sequence data (NH(2)-[S]D(1)DPKE(5)SEGDL(10)HCVCV(15)KTTSL(20) . . .) enabled cloning of PMP-1 from bone marrow and characterization of its full-length cDNA. PMP-1 is translated as a 106-amino-acid precursor and is processed to yield 73-residue (8,053 Da) and 72-residue (7,951-Da) variants. Searches with the BLAST program and sequence alignments demonstrated the homology of PMP-1 to members of the mammalian platelet factor 4 (PF-4) family of proteins. On the basis of phylogenetic relatedness, congruent sequence motifs, and predicted three-dimensional structures, PMP-1 shares the greatest homology with human PF-4 (hPF-4). By integration of its structural and antimicrobial properties, these results establish the identity of PMP-1 as a novel rabbit analogue of the microbicidal chemokine (kinocidin) hPF-4. These findings advance the hypothesis that stimuli in the setting of infection prompt platelets to release PF-4-class or related kinocidins, which have structures consistent with their likely multiple roles that bridge molecular and cellular mechanisms of antimicrobial host defense

    SSD1 Is Integral to Host Defense Peptide Resistance in Candida albicansâ–¿

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    Candida albicans is usually a harmless human commensal. Because inflammatory responses are not normally induced by colonization, antimicrobial peptides are likely integral to first-line host defense against invasive candidiasis. Thus, C. albicans must have mechanisms to tolerate or circumvent molecular effectors of innate immunity and thereby colonize human tissues. Prior studies demonstrated that an antimicrobial peptide-resistant strain of C. albicans, 36082R, is hypervirulent in animal models versus its susceptible counterpart (36082S). The current study aimed to identify a genetic basis for antimicrobial peptide resistance in C. albicans. Screening of a C. albicans genomic library identified SSD1 as capable of conferring peptide resistance to a susceptible surrogate, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sequencing confirmed that the predicted translation products of 36082S and 36082R SSD1 genes were identical. However, Northern analyses corroborated that SSD1 is expressed at higher levels in 36082R than in 36082S. In isogenic backgrounds, ssd1Δ/ssd1Δ null mutants were significantly more susceptible to antimicrobial peptides than parental strains but had equivalent susceptibilities to nonpeptide stressors. Moreover, SSD1 complementation of ssd1Δ/ssd1Δ mutants restored parental antimicrobial peptide resistance phenotypes, and overexpression of SSD1 conferred enhanced peptide resistance. Consistent with these in vitro findings, ssd1 null mutants were significantly less virulent in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis than were their parental or complemented strains. Collectively, these results indicate that SSD1 is integral to C. albicans resistance to host defense peptides, a phenotype that appears to enhance the virulence of this organism in vivo

    Susceptibility to Thrombin-Induced Platelet Microbicidal Protein Is Associated with Increased Fluconazole Efficacy against Experimental Endocarditis Due to Candida albicans

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    Platelet microbicidal proteins (PMPs) are believed to be integral to host defense against endovascular infection. We previously demonstrated that susceptibility to thrombin-induced PMP 1 (tPMP-1) in vitro negatively influences Candida albicans virulence in the rabbit model of infective endocarditis (IE). This study evaluated the relationship between in vitro tPMP-1 susceptibility (tPMP-1(s)) or resistance (tPMP-1(r)) and efficacy of fluconazole (FLU) therapy of IE due to C. albicans. Candida IE was established in rabbits with either tPMP-1(s) or tPMP-1(r) strains. Treatment groups received FLU (100 mg/kg/day) intraperitoneally for 7 or 14 days; control animals received no therapy. At these time points, cardiac vegetations, kidneys, and spleens were quantitatively cultured to assess fungal burden. At both 7 and 14 days and in all target tissues, the extent of candidal clearance by FLU was greater in animals infected with the tPMP-1(s) strain than in those infected with the tPMP-1(r) strain. These differences were statistically significant in the spleen and kidney. Corroborating these in vivo data, FLU (a candidastatic agent), in combination with tPMP-1, exerted an enhanced fungicidal effect in vitro against tPMP-1(s) and tPMP-1(r) C. albicans, with the extent of this effect greatest against the tPMP-1(s) strain. Collectively, these results support the concept that tPMP-1 susceptibility contributes to the net efficacy of FLU against C. albicans IE in vivo, particularly in tissues in which platelets and tPMP-1 likely play significant roles in host defense

    Platelet antistaphylococcal responses occur through P2X1 and P2Y12 receptor-induced activation and kinocidin release

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    Platelets (PLTs) act in antimicrobial host defense by releasing PLT microbicidal proteins (PMPs) or PLT kinocidins (PKs). Receptors mediating staphylocidal efficacy and PMP or PK release versus isogenic PMP-susceptible (ISP479C) and -resistant (ISP479R) Staphylococcus aureus strains were examined in vitro. Isolated PLTs were incubated with ISP479C or ISP479R (PLT/S. aureus ratio range, 1:1 to 10,000:1) in the presence or absence of a panel of PLT inhibitors, including P2X and P2Y receptor antagonists of increasingly narrow specificity, and PLT adhesion receptors (CD41, CD42b, and CD62P). PLT-to-S. aureus exposure ratios of \u3e or = 10:1 yielded significant reductions in the viability of both strains. Results from reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography indicated that staphylocidal PLT releasates contained PMPs and PKs. At ratios below 10:1, the PLT antistaphylococcal efficacy relative to the intrinsic S. aureus PMP-susceptible or -resistant phenotype diminished. Apyrase (an agent of ADP degradation), suramin (a general P2 receptor antagonist), pyridoxal 5\u27-phosphonucleotide derivative (a specific P2X(1) antagonist), and cangrelor (a specific P2Y(12) antagonist) mitigated the PLT staphylocidal response against both strains, correlating with reduced levels of PMP and PK release. Specific inhibition occurred in the presence and absence of homologous plasma. The antagonism of the thromboxane A(2), cyclooxygenase-1/cyclooxygenase-2, or phospholipase C pathway or the hindrance of surface adhesion receptors failed to impede PLT anti-S. aureus responses. These results suggest a multifactorial PLT anti-S. aureus response mechanism involving (i) a PLT-to-S. aureus ratio sufficient for activation; (ii) the ensuing degranulation of PMPs, PKs, ADP, and/or ATP; (iii) the activation of P2X(1)/P2Y(12) receptors on adjacent PLTs; and (iv) the recursive amplification of PMP and PK release from these PLTs