1,042 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter in the Light of LEP and the Tevatron Collider

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    We analyze the accelerator constraints on the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, comparing those now available from LEP II and anticipating the likely sensitivity of Tevatron Run II. The most important limits are those from searches for charginos, neutralinos and Higgs bosons at LEP, and searches for stop squarks, charginos and neutralinos at the Tevatron Collider. We also incorporate the constraints derived from b --> s + gamma decay, and discuss the relevance of charge- and colour-breaking minima in the effective potential. We combine and compare the different constraints on the Higgs-mixing parameter mu, the gaugino-mass parameter m_{1/2} and the scalar-mass parameter m0, incorporating radiative corrections to the physical particle masses. We focus on the resulting limitations on supersymmetric dark matter, assumed to be the lightest neutralino, incorporating coannihilation effects in the calculation of the relic abundance. We find that m_chi > 51 GeV and tan(beta) > 2.2 if all soft supersymmetry-breaking scalar masses are universal, including those of the Higgs bosons, and that these limits weaken to m_chi > 46 GeV and tan(beta) > 1.9 if non-universal scalar masses are allowed. Light neutralino dark matter cannot be primarily Higgsino in composition.Comment: 39 pages in LaTeX, including 44 encapsulated postscript figure

    Medical Wastes Management a Policy Review

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      Since so many mishandling of medical waste in various places in Indonesia that has endangered our environment by the potential disease that easily can spread to our society , it is very important for all of us to address it on how to improve the medical waste management. There are area of improvement needed in our regulation, public policies disciplines and social awareness and especially the importance of proper handling of medical waste by the medical waste producers such as hospital, clinic and laboratories. This study is not intended to produce scientific theory but more focus on how to solve the problem of medical waste with the limit time and less costly manner or in the other words as a macro diagnosis of “the main causes of the problems” of medical waste management in Indonesia. This study has made clear conclusion that Indonesia has to follow the basic principle and guidelines of International standards and recommends improvement of the coordination between Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment, toward “one roof policy”, “strong political will of top government to empower MOE and also Law No. 18, 2008 and Law No. 32, 2009 must be reviewed toward “Polluter pay the price” Policy. The government also must allocate sufficient fund to function as regulator and controlling body and increase social awareness for environmental health.   Key note: Medical waste, public policy, environmental healt

    What if the Higgs Boson Weighs 115 GeV?

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    If the Higgs boson indeed weighs about 114 to 115 GeV, there must be new physics beyond the Standard Model at some scale \la 10^6 GeV. The most plausible new physics is supersymmetry, which predicts a Higgs boson weighing \la 130 GeV. In the CMSSM with R and CP conservation, the existence, production and detection of a 114 or 115 GeV Higgs boson is possible if \tan\beta \ga 3. However, for the radiatively-corrected Higgs mass to be this large, sparticles should be relatively heavy: m_{1/2} \ga 250 GeV, probably not detectable at the Tevatron collider and perhaps not at a low-energy e^+ e^- linear collider. In much of the remaining CMSSM parameter space, neutralino-stau coannihilation is important for calculating the relic neutralino density, and we explore implications for the elastic neutralino-nucleon scattering cross section.Comment: 17 pages, 5 eps figure

    Charginos and Neutralinos in the Light of Radiative Corrections: Sealing the Fate of Higgsino Dark Matter

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    We analyze the LEP constraints from searches for charginos χ±\chi^{\pm} and neutralinos χi\chi_i, taking into account radiative corrections to the relations between their masses and the underlying Higgs-mixing and gaugino-mass parameters μ,m1/2\mu, m_{1/2} and the trilinear mass parameter AtA_t. Whilst radiative corrections do not alter the excluded domain in mχ±m_{\chi^{\pm}} as a function of mχ±mχm_{\chi^{\pm}} - m_{\chi}, its mapping into the μ,m1/2\mu, m_{1/2} plane is altered. We update our previous lower limits on the mass of gaugino dark matter and on tanβ\beta, the ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values, in the light of the latest LEP data and these radiative corrections. We also discuss the viability of Higgsino dark matter, incorporating co-annihilation effects into the calculation of the Higgsino relic abundance. We find that Higgsino dark matter is viable for only a very limited range of μ\mu and m1/2m_{1/2}, which will be explored completely by upcoming LEP runs.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D., 21 pages in LateX, including 10 encapsulated postscript figures; uses epsf.sty.; Figures modified (one deleted), conclusions unchange

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter and the Energy of a Linear Electron-Positron Collider

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    We suggest that supersymmetric dark matter be used to set the energy scale of a linear e+ee^+ e^- collider. Assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a stable neutralino χ\chi, as in many incarnations of the MSSM with conserved R parity, previous calculations that include coannihilation effects have delineated the region of the (m1/2,m0)(m_{1/2}, m_0) plane where the LSP cosmological relic density lies in the preferred range 0.1 \la \Omega_{\chi} h^2 \la 0.3. We evaluate here the total cross section for e+ee^+ e^- \to visible pairs of supersymmetric particles, for different values of m1/2m_{1/2} and m0m_0, and investigate how much of the dark matter region can be explored by e+ee^+ e^- colliders with different centre-of-mass energies ECME_{CM}. We find that a collider with ECM=500E_{CM} = 500 GeV or 1 TeV can only explore part of the cosmological region, and that a collider with ECM=1.5E_{CM} = 1.5 TeV with sufficient luminosity can explore all of the supersymmetric dark matter region

    The Role of Haptics in Training and Games for Hearing-Impaired Individuals: A Systematic Review

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    Sensory substitution and augmentation are pivotal concepts in multi-modal perception, particularly when confronting the challenges associated with impaired or missing sense rehabilitation. The present systematic review investigates the role of haptics for the hearing impaired in training or gamified activities. We applied a set of keywords to the Scopus® and PubMed® databases, obtaining a collection of 35 manuscripts spanning 23 years. Each article has been categorized following a documented procedure and thoroughly analyzed. Our findings reveal a rising number of studies in this field in the last five years, mostly testing the effectiveness of the developed rehabilitative method (77.14%). Despite a wide variety in almost every category we analyzed, such as haptic devices, body location, and data collection, we report a constant difficulty in recruitment, reflected in the low number of hearing-impaired participants (mean of 8.31). This review found that in all six papers reporting statistically significant positive results, the vibrotactile device in use generated vibrations starting from a sound, suggesting that some perceptual aspects connected to sound are transmittable through touch. This fact provides evidence that haptics and vibrotactile devices could be viable solutions for hearing-impaired rehabilitation and training

    Efektivitas Pemberian Jus Tomat Terhadaptekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipotensi

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    The aim of this research is to determinedthe effectivenessoftomato juiceonblood pressure of hypotensionpatients. The design of thisresearch is quasy experimentdesigned byNon-equivalent control groupweredivided intoexperiment groupandcontrol group. The research was conductedofhypotension patientinthe PuskesmasRumbai. The total sample are 50peoplewhowere takenby usingsimple randomtechniquesby noticing tothe inclusion criteria.Measuring instruments usedin the two groupsisthe observation sheet.The analysis usedwas univariateandbivariatealternativetestandWilcoxonMannWhitney.The results showeda significant differencebetween the meanbloodpressurebefore and afteradministration oftomatojuiceto the increase inbloodpressurep(0.000) <α (0.05).It'smeans thatin patent with hypotension effective to increase blood pressure. The results of this study recommend to apply tomato juice as an herbaltreatment to increase blood pressure

    Deskripsi Gaya Hidup Lansia yang Tinggal Bersama Keluarga dan di Pstw Khusnul Khotimah

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    The purpose of this research was to describe the elderly\u27s lifestyle who lived with family and live at PSTW Khusnul Khotimah. This research used descriptive design with survey approach. Sample of research in family taken by cluster sampling technique on 97 people and in PSTW with total sampling technique on 63 people. The instrument used was a questionnaire which have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis used univariate. The results of the research about lifestyle have shown that eating pattern of elderly were healthy (family: 57,7%; PSTW: 65,1%), physical activity and sport of elderly were active (family: 50,5%; PSTW: 58,7%), sleep and rest of elderly were enough (family: 79,4%; PSTW: 68,3%), smoking habit of elderly were high (family: 50,5%; PSTW: 50,8%), spiritual state of elderly were very good (82,5%; PSTW: 100%).This research recommended to family and the staff of PSTW for maintaining and increasing life support to elderly